Bonding "Blessed he the tie that hinds" goes the old saying, and this month's cover article oresents what must he one of the most blessed compounds o h l : a complex structure which exhihits all five of the types of honding found in nature-covalent, coordinate covalent, ionic, metallic, and hydrogen. Masuo, Miller. Gehert, and Reis (oaae 361) describe the unusual metallic properties of thie w a t e k l u h l e compound and give the details of its synthesis. For those who prefer their blessedness to he less diverse, several other articles in this issue concentrate on the aspects of one particular type of honding. "Hydrogen Bonding and Proton Transfer" is covered in depth in a review hy Joesten (oaae .. ., 362) who focuses on soectroscooic and diffraction studies and the information al;out hydr