Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Stokes equipment is used for the shelf-drying of procaine penicillin under vacuum at the New Brunswick, N. J. plant of E. R. Squibb & Sons.

One of the uses for the complete custom-built installation of Stokes vacuum freeredrying equipment in Pitman-Moore Company's new million-dollar plant at Indian­ apolis, Ind. is to produce gamma globulin to combat poliomyelitis. One of the steps is drying the mater*al -from its frozen state. Operators are shown removing trays of gamma globulin f r o m Stokes freeze-dryers a t temperatures o f 40 c below zero F.


Diesel locomotive armature being removed, after impreg­ nation, from Stokes high vacuum impregnating tank in the San Bernardino, Calif., plant of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. Electric motors for the Santa Fe's "Chief" and "Super Chief" develop such excessive heat that ordinary insulation would swell or burst, causing the rotors to " f r e e z e " in the mounting. By impregnating these rotors with protective resins under high vacuum in Stokes impregnators, each turn of wire is held rigidly in place and the motors operate without interruption.

Stokes' success in the application of Vacuum Engineering to industry i s based on the practical experience of m a n y years in the study and practice of vacuum processing. T h e first commercial production of blood plasma to save h u m a n lives w a s initiated b y S t o k e s engineers o n Stokes vacuum processing equipment. H o g cholera serum to protect and increase the world's m e a t supply is largely produced on Stokes equipment b y v a c u u m processing methods. More recently, Stokes freeze-drying equipment has been used to produce gamma globulin, the first real ray of hope in the fight against paralytic poliomyelitis. N e w markets for low-cost metals and plastics which simulate more costly pieces have been created through the use of Stokes vacuum metallizing equipment. Electric and electronic equipment i s now processed in Stokes vacuum impregnation units to prepare it for the h e a v y loads and exacting requirements of modern electric and electronic practice. Stokes is F I R S T in V a c u u m Engineering by virtue of fifty years of experience i n the manufacture of practical production equipment. Y o u are invited, without obligation, t o consult w i t h Stokes Vacuum Engineers o n a n y phase of V a c u u m Engineering — drying, freeze-drying, metallizing, impregnation or vacuum furnace processing—which can be applied to your business. F . J. S T O K E S M A C H I N E C O M P A N Y , P H I L A D E L P H I A 20,


STOKES MAKES: High Vacuum Equipment, Vacuum Pumps and Gages/Industrial Tabletting. Powder Metal and Plastics Molding Presses/Pharmaceutical Equipment


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