If you've come up with a property-modifying functional group that you

Nov 6, 2010 - If you've come up with a property-modifying functional group that you want to use on a fiber, this'll make it stick. Chem. Eng. News , 1...
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If you've come up with a property-modifying functional group that you want to use on a fiber,

this'll make it stick.

It's polyethylenimine. It's highly substantive to fibers containing a negative charge. And it can be used to impart a wide variety of improved properties to cellulosic textiles, wool and synthetics. PEI can be readily modified by any compound that will react with amines. So cyanoethylated PEI may be used to improve dyeability. Quaternized PEI to improve antistatic properties.

PEI with cationic-charged sites to improve dyeing and printing. And epoxy-modified PEI to shrinkproof and waterproof textiles. We've written up several such applications in our handbook on polyethylenimine. It's yours for the asking. As are our technical assistance and our Amine Logics mailings. Write: Designed Chemicals Sales, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan 48640.

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