ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 18, 2012 - ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (2), pp 156A–156A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60158a868. Publication Date: February 1960...
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Product Capsules Thermistors. Catalog on line of therOERLING mistors and varistors. 22 MADE IN ENGLAND Timers. Catalog on Gallet timers and chronographs. 106 Titrators. For Karl Fischer moisture determinations. Bulletin. 122 Titrometers. Automatic, recording unit for potentiometric work. 105 Tubing. Catalog and sample of flexible plastic tubing in 40 sizes. 95 Tubing. Data on "Tygon" flexible plastic tubing.




clear, 148

Viscosimeters. Unit measures viscosity directly in centipoises. 142-1 Ware, Glass. Catalog details all new "Pyrex" volumetric ware. 59 Ware, Glass. Circle 65 for new, complete labware catalog. 65 Ware, Glass. Catalog on compact, vacuum tight bantam-ware. 79 Ware, Glass. Complete, illustrated catalog on "Vitreosil" ware. 116 Ware, Plastic. Bulletin on polyethylene, polypropylene, teflon. 12 Water Bath. Bulletin on general purpose-serological water bath. 96 Well Counter. Automatic unit assays radioactivity of liquid samples. 134 X-Ray Equipment. 20-pg. brochure on x-ray diffraction, spectroscopy. 133 X-Ray Gage. Process control x-ray emission gage monitors up to 5 elements at once. Details. 15 * M o s t s t u d e n t s of G r e e k know that T A L A N T A

X-Ray Unit. Catalog on micro-focus unit. High intensity focal spot. 76

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