If this research succeeds, you'll be the next to know - Analytical

Jun 6, 2012 - If this research succeeds, you'll be the next to know. Anal. Chem. , 1994, 66 (17), pp 877A–877A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00089a730. Publicatio...
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9th Annual Conference on Contami­ nated Soils

11 th Montreux Symposium on LC/MS

Oct. 17-20. Amherst, MA Contact: Paul Kostecki, Environmental Health and Sciences, N344 Morrill, Univer- ' sity of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 (413-545-2934; fax 413-545-4692) 41st National Symposium of the American Vacuum Society and 3rd International Conference on Nanometer-Scale S c i e n c e and Technology Oct. 24-28. Denver, CO Contact: Steve Semancik, Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory, National Insti­ tute of Standards and Technology, Gaifhersburg, MD 20899 (301-975-2606; fax 301-8695924) ALEX/West

Oct. 25-27. San Jose, CA Contact: Lance Jacobson, ALEX, The Inter­ face Group, 300 First Ave., Needham, MA 02194 (617-449-6600, ext. 5767) Joint Meeting of the Canadian Soci­ ety of Forensic Science and North­ west Association of Forensic Sci­ entists

Nov. 9-11. Montreux, Switzerland Contact: M. Frei-Hausler, Postfach 46, CH4123Allschwil 2, Switz­ erland (41-61-4812789; fax 41-614820805)


DCS '94 Interna­ t i o n a l Ion C h r o ­ matography Sym­ posium

Sept. 19-22. Turin, Italy Contact: Century In­ ternational Inc., P.O. Box 493, 25 Lee Rd., Medfield, MA 02052-0493 (508-359-8777; fax 508-359-8778) 5 t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l Symposium on Chiral Discrimination

Sept. 25-28. Stockholm, Sweden Contact: Swedish Academy of Pharmaceuti­ cal Sciences, P.O. Box 1136, S-lll 81 Stock­ holm, Sweden (46-8-245085-, fax 46-8-205511)

Oct. 31-Nov. 5. Vancouver, British Columbia,16th International Symposium on Canada Capillary Chromatography Contact: Jeffrey Caughlin, R.C.M.P. Forensic Sept. 26-30. Riva del Garde, Italy Laboratory, 5201 Heather St., Vancouver, Contact: P. Sandra, I.O.P.M.S., Kennedypark British Columbia, Canada V5Z 3L7 (604-26420, B-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium (32-56-204960; 3507; fax 604-264-3499) fax 32-56-204859) 1 9 9 4 Eastern A n a l y t i c a l Sympo­ sium

3rd I n t e r n a t i o n a l Symposium on Supercritical Fluids

Nov. 14-17. Somerset, N] Contact: EAS, P.O. Box 633, Montchanin, DE 19710-0633 (302-738-6218; fax 302-738-5275)

Oct. 17-19. Strasbourg, France Contact: Mile. Brionne, ISASF, Ensic-BP 451, F-54001 Nancy Cedex, France (33-83175003; fax 33-83-350811)

5th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Sept. 21-24. Stockholm, Sweden Contact: Swedish Academy of Pharma­ ceutical Sciences, P.O. Box 1136, S-lll 81 Stockholm, Sweden (46-8-245085; fax 46-8205511)


5th International Symposium on Advances in *4i Electrochemical i S c i e n c e and Technology Nov. 24-26. Madras, India Contact: The Secre­ tary, Society for Advancement of Electro­ chemical Science and Technology, Karaikudi 623 006, India (91-4565-2368)

5th Annual Frederick Conference on CE

Oct. 25-26. Frederick, MD Contact: Margaret L. Fanning, Conference Coordinator, PRI, NCI-FCRDC, P.O. Box B, Frederick, MD 21702-1201 (301-846-5865; fax 301-846-5866) ASTM/DOE Sym­ posium on Appli­ cations of ICPMS to Radionuclide Determinations Oct. 13-14. Gatlinburg, TN Contact: Roy W.Mor­ row, Martin Mari­ etta Energy Systems, P.O. Box 2009, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8189 (615-576-1971; fax 615574-2292)