Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals - ACS Publications - American

document will review the current EPA guidance for proper method validation in context of .... More thorough field studies (i.e., reduced costs allow f...
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Chapter 20

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Guidelines to the Validation and Use of Immunochemical Methods for Generating Data in Support of Pesticide Registration 1


Charles A. Mihaliak and Sharon A. Berberich

Analytical Environmental Immunochemical Consortium, 1427 West 86 Street, #102, Indianapolis, IN 46260

Immunochemical methods are rapidly being adopted for the detection and quantitation of pesticides in the environment. The use of and necessity for development of these types of immunochemical methods is evident to pesticide registrants. Immunoassays are rapid, sensitive, easy to use, incur minimal cost, and allow simultaneous analysis of large numbers of samples compared to other, more widely used analytical methods. Although immunoassay offers many practical advantages, acceptance of these methods is dependent upon several factors, including the demonstration of quality and validity compared to more traditional methods. Currently, there are no specific guidelines for the validation and use of immunochemical environmental methods to support product registrations under Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). An ongoing dialog between the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Products (EPA/OPP) and the users and developers of this technology is essential to ensure proper implementation of immunochemical methods for environmental applications. This document will review the current EPA guidance for proper method validation in context of FIFRA, used for acceptance of analytical methods. In addition, appropriate use of immunochemical methods for environmental applications will be discussed and a set of interim guidelines proposed for registrants who are developing and using immunochemical methods. Adoption of guidelines that incorporate concepts similar to those reviewed in this document will promote consistent validation, data reporting, and application of immunochemical environmental methods by developers and users of this technology. Many of the opinions and suggestions presented here are those of members of the Analytical Environmental Immunochemical Consortium and not of the EPA/OPP. However, we have made an effort to present suggestions and ideas that are consistent with EPA/OPP policy.


Current address: DowElanco, P.O. Box 68955, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1053 Current address: Monsanto Company, 700 Chesterfield Parkway North-GG4A, Chesterfield, MO 63198


0097-6156/95/0586-0288$12.00/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society

Nelson et al.; Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on May 16, 2018 | Publication Date: March 23, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0586.ch020

20. MIHALIAK & BERBERICH Validation & Use of Immunochemical Methods 289 Immunochemical analytical methods are currently being developed by several agricultural chemical companies for use in studies performed in support of product registrations under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (7). Lnmunochemical methods for pesticides were relatively unavailable when the current FIFRA guidelines were developed. They now offer several potential benefits for both registrants and regulators (Table 1) (2,5). The proliferation of immunoassay has necessitated the development of guidelines under which immunochemical methods can be validated and used in support of FIFRA product registrations. The objectives of this paper are to review the current guidance given to registrants by the EPA/OPP and to propose general guidelines for the validation, implementation and use of immunochemical methods. The intention is to combine the current EPA/OPP policy with the perspectives of developers of the technology into a coherent set of interim guidelines which can be used by registrants and regulators. Additionally, the guidelines must fit within the context of the regulatory framework and FIFRA guidelines. This document should not be viewed as a finalized guideline. It is intended to generate further discussion among developers and regulators. The guidelines will require sufficient flexibility to accommodate improvements in the technology and to allow for policy modifications that might occur as the level of acceptance and use of immunochemical methods increases. The initial guidelines may have to be modified or reviewed to accommodate newer, developing immunochemical technologies (e.g., biosensors). Interpretation of Current EPA / ΟΡΡ Policy Over the past two years, the EPA/OPP has begun to provide registrants with guidance regarding the validation and use of immunochemical methods. Most of the positions taken by the EPA/OPP have been distributed through internal memos or correspondence with registrants, immunoassay kit manufacturers, or organizations such as the Analytical Environmental Immunochemical Consortium (AEIC). Registrants who wish to use immunochemical methods to generate product registration data must demonstrate that the methods meet the all existing criteria for traditional analytical methods (11,12 ). Immunochemical methods should be supported with an acceptable written method and suitable validation data, similar to traditional methods. If the method is intended to complement an existing gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (LC) method, registrants must demonstrate that data generated by the immunochemical method is comparable to or better than data generated by an analytical method such as GC or LC (4). Performance-based method validation is encouraged by the EPA/OPP for all analytical methods; thus, performance data needs to be submitted for each method. For quantitative methods, confirmation of the limits of quantitation, delineation of the quantitative range, estimation of precision and accuracy, and evaluation of interferences are the minimum data requirements. The range for the result, within a stated degree of confidence, must be specified when using qualitative screens (4). A more detailed discussion of method validation is presented below. The original, EPA/OPP policy for immunochemical method screening applications was developed specifically for large scale water monitoring studies and was intended to support the use of immunochemical methods to complement traditional analytical methods. It required that all positive samples and a representative set of negatives be analyzed by a traditional technique. This original policy has recently been modified (5,6).

Nelson et al.; Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on May 16, 2018 | Publication Date: March 23, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0586.ch020

The EPA/OPP now supports the use of immunochemistry complemented methods for pesticides that already have an established, traditional analytical method. The traditional method will be regarded as the primary method with immunoassay adding value to the overall procedure. An immunochemical method would be considered the primary method when a traditional method (GC, HPLC, GC/MS) is unavailable and/or immunoassay is the best available method. Table 1. Potential Benefits from Adopting Guidelines for Validation and Use of Immunochemical Methods (A) and Acceptance of Immunochemical Methods (B).


BENEFITS F R O M ADOPTING GUIDELINES Regulators • Consistency in data submissions • Standardized criteria for evaluation of immunochemical data • Easier and more rapid review of submitted studies.

Registrants • Know what's expected for validation and use of immunochemical methods. • Reduces uncertainty of "acceptability" of immunochemical data. • Consistency in data submissions



Reduced analytical costs associated with large studies. More timely completion of large studies (less time for analysis of each sample). Field screening or analysis of samples reduces sample stability problems. More thorough field studies (i.e., reduced costs allow for more samples) Reduced solvent use and hazardous waste disposal. Increased product stewardship opportunities. Provides comparable scientific quality in results

Regulators • Allows industry to perform more thorough field studies. • Allows industry to increase product stewardship efforts. • Reduced monitoring and enforcement costs. Analytical Labs • Better delivery time per sample • Comparable scientific quality • Promotes higher productivity • Better utilization of equipment; reduces need for capital outlay • Creates synergies among analytical disciplines

Nelson et al.; Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on May 16, 2018 | Publication Date: March 23, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0586.ch020

20. MIHALIAK & BERBERICH Validation & Use of Immunochemical Methods 291

When complementary immunochemical methods are used in large scale water monitoring and field studies, samples would be analyzed initially by immunoassay and a subset of samples confirmed with the traditional method (4,6,7). The expected degree of sample confirmation is dependent upon the type of study. When performing large scale monitoring studies, all positive results and a subset of negatives by immunoassay should be confirmed with an alternative method. A reduced rate of confirmatory analyses is expected for samples from field studies conducted in support of product registrations. When conducting field studies, a statistically representative number of both the positive and negative samples should be re-analyzed and a valid approach developed to reduce the number of confirmatory analyses as confidence in the immunochemical method increases (5). Regardless of the application, type of study or matrix, registrants must demonstrate the feasibility of the technology. The EPA/OPP has suggested that industry provide case studies snowing successful and appropriate applications of immunochemical methods. This will enable technical reviewers to become more comfortable with immunoassay data and raise the level of confidence in the technology. For most analytical methods used to support registration studies, general requirements exclude the use of exotic equipment (i.e., those not commercially available in the U.S.). The same requirement applies to immunochemical methods. Therefore, reagents used in immunochemical methods should be commercial products or in some way available to regulators. Widespread acceptance of immunochemical methods will depend upon the availability of required reagents and materials (4). Immunochemical methods developed for analysis of soil and water in conjunction with studies required by FIFRA Subdivisions Ν, E, or Κ (8,9,10) should follow the guidelines detailed recently in Federal Register Notice 34613 (77). This document provides guidance on the expected performance data and information to be reported to the EPA/OPP regarding method validation. Immunochemical methods developed for determining residues in food and feed should follow the requirements listed in Subdivision Ο (72), PRN 88-5 (73), and the standard evaluation procedure for residue analytical methods (74). Other guidelines such as Subdivision M (4,15) may also apply to applications of immunochemical methods. Immunochemical methods will be accepted for identification of beta exotoxins from microbial species and taxonomic identification of microbial pest control products if supporting data has been generated (4). In all the above cases, the EPA guidelines require that analytical method validation be performed according to Good Laboratory Practice (7). Validation of Immunochemical Methods The most common uses of immunochemical methods will include generation of data supporting product registration and environmental monitoring. Immunochemical methods will predominandy complement traditional analytical methods such as GC, GC/MS or LC. In this case, a validated non-immunochemical, traditional analytical method for the analyte would be practical and available. Complementary immunochemical methods would typically be used to detect small molecules such as conventional herbicides, insecticides, fungicides or their metabolites or dégradâtes. In other applications where the immunochemical method represents the best available or most appropriate analytical technique for the analyte and end-use, it would be considered as the primary method (which may be complemented by another analytical method). A non-immunochemical method might not be practical, sufficiendy sensitive, or suitable for some products and applications (e.g. expression of active ingredients in genetically engineered plants or

Nelson et al.; Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



microorganisms, ultra-low volume agents, and biopesticides). In these cases, immunoassay would be the primary analytical method. Examples of complementary versus primary immunochemical methods are shown in Table 2. Prior to using either type of method, proper validation must be performed.

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Table 2. Examples of Primary and Complementary Methods Primary Method

Complementary Method

1. Practical instrument methods, e.g., GC, HPLC, GC/MS

1. Immunochemical method

2. Immunochemical method is the best available method

2. Other quantitative/semi-quantitative "œnfirmatory" method

When considering validation of an immunochemical method, it is also important to recognize the difference between a method and an immunoassay test kit. An immunoassay test kit is a packaged system containing the key or principal components (coated tubes, microplates or particles, enzyme conjugates, standards and other reagents) to be used as part of the validated analytical method. The test kit typically includes directions for use and is often a self contained analytical system. Some kits contain everything needed to perform the analysis from beginning to end. Others are one part of a multi-step process of extraction, clean-up and analysis. A single test kit may be incorporated into several analytical methods (e.g., water, soil, and crop analyses for the same analyte). Validation of the test kit is not required as part of the method validation study. Most commercially available kits are manufactured using Good Manufacturing Practices (76) and are therefore validated as part of the development and manufacturing process. Companies developing their own kits should perform the proper studies to ensure the stability, reproducibility, and reliability of the manufactured reagents and materials. An immunochemical method is the complete analytical system defined by written procedure(s). The method would combine the test kit with additional processes, supporting supplies, equipment and reagents (e.g., pipettes, photometer, homogenizer, solvents), data manipulation and evaluation which allows for determination of the presence and/or the quantity of an analyte in a given matrix. The immunoassay test kit is part of the equipment used in performing the method. Many immunoassay test kits can be used to analyze water samples with littie or no sample preparation. Analysis of soil, crops, food or other matrices usually requires an extraction step followed by either dilution or clean-up steps prior to the actual immunochemical analysis. The process of preparing and assaying for an analyte in a matrix constitutes the analytical method. Method validation is the process of demonstrating that the combined procedures of sample preparation (extraction, clean-up, etc.) and analysis will yield acceptably accurate, precise and reproducible results for a known analyte in a spécifie matrix. Method validation includes preparing a final written method (Table 3). This document should include all of the information needed by an analyst to perform the entire analytical procedure, as well as background information and die method validation data. Some of the details of performing a method validation will differ for primary and complementary

Nelson et al.; Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

20. MIHALIAK & BERBERICH Validation & Use of Immunochemical Methods 293

Table 3. Information to be Included in a Written Analytical Method A. Summary of Method 1. Performance Claims 2. Matrix 3. Intended use

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B. Principle of the Method C. Analytical Procedure 1. Materials a. Equipment b. Supplies c. Reagents/stability of reagents d. Analytical standards/calibrators e. Safety and Health Hazards of Materials 2. Method a. Reagent preparation (including standards if applicable) b. Instrument settings c. Stepwise procedure(s) i. Source/characterization of control samples ii. Sample preparation in. Extraction iv. Fortification (if applicable) v. Clean-up (if applicable) vi. Instrument calibration d. Data interpretation (i.e., decision criteria for detection) e. Interferences i. Cross-reactivity ii. Matrix effects in. Solvent and labware effects f. Valid non-immunochemical confirmatory method (if applicable) g. Time required for analysis h. Modifications/potential problems (e.g., critical steps) i. Calculations i. Recovery ii. Conversion/dilution factor iii. Statistics (standard deviation, percent coefficient of variation) j . Representative Raw Data k. Other information needed to provide thorough description of the method. D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E. F. G.

Results/Discussion: Summary of results of validation experiments Accuracy: Precision: Detection limit Limit Of Quantitation (Quantitative Range) Selectivity And Specificity Correlation To Non-Immunological Method (If Applicable) Ruggedness Testing (If Performed) Limitations Conclusions Tables and Figures References

Nelson et al.; Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



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immunochemical methods. Specifically, a non-immunological confirmatory method and correlation data demonstrating comparable performance between the immunochemical and non-immunochemical methods is essential for complementary immunochemical methods. Correlation studies are not required for primary methods. However, when a reliable, but not necessarily traditional, alternative method is available it would be appropriate to demonstrate that similar results are obtained with both methods. When a registrant decides to use a particular method to support registration studies, whether immunochemical method or traditional, the FIFRA GLP requirements apply. Perhaps the most concise way to present the required elements for GLP validation of an immunochemical method is to discuss the requirements for reporting a method to the regulatory agency (Table 3). The performance claims, intended use, and scientific principles of the method should be included on the introductory pages of the method. This section should include information regarding the analyte(s) detected, the structure of the analyte(s) when practical, the validated limits of detection and quantitation, and the quantitative range. This section should also identify the matrix for which the method was validated and the intended uses for the method (e.g., registration studies, monitoring, enforcement, etc.). A discussion of the principles of the method should include an overview the sample extraction, clean-up, and analysis procedures as well as a brief description of how data reduction and interpretation are performed. Description of the analytical procedure is comprised of two main sections. The first is a listing of all materials required to execute the method (including sources for purchase). Included in this section are the immunoassay test kit (or the individual reagents), the measuring device, the source and characterization of analytical standards, and all other reagents and supplies used in the study. Safety information should be provided for all hazardous materials. Special storage conditions should be noted for all perishable reagents, standards and supplies. Stability of all reagents under all storage conditions is established during development of the immunochemical method and should be confirmed for the duration of the use of each reagent lot during validation. Monitoring of reagent stability is important for ensuring the quality of data generated by immunoassay; this topic is discussed further in the accompanying paper by Rittenburg and Daudick. The second part of the analytical procedure is a detailed step-by-step description of sample preparation, extraction and clean-up processes as well as instrument calibration, instrument settings and data interpretation information. This section should contain details for preparation of reagents (including standards, if applicable) and fortified samples. All known interferences should be identified and any critical or unique steps in the procedure should be highlighted. Acceptable modifications or potential problems which may be encountered during execution of the method should be discussed. Any calculation which is required during routine sample analysis ( e.g., percent recovery, conversion or dilution factors, statistical calculations) must be explained in detail. For non-routine calculations, examples should be presented. Examples of representative data should be included (e.g., raw data for samples/standard, calibration curve parameters, recoveries from fortified samples). All of the recovery data (i.e., expected concentration, measured concentration and % recovery for each sample) generated during the validation should be also be included in the report The results and discussion sections include the validation data and a detailed discussion of those results. Accuracy is demonstrated through measuring the recovery of analyte in fortified samples across the quantitative range: data points for the recovery at all target levels should be presented in the method report along with a standard deviation and other statistical analyses. Other components of accuracy that impact interpretation of data (e.g., extraction efficiency for in-grown residues, aged soil residues, and measurement of finite

Nelson et al.; Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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20. MIHALIAK & BERBERICH Validation & Use of Immunochemical Methods 295 levels of the active ingredients in genetically engineered products) should also be reported with some measure of precision. Precision should be reported as the standard deviation or coefficient of variation for the recoveries of the accuracy samples at each fortification level (and for extraction efficiencies, when applicable). Quantitative methods should demonstrate mean recoveries distributed between 70% and 120% for targeted fortification levels and a relative standard deviation of less than 20% for measured recoveries at each fortification level (72). These requirements for precision and accuracy may not apply to primary immunochemical methods used for quantitation of non-toxic analytes in genetically engineered plants or micro-organisms since, currentiy, there are no FIFRA requirements for these methods and most of the active ingredients in these products are exempted from the requirement for monitoring levels in food or the environment. The detection limit is the concentration of analyte that can be distinguished from zero with a stated degree of confidence. The limit of quantitation is the smallest concentration of analyte that can be measured in samples and yield predicted concentrations with an acceptable level of precision and accuracy. The quantitative range is the lower and upper limits of analyte concentration over which the method yields quantitative results within the stated performance limits. All analytical methods are required to state their limits of detection and quantitation. Several techniques are available for estimating detection and quantitation limits (77,75); regardless of die method chosen, the validation report must define how the limits were derived. The EPA/OPP requests that relevant performance data supporting the determination of the LOQ and/or detection limit be provided in addition to the statistical evaluations (5). For validation of immunochemical methods, demonstration of the specificity of the method is emphasized much more than for traditional methods. Any information generated during the validation which addresses the selectivity and specificity of the method should be included. The method must be characterized with respect to the potential for interference with other pesticides, metabolites or dégradâtes. Interference due to the matrix or other potential non-specific sources (e.g., solvents, labware) should also be addressed. Ruggedness testing is strongly recommended for all environmental chemistry methods. Experiments should be conducted to show that the method is amenable to normal variations that might be encountered during normal use (79). These types of tests might include: 1) repeated analysis of a sample or samples on several days (by different analysts, under differing assay or environmental conditions, or with different reagent lots); and 2) measurement of accuracy and precision in fortified samples using control material from several sources (e.g., different soil types). Inter-laboratory validation is required for soil, water, and food chemistry methods (77,73); however, inter-laboratory studies should be conducted if warranted by study, experimental design or by other applications of the method (e.g., product stewardship). A correlation experiment should be performed when validating an immunochemical method which is intended to complement a traditional analytical method. This experiment is not part of the FIFRA requirements for analytical methods but is intended to establish credibility of the method and raise the confidence level of technical reviewers. The correlation study should be statistically designed to show the goodness of fit between results obtained from immunoassay versus traditional method. A typical correlation study would consist of preparing a series of fortified samples using control or blank matrix then analyzing each fortified sample using both the immunochemical and non-immunochemical method. Once the results are obtained, the correlation between the methods is calculated. In addition, any false positives or false negatives generated during the experiment should be noted.

Nelson et al.; Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on May 16, 2018 | Publication Date: March 23, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1995-0586.ch020

Use of Immunochemical Methods and Confirmation of Results The potential uses of immunoassay include generating registration data as well as performing post-registration analyses (e.g. monitoring, enforcement, exposure ). Prior to initiating a study, the study director should first evaluate the appropriateness of immunochemical method(s) for the particular study (Table 4). If an immunochemical method is appropriate, the next step is to determine if the performance characteristics of the immunochemical method (e.g. sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility) will meet the needs the particular study. The method should have met all the validation criteria described above. Prior to initiating the study, the protocol should be reviewed with the EPA/OPP. Table 4. Appropriate and Inappropriate Uses of Immunochemical Methods. Examples of Appropriate Uses: • • • • • • • •

Quantitation/screening of residues in environmental fate field studies. Quantitation/screening of residues in magnitude of residue studies. Required sensitivity not attainable by other methods. Economic reasons (e.g., speed of analysis, cost of performing conventional methods). Alternative method inappropriate (e.g., analyses for proteins, biopesticides, genetically engineered pest control products). Desire to perform analyses in the field. Traditional methods are too cumbersome at the desired LOQ. Immunochemical method adds value to traditional method.

Examples of Inappropriate Uses: • • • • •

Small studies (