if a standard reactor will do-Glascote can help you too - C&EN

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If your process demands a custom-built reactor, Glascote" builds it that way...



••if α standard reactor will do< Glascote can help you too AVAILABLE IN A RANGE FROM 300 TO 2000 GALLON CAPACITIES O u r s t a n d a r d o n e - y e a r g u a r a n t e e continues to a p p l y t o a l l Glascote g l a s s - l i n e d products.

Gla&cote mmmmmmmmmmmmt:

Sales offices or agents located in New York · Philadelphia · Union, N. J. · Chicago · Cleveland Dayton · Houston · Los Angeles Export Sales: A. 0. Smith Corp., International Division, Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin

A subsidiary of

LASCOTE has accelerated its reactor production t o G include standard designs in t h e H R (heavy-duty closed), CR (clamp-top) and SR (standard closed) series reactors. Outstanding features i n c l u d e Glascote's exclusive leak-proof mechanical soal, glass-coated agitator a n d baffle. Whether it's blending, mixing or gas absorption, here's a surprisingly economical way to enjoy the supe­ rior characteristics of Glascote acid-alkali-resistant glass lining, for all types of corrosive processing. Sets new standards in product purity . . . longer equipment life. Glascote also gives you non-stick glass linings for polymer production. And of course, Glascote will con­ tinue to make custom-built reactors in capacities to 4000 gallons and larger. Internal and jacket pressures to meet your exact specifications. Ask t h e re^. . sentative w h o calls on y o u for a l l the facts a b o u t Glascote products — r e a c t o r s , s t o r a g e t a n k s , columns, conical r o t a r y d r y e r b l e n d e r s , receivers, condensers a n d accessory products. O r , if y o u p r e f e r , w r i t e direct. Glascote Products, Inc., C l e v e l a n d 1 7 , a subsidiary of A . O . Smith C o r p o r a t i o n .

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