15 on Readers' Service Card. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY how much ... 840 CEDAR ST., ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS 61105. Circle No.40 on Readers'Service Card...
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We have a new electrometer especially for lab chromatographs.

how much impurity do you want? Few people want or need really PURE water. Although IWT can engineer a mixed-bed water system which delivers pure water (.000000043 ppm impurity) it probably wouldn't be practical for you. A funny thing happens to pure wateron the way—itscavenges any material it touches to satisfy its solvent hunger. It won't stay pure.

(Check the linear dynamic range.) The linear dynamic range of our new electrometer is 10 7 . And the total range is 10 1 0 (from 1 x 1 0 1 4 A. to 1 x 10- 4 A . ) . You'll find its junction field effect transistor circuitry highly reliable. It's c o m pletely solid state, has extremely low noise and is steady as a rock —drift less than 1 0 1 3 amperes a day. The input attenuator has five positions, five decades. The recorder output attenuator has 16 positions with a total range of 10 5 ( 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 times). Can your integrator handle the linear dynamic range of this electrometer? For complete information, write: The Bendix Corporation, Process Instruments Division, Ronceverte, W e s t Virginia 2 4 9 7 0 .

To get it pure and to keep it pure costs too much. So, it becomes a matter of which and how much impurity you can accept. When it comes to producing volumes of almost pure water economically, that's where IWT sparkles. We can engineer a system that makes the most of your impurities.

free to you Pioneers in mixed-bed deionization, IWT can give you any degree of purity. Let us send you the full story on high quality water. Ask for Bulletin PKA-369. ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT COMPANY 840 CEDAR ST., R0CKF0RD, ILLINOIS 61105

Bendix Circle No. 15 on Readers' Service Card

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Circle No. 40 on Readers' Service Card