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Jun 8, 2011 - Online/in Print: Online/in Print. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1998, 32 (17), pp 426A–426A. DOI: 10.1021/es9836996. Publication Date (Web)...
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WEB SITES Nontechnical information on the state-of-the-environment in various countries and regions throughout the world can be found at the United Nations Environment Programme GRID site (http://www.grid: no/). It is subdivided into state-ofthe-environment reports, GIS data sets, and environmental information networks. Reports 3xe available for many European countries. UNEP's first report on the global environment is also included. A map and graphics section contains images for Africa, the Arctic, Europe, South America, and global regions. The information depicted includes energy fauna and flora human population and protected areas Environmental information networks cover Europe sub-Saharan Africa and the Baltic and Arctic regions ' The $mart Growth Network is a coalition of developers, planners, and community activists that encourages development that protects the environment and promotes livable communities. The organization's Web site ( contains news, a catalog of resources, and case studies such as development of the Brownsville, Tex., ecoindustrial park. The site provides in-depth articles and links to other sites for topics such as building design regional growth policy and development strategies The Herptox Page (http://www.cciw. ca/green-lane/herptox/) focuses on the effects of environmental contamination on reptiles and amphibians. The site contains a bibliography; names, addresses, and phone numbers of researchers worldwide, as well as recent news and publications in the amphibian and reptile toxicology literature. The Herptox Page, which is operated by Environment Canada, also provides links to

monitoring programs, research organizations, and Web publications. AirNow ( oaqps/airnow), a new site by the EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is designed to provide the public with information about air pollution in an accessible, graphic format. The site features real-time, 1- and 8-hour groundlevel ozone maps for eastern and midwestern states, links to similar state Web sites, information about public health risks, and suggestions on W3.VS in which people can reduce air pollution and protect their health.

BOOKS Environmental Performance Reviews: United States, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 1996, 200 pp., $35.00) This reference book evaluates U.S. progress in reducing the pollution burden, improving natural resource management, integrating environmental and economic policies, and strengthening international cooperation on environmental issues. 100 Handbook of Chemical Technology and Pollution Control, M. B. Hocking (Academic Press, 1998, 801 pp., $125.00) For professionals and students, this practical handbook integrates industrial chemistry with pollution control and describes key features, relative importance, and environmental impact of current chemical processes. 101 Ionic Equilibrium: Solubility and pH Calculations, J. Butler; D. Cogley (John Wiley, 1998, 570 pp., $69.95) With numerous updates that indicate how calculations can be performed using computerized techniques, this revised edition includes extensive discussions of acid-base,


solubility, and complex equilibria as well as a detailed examination of oxidation-reduction and carbon dioxide equilibria. 102 Integrated Watershed Management, I. W Heathcote (John Wiley, 1998, 424 pp., $74.95) Intended for use by senior undergraduate and graduate students as well as water management professionals, this text presents an approach to watershed management that considers biophysical, social, and economic issues affecting water resources and their use. 103 Integration of Ecosystem Theories: A Pattern, Second Edition, S. Jorgensen (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 400 pp., $169.00) This advanced-level book integrates current ecosystem theories to present a full ecological and theoretical pattern of ecosystems and their reactions. 104 Perspectives in Environmental Chemistry, D. Macalady, Ed. (Oxford University Press, 1997, $45.00) With chapters that describe fundamental work in environmental chemistry of condensed-phase systems, studies in atmospheric chemistry, and field work, this book is suitable for upperlevel undergraduate and graduatelevel courses in environmental chemistry. 105 Principles and Processes for Evaluating Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife, R. Kendall; R. Dickerson; J. Giesy; W. Suk, Eds. (SETAC Press, 1998, 515 pp., $60.00) Useful for educators, regulators, and scientists, this proceedings volume of a 1996 workshop describes principles and processes for evaluating endocrine disruption in wildlife. 106

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