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Online/In Print: Online/In Print. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1998, 32 (21), pp 512A–512A. DOI: 10.1021/es983792u. Publication Date (Web): June 8, 2011...
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WEB SITES The trinational Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) provides free and unrestricted access to a database of approximately 200 agreements and treaties for environmental cooperation in North America ( agreements/). CEC's Transboundary Agreements Infobase covers regional environmental policy on water management, air pollution, wildlife and conservation, waste management, and industrial, as well as natural hazards. Users can search the database by subject, agreement name or participating parties and link to an agreement's full text and if available other sites containing related material CEC was created under the North American Agreement for Environmental Cooperation which convolements environmental provisions established in the North American Free Trade Agreement EPA is billing its new Web site (http: // as a "one-stop source" for information on environmental quality, status, and trends. Created by the agency's Center for Environmental Information and Statistics as a public right-to-know project, it uses an array of maps, graphs, and photos to both show and explain trends for air and water quality and potential chemical exposure at the state or county level (as well as by EPA region). Users are also encouraged to provide feedback about what else they would like to see The RTK NET, or Right to Know Network (, provides access to databases, text files, and conferences on the environment, housing, and sustainable development. The databases are searchable and include information on the toxicity and risk of listed chemicals and the EPA's Toxics Release Inventory, hazardous waste

permits, water permits, and Superfund sites. The RTK NET is operated by two nonprofit organizations, OMB Watch and The Unison Institute. Restoring and protecting estuaries through management by local communities is the goal of EPA's National Estuary Program. The program's Web site (http// owow/estuaries/nep.html) provides information about the 28 estuary programs, including their funding mechanisms and structure, links to each estuary program's home page, and profiles of several restoration success stories. The site also features past issues of Coastlines, the NEP newsletter. A database of all 1997 fish consumption advisories in the United States, Canada, and their respective territories is now available on the EPA Office of Science & Technology Web site ( Once downloaded, the Listing of Fish and Wildlife Advisories database enables users to search, select queries, generate reports, and view a variety of on-screen maps. Also available is the document "Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories."

BOOKS Atmosphere, Weather, and Climate, Seventh Edition, R. G. Barry; R. J. Chorley (Routledge, 1998, 430 pp., $100.00) This updated and expanded edition provides a comprehensive, technical introduction to weather processes and conditions. 100 Catalytic Air Pollution Control: Commercial Technology, R. M. Heck; R. J. Farrauto (John Wiley, 1998, 219 pp., $68.95) This introductory textbook provides a pragmatic description of commercially available catalytic systems and air pollu-


tion abatement techniques relevant to stationary and mobile sources. 101 Chemodynamics and Environmental Modeling: An Introduction, S. Trapp; M. Matthies (Springer-Verlag, 1998, 301 pp. and disk, $79.95) For researchers interested in modeling exposure to chemicals, this book describes the behavior of chemicals in the environment and provides a software tool, the Chemical Exposure Model System, which includes nine exposure models, data, and support information. 102 Ecological Risk Assessment Decision-Support System: A Conceptual Design, K. H. Reinert; S. M. Bartell; G. R. Biddinger, Eds. (SETAC Press, 1998, 120 pp., $30.00) Based on a risk assessment workshop, this book for risk assessors and risk managers explores the feasibility, efficacy, and potential design of cin ecological risk assessment decision-support system. 103 How to Find Chemical Information: A Guide, Third Edition, R. E. Maizell (John Wiley, 1998, 538 pp., $64.95) This practical guide for chemists describes electronic and printed chemical information sources and systems, teaches how to develop information-searching techniques and skills, and explains how to assess and select the most appropriate information sources. 104 Our Children's Toxic Legacy: How Science and Law Fail To Protect Us From Pesticides, J. Wargo (Yale University Press, 1998, 402 pp., $35.00) This book traces the history of pesticide law and science and suggests legal and scientific reforms that can address health risks faced by children. 105 For more information on products mentioned in "Online/In Print," circle the appropriate number on the Reader Service Card bound into this sssue.