If you are in paint, Nopco has 147 ways to help make what you make

Nov 7, 2010 - If you are in paint, Nopco has 147 ways to help make what you make...better. Chem. Eng. News , 1971, 49 (41), p 31. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v04...
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77ze o«/y difference between these two latex paints {shown actual size) is that the one below contains Nopcosant L while the one on top has a popular competing dispersant. Note the peaks and valleys in the competition's brushout. New test, new champion. Laboratory testing for leveling of latex paints has long relied on the NYPC Blade test. Results using the same latex paint with the same dispersant fluctuated widely from tester to tester; findings often contradicted the evidence of the naked eye. Now a team of researchers has come up with a new test, a far more convincing and consistent one. It is aptly labelled the "Standardized Brushout Test." We're happy to welcome this new procedure, not only because it promises to be a valuable tool for the industry but also because— in the researchers' testing—latex paint employing our Nopcosant® L pigment dispersant carried off top honors in brushout rankings. If you are inter­ ested in a pigment dispersion for latex paints, check into Nopcosant L. Details, data, and a copy of the study describing this new test are yours on request. Nopcosant L is just one—though a pretty spectacular one—of the 147 ways we have to help make what you make better.

Here's one. ^


Diamond Shamrock Chemical C o m p a n y 350 Mt. Kemble Avenue Morristown, N.J. 07960 (201) 267-1000