Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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FORGET EVERYTHING you've ever heard about the high cost of transporting outsize cargo to remote areas


The North Slope of Alaska used to be a shipper's nightmare. Water routes are frozen nearly all year long. Ice-covered mountains prevent rail and road from getting through. The only alternative all year route is by air. • But to fly this route economically you need a special k i n d o f cargo p l a n e - o n e designed to meet head on the brutal challenge of Alaska. The Lockheed 3 8 2 Hercules. • In recent operations with Alaska Airlines, the Hercules profitably transported heavy construction equipment to Sag 1, road graders to Sparrevohn and foodstuffs to Point Barrow. Its average load factor on its first fifty Alaska flights w a s an incredible 93%. Result: 3 0 to 90% lower ton-mile costs. • The 3 8 2 proved it can pack in fifty thousand pounds: graders, tractors and entire drilling rigs. It can use primitive air strips . . . even frozen lakes and dry river beds. • The Lockheed 3 8 2 Hercules. From the Arctic to the tropics, it more than lives up to its nickname: the "go anywhere, do anything" airfreighter. L O C K H E E D - G E O R G I A C O M P A N Y , M A R I E T T A , G E O R G I A : A D I V I S I O N OF L O C K H E E D A I R C R A F T C O R P O R A T I O N