May 17, 2012 - The Journal of Organic Chemistry. Facile Synthesis of Koser's Reagent and Derivatives from Iodine or Aryl Iodides ...
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Product Capsules Osmometers. pressure unit.

Brochure on new vapor '80

Ovens. Details on extensive line of ovens and incubators. '48 One of life's problems is how t o contain one's flamboyance in t h e face of exciting prospects. Judge for yourself t h e magnitude of our current efforts : First consider Ealing Kits. These are new pieces of equipment de­ signed a n d teaching tested b y lead­ ing universities, published b y t h e American Institute of Physics under the A p p a r a t u s Drawings Project, and now offered by Ealing in k i t form a t rockbottom prices. I t ' s ridiculous, really. Cal. Tech's 10,000 Gauss, Large Electromagnet weighing 250 pounds, 4 X 4 inch pole pieces with micrometer drive providing a continuously adjustable gap 0-10cm. in kit form for $359 ! With such a magnet about t h e lab, one is painlessly enticed into John Dewdney's ( D a r t m o u t h Univ.) Versatile M a s s Spectrometer for $235, a n d Swarthmore's N M R P r o b e K i t ($65) a n d E P R P r o b e Kit ($49.50). A n d so it goes through nine such kits. T h e bro­ chure with full details is free for t h e asking. Were Ealing Kits not turbulence enough, we have added bombshell to temerity b y immodestly sug­ gesting t h a t you consider stretching your present Laboratory Glassware Porcelain a n d Filter Paper budget by as much as 2 5 % b y ordering from our new catalog of t h e same name. Need a copy? Finally, T h e Word is getting o u t t h a t we stock British D r u g Houses concentrated volumetric solutions and their chromatography supply items. W e ' d be pleased t o send you more information. And just delighted t o " s c h e d u l e " t h e m for your " laboratory." B . D . H . Prod­ ucts, anybody?

pH Meters. Unit features automatic temperature compensation. 206 Photometers.

aerosol unit.

Full details on new 104

Photometers. Details on colorimeters and fmorimeters. '23


Pipet Washers. Polyethylene pipet baskets, jars, rinsers. 5°


Pipets. New catalog features pipets and controls. 42 Pipets. Data on new design automatic pipet. '25 Polarimeters. Direct reading polarimeters and saccharimeters. 68 Presses. Bulletin on presses in 12 and 20 ton models. '45 Presses. Hydraulic unit in 30 and 50 ton sizes. '32 Printers. Unit prints data on strip charts. Details. 73 Pumps. Catalog on single- and twostage vacuum pumps. 87 Pumps. Folder on midget pumps and stirrers offered. 112 Purifiers. Bulletin on new table-top hydrogen purifier. 168 Radiochemicals. Catalog details line of radioactive chemicals. 215 Reagents. Data on Woodward's rea­ gent K, a new peptide-former. 209 Reagents. Bulletin on reagents and auxiliary solutions. 25 Reagents. Full details on complete reagent line. 173 Recorders. Info on digital integratorrecorder-controller. 174 Recorders. Bulletin servo-recorder.

on linear-log 214

Recorders. Bulletin on new graphic unit. 1 mv. full scale. 130 Recorders. New, for chromatography, spectroscopy, temperature. 58

Telephone : 617 — Ki 7-5760

Recorders. New integrating unit. Flush-mounting or portable. 159

152 A





33 University Road, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts Cable : Ealing (Advertisement) Circle No. 41 on Readers' Service Card


Pipet Fillers. Safety bulb filler hold liquids indefinitely. ' '8

Recorders. Data on potentiometric unit in 6 models. 300




Ion-exchange is a convenient and lowcost method for purifying water by the removal of all ionizable dissolved solids. Industrial size equipment for this pro­ cess consists of large tanks with associ­ ated valves and piping, and requires periodical regeneration with strong acid and alkali. The ILLCO-WAY Cartridge is simply a small and handy non-regenerable version designed for laboratory use. Tap water passed through the Cart­ ridge (which is a clear plastic tube 2ιΛ" diameter, 19" long) gives up to the "mixed-bed" resins in the tube the cation and anion radicals of common dissolved impurities such as various carbonates and sulfates, chlorides, CO2, and silica. The effluent is a water of high chemical purity, comparable to triple-distilled (except that ionXchange cannot re­ move bacteria, pyrogens, or suspended c o n t a m i n a n t s ) . T h e purple-colored resins in the tube change to a yellowish color as the resin becomes progressively exhausted from the top down. When t h i s clear designator of remaining capacity nears the bottom, the Cart­ ridge is simply removed from its holder, thrown away, and replaced by a fresh one. Write for Bulletin CA giving details of construction and methods of use. RESEARCH MODEL CARTRIDGE ONLY Removes all ionizable solids includiiifi silica and CO;. Average in ef­ fluent les* than 0.5 ppm total solids. Capacity, 500 grains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gpli max. Price, 51^.50

UNIVERSAL MODEL CARTRIDGE ONLY Removes all ionizable solids, except silica and COs. Suitable for funeral pure water needs. Capacity, 1000 trains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gph max. Price, S9.75

WALL BRACKET with s ip-on connection to water S7.50 MOUNTING FIXTURE, clamp-in type for tine$12.00 pressure use Order from your Laboratory Supply House

ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. 840 Cedar St. Rockf ord, I I I . NEW YORK OFFICE: 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. CANADIAN DIST.: Pumps & Softeners, Ltd., London, Can. Circle No. 62 on Readers' Service Card