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which now has a membership of 146 ... $22.95) This is a collection of over 40 ... 1 9 0 A • APRIL 1, 2000 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ...
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Online In Print Web Sites At MIT, the Global System for Sustainable Development (GSSD) is the core project of the Consortium on Global Accords for Sustainable Development. The GSSD Web site (http:// crossreferences sustainability resources and materials. The project's major objective is to explore innovative responses to sustainability challenges at all levels of development, in all parts of the world, and to involve a wide range of public and private stakeholder communities in the process Users Ccin project reports and search for resources selected by issues such as agriculture energy and water and can view a slide show on sustainability problems and solutions EPA's Energy Star Buildings program ( is a voluntary energy-efficiency program for U.S. commercial buildings that focuses on profitable investment opportunities available in most buildings using proven technologies. At this site, users can access information on energy-efficient building technologies and benchmarking tools and locate providers of energy-efficient products and services. The site also features case studies of partners' successes in implementing Energy Star Buildings upgrades and software to enhance the planning management tracking and reporting of building upgrades The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT), which is grounded in the Chicago region, is national in scope. CNT'sWeb site (http://www. provides information related to the organization's work toward sustainable development, addressing such topics as transportation and sprawl, sustainable manufacturing, alternative or green technologies community energy and urban sustainability. Online versions

of CNT publications, The Neighborhood Works, a national magazine, and Place Matters, the organizational newsletter, are also available. An online exhibit sponsored by die Library of Congress, The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, (http:// conshome.html) documents the historical and cultural foundations of the movement to protect America's natural heritage. The site presents a chronology that highlights specific pieces of the collection, which consists of books and pamphlets, legislative documentation, excerpts from die Congressional Globe and Congressional Record presidential proclamations prints and photographs and a twopart motion picture Users can search the collection and browse indexes including one for the conservation and environment map collection subsequent

exploration and use

The site for The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) at (http://www.wcmc. is sponsored by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC). It provides access to CITES information, including the text of the convention, which now has a membership of 146 countries as well as a database of species listed by CITES, news and newsletters and links to related resources such as CIESIN's Environmental Treaties database and WCMC's Conservation databases

Books Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water: Current Issues, M. Fieming; M. Farnmond, Eds. (Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999, 230 pp., £59.50). Inese conference proceedings (European Union of National Associations of Water Suppners and


Waste Water Services, Brussels) present current research and case studies and identify the main issues associated with reaching a costeffective balance between microbial and chemical risks. 100 Field and Laboratory Investigations in Agroecology, S. R. Gliessman (CRC Press, 2000, 330 pp., $39.95), This manual for students presents 24 investigations grouped into four topics: environmental factors, population dynamics of crop systems, interactions in cropping communities, and farm and field systems. 101 For the Health of the Land, A. Leopold (Island Press, 1999, 240 pp., $22.95) This is a collection of over 40 rare and previously unpublished essays in which Leopold champions seasonal changes, ediical land use, and die concept of "land health". 102 Our Common Journey: A Transition Towards Sustainability, National Resource Council Board on Sustainable Development (National Academy Press, 1999, 384 pp., $49.95) NRC suggests ways in which science and technology can monitor and create sustainability based on information culled from 375 reports of the National Resource Council and hundreds of other works cited in the text. 103 Reinventing Cities for People and the Planet, M. O'Meara (WorldWatch Institute, 1999 94 pp., $5.00) The author presents examples of three cities—Curitiba, Brazil; Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Copenhagen, Denmark—that have become more liveable by aligning consumption with realistic needs, producing more of their own food and energy, and putting their waste to use. 104 For more information on products and services mentioned in "Online/In Print," use the Electronic Reader Service System found on ES&T's Web site.