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national Conference (SIMS VIII); Benning- hoven, A.; Janssen, K.T.F.; Tiimpner, J.;. Werner, H. W., Eds.; John Wiley &. Sons: Chichester, England, 199...
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O.J. Phys. D.Appl. Phys. 1992, 25, 818. Sundqvist, B.U.R. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (32) G r a s s e r b a u e r , M; W e r n e r , Ion Proc. 1987, 78, 329. H. W Analysis of Microelectronic Materials (9) H o l t k a m p , D.; Kempken, M.; and Devices; John Wiley & Sons: Chich­ Klusener, P.; Benninghoven, A.J. Vac. ester, England, 1991. Sci. Technol. 1987, A5, 2912. (33) Knoth, J.; Schwenke, H.; Weisbrod, (10) van Leyen, D.; Hagenhoff, B.; NieU. Spectrochim. Acta 1989, 44B, 477. huis, E.; Benninghoven, Α.; Bletsos, I. V.; Hercules, D. M.J. Vac. Sci. Technol. (34) Kondo, H.; Ryuta, J.; Morita, E.; 1989, A 7, 1790. Yoshimi, T.; Shimanuki, Y.Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 1992, 31, Lll. (11) Cotter, R. J. Anal. Chem. 1992, 64, (35) Hrubowchak, D. M.; Erwin, M. H.; 1027 A. Winograd, N. Anal. Chem. 1991, 63, 225. (12) Schwieters, J.; Cramer, H-G.; Heller, T.; Jurgens, U.; Niehuis, E.; (36) Terhorst, M.; Kampwerth, G.; Nie­ Zehnpfenning, J. F.; Benninghoven, A. huis, E.; Benninghoven, A.J. Vac. Sci / Vac. Sci. Technol. 1991, A9, 2864. Technol. 1992, AW, 3210. (37) Mollers, R.( Terhorst, M.; Niehuis, (13) Niehuis, E. In Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Proceedings of the Eighth Inter­ E.; Benninghoven, A. Org. Mass Spectrom. 1992, 27, 1393. national Conference (SIMS VIII); Benning­ hoven, Α.; Janssen, K.T.F.; Tumpner, J.; (38) Terhorst, M.; Môllers, R.; Niehuis, Werner, H. W., Eds.; John Wiley & E.; Benninghoven, A. Surf. Interface Anal. Sons: Chichester, England, 1992; p. 269. 1992, 18, 824. (14) Hagenhoff, B.; van Leyen, D.; Nie­ huis, E.; Benninghoven, A.J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 1989, A 7, 3056. (15) Schwieters, J.; Cramer, H-G.; Jur­ gens, U.; Niehuis, E.; Rulle, H.; Heller, T.; Zehnpfenning, J.; Benninghoven, A. In Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Pro­ ceedings of the Eighth International Confer­ ence (SIMS VIII); Benninghoven, Α.; Janssen, K.T.F.; Tumpner, J.; Werner, H. W., Eds.; John Wiley & Sons: Chich­ ester, England, 1992; p. 497. (16) Lindley, P. M.; Chakel, J. Α.; Odom, R. W. In Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Proceedings of the Eighth International Con­ ference (SIMS VIII); Benninghoven, Α.; Alfred Benninghoven (left) is professor of Janssen, K.T.F.; Tumpner, J.; Werner, physics and director of the Physikalisches H. W., Eds.; John Wiley & Sons: Chich­ Institut. His main research interests are ester, England, 1992; p. 219. (17) Becker, C. H.; Gillen, Κ. Τ. Anal. fundamental, analytical, and instrumenChem. 1984, 56, 1671. tal aspects of the interaction between ions (18) Winograd, N.; Baxter, J. P.; Kimock, and solid surfaces. He pioneered static F. M. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1982, 8, 581. SIMS and its application to molecular (19) Winograd, N. Anal. Chem. 1993, 65, 622 A. surfaces and, in 1975, initiated the bian(20) Benninghoven, A. Surf. Sci. 1971, 28, nual international SIMS conferences. 541. Birgit Hagenhoff (right) studied physics (21) Lensmeyer, G. L.; Wiebe, D. Α.; and medical sciences at the University of Carlson, H.; de Vos, D. J. Clin. Chem. 1990,56(1), 119. Munster. In 1985 she joined Benningho(22) Hagenhoff, B.; Kock, R.; Deimel, M.; ven's research group. Her research activiBenninghoven, Α.; Bauch, H-J. In Sec­ ondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Proceedings ties concentrate on application-oriented aspects of static SIMS in physics, chemisof the Eighth International Conference (SIMS VIII); Benninghoven, Α.; Janssen, try, biology, medicine, and related fields. K.T.F.; Tumpner, J.; Werner, H. W., She will be awarded her Ph.D. this year Eds.; John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, for her work on SIMS of molecular surEngland, 1992; p. 831. face structures. (23) Meyer, K.; Hagenhoff, B.; Deimel, M.; Benninghoven, Α.; Bauch, H-J. Org. Mass Spectrom. 1992,27, 1148. (24) B a r b e r , M.; Bordoli, R. S.; Sedgewick, R. D.; Tyler, A. N. Anal. Chem. 1982, 54, 645 A. (25) Briggs, D. Surf. Interface Anal. 1986, 9, 391. (26) Briggs, D.; Hearn M. J. In Ion Forma­ tion from Organic Solids: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (IFOSIV); Benninghoven, Α., Ed.; John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, England, 1989; p. 37. (27) Briggs, D.; Brown, Α.; Vickerman, J. C. Handbook of Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry; John Wiley & Sons: Chich­ Ewald Niehuis studied physics at the Uniester, England, 1989. versity of Munster. He joined Benningho(28) Lub, J.; van Vroonhoven, F.C.B.M.; ven's research group in 1979 and received van Leyen, D.; Benninghoven, A. his Ph.D. in 1988 for his work on the de/ Polym. Science 1989, B27, 2071. (29) Lub, J.; van der Wei, H. Org. Mass velopment and application of high-resoluSpectrom. 1990, 25, 588. tion TOF spectrometers for static SIMS. (30) Hagenhoff, B.; Benninghoven, Α.; His research interests focus on instrumenBarthel, H.; Zoller, W. Anal. Chem. 1991, tal aspects of high-performance analysis of 63, 2466. sputtered material, especially TOF spec(31) Hagenhoff, B.; Deimel, M.; Benning­ trometry. hoven, Α.; Siegmund, H-U.; Holtkamp,

640 A • ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 65, NO. 14, JULY 15, 1993