if used for any of the others. Industrial Instruments, for many years, has rec- ognized the need for close matching of the tem- perature compensator t...
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Product Capsules Recorders. Complete specs on newly designed graphic recorder. 68

CHATSON CONDUCTIVITY ACCURATE TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION The overall accuracy of an electrolytic con­ ductivity system is governed to a larger extent by the accuracy of its temperature compensator than by any other single factor...and probably all other factors combined. A prime requisite for high accuracy in conduc­ tivity measurements is a good match between the temperature coefficient of conductivity of the solution under test, and the characteristics of the temperature compensator. A small departure mul­ tiplied by a large number of °F can produce an impressively large error.


Recorders. New potentiometer unit is portable (15 pounds). 13 Recorders. Measures quantities transposable into signals. 86 Recorders. Data on self-balancing potentiometric unit. 144 Recorders. Data file on new, potentiometric strip-chart unit. 148 Refrigerated Baths. Large capacity unit. Temps, t o - 3 0 ° C. 10



Rotameters. Alarm-signalling unit for non-corrosive services. 3 Safety Enclosures. Fume hood for handling hazardous materials. 27 Sample Changers. New unit auto­ matically counts 200 samples. Bulletin. 90 Sample Changers. Automatic analysis of low level samples. Bulletin. 125 Sample Handling System. New sys­ tem speeds flame analysis by 300%. 36 Scalers. Details on 23 units and free radioisotope data chart. 23 Scales. Unit provides combined metric and avoirdupois readings. 126

The above curve demonstrates the extent to which the temperature-conductivity characteris­ tics of four common solutions differ from each other. Q, 5 , shown as the vertical coordinate, is the ratio of the conductivity of a solution at t°C to the conductivity of the same solution at 25°C. A temperature compensator designed to match any one of these solutions would fail miserably if used for any of the others. Industrial Instruments, for many years, has rec­ ognized the need for close matching of the tem­ perature compensator to the service requirements of the conductivity equipment. Over 500 different manual temperature compensators and 200 auto­ matic temperature compensators are immediately available for applications ranging from ultra-pure demineralized water to fuming sulphuric acid, and from 20° F to above 300 °F. Industrial Instruments stands ready to serve you with authoritative information and the best in Electrolytic Conductivity Equipment...Electrolytic Conductivity is Our Business! Solu Bridges... Continuous Indicators... Electrodeless Conductivity Systems...Battery-Operated Re­ corders... Larson-Lane Steam & Condensate Ana­ lyzers...Thallium Dissolved Oxygen Analyzers... Circular & Strip Chart Recorders...Conductivity Cells...Platinizing Kits & Supplies... Sample Cool­ ers & Cell Holders...Therma Bridge Gas Analysis Equipment.



Industrial Instruments


Spectra Standards. Data samples of standard spectra.


Spectrographs Equipment. Full data on expensive line. 24 Spectrometers. New miniature probe extends x-ray instrument to 50-micron range. 45 Spectrometers. Circle 71 for details on gamma spectrometer system. 71 Spectrometers. Detects up to 30 metallic elements simultaneously. 149 Spectrophotometers. Data on new, low-cost, IR grating unit. 2 Spectrophotometers. Data file on double monoehromator units. 22 Spectrophotometers. Automatic, re­ cording. 185 to 3500 Ώΐμ. 69 Spectrophotometers. Data file on five manual and automatic recording in­ struments. 108 Spectrophotometers. Info on unit featuring automatic scan control and accelerated scan program. 151 Stirrers. Vacuum operation unit uses glass shafts. 60 Syringes. New unit provides liquid discharge to .01 μΐ. 47

89 Commerce Road. Cedar Grove. Essex County. H. J.

The ILLCO-WAY Throw-Away Cartridge De-Ionizer consists of a clear plastic column containing mixed-bed ionXchange resins. The mixed-bed ionXchange process will re­ move all dissolved solids (including, in our Research Model, silica and CO2) so that the effluent is pure enough for the finest analytical purposes. The Cartridge is used also to reduce the interfering ions often found in distilled water. The column is clamped in a bracket, as shown, with tubing and valves to connect to any tap or other water supply. ILLCO-WAY Resins used contain a color indicator which changes from purple to yellow as the resins become exhausted, showing when a fresh Cartridge is needed. RESEARCH MODEL Removes all ionizable solids including silica and CO2. Average in ef­ fluent less than 0.5 ppm. totalsolids. Capacity, 450 grains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gph. max. Price, $12.50 Bracket, extra, $7.50

UNIVERSAL MODEL Removes all ionizable solids, except silica and CO2. Suitable for general pure water needs. Capacity, 900 grains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gph max. Price, $9.75 Bracket, extra, $7.50

Order from your Laboratory Supply House or Write to . . .


ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. 8 4 0 C e d a r St. Rockford,


NEW YORK OFFICE: 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y.

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