CHEMICAL APPLICATIONS Ion-exchange equipment of the conventional "fixed-bed" type is not always suitable for the m o r e complex chemical-separation or recovery-concentration applications. Resin capacities in terms of product volume are often relatively low, and product analysis will vary throughout the cycle, since the operation is started with a freshly regenerated bed of resin a n d run until the bed is largely exhausted. I n the ILLCO-WA Y Continuous Counter-Current I o n X c h a n g e r , o n the other hand, an adequate depth of freshly regenerated resin is always presented to the product stream; h i g h regeneration efficiency and l o w product dilution are achieved. Total volume of resin required is often a fraction of the amount needed in fixed-bed exchangers. As a result of these advantages, separations and recoveries which are not feasible with conventional equipment can be handled by the Contiguous IonXchanger.
CONTINUOUS ION-EXCHANGERS ARE SUCCESSFULLY OPERATING NOW If you have an application which can be accomplished in the laboratory, IWTengineers can design and build practical equipment of any size.
For detailed information,
ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. 8 4 0 C E D A R ST., R O C K F O R D , I L U N O I S CANZ?™ OFFICE: 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. __ « U ' A N DIST.: Pun,™ 4 Softeners. L d.. LonH„n. f i , -
microseconds region. T h e y offer custom designs which are designed to have m i n i m u m interference with the n a t u r a l heat flux in the vessel wall in a wide variety of shrouding materials a n d thermocouple materials. Trace Analysis of Vapors b y Coulometry. American Systems, Inc., offers a n extensive range of coulometric analyzers (Olfactron) capable of measurements in the parts p e r million range. T h e i r Model 4070 is capable of detecting 0.2 p.p.m. of hydrazine or dimethylhydrazine in air a n d is available with 0 to 10 a n d 10 to 50 p . p . m . ranges. Model 4010 is capable of monitoring the major sulfur components in natu r a l gases. Digital Process Control Computer. I.B.M. offer a new three major c o m p o n e n t computing system for process control. This is based u p o n their versatile 1620 c o m p u t e r a n d uses the 1711 D a t a Converter a n d the 1712 Multiplexer. This particular combination is noteworthy for the low cost of the minim u m package available a n d the extremely flexible multiplexer unit. Integrated Process Chromatography Digital Control System. T h e T A D S (total analysisdigital system) for large process c h r o m a t o g r a p h systems by the Perkin-Elmer Co. aroused great interest. This system uses disk-shaped p u n c h cards for storage of control c o m m a n d routines a n d processes the' analog signals from the c h r o m a t o g r a p h into normalized concentrations which are then printed out on a n 1 B . M . typewriter. It is capable of handling u p to 40 components per analysis. This extremely flexible system supplies the control system designer with a n integral package well suited to incorporation into any datalogging or c o m p u t e r control system. p H M e t e r s a n d Electrodes. T h e new Beckman Model J p H meter a n d the new line of industrial p H electrodes displayed at the show are the combination of over a decade of development to meet process requirements. Advantages of low impedance, rugged construction, and small size of the new glass electrodes were immediately appreciated by the majority of instrument engineers. Internal resistances of 10 to 20
Circle No. 21 on Readers' Service Card
68 A
megohms at 25 ° C. will enable these electrodes to function successfully in severe environmental conditions a n d broaden the range of possible measurements considerably. T h e selfpressurizing reference electrode usable u p to 15 p.s.i.g. a n d the simple pressurizing c h a m b e r system for usage u p to 100 p.s.i.g. enables these electrodes to be inserted directly into m a n y process lines, thus eliminating lags d u e to sampling systems. T h e Model J p H amplifier is a robust solid state unit using a chopper modulator for direct current amplification. I n the universal version it has b o t h millivolt a n d milliampere outputs so that it can be used with practically any conventional recorder. Scale expansion (2 p H full scale) is available a n d thermo-compensation is unaffected by this, making the unit particularly suitable for installations requiring extreme closed loop control. A l a r m features are also available on this unit. T h e unit is best described as a good example of a third generation instrument specifically tailored to suit process needs a n d will be favorably received by m a n y . Boron Analyzer. A n on-stream n e u t r o n absorptiometer (General Electric Co.) was described which has been applied to measuring boron concentration in plant streams. Analyses in the range of 0 to 2.0 grams per liter can be h a n d l e d with a response time of 5 seconds, a n d it can handle flows u p to 150 g.p.m. a n d down to 1 g.p.m. Small Pneumatic Indicators. Both Bristol (670 series) a n d Honeywell (Teloset) now offer a line of small p n e u m a t i c indicators a n d controllers in which the old nuisance of pressure balance has been overcome. It is n o longer necessary in these instruments to pressure-balance when switching from m a n u a l to a u t o m a t i c . T h i s simple advance will eliminate a vast a m o u n t of operator irritation a n d is exceedingly welcome.
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