ATTACHED TO FAUCET. IS A MINIATURE. MIXED-BED IONXCHANGER. Ion-exchange is a convenient and low- cost method for purifying water by the removal ...
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Chromatographic Supplies. A 16page bulletin lists chemicals and ac­ cessories for gas chromatography. In­ cluded are solid supports and adsorb­ ents, columns and column materials, syringes, gas valves, sampling valves, hardware, chart paper, and standards. Bulletin G-201-C. Microtek Instru­ ments, Inc., 550 Oak Villa Blvd., Baton Rouge, La. 601 Chromatographic Scanner. A 4-page bulletin describes the CRS-1 digital chromatogram integrator. This auto­ matic data presentation instrument re­ cords peak times and peak areas for chromatogram analyses. Bulletin CRS-1. Microtek Instruments, Inc., 550 Oak Villa Blvd., Baton Rouge, La. 602 Autoclaves

and Pressure


Stationary autoclaves and pressure vessels for chemical reactions and tests at high pressures and temperatures are described in a new 8-page bulletin. One- and 2-liter sizes for pressures up to 2000 p.s.i.g. are offered with electric heater and various fittings. Smaller units in 250- and 500-ml. sizes for pres­ sures to 7500 p.s.i.g. are described, also a 71-ml. bomb for pressures to 5000 p.s.i.g. at 600° C. Details appear in Specification No. 4600. Parr Instru­ ment Co., 211 53rd St., Moline, 111. 603 Radiation R & D . Radiation research and development activities of the com­ pany are depicted in an illustrated booklet. Devices and techniques are presented. Picker X-Ray Corp., 1020 London Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. 604 Balances. Three Mettler balances (H-15, H-4, and H-5) recommended for use in college chemistry are illustrated and described in a 4-page bulletin. Bulletin MCB. Ε. Η. Sargent & Co., Dept. MCB, 4647 W. Foster Ave., Chicago 30, 111. 605 Polarographs. The entire line of Polarographs and accessories is described in a 16-page booklet. Included are Models I I I , XII, XV, XXI, and FS. Accessories include : the dropping mer­ cury electrode assembly, I R compen­ sator, and the polarographic oxygen analyzer. A historical sketch of the de­ velopment of polarography in the United States is also included. Bulletin PII. E. H. Sargent & Co., Dept. PII, 4647 W. Foster Ave., Chicago 30, 111. 606 Crystals. Detailed information con­ cerning scintillation crystals and fluors,


single crystals, and laser and maser ma­ terials is available in three series of technical data sheets. Semi-Elements, Inc., Saxonburg Blvd., Saxonburg, Pa. 607

Gas Chromatography. A 4-page bul­ letin describes the company's line of gas chromatographs and accessories. Wilkens Instrument & Research, Inc., P. O. Box 313, Walnut Creek, Calif. 608 EPR Catalog. A 24-page catalog gives the theory behind electron paramag­ netic resonance and detailed descrip­ tions of different E P R spectrometer systems available in the V-4502 series. EPR spectra are also reproduced. Catalog V-4502 EPR spectrometer sys­ tem. Varian Associates, 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, Calif. 609 NMR Spectrometer. An S-page bro­ chure on the high resolution 100-mcycle NMR spectrometer system. Illustra­ tions compare NMR spectra of various compounds obtained at 40, 60, and 100 mcycles. HR-100 brochure. Instru­ ment Division, Varian Associates, 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, Calif. 610 Catalog. This 74-page catalog lists alphabetically 800 chemical compounds with their empirical formulas, formula weight, a physical constant, and prices. Aceto Chemical Co., Inc., Research Chemicals Division, 40-40 Lawrence St., Flushing 54, Ν. Υ. 611 Ultrasonic Equipment. Illustrated, 4-page brochure describes ultrasonic equipment and systems and their op­ eration and applications. Xonics Corp., 5975 Fairmount Extension, San Diego 20, Calif. 612 Paper Electrophoresis. An 8-page brochure describes Model CP contin­ uous flow paper electrophoresis instru­ ments used to fractionate complex mix­ tures. A list of applications with per­ tinent references is also featured. Bro­ chure SB-197. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Spinco Division, 1117 California Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 613 Catalog. A 76-page catalog lists sur­ factants and specialties, carbonyl metals and organometallics, and industrial or­ ganic chemicals. Catalog AP-2. Antara Chemicals, a division of General Aniline and Film Corp., 435 Hudson St., New York 14, Ν. Υ. 614 Radiographic Catalog. "Non-de­ structive Inspection Equipment for Modern Industry" is a 16-page catalog

ionXchange DE-IONIZED


NOW "ON TAP" T H R O W - A W A Y CARTRIDGE A T T A C H E D T O FAUCET IS A MINIATURE MIXED-BED IONXCHANGER Ion-exchange is a convenient and lowcost method for purifying water by the removal of all ionizable dissolved solids. Industrial size equipment for this pro­ cess consists of large tanks with associ­ ated valves and piping, and requires periodical regeneration with strong acid and alkali. The ILLCO-WAY Cartridge is simply a small and handy non-regenerable version designed for laboratory use. Tap water passed through t h e Cart­ ridge (which is a clear plastic tube 2 K " diameter, 19" long) gives up to the "mixed-bed" resins in the tube the cation and anion radicals of common dissolved impurities such as various carbonates and sulfates, chlorides, CO2, and silica. The effluent is a water of high chemical purity, comparable to triple-distilled (except that ionXchange cannot re­ move bacteria, pyrogens, or suspended c o n t a m i n a n t s ) . T h e purple-colored resins in the tube change to a yellowish color as the resin becomes progressively exhausted from the top down. When t h i s clear d e s i g n a t o r of r e m a i n i n g capacity nears the bottom, the Cart­ ridge is simply removed from its holder, thrown away, and replaced by a fresh one. Write for Bulletin CA giving details of construction and methods of use. RESEARCH MODEL UNIVERSAL MODEL CARTRIDGE ONLY CARTRIDGE ONLY Removes all ionizable Removes n.11 ionizable solids, except silica and solids iiifludiiiir silica COL.. Suitable iurL-cneral and CXh. Average in ef­ pure water needs. fluent less than 0,5 ppm total solids. Capacity, 1000 grains as Capacity, 500 trains as CaCOj. Flow Rate, ο gph max. Flow Rate, 5 gph. max. Price, «9.75 Price, Ç12.50 WALL BRACKET with s ip-ou connection to water . S7.50 MOUNTING FIXTURE, clamp-in tvpe for liucpressure use $12.00 Order from your Laboratory Supply House ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. 8 4 0 Cedar St. Rockford, III. NEW YORK OFFICE: 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. CANADIAN DIST.: Pumps & Softeners, Ltd., London, Can.

Circle No. 106 on Readers' Service Cart) VOL. 34, NO. 8, JULY 1962


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