In powdered stearic acids, sieve tests prove Emersol® is the finest

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: May 30, 1960. Copyright © 1960 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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In powdered

stearic acids,

sieve tests prove

Emersol® is the finest 98% Minimum through No. 100 U.S. Standard Sieve Thanks to an advanced powdering process, Emery can provide you with the very finest and most uniform powdered stearic acid available. And, the word "finest" applies not only to particle size but also to basic quality and purity. Why has Emery alone developed powdered stearic to such a high state of perfection? Simply because we do not regard this product as a low-volume "nuisance" business, but rather as a specialty product whose performance is so very important to quality-conscious users. We even go so far as

to provide special packaging in 50-lb. specially lined multi-wall bags, which provide maximum protection against contamination and facilitate handling. Why not obtain the special advantages of Emersol Powdered Stearic Acid for yourself? For evaluation samples of Emersol 132 Lily (T.P.), Emersol 120 (D.P.), Emersol 140 (70% palmitic) and Emersol 150 (80% stearic), or literature on the complete line of Emersol Stearic Acids, write Dept. C-5C.

Fatty Acid Sales Department Emery Industries, Inc., Carew Tower, Cincinnati 2, Ohio · Vopcolene Division, Los Angeles · Emery Industries (Canada),! London, Ontario

· Export Department, Cincinnati