In Honor of Professor Luis Puigjaner - Industrial & Engineering

Apr 27, 2011 - In Honor of Professor Luis Puigjaner. Antonio Espuña ,. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Miguel Bagajewicz. Un...
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In Honor of Professor Luis Puigjaner


t is both a distinct pleasure and a privilege for us to present this Festschrift in honor of Professor Luis Puigjaner, in recognition of his life-long contribution to chemical and process systems engineering. Professor Luis Puigjaner was born in Barcelona, Spain, in an entrepreneur’s family environment with direct links to the process industry. Combining technical and humanistic background, and after holding several research positions in different engineering and research institutions, he developed the most significant part of his professional career at the School of Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), in Barcelona, Spain. There, he created and led, for more than 30 years, the UPC research team on Design, Operation and Control of Chemical and Biotechnology Processes, which has grown to involve more than 35 researchers and became the Centre for Process and Environmental Engineering (CEPIMA) in 2004. His leadership has enabled the formation of many other research groups in areas related to process systems engineering, within UPC and also in other institutions and research centers. His research interests are, and always were, multifaceted, as a thread of simulation and optimization of process systems. To begin with, in 1965, he became part of a NASA aerospace telecommunications unit led by Dr. Robert Sheldon at the University of Houston. At this time, multiplexing systems already existed, but interchannel crosstalk was a major problem in manned space flights. Luis developed a new framework for a fast and reliable telecommunications system in real time. In 1967, he became a research member of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in Spain, where he worked with Prof. Juan A. Subirana. Here, he became interested in the r 2011 American Chemical Society

potential of computer applications in modeling macromolecular structures, leading to the first development of the tertiary structure of the nucleoprotamine. In the next years, he carried out an intensive research activity, collaborating with Professor Struther Arnott and his group at Purdue University, regarding the prediction of the rich variety of DNA configurations that met steric restraints and the X-ray intensity constraints given by the X-ray diffraction pattern. Focused on the Process Systems Engineering area, and in parallel with the integration of supporting techniques and software to this field, he later worked on the development and characterization of polymers and plastics, and in the optimization of chemical and biotechnological processes, food technology, and environmental engineering. In all these topics, his work has given special emphasis to the development and use of systematic tools to improve/ optimize the design and management of industrial processes. In a time when the capabilities of the available computer-aided tools did not facilitate this task, he developed intensive research work that was focused on plant predesign and retrofitting, scheduling, production planning, and online control and optimization, particularly in relation with the use of computers to achieve these functions. Moreover, when the tools for applying such systematic procedures to continuous process were mature, he pursued their Special Issue: Puigjaner Issue Received: March 18, 2011 Accepted: March 23, 2011 Published: April 27, 2011 4801 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 4801–4804

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research extension to the area of multipurpose batch/semicontinuous operations and hybrid processes. In this specific subject, Prof. Puigjaner has been a pioneer in the development and application of several classes of computer-aided tools (simulation, scheduling, design, optimal operations, etc.), and especially in their application to industrial scenarios, overcoming modeling limitations and delivering practical solutions to cases of real size (thousands of products) and complexity (including human resources management, unexpected events, low quality models, financial constraints, etc.). As a result of his clear view of industrial requirements and their practical implications, he has also been a pioneer in solving real practical problems. Examples include the management of sock manufacturing machinery, which is a large-scale problem involving thousands of options, or the design of large water-distribution systems. It is in these problems, and also the traditional ones, where his vision extended beyond the availability of tools and his ingenuity helped craft novel methods at a time when optimization as well as the specific field of scheduling and design were using simple, sometimes unreliable, tools. Another PSE area where Prof. Puigjaner’s contribution has been significant is the development, as well as experimental validation, of detailed models for the design of complex chemical engineering reaction and separation systems, including product recovery strategies looking for minimum avoidable pollution. In this specific area, it is worthwhile to mention the activity of Prof. Puigjaner in the development of kinetic models of gasification processes, which leads to improved gasification reactor’s design and novel processes for cleaning and/or conditioning the resulting products, opening new possibilities for the valorization of low-quality fuels and waste materials. In all cases, new design, management, and control paradigms were developed, and some of them were implemented through software applications, demonstrating, in multiple industrial sites, the practical applicability and the benefits (in terms of productivity, energy savings, better use of resources, environmental impact reduction, etc.) resulting from the application of the different concepts, methodologies, and tools developed in these research fields. His involvement in research and technology development (RTD) projects has been funded both through public institutions and private companies that were willing to apply innovative results to real problems. Professor Puigjaner has been the responsible scientist and coordinator in 45 projects of international dimension, funded by the European Union (EU) and/or other international organizations (in the framework of research, development, and/or training programs such as JOULE, ESPRIT, BRITE, IMS, TEMPUS, ECSC, APAS, GROWTH, INCO, etc.), 37 Spanish research publicly funded projects, and over 100 other projects funded by private industries. More evidence of the significance of his contributions can be established through the reporting of the findings, methodologies, and advances in the state of the art resulting from these RTD projects: Prof. Puigjaner is the author of more than 500 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings and 10 technical/ scientific books. He is also the author of more than 200 technical reports. Professor Puigjaner has a profound attitude of service: he has been the director of the Chemical Engineering Department at UPC for 6 years, and he has been chairman in more than 80 sessions at national and international meetings on various topics in chemical/process systems engineering. Finally, Prof. Puigjaner’s activity as a postgraduate research supervisor has also been outstanding. He has supervised 51 Ph.D. theses in PSE-related areas, 7 of them having obtained the “PhD Excellence Award” by UPC. The actual UPC “Chemical Process


Engineering” doctorate program was created by his initiative, and it has received the Honorary Mention of “Doctorate of Quality” by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science since 2004. Historical records of his Ph.D. students reveals that 5 of them have occupied high-ranking positions in the national administrations (e.g., Director General for Scientific and Technological Research), 14 are teaching in prestigious universities and research centers (UPC, URV, CSIC, MIT, UNAM, UIS, Central University of Venezuela), and the majority occupy top levels of technical and managerial responsibilities in the industrial sector. After more than 40 years of prolific dedication to RTD activities, Prof. Luis Puigjaner is definitely Spain’s most recognizable pioneer and leader in the field of process systems engineering, as well as an excellent ambassador of the PSE community at the international scale, having received different awards and recognitions, including the Long-Term Achievements Award from the CAPE Working Party of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, for his outstanding contributions to this area. Now, as Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia, every day, he continues to demonstrate his exceptional capacity to lead PSE RTD projects, proposing new groundbreaking ideas, applying innovative concepts, questioning established paradigms and, in summary, pushing new generations of engineers and scientists toward innovative directions. On behalf of all his colleagues and former students, it is a great pleasure and honor for us to dedicate this special issue of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (I&ECR) to Prof. Luis Puigjaner, an inspiring scientist, a dedicated teacher and researcher, and a leading engineer and person. ~a Antonio Espun Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Miguel Bagajewicz University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma

’ LIST OF SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (1) Puigjaner, L. Computational Method of Crosstalk Effects in Multichannel Systems of Aerospace Communications. In Automatic Control in Space; Aseltine, J. A., Ed.; Instrument Society of America: Pittsburgh, PA, 1970; Vol. 3, pp 797 807. (2) Subirana, J. A.; Puigjaner, L. X-ray Diffraction Studies of Nucleoprotamines from Molluscs. In Conformation of Biological Molecules and Polymers, Bergam, E. D., Pullman, D., Eds.; Academic Press: New York, 1972; Vol. 5, pp 645 653. (3) Ferrate, G. A.; Puigjaner, L.; Agullo, J. Function Generation in Stochastic Conversion. In Proceedings of the V World IFAC Congress Axelby, J., Ed.; Pergamon Press: London, 1972; Vol. 2, pp 1 8. (4) Puigjaner, L.; Subirana, J. A. Structural Model of Nucleohistone. Biophys. J. 1973, 13, 147a. (5) Puigjaner, L.; Subirana, J. A. Low Angle X-Ray Scattering by Disordered and Partially Ordered Helical Systems. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 1974, 7 (2), 169–173. (6) Subirana, J. A.; Puigjaner, L. X-ray Diffraction Studies of Nucleohistone: A Polyhelical Model of Chromosome Organization. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1974, 71, 1672–1676. (7) Subirana, J. A.; Puigjaner, L.; Roca, J.; Llopis, R.; Suau, P. X-ray Diffraction Studies of Nucleohistones from Spermatozoa. In The Structure and Function of Chromatin; Ciba Foundation Symposium Series 28; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1975; pp 157 179. (8) Subirana, J. A.; Puigjaner, L. Circular Superhelical DNA. Nature 1977, 267, 727. 4802 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 4801–4804

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (9) Puigjaner, L. J.; Subirana, A. Un modelo estructural de la cromatina basado en los datos de difraccion de Rayos X. In En Avances de la Bioquímica en Espa~na; Ochoa, S., Oro, J., Cornudella, L., Eds.; Salvat: Barcelona, Spain, 1977; Cap. 1, pp 3 20. (10) Chandrasekaran, R.; Arnott, S.; Banarjee, J. S.; Campbell-Smith, S.; Leslie, A. G. W.; Puigjaner, L. Some new Polynucleotide Structures and some new thoughts about old Structures. In ACS Symposium Series 141; American Chemical Society: New York, 1980; pp 403 502. (11) Arnott, S.; Chandrasekaran, R.; Leslie, A. G. W.; Puigjaner, L.; Sanger, W. Structure of the Poly-2-thiouridylic acid duplex. J. Mol. Biol. 1981, 149, 507–520. (12) Puigjaner, L.; Martinez-Benet, J. M. Computer-Aided Design and Optimization of Gas Distribution Networks. In Computer Aided Design of Multivariable Technological Systems; Leininger, G., Ed.; Pergamon Press: London, 1982; pp 307 315. (13) Arnott, S.; Chandrasekaran, R.; Puigjaner, L.; Walker, J. K.; Hall, I. H.; Birdsall, D. B. Wrinkled DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 1983, 11, 1457–1474. (14) Arnott, S.; Chandrasekaran, R.; Hall, I. H.; Puigjaner, L. Heteronomous DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 1983, 11 (12), 4141–4155. (15) Fita, I.; Campos, J. L.; Puigjaner, L.; Subirana, J. A. X-ray Diffraction Study of DNA Complexes with Arginine Peptides and Their Relation to Nucleoprotamine Structure. J. Mol. Biol. 1983, 167, 157–177. (16) Lazaro, M.; Puigjaner, L. Simulation and Optimization of Multiproduct Plants for Batch and Semibatch Operation. In Industrial Chemistry and Engineering Symposium Series 92; Perris, F. A., Ed.; Pergamon Press: New York, 1985; pp 209 222. (17) Juanbaro, J.; Puigjaner, L. Sacharification of Concentrated Brewing Bagasse Slurries with Dilute Sulphuric Acid for Producing Acetone/Butanol by Clostidium acetobutilium. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 1985, 28, 1544–1554. (18) Alonso, M.; Oliveres, M.; Recasens, F.; Puigjaner, L. Copolymer Reactor Operation for Uniform Composition Product Analysis of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors. Chem. Eng. Process. 1986, 20, 85–94. (19) Lazaro, M.; Martínez -Benet, M.; Puigjaner, L. Plant Design Optimization for the Production of Furfural from Xylose Solutions. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 1986, 25, 687–693. (20) Puigjaner, L.; Fita, I.; Arnott, S.; Chandrasekaran, R.; Subirana, J. A. Modelling and Refinement of the Crystal Structure of Nucleoprotamine from GIBBULA DIVARICATA. J. Macromol. Struct. Dynam. 1986, 3, 1067–1078. (21) Alonso, M.; Recasens, F.; Puigjaner, L. Estimation of Copolymer Composition from Online Headspace Analysis in Batch Emulsion Polymerization. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1986, 41, 1039–1044. (22) Alonso, M.; Oliveres, M.; Puigjaner, L.; Recasens, F. Estimating Copolymer Compositions from On-line Headspace Analysis in Emulsion Polymerization. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1987, 26, 65–72. (23) Leung, P.; Zorrilla, C.; Puigjaner, L.; Recasens, F. Solubilities and enthalpies of Absortion of Isobutene into tert-Butyl-Alcohol Water Mixtures. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1987, 32, 169–171. (24) Larrayoz, M. A.; Puigjaner, L. Study of Butanol Extraction through Pervaporation in Acetobutylic Fermentation. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 1987, 30, 692–696. (25) Martínez-Benet, J. M.; Puigjaner, L. A Powerful Improvement on the Methodology for Solving Large Scale Pipeline Networks. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1988, 12, 261–265. (26) Caceres, E.; Puigjaner, L.; Recasens, F. A Trickle-Bed Process for Hydration of Isobutene to tert-Butyl Alcohol. A Study of Reactor Performance. Chem. Eng. J. 1988, 35, 43–52. (27) Velo, E.; Puigjaner, L.; Recasens, F. Inhibition by Product in the Liquid-Phase Hydration of Isobutene to tert-Butyl Alcohol: Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1988, 27, 2224–2231. (28) Chandrasekaran, R.; Puigjaner, L.; Joyce, K.; Arnott, S. Cation Interactions in Gellan: An X-ray Study of the Potassium Salt. Carbohydr. Res. 1988, 181, 23–40. (29) Espu~na, A.; Lazaro, M.; Martínez, J. M.; Puigjaner, L. An efficient and simplified solution to the Predesign Problem of Multiproduct Plants. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1989, 13, 163–174.


(30) Lazaro, M.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. A Comprehensive Approach to Multipurpose Batch Plants Production Planning. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1989, 13, 1031–1047. (31) Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Solving the Production Planning Problem for Parallel Multiproduct Plants. Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 1990, 67, 589–592. (32) Velo, E.; Puigjaner, L.; Recasens, F. Viscosities of Aqueous t-Butanol Solutions. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1990, 1, 55–57. (33) Puigjaner, L. Principles of Integrated Plant Design. In Handbook of Heat and Mass Transfer; Cheremisinoff, N. P., Ed.; Gulf Publishers: Houston, TX, 1990; Vol. 4, Chapter 1, pp 3 56. (34) Graells, M.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Optimization of process operations in the leather industry. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1992, 16S, 221–228. (35) Puigjaner, L. Prospects for Supercomputing in the Design and Operation of Flexible Manufacturing Networks. In CATSUPERCOMP; Plana, J. A., Ed.; FRC: Barcelona, Spain, 1992; pp 157 165. (36) Pinazo, A.; Puigjaner, L.; Coderch, L.; Vi~ nas, M. Butanol resistant mutants of Clostridium acetobutylicum; Isolation and characterization. Microbios 1993, 73, 93 104. (37) Corominas, J.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Method to Incorporate Energy Integration Considerations in Multiproduct Batch Processes. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1994, 18, 1043–1055. (38) Puigjaner, L.; Huercio, A.; Espu~ na, A. Batch Production Control in a Computer Integrated Manufacturing Environment. J. Process Control 1994, 4, 281–290. (39) Sanmartí, E.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Effects of Equipment Failure Uncertainty in Batch Production Scheduling. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1995, 19S, 565–570. (40) Grau, R.; Graells, M.; Corominas, J.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Global Estrategy for Energy and Waste Analysis in Scheduling and Planning of Multiproduct Batch Chemical Processes. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1996, 20 (6/7), 853–868. (41) Pan, Y. G.; Velo, E.; Puigjaner, L. Pyrolysis of Blends of Biomass with Poor Coals. Fuel 1996, 75 (4), 412–418. (42) Puigjaner, L.; Espu~ na, A.; Santos, G.; Graells, M. Batch Processing in Textile and Leather Industries. In Batch Processing Systems Engineering; Reklaitis, G. V., Sunol, A. K., Rippin, D. W. T., Hortac- su, O., Eds.; Springer Verlag: Berlin, 1996; pp 808 820. (43) Puigjaner, L. Process Integration with Combined Heat and Power (CHP). Appl. Thermal Eng. 1997, 17 (8 10), 1015–1034. (44) Puigjaner, L.; Espu~ na, A. Prospects for Integrated Management and Control of Total Sites in the Batch Manufacturing Industry. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1998, 22, 87–107. (45) Reina, J.; Velo, E.; Puigjaner, L. Kinetic Study of the Pyrolysis of Waste Wood. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1998, 37 (11), 4290–4295. (46) Puigjaner, L. Handling the increasing complexity of detailed batch process simulation and optimization. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1999, 23, S929–S943. (47) Serra, M.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Control and optimization of the divided wall column. Chem. Eng. Process. 1999, 38, 549–562. (48) Almato, M.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Optimisation of water use in batch process industries. Comput. Chem. Eng. 1999, 23, 1427–1437. (49) Pan, Y. G.; Roca, X.; Velo, E.; Puigjaner, L. Removal of tar by secondary air in fluidised bed gasification of residual biomass and coal. Fuel 1999, 78, 1703–1709. (50) Puigjaner, L.; Espu~ na, A.; Almato, M. A software tool for helping in decision-making about water management in batch process industries. Waste Manage. 2000, 20, 645 649. (51) Ruiz, D.; Nougues, J. M.; Puigjaner, L. Fault diagnosis support system for complex chemical plants. Comput. Chem. Eng. 2001, 25, 151–160. (52) Puigjaner, L. Intelligent Modeling and Optimization of Process Operations Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms: Recent Advances and Industrial Validation. In Application of Neural Networks and Other Learning Technologies in Process Engineering; Mujtaba, I. M., Hussain, M. A., Eds.; Imperial College Press: London, and World Scientific Publishing Company Pte., Ltd.: Singapore, 2001; pp 371 405. 4803 |Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50, 4801–4804

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (53) Grau, M. D.; Nougues, J. M.; Puigjaner, L. Obtention of the optimal feeding profile in a fed-batch reactor using genetic algorithms. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2001, 40, 1488–1494. (54) Puigjaner, L. Towards Real-Time Optimization in the Food Industry: Applications to Sugar Cane Manufacturing. In Computational Techniques in Food Engineering; International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE): Barcelona, Spain, 2002; pp 113 138. (55) Puigjaner, L.; Espu~na, A.; Reklaitis, G. V. Frameworks for Discrete/Hybrid Production Systems. In Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering—11; Braunschweig, B., Gani, R., Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002; pp 663 700. (56) Sequeira, S. E.; Graells, M.; Puigjaner, L. Real-Time evolution for on-line optimization of continuous processes. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2002, 41, 1815–1825. (57) Sanmartí, E.; Holczinger, T.; Friedler, F.; Puigjaner, L. Combinatorial framework for effective scheduling of multipurpose batch plants. AIChE J. 2002, 48, 2557–2570. (58) Romero, J.; Espu~na, A.; Friedler, F.; Puigjaner, L. A new framework for batch process optimization using the flexible recipe. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2003, 42, 370–379. (59) Serra, M.; Espu~na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Controllability of different multicomponent distillation arrangements. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2003, 42, 1773–1782. (60) Romero, J.; Badell, M.; Bagajewicz, M.; Puigjaner, L. Integrating budgeting models into scheduling and planning models for the chemical industry. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2003, 42, 6125–6134. (61) Puigjaner, L.; Nougues, Espu~na, A. Integrated Batch Control. In The Integration of Process Design and Control; Seferlis, P., Georgiadis, M., Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2004; pp 501 533. (62) Bonfill, A.; Bagajewicz, M.; Espu~na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Risk management in the scheduling of batch plants under uncertain market demand. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2004, 4, 741–750. (63) Romero, J.; Holczinger, T.; Friedler, F.; Puigjaner, L. Scheduling intermediate storage multipurpose batch plants using the S-Graph. AIChE J. 2004, 50/2, 403–417. (64) Guillen, G.; Mele, F. D.; Bagajewicz; Espu~na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Multiobjective supply chain design under uncertainty. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2005, 60, 1535–1553. (65) Bonfill, A.; Espu~na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Addressing robustness in scheduling batch processes with uncertain operation times. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2005, 44, 1524–1534. (66) Pan, Y. G.; Perales, J. F.; Velo, E.; Puigjaner, L. Kinetic behaviour of iron oxide sorbent in hot gas desulfurization. Fuel 2005, 84, 1105–1109. (67) Musulin, E.; Benqlilou, C.; Bagajewicz, M.; Puigjaner, L. Instrumentation design based on optimal Kalman filtering. J. Process Control 2005, 15, 629–638. (68) Puigjaner, L.; Espu~na, A. Integration in Supply Chain Management. In Computer Aided Product and Process Engineering; Puigjaner, L., Heyen, G., Eds.; Wiley VCH: Weinheim, Germany, 2006; pp 695 730. (69) Puigjaner, L.; Romero, J. Batch and Hybrid Processes. In Computer Aided Product and Process Engineering; Puigjaner, L., Heyen, G., Eds.; Wiley VCH: Weinheim, Germany, 2006; pp 591 619. (70) Mele, F. D.; Guillen, G.; Espu~na, A.; Puigjaner, L. An agentbased approach for supply chain retrofiting under uncertainty. Comput. Chem. Eng. 31, 722 735. (ESCAPE-15 Special issue, L. Puigjaner, Ed.) (71) Guillen, G.; Badell, M.; Puigjaner, L. A holistic framework for short term suply chaín management integrating production and corporate financial planning. Int. J. Prod. Econ. 2007, 106, 288–306. (72) Puigjaner, L. Extended modeling framework for heat and power integration in batch and semi-continuous processes. Chem. Prod. Process Model., 2007, 2 (3), No. Article 24 (available via the Internet at http:// 2/iss3/24). (73) Yelamos, I.; Graells, M.; Puigjaner, L. Simultaneous fault diagnosis in chemical plants using a multilabel approach. AIChE J. 2007, 53, 2871–2884.


(74) Puigjaner, L.; Guillen-Gosalbez, G. Bridging the Gap between Production, Finances, and Risk in Supply Chain Optimazation. In Supply Chain Optimization, Part 1; Papageorgiou, L. G., Georgiadis, M. C., Eds.; Wiley VCH: Weinheim, Germany, 2008; pp 1 38. (75) Puigjaner, L.; Espu~ na, A.; Almato, M. Minimizing water and energy use in the batch and semi-continuous processes in the food and beverage industry. In Handbook of Water and Energy, Management in Food Processing; Klemes, J., Smith, R., Kim, J. K., Eds.; CRC Press: Cambridge, U.K., 2008; pp 256 303. (76) Puigjaner, L.; Laínez, J. Capturing dynamics in integrated supply chain management. Comput. Chem. Eng. 2008, 32 (11), 2582–2605. (77) Kopanos, G.; Laínez, J.; Puigjaner, L. An Efficient MixedInteger Liner Programming Scheduling Framework for Addressing Sequence-Dependent Setup Issues in Batch Plants. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2009, 48 (13), 6346–6357. (78) Capon-Garcia, E.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Statistical and simulation tools for designing an optimal blanketing system of a multiple-tank facility. Chem. Eng. J. 2009, 152, 122 132. (79) Laínez, J.; Kopanos, G.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Flexible Design-Planning of Supply Chain Networks. AIChE J. 2009, 55 (7), 1736 1753. (80) Perez-Fortes, M.; Bojarski, A.; Velo, E.; Nougues, J. M.; Puigjaner, L. Conceptual model and evaluation of generated power and emissions in an IGCC plant. Energy 2009, 34 (10), 1721–1732. (81) Puigjaner, L.; Laínez, J. M.; Rodrigo, C. Tracking the Dynamics of the Supply Chain for Enhanced Production Sustainability. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2009, 48 (21), 9556–9570. (82) Kopanos, G.; Mendez, C.; Puigjaner, L. MIP-based decomposition strategies for large-scale scheduling problems in multiproduct multistage batch plants: A benchmark scheduling problem of the pharmaceutical industry. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 2010, 207 (2), 644–655. (83) Mu~ noz, E.; Espu~ na, A.; Puigjaner, L. Towards an ontological infrastructure for chemical batch process management. Comput. Chem. Eng. 2010, 34 (5), 668–682. (84) Laínez, J. M.; Reklaitis, G. V.; Puigjaner, L. Linking marketing and supply chain models for improved business strategic decision support. Comput. Chem. Eng. 2010, 34, 2107–2117. (85) Kopanos, G.; Puigjaner, L.; Maravelias, C. T. Production Planning and Scheduling of Parallel Continuous Processes with Product Families. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011, 50 (3), 1369–1378.

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