in polarography polarograph

Catalog avail- able on company's complete line of con- ... Industrial. Instruments, Inc., 89 Commerce Rd., ... tection counters and electronic circuit...
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Product Capsules pale colors and faint turbidities. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., Ν. Υ. 16, NY. 44A-3 Combustion Analyses Accessories. Circle 12A for information on the fol­ lowing: copper, tin and iron chip ac­ celerators; solid sulfur gas absorbents; copper oxide catalysts or furnaces; boat pullers; oxygen baffles, dust traps; purifying trains; and oxygen valves. Laboratory Equipment Corp., St. Jo­ sephs, Mich. 12A

progress in polarography ·$( Speedy, direct or derivative operation. ^f Direct reading from scale eliminates geometrical con­ struction. •$; Greater resolution due to formation of Peaked Polarograms. •jf P o l a r o g r a m s r e p r o d u c e d every seven seconds. •^f Increased sensitivity enables accurate determinations at concentrations of fractions of a microgram per millilitre.

with the cathode ray polarograph you have the ultimate in Polarographic technique, without undue complexity of control. Suitable for research or routine, it is supplied complete with its Kleclrode Stand which includes a thermostaticallycontrolled tank, provision for simultaneous degassing of the three cells and easy means of raising and lowering the electrode in the solutions under test. Oscilloscope cameras may be obtained as extras. Write for brochure 101 and on your own problem.








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Circle No. 44 A on Readers' Service Card, page 51 A

44 A

Conductivity Bridges. Catalog avail­ able on company's complete line of con­ ductivity instruments and cells. In­ cludes information on general-purpose conductivity bridge for electrolytic measurement of from distilled water to highly conductive acids. Industrial Instruments, Inc., 89 Commerce Rd., Cedar Grove, N. J. 77A-2 Densitometers. Bulletin available on densitometer for partition chroma­ tography and paper electrophoresis. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., N. Y. 16, Ν. Υ. 44Α-2 Diffractometers, X-Ray. Company's X-ray instruments are cited as provid­ ing accurate determinations from trace elements to 100% of a given element in a matter of minutes without necessity of film or plate standardization or proc­ essing techniques. Instruments Div., North American Philips Co., Inc., 750 S. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 57A Diffractometers, X-Ray. Company's diffractometer includes the basic X-ray diffraction unit except that several de­ tection counters and electronic circuitry are used in place of or used as a supple­ ment to cameras. The basic unit is available as a four-window radiation source for the simultaneous operation of cameras and goniometers. Instru­ ments Div., North American Philips Co., Inc., 750 S. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 59A Distillation Apparatus. Bulletin available that shows how to custom assemble distillation apparatus direct from company's stock. Standard units are interchangeable from assembly to assembly. One set of controls runs up to 3 distillations. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 2nd Cover Distillation Apparatus. Suitable for batch or continuous operation, "Rotovap" is completely automatic and pro­ vides safe, rapid and efficient evapor­ ation of either dilute or concentrated solutions, company states. Distills 100 ml of aqueous solution at 55° C. in 10 to 15 minutes. Folder available. E. Machlett & Son, 220 E. 23 St., Ν. Υ. 10, NY. 19A

Electro-Analysis Apparatus. Bulle­ tin available on unit that operates from 115 or 230 volt, 60 evele ac. Size: 29V2ff Χ 1 4 1 / / X 16VV' deep. Ammeter, voltmeter, polarity reversing switch and power control knob are pro­ vided for each position. Eberbach Corp., Ann Arbor, Mich. 38A-1 Electron Tube Data. Four RCA booklets available that provide infor­ mation on hundreds of types of tubes for use in industrial electronics and lab equipment. Radio Corp. of America, Harrison, X. J. 75A Electrophoresis Apparatus. Detailed information available on the Spinco model CP continuous flow paper elec­ trophoresis apparatus. Design permits resolutions formerly requiring as much as 1500-volt operation to be made at one-third this value. Permits un­ attended runs of indefinite duration. Paper curtains are quickly removable for oven drying. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Box 779", Philadelphia 5, Pa. 34A Filter Papers. Circle 16A for complete information on Whatman filter papers cited as being readily available all over the world. H. Reeve Angel and Co., Inc., 52 Duane St., X. Y. 7, Ν. Υ. 16Α Filter Paper Sampler. Circle 71A-3 for free analytical filter paper sampler made up of several grades. Circle 71A-4 for company's "Ultra Filter" catalog. Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co., Keene, Ν. Η. 71Α-83, 4 Flasks, Ground Joint. Standard laboratoryware catalog available. Lists 4,496 ground joint flasks made of pyrex brand glass. Finish eliminates leakcausing irregularities. Corning Glass Works, 72-6 Crvstal St., Corning, NY. 41 A-1 Fluidizers. Brochure available on portable fluidizer that fuses corrosion resistant plastic to metal and plastic laboratory equipment. Surfaces can be applied on-the-spot without dis­ mantling. American Agile Corp., Box 168, Bedford, Ohio 49A-3 Fluorimeters. Klett fluorimeters are cited as being designed for the rapid and accurate determination of thiamin, riboflavin and other substances which fluoresce in solution. Klett Mfg. Co., 179 E. 87th St., Ν. Υ. 42Α-3 Fraction Collectors. Illustrated bulle­ tin available on company's automatic fraction collectors for column chroma­ tography. Time, drop counting and special types. Drops from the column fall directly into the test tubes. Pack­ ard Instrument Co., Box 428, LaGrange, 111. 24A Freeze-Dryers. Bulletin available pro­ viding complete details on new tissue {Continued on page 46 Λ) ANALYTICAL