Improving the Clinical Efficacy of Cancer Vaccines by Targeting

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Chapter 16

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Improving the Clinical Efficacy of Cancer Vaccines by Targeting Immune Suppression in Human Tumors Nathalie Demotte,1 Aristotelis Antonopoulos,2 Jean-François Baurain,3 Grégoire Wieërs,1,§ Nicolas Van Baren,1 and Pierre van der Bruggen*,1 1Ludwig

Institute for Cancer Research, WELBIO, and Université catholique de Louvain, de Duve Institute, 74 av. Hippocrate, P.O. Box B1-7403, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium 2Division of Molecular Biosciences, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom 3Department of Oncology, Université catholique de Louvain, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, 10 av. Hippocrate, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium §Current address: Department of Internal Medicine, Université catholique de Louvain, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, 10 av. Hippocrate, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium *E-mail: [email protected]

The identification of tumor-specific antigens recognized by T lymphocytes on human cancer cells has elicited numerous vaccination trials of cancer patients with defined tumor antigens. These treatments have induced T cell responses but have shown a low clinical efficacy in tumor-bearing melanoma patients. Immunosuppression at the tumor sites is the most likely explanation for the poor effectiveness of cancer vaccines. Many researchers are trying to decipher the underlying immunosuppressive mechanism. Galectin-3, a lectin secreted by tumor cells and macrophages, plays a role in the dysfunction of tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes (TIL). We have observed that human TIL, in contrast with CD8 blood cells, show impaired IFN-γ secretion and cytotoxicity. TIL dysfunction correlates with the segregation of T cell

© 2012 American Chemical Society In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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receptor (TCR) and CD8 co-receptor at the T cell surface. Treating TIL with soluble galectin ligands or an anti-galectin-3 antibody restored IFN-γ secretion, cytotoxicity and TCR/CD8 co-localization. Our working hypothesis is that TIL, having been stimulated recently by their antigen, harbor a set of glycans that contain numerous ligands for galectins, which block their proper function. In agreement with this hypothesis, we have recently observed that, compared to resting CD8 T cell clones, the N-glycans of recently activated clones contains more multi-antennary N-glycans and consists of longer LacNAc chains. We propose that therapeutic vaccines combined with soluble galectin ligands could reverse local immunosuppression at the tumor site and may induce more tumor regressions in cancer patients than vaccination alone.

Tumor Antigens Recognized by T Lymphocytes: Targets for Therapeutic Vaccination? In the sixties, mouse experiments demonstrated that tumors can alert immune cells and that immune responses could be tumor-specific and protective (1, 2). In the seventies, it was shown that antibodies and lymphocytes derived from cancer patients preferentially recognize tumor cells versus normal cells (3, 4). We had to wait for the early nineties for the first molecular identifications of the antigens recognized by T lymphocytes on human and mouse tumors (5, 6). Since then, various methods that combined immunological assays with genetic and biochemical approaches result in a long list of defined human tumor antigens, several of which are being tested as targets for immunotherapy (7). CD8 cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) are important effectors in the anti-tumor response. They recognize peptides derived from intracellular proteins. Their T cell receptor (TCR) and co-receptor CD8 cooperate in the recognition of antigenic peptides (8-11 amino acids long) presented at the cell surface by human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules. We have identified antigens encoded by human melanoma antigen (MAGE) genes that seem to be good candidates for therapeutic vaccination of cancer patients. First, these antigens are strictly tumor-specific, because the only normal cells that express the peptide-encoding gene are located in testis and placenta, which do not bear HLA molecules on their surface and therefore cannot present MAGE-derived antigens to T cells (8). Second, MAGE genes are expressed in a significant percentage of tumors from various histological types. Several families of genes with the same pattern of expression – i.e. expressed in various tumors but silent in normal tissue (with the exception of testicular and placental tissue) – have been identified: genes MAGE, BAGE, GAGE, LAGE/NY-ESO-1, SSX (9, 10). We refer to them as cancer-germline genes. Several of these genes have been shown to encode antigenic peptides recognized by T cells on tumors (previously reviewed in 7). The first therapeutic vaccinations with MAGE antigens started in 1994. Various vaccines have been used in small clinical vaccination trials: peptides 268 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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and proteins with or without adjuvants, viruses containing antigen-coding sequences, antigen-presenting cells loaded with antigens (11–17). Patients with non-small-cell lung, esophageal, bladder and head and neck carcinoma as well as melanoma have been vaccinated (18). Large clinical vaccination trials with a recombinant MAGE-3 protein mixed with an adjuvant are also ongoing. Based on encouraging results in Phase II trials in patients with metastatic melanoma (NCT00086866) and in patients with completely resected non-small cell lung cancer (NCT00290355) (19), a randomized, double-blind Phase III trial was initiated in 2007 in patients with MAGE-A3-positive stages IB, II, and IIIA non-small cell lung cancer, and has recruited more than 2,000 patients (MAGRIT Phase III trial, NCT00480025). The objective of this trial is to investigate the efficacy of the vaccine administered after tumor resection for preventing cancer relapse. Another Phase III trial has enrolled 1,389 patients with resectable regionally advanced melanoma (DERMA Phase III trial, NCT00796445). Disease-free survival in the overall patient population is the primary endpoint.

Does Therapeutic Vaccination of Melanoma Patients Induce Tumor Regression? Clinical Responses Most of our small clinical vaccination trials enrolled patients with metastatic melanoma. Different immunization modalities, mostly with MAGE-A3-derived products, have already been tried (15, 20, 21). We have not observed significant toxicity. About 10 to 20% of vaccinated melanoma patients experienced regression of metastatic lesions. This frequency is far beyond the reported incidence of spontaneous regressions of melanoma metastases, estimated at 0.2-0.3%, strongly suggesting that these regressions are linked to the vaccinations. However, only 5% of the patients experience a true clinical benefit. Some of the remissions have lasted for several years. Immune Responses The first attempts to detect anti-vaccine T cells in the blood of vaccinated patients were disappointing, even in patients with complete responses. A sensitive approach was developed that was based on in vitro restimulation of blood lymphocytes, in limiting dilution conditions, with the antigenic peptide, followed two weeks afterwards by labeling of T cells with fluorescent HLA-peptide tetramers. Tetramer-positive cells were cloned and the clones were analyzed for cytotoxicity. Their diversity was analyzed by TCR (T cell receptor) sequencing (22, 23). The first surprise was the low levels of anti-vaccine T cell response found in several of the patients who displayed tumor regression after the vaccinations, usually between 10-5 and 10-6 of anti-vaccine T cells among the blood CD8 T cells. Whether new vaccination modalities that induce much higher frequencies of blood anti-vaccine T cells would lead to increased tumor regression is unclear as yet. Despite the fact that these responses were often weak, in the case of 269 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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the MAGE-3.A1 antigen, they were observed mostly in patients who had tumor regression (15, 24, 25). How can we explain that such low numbers of anti-vaccine T cells in vaccinated patients can trigger tumor rejection responses? To answer that question, the immune response of a vaccinated melanoma patient who experienced complete regression of numerous skin metastases was evaluated in detail. Pierre Coulie and colleagues evaluated the frequencies not only of the “anti-vaccine” T cells, which recognized the MAGE vaccine antigen, but also of all the “anti-tumor” T cells. To this end, blood lymphocytes were restimulated in vitro in limiting dilution conditions with autologous tumor cells, followed 2-3 weeks afterwards by cytolysis assays using autologous tumor cells as targets. The frequency of these “anti-tumor” T cells, which recognize all possible tumor-specific antigens on the tumor, was evaluated at 3x10-4 of the blood T cells before vaccination and at 3x10-3 after vaccination. Their diversity was analyzed by TCR sequencing. The same anti-tumor T cells were found in the blood and in different metastases. For some of them, frequency at the tumor site reached 10-1 of the T cells present. In contrast, no anti-vaccine T cells were detectable before vaccination and, after vaccination, frequency was around 3x10-6 of the blood CD8 T cells. They concluded that anti-vaccine T cells showed only a modest enrichment in the tumor site as compared to the blood, while some anti-tumor T cells showed an enrichment of several hundredfold (26–28).

A Scenario To Explain the Low Level of Clinical Responses Analyses of the T cell responses of melanoma patients are in favor of the following scenario. Most melanoma patients produce a spontaneous T cell response against melanoma tumor antigens at a relatively early stage of the disease, e.g. primary tumor or early metastatic tumor. These T cells can eliminate some tumors at an early stage, but often they do not succeed in eliminating the tumor and they become dysfunctional. Thus the tumors of the patients about to receive the vaccine already contain dysfunctional T cells directed against tumor antigens. Presumably this “anergy” is maintained by immunosuppressive factors present in the tumor. A few patients show tumor regression following vaccination because some T cells generated by the vaccine penetrate inside the tumor, attack some tumor cells and succeed in reversing the local immunosuppression, possibly by releasing cytokines or chemokines or by reactivating effective antigen-presenting cells. This reactivates the anergic T cells located inside the tumor and elicits or attracts new anti-tumor T cells. These T cells then proceed to eliminate the tumor cells. Most patients however do not show tumor regression because the immunosuppressive environment immediately overwhelms the few anti-vaccine T cells that reach the tumor. Accordingly, the crucial difference between the responding and the non-responding patients is probably not the intensity of their direct T cell response to the vaccine but the intensity of the immunosuppression inside the tumor. It is now clear that current cancer vaccines are safe, but lead to clinical responses only in a small minority of patients (27, 29–31). It is therefore important to know 270 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

which immunosuppressive mechanisms operate in human tumors if we want to improve the clinical efficacy of cancer vaccines.

Immune Suppression in Tumors

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Ongoing Clinical Trials Aimed at Counteracting Tumor Immunosuppression We would like to briefly summarize several ongoing clinical efforts to neutralize immunosuppressive mechanisms potentially at work in tumors [reviewed elsewhere (27, 32–37)]. Our intention is not to be exhaustive but to give a flavor of the ongoing strategies. Tumors can recruit suppressive cells, such as regulatory T cells, which can inhibit the function of the effector tumor-infiltrating T cells. Different treatments aimed at reducing the number of CD25+ regulatory T cells were administered to cancer patients: cyclophosphamide, anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody Daclizumab, and Denileukin diftitox (Ontak®), an engineered protein combining IL-2 and diphtheria toxin (38–40). There is so far no report and no documentation of a real Treg depletion, as defined by a decreased frequency of CD4+CD25+ T cells with a demethylated intron 1 of FOXP3 (40, 41). Tumor-infiltrating T cell function can be affected metabolically by limiting their access to essential amino-acid such as tryptophan and arginine [reviewed elsewhere (33, 42)]. Breakdown of tryptophan inside tumor cells, expressing indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) or tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO), results in the consumption of available tryptophan in the local tumor environment and thus in deprivation of this essential amino-acid for the T cells (43, 44). A Phase I Study of an IDO inhibitor, 1-methyl-D-tryptophan (D-1MT) is ongoing in patients with solid tumors (NCT00739609). In vitro, the active forms of TGF-β, which can be produced by tumor cells or immune cells, are classically described as immunosuppressive and are considered as attractive therapeutic targets (45–48). However, considering the indirect pleiotropic roles of TGF-β, it is difficult to evaluate its impact on the function of tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes (TIL). Phase I clinical trials with neutralizing anti-TGF-β antibodies Infliximab and GC1008 are ongoing in cancer patients. High-grade glioma patients have been treated in Phase I and II clinical trials with an antisense compound (Trabedersen), which targets mRNA encoding TGF-β2 for sequence-specific degradation. A Phase III trial is ongoing (49). Effector cells may become “exhausted” through inappropriate stimulation or by chronic stimulation. Several inhibitory receptors that could down-modulate TIL activation upon antigen recognition have been considered as markers of dysfunctional or exhausted T cells. CTLA-4 molecules, expressed on T cells, can compete with CD28 for the binding to CD80/86, expressed on antigen-presenting cells and, consequently, prevent recruitment of PKC-θ at the synapse and T cell activation (50). Anti-CTLA-4-blocking monoclonal antibodies Ipilimumab and Tremelimumab have already been tested in many clinical trials (51–59). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Agency for Medicines (EMA) approved Ipilimumab in 2011 for treatment of metastatic melanoma patients. Adverse events can be severe, long-lasting, or both, but 271 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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most are reversible with appropriate treatment (51, 60). PD1 receptor becomes phosphorylated upon ligand binding and, consequently, recruits SHP-1 (61, 62). It is generally assumed that bringing SHP-1 (a phosphatase) close to the cytosolic parts of the TCR complex alters the phosphorylation cascade that follows antigen recognition. Blockade of PD-1/PDL-1 interactions seems to prolong survival of T cells and promote their expansion rather than reverse T cell dysfunction. Anti-PD1 antibodies CT-011 and MDX-1106 were administered in two Phase I clinical studies (63, 64). As discussed below, galectins, and in particular galectin-3, can also participate in this exhaustion phenomenon by forming glycoprotein/galectin lattices, and therefore modify receptor signaling. Galectins as Modulators of the Immune Response in Tumors We will focus on human lymphocytes, in particular human tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, which can be affected by extracellular galectin-1 and galectin-3. The wide variety of biological processes influenced by galectins, including different steps of tumor progression and metastasis, has been thoroughly reviewed elsewhere (65–68). Galectin-3 was detected in tumors from different histological origins, e.g. stomach, colon, breast, prostate and thyroid cancer, and its presence was used to differentiate between benign and malignant tumors (69–76). Galectin-1 expression was found to correlate with an aggressive tumor phenotype (77–79). The sera of melanoma and adenocarcinoma patients were reported to contain at least two times more galectin-3 than the sera from healthy donors (80). In head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients, elevated galectin-1 and -3 in serum were correlated with a worse survival rate (81). Elevated serum levels seem to correspond to a more intense cellular and stromal galectin-3 immunostaining at the tumor site (82). Galectin-3 staining is particularly intense in the stroma of melanoma metastasis, more specifically between the tumor islets and around the tumor mass, where inflammatory cells are located (unpublished data). Immunohistochemical staining of galectin-1 revealed that its expression is positively associated with the malignant progression of tumors of various origins, including glioma, prostate, colon, breast, cervical and oral squamous cells (83). Galectin-1 and galectin-3 have been reported to be secreted by tumor cells, monocyte-derived cells, activated B cells, and activated T cells (68, 84). Little is known about the role of extracellular galectin-1 and galectin-3 on TIL function. Several studies have reported that extracellular galectin-1 and galectin-3 in tumors promote immune evasion, by inducing apoptosis of CD4 or CD8 T cells in the tumors (66, 77, 85). In vitro, galectin-1 added at µM concentrations can directly influence T lymphocyte function by inducing IL-10 production that could inhibit T cell function (86), or by diminishing IFN-γ receptor surface expression on activated T lymphocytes (87), attenuating IFN-γ production in T cells activated in vitro by anti-CD3 (88), and suppressing IL-2 secretion (89). In our studies, when galectin-3 was added at 10 nM, which is the highest concentration of galectin-3 in carcinoma ascites, we did not observe apoptosis of blood T cells, T cell clones or tumor cell lines. It is nevertheless possible that galectins could accumulate in 272 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

solid tumors in confined microenvironments, and reach concentrations in the μM range.

Dysfunction of T lymphocytes Can Be Corrected by Targeting Galectins

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CD8 T Cell Clones CTL clones can be maintained in culture by stimulation every 1-2 weeks with cells presenting the antigen, in the presence of growth factors and EBV-B transformed cells as feeder cells. The functional status of CTL clones can be checked regularly by testing their capacity to lyse target cells expressing the relevant antigen and to produce cytokines upon antigenic stimulation, e.g. IFN-γ. Fluorescent HLA-peptide complexes –multivalent complexes of HLA molecules folded in the presence of the antigenic peptide and coupled to a fluorochrome– can be used to visualize antigen-specific CTL bearing the appropriate TCR (90). We observed that, compared with resting CTL collected 14 days after the last stimulation, recently activated CTL collected four days after stimulation have lost their capacity to bind HLA-tetramer complexes. They also secrete lower levels of cytokines upon a further antigenic stimulation (91). The decreased tetramer labeling and function was not due to a reduced surface expression of either the TCR or the CD8 co-receptor, which are both essential for tetramer labeling and activation of T lymphocytes. We decided therefore to examine by confocal microscopy the surface distribution of TCR and CD8 molecules on resting and recently activated T cells. TCR and CD8 molecules appeared to be co-localized on resting CTL, whereas TCR were segregated from CD8 molecules at the surface of recently activated CTL. These results were confirmed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), where interactions between two proteins can be estimated at a resolution of 10 nm. Our hypothesis to explain the separation of TCR and the CD8 molecules at the cell surface of recently activated CTL is inspired by work from the group of Dennis and Demetriou (92, 93): N-glycosylated TCR molecules are clustered by extracellular galectin-3 and form glycoprotein-galectin lattices, which decrease the lateral mobility of TCR. In agreement with this hypothesis we observed that recently activated CTL, which were treated for 2 h with mM concentrations of galectin ligand N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc), secreted more IFN-γ upon antigenic stimulation. Moreover this short LacNAc treatment restored TCR-CD8 co-localization, as measured by FRET. Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes We collected a large number of ascites samples from patients with various tumors, in particular ovarian and pancreatic carcinoma. We also collected samples of solid tumors, mostly melanoma. CD8 T lymphocytes were isolated from these samples and tested ex vivo without prior in vitro expansion– for their capacity to secrete IFN-γ upon a non-specific stimulation, using beads coated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies. CD8 TIL from most of the samples secreted low levels 273 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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of IFN-γ, in contrast with CD8 blood lymphocytes. Secretion of other cytokines by TIL was also low, e.g. IL-2 and TNF-α. These results are in line with the very few studies that have demonstrated dysfunction of human TIL (94–98). Treating CD8 TIL for a few hours with mM concentrations of LacNAc increased by at least three times the secretion of IFN-γ, IL-2 and TNF-α (99). This holds true for 80% of the samples tested so far. LacNAc-treated CD4 TIL were also able to secrete high amounts of IFN-γ upon stimulation. The cytotoxicity of CD8 TIL was tested in a redirected killing assay, where the targets were mouse cells decorated with anti-CD3 antibodies. The cytotoxicity of CD8 TIL was minimal compared to the cytotoxicity of blood CD8 T lymphocytes, but increased greatly after an overnight LacNAc treatment. GCS-100, a modified citrus pectin, and GM-CT-01, a galactomannan extracted from guar beans, are polysaccharides that could bind to galectins and have already been injected in humans (100–102). A short treatment of CD8 TIL with µM concentrations of GCS-100 boosted their cytotoxicity to an efficiency level similar to LacNAc treatment. It also boosted the secretion of cytokines by either CD8 or CD4 TIL (99). Experiments with GM-CT-01 are ongoing and the results are very encouraging (manuscript in preparation). LacNAc, GCS-100, and GM-CT-01 can interact with several galectins and therefore it is difficult to attribute the effect on TIL functions of these sugars to one galectin in particular. To understand which galectins were implicated, we searched for the presence of different extracellular galectins at the TIL surface. We detected both galectin-1 and galectin-3, but failed to detect galectin-8, -9 or MGL, a lectin implicated in the regulation of T-cell function (103). Treating TIL with anti-galectin-3 antibody B2C10 boosted IFN-γ secretion upon stimulation to levels similar to LacNAc or GCS-100 treatments (104). Because B2C10 was unable to detach galectin-1 while boosting TIL function, we concluded that detaching galectin-3 from TIL is sufficient to restore function, while not excluding a contribution of other galectins. We have so far failed to identify an anti-galectin-1 antibody able to detach galectin-1 from cells and are therefore unable to examine if galectin-1 also plays a role in TIL dysfunction. How Do Galectins Influence the Distribution of T Cell Surface Molecules? Galectin-3 is an abundant lectin in many solid tumors and carcinomatous ascites. It can thus bind to surface glycoproteins of TIL. Glycoproteins often bear multiple copies of the sugar moieties that are recognized by galectins. The multivalent nature of galectin-glycan interactions results in high avidity in the range of 106 M−1, and allows the formation of galectin-glycoprotein lattices [reviewed elsewhere (105)]. Similarly, lattices on TIL, formed by glycosylated surface receptors and extracellular galectin-3, would reduce the mobility of the former molecules, a fact that could explain the impaired function of TIL. The release of galectin-3 by soluble galectin ligands would restore the mobility of glycosylated surface receptors and boost IFN-γ secretion by TIL. Anti-galectin-3 antibody B2C10 should have a similar effect: this antibody binds to the N-terminal region of the galectin-3 and its rigid structure could prevent association of galectin-3 monomers mediated by the N-terminal region, thereby 274 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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affecting the oligomerization of the lectin. Antibody B2C10 was shown to inhibit erythrocyte agglutination mediated by galectin-3 oligomerization (104). The presence of galectin-glycoprotein lattices is in agreement with our observations with CTL clones and TIL. TCR and CD8 molecules are not co-localized on dysfunctional T cells and treating dysfunctional T cells with either an anti-galectin-3 antibody or galectin ligands detached galectin-3 from the T cell surface and restored the TCR-CD8 co-localization estimated by FRET (91, 99). Considering that HLA-peptide tetramer binding requires TCR and CD8 cooperation, the disorganization of galectin-glycoproteins lattices in the presence of galectin ligands could explain the recovery of HLA-peptide tetramer binding on dysfunctional CTL clones that were treated with LacNAc (91). A number of publications suggest that several human T cell surface glycoproteins can be linked together by galectins and form lattices. Human TCR α-chain, in contrast to the β-chain, has been shown to harbor complex N-glycans, the major natural ligands for galectin-3 (106, 107). The removal of an N-glycosylation site from a human TCR α-chain was reported to result in increased avidity of T cells grafted with the gene encoding the modified TCR (108). Galectin-3 was reported to bind to CD45, CD29, CD43, and CD71 (109), and galectin-1 to CD45, CD7 and CD43 (110). Galectin-1/CD7 ligation was shown to induce apoptosis of CD4 T lymphocytes (111). It has also been shown by immunoprecipitation that galectin-3 binds to CD45 and that galectin-3 influences the CD45 partition to microdomains containing the TCR (112). Interestingly, CD45-TCR proximity is known to negatively regulate the TCR signaling cascade (113). Glycosylation Changes at the T Cell Surface To explain that galectin-3, alone or together with galectin-1, inhibits functions of recently activated T cells, we surmised that the recently activated T cells, compared to resting T cells, harbor a set of glycans that are either more numerous or better ligands for galectin-3. We stimulated resting CTL in the presence of swainsonine that inhibits α-mannosidase II involved in the N-glycosylation pathway. Compared to untreated cells, cells stimulated in the presence of swainsonine showed on day 4 a better TCR-CD8 co-localization and a higher ability to release IFN-γ upon antigenic stimulation (91). We also characterized global changes in surface N- and O-glycans on two human CTL clones that were collected either in a resting state, 14 days after antigenic stimulation, or in a recently activated state, four days after antigenic stimulation. Applying ultra-sensitive MALDI-TOF-MS, combined with various glycosidase digestions and GC-MS linkage analyses, we made two novel observations. Firstly, the N-glycome of recently activated cells versus resting cells consists of longer LacNAc chains, of which a portion contains more than four LacNAc moieties (poly-LacNAc). Secondly, it contains more multi-antennary N-glycans (114). Interestingly, our results showed that the above poly-LacNAc chains appeared to be equally distributed on all available N-glycan branches and not selectively enriched on a specific branch. In contrast, murine T cells are poor 275 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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in tri- and tetra-antennary poly-LacNAc glycans (115). This difference could potentially explain the crucial role in mice of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V (Mgat5), an enzyme essential for the generation of complex tetra-antennary N-glycan, as T cells from mice lacking Mgat5, compared to their wildtype counterparts, are more sensitive to activation and have reduced poly-LacNAc motives (92). The glycome modifications observed on human CTL clones upon activation are expected to increase the number of galectin-3 natural ligands, but also the number of galectin-1 ligands, and favor lattices that could reduce the mobility of surface glycoproteins, as the affinity of both galectins was reported to be much higher when repeated LacNAc units are present (116). We also observed that recently activated CTL clones exhibited a lower abundance of terminal α2,6-linked NeuAc residues than resting CTL (114). Galectin-1 binds to terminal LacNAc units, even if they are decorated with α2,3-linked NeuAc. On the contrary, galectin-1 binding is blocked by the presence of terminal α2,6-linked NeuAc (88, 110, 111, 117, 118). Our glycome analyses suggest therefore that more galectin-1 natural ligands are presented on recently activated CTL versus resting CTL. All together, the results of our glycome analyses of CTL clones combined with the fact that functions of both CTL clones and TIL can be boosted by galectin ligands, support our working hypothesis: TIL are in permanent contact with tumor cells and have been stimulated by antigen recently. The resulting activation of T cells modifies the expression profiles of enzymes of the N-glycosylation pathway, increasing the expression of N-glycans at the T cell surface. Considering the high abundance of extracellular galectins in tumors, secreted by tumor cells and macrophages, this could favor the formation of galectin-glycoprotein lattices and therefore the dysfunction of some TIL.

Towards a Clinical Trial Combining Vaccination and Galectin-Binding Polysaccharides As described above, treating TIL with modified citrus pectin GCS-100 improved their ability to secrete IFN-γ upon stimulation. We decided therefore to test the therapeutic effect of GCS-100 in tumor-bearing mice. We injected 40 mice subcutaneously in the flank with 2x106 P815 mastocytoma cells. On day 4, half of the animals were vaccinated with an adenovirus encoding P815 tumor antigen P1A (5). Therapeutic vaccination has thus far proven ineffective at inducing tumor rejection in tumor-bearing mice (Catherine Uyttenhove & Guy Warnier, personal communication). On day 10, treatments with either PBS or GCS-100 were initiated three times a week. Three weeks later, the tumor had become undetectable in six out of the ten vaccinated mice treated with GCS-100, of which five were still alive after another three months. Control mice that received only the vaccine died. In non-vaccinated mice, the polysaccharide had no visible effect by itself. These results suggest that a combination of galectin-3 ligands and therapeutic vaccination may induce more effective tumor regression in cancer patients than vaccination alone. Setting up a clinical trial combining anti-tumoral 276 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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vaccination and GCS-100 was impossible because the pharmaceutical company that produced the GCS-100 declared bankruptcy. GM-CT-01, a galactomannan derived from guar gum, has been shown to bind to galectin-1 (119), and to increase the anti-tumor activity of chemotherapy drug 5-fluorouracil. It was previously injected in patients with solid tumors without major side effects (120). We have treated TIL samples with GM-CT-01 and the first results are encouraging. We therefore will launch a Phase I/II clinical trial combining peptide vaccination associated with intravenous injections of GM-CT-01 in patients with advanced melanoma (Fig. 1). Patients will receive sequential vaccinations with one or two peptides, MAGE-3.A1 and NA17.A2, matching the tumor antigens expressed by their tumor. Their formulation and schedule of vaccination (timing, dose, route of administration) will be similar to previous trials with these peptides (15, 20, 21). GM-CT-01 will be administered systemically by repeated intravenous infusions, in order to ensure a prolonged effect on tumor-associated lymphocytes. The treatment dose matches the total cumulative dose in previous GM-CT-01 treatment schedules (120). For selected patients with cutaneous or subcutaneous metastases, in addition to systemic GM-CT-01, small amounts of this drug will be injected close to metastases, to increase local concentration of the drug.

Figure 1. Treatment plan of the clinical trial involving GM-CT-01. Treatment allocation: Patients will be divided in two treatment arms. Both will run in parallel. Patients with at least one measurable lesion will be assigned to group 1 and will receive the following treatment: peptide vaccinations and systemic GM-CT-01 injections. Patients with at least one measurable and at least one superficial metastasis will be assigned in priority to group 2 and will receive the following treatment: peptide vaccinations, systemic GM-CT-01 administrations and peri-tumoral administration of GM-CT-01 in one or two superficial metastases. (see color insert) 277 In Galectins and Disease Implications for Targeted Therapeutics; Klyosov, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Acknowledgments We thank N. Krack for editorial assistance, and P. Coulie and N. Thrupp for critical reading. This work was supported by grants from Fondation contre le Cancer (Belgium) and Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique Médicale (Belgium). P. van der Bruggen is a “fellow du fonds Allard-Janssen pour la recherche sur le cancer”. G. Wieërs was supported by a grant from the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium).

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