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Online/In Print: Online/In Print. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 2000, 34 (3), pp 93A–93A. DOI: 10.1021/es003112z. Publication Date (Web): June 9, 2011...
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Online In Print

Web Sites The Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct Data From Drinking Water Systems site ( html/icr) presents data collected as part of a national research project in 1997-1998 to support the development of drinking water standards and includes concentrations of total trihalomethanes, five haloacetic acids, bromate, chlorite, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, viruses, ,ecal coliform bacteria, total coliform bacteria, and E. coll Users C3J1 customize queries and retrieve online reports on microbial disinfection byproduct data at national state and local water systems levels including information on where samples of source waters were taken Marking a World Population of 6 Billion ( is a collection of online resources assembled by the National Library for the Environment in observance of the world's population reaching 6 billion in October 1999. The resources include reports and multimedia links from the U.N. Population Fund and links to dozens of related topics such as biodiversity, land use, population movements, air and climate, development and economics, and enersv. Web sites and extensive articles are also included as links from organizations such as the WorldWatch Institute National Wildlife Federation and various media The Air and Waste Management Association ( home page links to an extensive directory of government agencies in the United States and Canada mat are involved in air and waste management on the federal, state, provincial, and local levels. Users also have access to resources, including links to related publications, nonprofit and educational organizations, and environmental companies, as well as updates on international developments in this field.

Columbia University's Center for International Earth Sciences Information (CIESIN) ( features interdisciplinary resources, including a global population database a population grid of the world, full texts of more than 140 international environmental agreements, and archived census data on the U.S. population and housing density. Users can link to interactive queries of sites such as the World Bank's database of indicators of environmentally sustainable development and the World Resources Institute's Guide to the Global Environment. To obtairi more information contact CIESIN at ciesin info@ciesin CIY0

Books A Blueprint for Environmental Education, J. S. Shaw, Ed. (Political Economy Research Center, 1999, 133 pp., $5). A collection of essays for students written by educators, economists, and environmental professionals advocates the integration of economic reasoning into environmental education. 100 An Introduction to Applied Biogeography, I. E Spellerberg; J. W D. Sawyer (Cambridge University Press, 1999, 243 pp., $480.00). This relevant examination of biogeography—the past and present global distribution of plants, animals, and other organisms—includes the application of island biogeography to conservation management and the use of biogeography for public health, landscape planning, ecological restoration, and sustainable resource management. 101 Chemistry, Health, and Environment, O. Sterner (Wiley-VCH, 1999, 345 pp., $89.95). The author examines the relationships between the structures of organic compounds and their properties and those found between chemical properties and

the effects on health and the environment as a means to learn to predict and avoid chemical hazards. 102 Elemental Analysis of Airborne Particles, S. Landsberger; M. Creatchman, Eds. (Gordon and Breach Scientific Publishers, 1999, 323 pp., $93.00). This first volume in the series "Advances in Environmental, Industrial, and Process Control Technologies" is for the specialist reader who needs information on the most common laboratory methods currently used in trace element analysis. 103 Environmental Economics, C. D. Kolstad (Oxford University Press, 1999, 400 pp., $59.95). Written for advanced undergraduate students with an understanding of microeconomics, this readable text examines topics such as policy, pricing, regulatory instruments, risk, liability, and measuring the demand for environmental quality and uses case studies and examples drawn from international sources. 104 Preserving Yellowstone's Natural Conditions: Science and the Perception of Nature, J. A. Pritchard (University of Nebraska Press, 1999, 370 pp., $45). The author argues for the preservation of "natural conditions" as a mode of land and wildlife management and takes a historical perspective, beginning in 1872, on the origins and effects of ecological ideas concerning conservation of Yellowstone. 105 Solid-Phase Microextraction: A Practical Guide, S. A. Scheppers-Wercinski, Ed. (Marcel Dekker, 1999, 257 pp., $145.00. This book describes methods and theory and new developments, including recommendations for novel applications. 106 For more information on products and services menttoned in "Online/In Print," use the Electronic Reader Service System found on ES&T's Web site.