Immobilized-metal affinity and hydroxyapatite chromatography of

Aug 1, 1989 - ... and elution behaviour of proteins on iminodiacetic acid affinity sorbents prepared via different immobilization techniques. F.Birger...
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Anal. Chem. 1909- 61 1742-1749



(20) Mascini, M.; Liberti, A. Anal. Chlm. Acta 1974, 6 8 , 177-184. (21) Coulet, P. R.; Godinot. C.; Gautheron. D. C. Bbchim. Sbphys. Acta 1975, 391, 272-281.

RECEIVED for review August 30, 1988. Revised May 3, 1989.

Accepted May 3,1989. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged for providing a Postdoctoral Fellowship (S.R.M.). The authors thank the National Science Foundation (Grant CHE8318192) for financial support.

I mmobilized-Metal Affinity and Hydroxyapatite Chromatography of Genetically Engineered Subtilisin Roman

M.C h i c d a n d Fred E. Regnier*

Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

High-performance immotdlizedmetai affinity and hydroxyapatite chromatography were employed to investigate the englneered subtlllsln S, blnding site microenvironment. Aithough these methods are ciassltled as afflnlty technlques, unlike traditional afflnlty columns, both are capable of proMng the entire surface of a molecule. The metal chelate study employed gradient elutlon to assemble retention maps for a wide range of mobltephase pH. Resolution of single substitutbn variants was achieved at the optimum mobilephcrse pH. A total of four metals were applied separately to the metal chelate column to Investigate ligand specificity with respect to protein retentlon. Hydroxyapatite chromatography, albeit an establlshed technique, has only recentty been developed as a high-performance chromatographic method. Gradient elution separations were performed to determine selectlvity. Immotdlized-metal aff inky chromatography was found to be the more effective method for the separatlon of site-speclfic variants.

INTRODUCTION Although the development and application of biotechnology to the production of therapeutic proteins has reached an advanced state, analytical procedures essential for quality are still evolving. Problems associated with monitoring the production of proteins by recombinant DNA technology are different than those generally experienced in the pharmaceutical industry, often being of biochemical origin. The unique complication added by genetically engineered organisms is that structural variants of the product protein itself are formed during biosynthesis. Through expression errors, incomplete or incorrect posttranslational modification, or postsynthetic alterations, a series of structural variants can be generated that are extremely similar to the product. This problem is greater in genetically engineered organisms, because expression errors occur at a higher rate than in natural systems (I)and enzyme systems for posttranslational modification are different than those in which the product protein is naturally produced. For example, expressed wild-type hemagglutinin has been reported to include between 1% and 5 % incorrectly folded proteins (2). Other examples of posttranslational errors include incorrect glycosylation and improper oxidation of cysteine residues. The physiological concern with structurally variant proteins is that they may be either of diminished biological activity or immunogenic. Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Harvard University, 7 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138. 0003-2700/89/0361-1742$01.50/0

General complications regarding the purification of genetically engineered products include (i) the formation of undesirable protein variants during biosynthesis, (ii) no way to predict a priori where structural alterations will be found, and (iii) unwanted variant concentrations that occur at lower levels than the product protein. There is a clear need to detect the presence of incorrect variants in therapeutic products that will be administered on a chronic basis. The problem is that we do not know the limits of current analytical methodology to detect these structural alterations. Few methods are known to detect the presence of a single amino acid substitution in proteins of several hundred amino acids. This problem is complicated even further by the absence of model systems to test the discriminating power of various analytical techniques. It was recently reported that the development of new high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods for the analysis of proteins offers the greatest near-term opportunities for the advancement of quality control operations (3). This paper examines the ability of general affinity chromatographic systems to discriminate between variant proteins. Through the use of site-directed mutagenesis, subtilisin variants were constructed that varied from each other by a single amino acid a t a specific location in their three-dimensional structure. These constructs were used to mimic protein variants that could arise by expression errors during biosynthesis and studied chromatographically to determine the discriminating power of HPLC with respect to protein retention. Although bioaffinity chromatography is known to be superior to other chromatographic modes for resolving mixtures containing different proteins, it targets such a small portion of the protein surface that it does not recognize differences spread over the entire protein surface (4). During either step or gradient elution, it is common for structural variants to coelute because their affinity for immobilized ligands is virtually identical under the conditions required for elution. Immobilized-metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), as described by Porath in 1975 (5), is a particularly attractive variation of the affinity concept, because the residues recognized by the support are not necessarily clustered together at one location. This method is based on interactions that occur between electron donors (histidine, tryptophan, and cysteine) on the polypeptide surface (6) and immobilized metal atoms (Cu(II), Ni(II), Ca(II), Zn(II), Fe(II), and Fe(II1)) that act as electron acceptors (7). Structural requirements underlying the metal chelate/protein recognition revealed that alkaline mobile-phase specifications are usually applied in IMAC separations because protein adsorption only occurs at a pH where electron donor groups are at least partially unprotonated (8). @ 1989 American Chemical Society


A large number of proteins, some of which are listed in Table I, have been purified by using IMAC. Selectivity is influenced by the number of accessible electron-donating groups on the protein surface, the type of metal immobilized, and mobile-phase pH. Vicinal substitution of amino acids adjacent to primary interaction sites (Trp, Tyr, or His) in oligopeptides demonstrated a decreased retention with negatively charged amino acid replacements (9). These results suggest IMAC may be a suitable probe to survey the effects of amino acid substitution on the chromatographic behavior of subtilisin. Hydroxyapatite chromatography (HAC) resembles affinity chromatography in that a subtle difference in the geometrical arrangement of surface atoms determines retention, but like IMAC, this method probes the entire protein surface. The hydroxyapatite crystal, Calo(P04)s(OH)z,belongs to the space group R 3 / mand contains two types of main surface faces (a/b or c) (10). Located on the a / b crystal face are the positively charged adsorbing sites, formed by two calcium ions and designated as the C sites. On the c surface face, the oxygen atoms of the phosphate ions form the negatively charged adsorbing sites referred to as the P sites (11). The fundamental adsorption/desorption mechanism in HAC resembles that of ion exchange, yet due to the unique spatial orientation of the surface faces, the chromatographic selectivity is unlike that of any other ion-exchange sorbent. Comprehensive studies examining the role of protein structure and charge with respect to the mechanism of interaction between proteins and hydroxyapatite were completed just four years ago (12-14). These studies investigated contributions in protein retention as a function of protein PI, ionic nature of the eluant, structural differences between related proteins, and chemical modification of basic and acidic surface residues. By use of two species of 8-lactoglobulin differing by one aspartate residue per subunit (two aspartates total), it was demonstrated that this single substitution produced a difference in the elution of these two proteins. Finally, the authors presented a concise and complete mechanism for protein retention on hydroxyapatite supports. With the availability of high-performance columns, and the demonstrated specificity of protein selectivity on hydroxyapatite columns, this technique was chosen to complement the subtilisin IMAC retention study. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Details regarding the variant proteins, equipment, and the assay of enzymatic activity used in this study may be found in the experimental section of the paper reporting the hydrophobic interaction and reversed-phase chromatography of subtilisin (15). Mobile Phase. Mobile-phase buffers used in IMAC were chosen so that the buffer pK, was within one pH unit of the desired eluent p H sodium acetate (MaJlinckrodt,Paris, KY) (pH 5.0); sodium phosphate dibasic (Fischer Scientific, Fair Lawn,NJ) (pH 6.2 and 7.0); N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid (TES) (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) (pH 8.0). Buffer A was an aqueous solution with final concentrations of 0.5 M NaCl (Fischer) and 0.02 M of the appropriate salt for the pH range studied. Buffer B contained a final concentration equivalent to buffer A plus 0.02 M imidazole (Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI). Due to the nature of HAC, only one mobilephase pH condition was examined. Thus, only one set of buffers were prepared. Buffer A was a 0.01 M aqueous solution of sodium phosphate, while buffer B was comprised of 0.3 M sodium phosphate. Both solutions were adjusted to pH 6.8. All aqueous solutions were prepared by using deionized water and were adjusted to the desired pH at room temperature with either HCl or NaOH. All solutions were prepared fresh daily, filtered through a Rainin Nylon-66 (0.45-pm) flter (Wobum, MA), and deaerated prior to use. Chromatography. IMAC was performed on a hydrophilic polymer based, 1000 8, pore diameter, 10-pm particle size TSK Chelate-5PW column (Toyo Soda, Yamaguchi, Japan). Dimen-


sions of the column were 7.5 X 0.75 cm with a coupled IDA concentration of 24 pmol/mL of swollen gel. The column was washed daily with 10 mL (3 bed volumes) of a 0.05 M EDTA, disodium salt (Serva Feinbiochimica, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany), dissolved in 0.02 M sodium phosphate, containing 0.5 M NaCl, pH 7.0, followed by 15 mL of distilled water. To immobilize the metal, 2 mL of 0.2 M metal ion solution in water was injected onto the column immediately after the EDTA/ distilled water wash (16). The following metals were used in the IMAC study: CuC12 (General Chemical Co., New York); NiCl, (J.T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, NJ); ZnSO, (Aldrich); FeC13(Matheson, Coleman & Bell, East Rutherford, NJ). Excess Ni(II), Zn(II), and Fe(II1) were eluted with 5 mL of deionized water, while 5 mL of 0.1 M sodium acetate containing 0.5 M NaC1, pH 4.0, was used to elute excess Cu(I1). The column was next equilibrated with 15 mL of buffer A followed by a blank gradient before chromatographic analysis was attempted. Removal of immobilized metal and subsequent reloading were performed daily to circumvent any changes in ligand density as a result of metal leakage. Samples were examined by gradient elution with a 20-min linear gradient, 0 to 100% buffer B, at a flow rate of 1 mL/min (17).Retention maps, for the 5.0 to 8.0 pH range, were assembled from data collected in this manner. HAC was performed on a 10.0 X 0.8 cm column packed with 3 pm diameter porous spherical particle hydroxyapatite sorbent (Toa Nenryo Kogyo Co., Tokyo, Japan). Prior to chromatographic analysis, the column was equilibrated with buffer B followed by a blank gradient. Samples were chromatographed with a 20-min linear gradient elution from 0 to 100% buffer B at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min (18). At the end of each run, the column was washed for 10 min with 0.3 M phosphate buffer and then equilibrated with 0.01 M phosphate buffer before the next analysis. Modified buffer A solution with a trace of CaC1, was used in ~ from modified continuous flow overnight. Precipitatew a removed buffer A solution by filtration prior to use. All samples in both modes were chromatographed in duplicate. Injection volumes varied, depending on the variant, between 5 and 70 pL (volumewas constant for any one analysis). The solvent perturbation peak in both the UV and conductance detectors was taken as the retention time for unretained protein (to).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Immobilized-Metal Affinity Chromatography. As noted above, protein retention in IMAC is dependent on surface-accessible electron-donating groups complexing with the immobilized metal. X-ray crystallographic data on subtilisin (19) have shown amino acid residues that are on the surface of the enzyme and capable of interacting with the IMAC sorbent. In the case of tryptophan, all three residues are located on the surface. Trp 106 and Trp 113 are both found in the same a-helix located on the side of the molecule opposite tb the active site. Trp 241 and His 238 are near each other in a loop section connecting two helices and lay on the same side of the molecule as Trp 106 and Trp 113. His 226 is positioned in an a-helix near the active site. Of the six histidines found in the wild type enzyme, the active site His 64 as well as His 226 and His 238 are solvent accessible. Cysteine also interacts with immobilized metals but is not present in subtilisin. On the basis of X-ray crystallography it appears that the maximum possible number of amino acid/metal interactions would be six. With a Gly-to-His substitution at position 166, this number increases to seven. Hence, there are effectively three locations on the surface of the molecule, two on the back side and the third in the active site cleft, which can participate in interactions with an IMAC column (Figure 1). An examination of standard protein mixtures on IMAC (16)revealed that maximum affinity and resolution of the test proteins for immobilized metal ions followed the order Cu2+> Ni2+> Zn2+. For this reason, the initial experiments utilizing IMAC were performed with a Cu(I1) metal saturated column. Retention Maps. To evaluate IMAC as a probe of changes in surface microenvironments, preliminary analyses of re-



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AUGUST 1, 1989

Figure 1. Stereoview of subtilisin backbone structure. Vertices represent a-carbon atoms and each length of rod represents a single residue. This view permits easy recognition of helical regions.

tention and peak shape were carried out using wild-type subtilisin. The wild type enzyme exhibited strong retention with limited peak dispersion from pH 6.2 to 8.0 (Figures 2 and 3A). However, as the mobile-phase pH became increasingly more acidic, retention decreased to the point that subtilisin nearly eluted in the column void volume. The apparent band broadening at pH 5.0 (figure 3B) was partially due to the void volume solvent peak forming a leading shoulder at the base of the subtilisin peak. Collected subtilisin fractions retained over 90% of their original enzymatic activity in all cases. Mobile phase selection for the investigation of variant protein chromatographic behavior was based on these preliminary studies with wild-type subtilisin. Single substitution variants were used to investigate amino acid contributions to protein retention in IMAC. The location chosen for residue replacement is position 166, the SI binding site of subtilisin which contains glycine in the wild-type enzyme. This position is isolated from the back side of the molecule, because it is associated with the substrate binding cleft. In an unrelated study, Russell and Fersht established that amino acid substitutions within a radius of 15 A influenced the pK, of His 64 (20). Since subtilisin adsorption on an immobilized Cu(I1) column is due to interactions with histidine or tryptophan residues, any changes in retention due to amino acid substitutions at position 166 could only be due to some effect on His 64 in the active site of the enzyme, because this is the only electron-donating residue within 15 A of position 166 (22). The retention map of neutral amino acid substitution variants at position 166 (Figure 4) reflected the same general trend found in the multiple substitution variant maps which will be discussed below. Subtle shifts in retention times were observed at pH 6.2. The elution order a t this pH, M166 > S166 > Y166 > N166 > V166, reflects the electron-donating power of the heteroatoms (S, 0, N) in the side chains of these residues. At other pH conditions, elution of all the neutral variants was virtually the same, with wildtype subtilisin having slightly stronger affinity for the IMAC column below pH 7.0. Satisfactory separation of only two of the neutral position 166 variants (N166 and V166) from wild type enzyme was achieved. Discriminating the neutral substitution variants from wild type enzyme required a difference of a t least 1.60 min in retention time. Attempts to resolve N166 from M166 were ineffective. The N166 peak was seen as a leading shoulder on the M166 peak. With the exception of the wild type and V166, all the neutral substitution variants have an electron donor present in the position 166 amino acid side chain. Therefore, the possibility of direct interaction with the IMAC sorbent exists. Additional interaction between the protein and sorbent normally lengthens the retention time. However, the retention data show the wild-type subtilisin (Gly

166) having the longest retention time, thus discounting additional direct interaction between neutral amino acids substituted at position 166 and the immobilized Cu(I1). The elution order may be explained by changes in the pK, of the active site histidine, manifested by the different amino acid substitutions at position 166. In a study of neutral amino acid hemoglobin mutants by isoelectric focusing, a single substitution of 138 Gly to Ala in the y subunit was reported to affect the pK, of neighboring ionizable groups enough to raise the protein p l by 0.003 of a pH unit (22). Th'is was enough to allow the separation of the two mutants using immobilized pH gradient electrophoresis. Perhaps the neutral substitutions for glycine at position 166 affected the His 64 pK, in a similar manner. This would explain the elution order of the neutral substitution variants. The variant proteins, now with slightly higher p1 values compared to the wild type, elute from the IMAC sorbent prior to the wild-type subtilisin due to the increased ionization of the His 64 residue. The retention map for charged position 166 variants (Figure 5) exhibited the same general trend as the neutral position 166 substitutions except for a significant deviation in chromatographic behavior between the variants at pH 6.2. At this pH, five of the six variants could be separated. The range included a 5-min difference in retention time between H166 and E166. Differences in retention were also recorded for the first time a t pH 5.0. Figure 6 shows the separation of three charged subtilisin variants from the wild type. The two negatively charged substitution variants elute prior to the wild type and H166. Generally, the addition of a negative charge raises the pK, of the surrounding ionizable groups. This would explain the decrease in retention for the negatively charged substitution variants. In addition to this, a probe of protein hydration showed that water molecules were selectively arranged in the vicinity of ionic regions and that the strength of these water interactions was in the order water-anion > water-cation > water-dipole (23). Perhaps the hydration associated with the negative charge at this position complexes with the metal (Figure 7) and decreases the affinity between His 64 and the column. As expected, the addition of a histidine to subtilisin increased the retention for the H166 variant compared to the wild type. This may be explained by the direct interaction between the substituted histidine and the IMAC support. The elution order of the charged substitution variants a t pH 6.2 was consistent with the known retention of charged synthetic peptides (24). It has been reported that negatively charged peptides eluted before positively charged peptides, which eluted prior to His, Cys, and Trp containing peptides. Whereas the selectivity was found to be lower, only four subtilisin proteins could be separated by IMAC compared to



:OLUMN: TSK Chelote 5 PW Cu(n) Immobilized

COLUMN: TSK Chelate 5.PW Cu(III Immobilized

MOBILE PHASE: A: 0.02 M Na PhOSDate + 0.5 M NaCl, pH'6.2 B: 0 . 0 2 M Na Phosphate + 0.5 M NoCl + 0.02 M Imidazole, pH 6.2 -LOWRATE: I ml/min SAMPLE: WT

MOBILE PHASE: A: 0.02 M TES + 0.5 M NaCI, pH 8.0 8: 0.02 M TES + 0.5 M NoCl + 0.02 M Imidazole, pH 8 FLOWRATE: I ml/min SAMPLE: WT







I 15






I 15



TIME (min)

TIME (min

B COLUMN: TSK Chelate 5 PW Cu(II) Immobilized MOBILE PHASE: A: 0.02 M Na Acetate + 0.5 M NaCI, pH 5.0 6: 0.02 M Na Acetate + 0.5 NaCl + 0.02 M Imidazole, pH 5.0 FLOWRAT E: I ml/min

OLUMN: TSK Chelate 5 PW Cu(JI) Immobilized IOBILE PHASE: A: 0.02 M No Phosphate + 0.5 M NaCI, pH 7.0 B: 0.02 M No Phosphate + 0.5 M NoCl + 0.02 M Imidazole, pH 7.0 LOWRATE: I ml/min

E 0





z a a


8 m a

4 I







TIME (min) Flgure 2. IMAC gradient elution of wild-type subtilisin at alkaline pH. comparison of sample retention and peak shape using a 20-min linear gradient from 0 to 100% buffer B at (A) a mobile-phase pH of 8.0 and (8) a mobile-phase pH of 7.0.

six for cation-exchange chromatography (CEC) (21),the resolving power of IMAC equaled that of CEC with the resolution of the two negatively charged position 166 variants, differing by only a methylene group in a protein with a molecular weight of 27 500. The elution order between these two variants was reversed from that found in CEC. From these results it may be concluded that IMAC probes the SIsubsite microenvironment of subtilisin. The selectivity shown a t pH 6.2 was probably due to a combination of the net charge differences found in the variant SI subsites, incomplete ionization of His 64, partial ionization of the imidazole displacer, and, for H166, the addition of a second histidine which could interact with the support. Conclusive

TIME (min)

Figure 3. IMAC gradient elution of wild-type subtilisin at acidic pH. Comparison of sample retention and peak shape using the same condltlorls reported in Figure 2 at (A) a mobile-phase pH of 6.2 and (B) a mobile-phase pH of 5.0.

evidence, taken from the retention maps, pointed to pH 6.2 as the optimum pH for subtilisin variant gradient elution separations on the IMAC column. The results presented here also indicate that strongest affiity w a generally ~ obtained at more alkalinepH as reported in the literature. In contrast, the greatest selectivity did not always occur at the conditions giving highest affdty. Perhaps a t these conditions, the strong interactions between electron donors and acceptors mask the contributions of adjacent amino acids. Variants with three to five substitutions were also examined. All of these variants had a phenylalanine for methionine substitution a t position 50, a glutamine for glutamate substitution at position 156, and a lysine for glycine substitution













80 SI66

0 PI66 A VI66 V Y166 0 N166 0 MI66






2 .-





I-& 5 -


Retention Map (IMAC) Cu(II) Immobilized S. Amyloliquifaciens Subtilisins Retention Map (IMAC) Cu( II Immobilized S . Amyloliquifaciens Subtilisins

PH Flgure 4. IMAC retention map of wildtype subtilisin and position 166 neutral substitution variants. Retention time plotted against mobiiephase pH using a 20-min linear gradient from 0 to 100% buffer B.

at position 166. Subtilisin with these three substitutions will be referred to below as the FQK enzyme. Other subtilisin species examined in this study were FQK R275, FQK R170, FQK R43, and FQK R27-R43, each containing an arginine substitution at the corresponding primary sequence position. The fact that some of these variants were substituted outside the SI binding site, particularly on the side of the molecule opposite the catalytic cleft, allowed a more extensive survey of the subtilisin chromatographic contact region in IMAC. The pH retention maps of wild-type and FQK variants (Figure 8) reveal that they are qualitatively similar to those of the single substitution variants with all of the variants coeluting across the entire pH range examined. This means that substitutions made on the back side of the molecule either did not alter the affinity of adjacent electron-donor groups for the immobilized Cu(I1) or were not in a favorable location to actively participate in the retention process. A survey of interatomic distances revealed that positions 27,43, and 170 are all greater than 15 A away from the surface accessible tryptophan and histidine residues. The carboxy terminal substitution a t position 275 is approximately 5 A away from His 238 and 6 A away from Trp 241; however, no significant changes in retention were observed with the FQK R275 variant. There are two possible conclusions that can be made from this data: (1) neither His 238 nor T r p 241 are within the subtilisin/IMAC contact surface region, thus the microenvironment perturbation caused by the glutamine to arginine substitution is not chromatographically significant, or (2) the substituted arginine may be interacting with another residue(s) and does not influence either His 238 or Trp 241. In contrast, the wild-type enzyme showed slightly different retention at pH 6.2 compared to FQK variants. This indicates that the active site histidine microenvironment was perturbed by the FQK substitutions. In view of the fact that the position 166 single site substitution of lysine for glycine had little influence on retention, it is probable that either the position 50 phe-

PH Flgwe 5. IMAC retention map of wild-type subtilisin and position 166 charge substitution variants. Retention time plotted against mobllephase pH using a 20-min linear gradient from 0 to 100% buffer B.

COLUMN: TSK Chelate 5 PW Cu(II) Immobilized MOBILE PHASE: A: 0.02 M Na Phosphate + 0.5 M NoCI, pH 6.2 B: 0.02 M No Phosphate t 0.5M NaCl + 0.02 M Imidazole, pH 6 . 2



W 0

z a

FLOWRATE: 1.0 ml/min SAMPLE: I , El66 2. 0166 3. WT , 4. HI66





m U

TIME (min) Flgure 6. IMAC separation of negatively and positively charged posniOn 166 subtilisin variants from the wild type. 20-min linear gradlent from 0 to 100% buffer B.

nylalanine substitution or the position 156 glutamine substitution caused the decrease in retention. Further examination of the contribution of position 156 was carried out with double substitution variants a t positions 156



Flgure 7. Schematic illustration of IMAC where the chelating group is IDA and the metal ion can bind six ligands. (A) The interaction between metal and proteln occurs with the formation of coordinatlon bonds lnslde the coordination sphere. (6) I f the coordinatlon sphere of the ion is unsaturated the coordination sites are temporarily occupled by weakly bound solvent molecules. IO





0 0 0 A


0 FOK 6'275 A FOK R170 V FQK R43 0 FQK R27-R43 FQK Multi








&-I 4-

3Retention Map (IMAC) Cu(II) Immobilized S. Amyloliquifaciens Subtilisins

O 510



1 7.0

Retention Mop (IMAC) Cu(III Immobilized S. Amyloliquifaciens Subtilisins



PH Flgure 8. IMAC retention map of wild-type subtillsin and FQK series variants. Retentlon time plotted against mobile-phase pH using a 20-mln linear gradient from 0 to 100% buffer B.

and 166. Three variants were used in this study: a position 156 glutamine for glutamate substitution and position 166 lysine for glycine substitution designated the QK variant, a position 156 glutamine for glutamate substitution and position 166 aspartate for glycine substitution designated the QD variant, and a position 156 serine for glutamate substitution and position 166 aspartate for glycine substitution designated the SD variant. As in all the other variants, some discrimination of these double variants was observed at pH 6.2 (Figure 9). It was seen in the single substitution variants that substitution of aspartate for glycine at position 166 decreased retention 2.5 min. However, this substitution in the SD and QD variants had little effect. This means that the position 156 substitution of serine for glutamate in the case of the SD enzyme and glutamine for glutamate in the QD enzyme moderated the contribution of the position 166 substitution. This also indicates that position 156 plays a role in retention. The importance of position 156 is further substantiated by elution of the QK variant 1min earlier than wild type enzyme. The neutral contribution of lysine at position 166 again implicates position 156 in the retention process.





PH Flgure 9. IMAC retention map of wild-type subtillsin and double mutation variants, retention time plotted against mobile-phase pH using a 20-min linear gradient from 0 to 100% buffer 6. (His 64)




I \

I I I I 0


13.15 A I I

I I / I


(Position 156)

\ \ \ \ \

\\\l3.91 \ \

\ \ \


\ \

(Position 166)

Flgure 10. Triangle representlng proximity of positions 64, 156, and 166 to each other. The distance was measured from X-ray structure coordinates (25) corresponding to the following atoms: His 64 C, Glu 156 Cd, and Gly 166 C.,

The close proximity of positions 156, 166, and histidine 64 makes it possible to represent these three sites with a triangle



1, 1989

Table I. Some Proteins Purified by IMAC protein



human serum proteins lactoferrin a2-SH glycoprotein a2-macroglobulin plasminogen activator

Zn, Cu cu Zn Zn Zn

Nature 1975,258, 598. FEES Lett. 1977, 75,89. FEES Lett. 1977,80, 351. Anal. Biochem. 1979,99, 415. Biochem. Biophys. Acta



Biochem. Biophys. Acta

1979,580, 140.

human serum albumin


phosphotyrosyl-protein phosphatase superoxide dismutase


1979,576,385. FEES Lett. 1981, 130, 194. Anal. Biochem. 1981, 115, 109. J . Chromatogr. 1981,215, 333. Biochemistry 1982, 21, 5577.


J . Appl. Biochem. 1982,4,

D.biflorus lectin

Ca cu

non-histone proteins


human serum proteins human serum proteins


PO4-- - M g t t -






Figure 11. Schematic representation of possible interactions between protein charged residues and a hydroxyapatite sorbent.

COLUMN: Hydroxyapatite

Biochemistry 1983, 22, 1621.

Zn,Cd J. Chromatogr.

1984, 315,


(ABC) having histidine 64 at vertex A, position 156 at vertex B, and position 166 at vertex C (Figure 10). It has been established in the FQK and position 166 single substitution variants that C A interactions indirectly alter retention, with the exception of H166 which directly interacted with the IMAC sorbent. The strongest C A contribution in single substitution variants occurred at pH 6.2 with either aspartate or glutamate at position 166. The effect of these negatively charged substitutions was to decrease retention. In contrast, the strongest C A effect at pH 5.0 occurred with histidine at position 166. The question of how position 156 contributes to retention is more difficult to determine. Theoretically the effect could be either direct (B A) or indirect (B C A). Carboxyl-carboxylate interactions in proteins have been reported to partly counteract negative charge (26). It is known from X-ray crystallography (21) that glutamate 156 is capable of forming a hydrogen bond with aspartate 166 at pH 5.0 and a less ordered bond scheme with glutamate 166. The removal of glutamate at position 156, by means of the double substitution variants, eliminates the hydrogen bonding scheme with the aspartate at position 166. This moderates the effect of the substituted aspartate 166 on histidine 64, as witnessed by the change in variant chromatographic behavior. Therefore, position 156 perturbs the SIbinding site microenvironment in variable ways depending on the surrounding amino acids. On the basis of the X-ray crystallographic data it is probable that the difference in retention between the wild-type and QK variant is because position 156 has a direct contribution to the microenvironment surrounding His 64. The final query involving IMAC was to survey the affinity of subtilisin for alternative metal complexes. Although these metals were found to be chromatographically inferior to Cu(II), Ni(I1) and Zn(I1) have some utility with respect to special protein applications (Table I). A venture was made at both pH 6.2 and 7.5, to retain all the subtilisin variants discussed above on Ni(II), Zn(II), and Fe(II1) loaded supports. For all proteins, the attempts were unsuccessful. Subtilisin only interacts with the Cu(I1) metal complex. Hydroxyapatite Chromatography. HAC is a relatively new high-performance chromatographic mode, even though it has an established record for protein purification in soft gels. Figure 11 reviews the possible types of interactions between a protein and a HAC column. With the charged substitutions present at position 166, it was believed that this technique would at least partially resolve certain variants. The use of a single mobile-phase pH precluded the need


FLOWRATE : 0.5 rnl/rnin SAMPLE: WT





n I


IO TIME (min) 5



Figure 12. HAC gradient elution of wild-type subtilisin, elution performed using a 20-min linear gradient from 0 to 100% buffer B.

for the assembly of a retention map. Strong retention and good peak shape were recorded for the wild-type subtilisin in Figure 12. Unfortunately, all the variants were retained in exactly the same manner. Retention times varied by a maximum of 0.5 min in a 20-min linear gradient, hardly enough to even form a shoulder away from the main protein peak. Apparently, the SI subsite is not part of the subtilisin/HAC contact surface area. Although the results from the HAC study were disappointing, this technique may still discriminate sitespecific mutants providing the location of amino acid substitution is recognized by the hydroxyapatite column. CONCLUSION These studies have shown that IMAC is superior to HAC in the resolution of subtilisin variants, particularly at position 166. Even though HAC is a powerful chromatographic technique, the chromatographic contact region for the technique apparently falls outside of those areas in subtilisin that were modified in this study. Once again it has been demonstrated that the chromatographic contact region varies between chromatographic methods and that various separation modes probe different parts of a protein’s surface. It is well documented that histidine, tryptophan, and cysteine in polypeptides interact most strongly with immobilized metals (6)and that vicinal substitution of charged amino acids in peptides can moderate this interaction (9).

Anal. Chem. 1989, 61, 1749-1754

From this study it may be concluded that both neutral and charged amino acids in the microenvironment surrounding a histidine center can secondarily influence chromatographic retention of a protein by moderating histidine interaction with an IMAC column. The exact mechanism by which other amino acids moderate the interaction of histidine with an IMAC column remains to be determined. It may be concluded that IMAC can be a powerful technique for recognizing changes in protein structure within 15 A of histidine centers in proteins providing the histidine residue is recognized by the IMAC column. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that IMAC is an effective analytical technique for the separation of geneticay engineered proteins differing by as little as a single methylene group in a protein of 27 500 M,.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The gracious gift of the subtilisin samples from Genencor, Inc., was appreciated. We are indebted to Tom Porter for his technical assistance. LITERATURE CITED Purdue University, 1988, personal communication. “Therapeutic Peptide and Proteins: Assessing the New Technlques“ Banbury Report #29, D. R. Marshad, Ed.. 1988. (2) -thing. MJ.; McCammon, K.; Sambrook. J. CeU 1988.48.939-950. (3) Garnick, R. L.; Solli. N. J.; Papa, P. A. Anal Chem. 1988, 60, 2546-2557. (4) Regnier, F. E. Chromtcgraphfb 1987, 24, 241-251.


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RECEIVED for review February 21,1989. Accepted May 17, 1989. Thii work was supported by NIH Grant Number 25431. This is paper No. 11929 of the Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station.

Subambient Temperature Modification of Selectivity in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Lane C. Sander* and Stephen A. Wise

Center for Analytical Chemistry, National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards), Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899

The effect of column temperature on selectlvlty was studied for the separatlon of polycycllc aromatlc hydrocarbon (PAH) mlxtures. Three commerclal columns prepared by uslng monomerlc and polymerlc surface modlflcatlon chemistry were employed. Selectlvlty was evaluated through the use of a three-component PAH mixture previously developed for phase type evaluation. Column selectivity was found to vary CO~~~LIOUSIY with temperature, regardless of the type of phase used. The shape recognltlon ablllty of each phase, Le., the ablllty of the phase to separate closely related Isomers, was observed to be highest at subambient temperatures. A model for the temperature Induced selectivity changes Is proposed based on the morphology of the bonded phase.

INTRODUCTION Unlike in gas chromatography, temperature often serves only a minor role in the development of separation methods in liquid chromatography (LC) (1). Instead, solute retention is usually controlled by easily adjusted parameters such as mobile phase composition and flow rate. In contrast to gas chromatography, the allowable range for column temperatures in LC is restricted by the properties of the mobile phase. Increased viscosity and freezing are limiting factors at low

temperatures; at high temperatures boiling is a limiting consideration (2). Separations are commonly carried out under ambient conditions, although greater reproducibility in retention and quantitation result when isothermal conditions are established (3). The use of elevated column temperature has been reported as a way of increasing separation efficiency ( 4 ) , particularly for large molecular weight solutes (5). Elevated column temperatures have also been used to advantage with solutes with limited solubility in the mobile phase, and in ion-exchange chromatography (5). Thermodynamic aspects of solute retention have been studied in some detail (6-11). In general, solute retention is inversely related to temperature, i.e., retention decreases with increasing temperature. Morel and Serpinet (22-26) and others (17-19) have presented evidence for the existence of phase transitions within the bonded phase, occurring over a narrow temperature interval. The presence of a “break” or offset in a plot of log k’vs 1/T (Van’t Hoff plot) indicates a change in the way in which the solute interacts with the stationary phase, i.e., a phase transition. Although the effect is of considerable theoretical interest, in practice the shift in retention times caused by the transition is small and does not apply if isothermal conditions are maintained. Other temperature-dependent changes have been reported. Stalcup et al. calculated relative enthalpies and entropies of transfer for

This article not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published 1989 by the American Chemical Society