In less than 2 hours, you can start saving hundreds of lab hours with a

In less than 2 hours, you can start saving hundreds of lab hours with a MINC-23 computer. Chem. Eng. News , 1981, 59 (30), p 12. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v059...
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In less than 2 hours, you can start saving hundreds of lab hours with a MINC-23 computer.

Learn how Digital's MINC-23 lab computer can be installed by you and working in your lab in less than 2 hours. Simply wheel it in. Plug it in. The graphics and system software have been preprogrammed and pre-written for you. The MINC-23 interfaces with a variety of lab instruments. And it's efficient, saving you time and money. The MINC-23 is just what you need to solve your laboratory research problems. And it's just what you'd expect from Digital, the world's leading manufacturer of lab computers. © 1981, Digital Equipment Corporation

12 C&ENJuly27, 1981

Call 1-800-228-2028, ext. 31, toll-free, or mail in this coupon before September 1,1981, for your free demonstration. (Please include your business card or letterhead with coupon.) Mail to: Digital Equipment Corporation, Laboratory Data Products Group MR 2-4/Ml6,One Iron Way, Marlboro, Mass. 01752 Name Job Title Company Company Address_ Company Phone

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