In Vitro Models to Study Taste - American Chemical Society

for up to a week (68, 69, 70, 71). Only two reports ... of taste receptor cells from the labella of blowfly pupa for up to 17 days in vitro. These cel...
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Chapter 5

In Vitro Models to Study Taste: Can Sweetness Be Modeled in a Dish?

Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on April 19, 2017 | Publication Date: March 4, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0979.ch005

Nancy E. Rawson* and M. Hakan Ozdener Monell Chemical Senses Center, 3500 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-3308 *Corresponding author: 215-898-0943 (phone), 215-898-2084 (fax), and [email protected]

Primary and immortalized cultures of many cell types have facilitated efforts to understand the signals involved in proliferation, differentiation and senescence, and yielded tools to rapidly assay new molecules targeting specific receptor pathways. Surprisingly, few studies have reported successful primary culture protocols for taste cells, and those reported have had a limited life span and have not purported to generate new cells in vitro. Like other epithelial cells, taste cells are generated throughout life from a basal cell population, although the precise lineage and signaling molecules involved in this process are not well known. We have recently developed a primary taste cell culture method that supports the generation of new cells expressing key molecular and functional features of mature taste cells. These cultures can be maintained for functional assays for over two months. In this chapter we will present insights into the development of this protocol and discuss advantages and disadvantages of the approach. We will also discuss the potential use of these cultures as discovery tools to study the effects of neurotrophic factors on taste cell proliferation and differentiation and as an aid in the development and evaluation of new taste molecules.


© 2008 American Chemical Society Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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Introduction The discovery of the receptor proteins responsible for detecting sweet, bitter and umami taste stimuli has led to an explosion of research into the peripheral processes of taste detection. Receptor binding can be studied by inserting the genes into tumor cell lines or other non-native systems ('heterologous' cells) which express the proteins in a way that allows stimulus binding to be detected by measuring cellular activity in high throughput assays with fluorescence probes (/, 2, 3). This approach enables screening the taste activity of many compounds in a reasonable amount of time, and a wealth of data regarding basic taste receptor binding activities has been generated. While these methods have been instructive in studies of the initial stimulus binding event, results may fail to reflect actual taste detection processes because several important aspects of the peripheral taste organ are missing. First, the signaling pathways used by these 'heterologous' cells differs from those of the native taste cells. These signaling pathways determine the cellular output and can also play critical roles in modulating receptor binding activity. Second, in their native environment, taste receptor cells exist within a specialized structure, the taste bud, in which close communication between mature taste receptor-containing cells and several other cell types occurs (4, 5, 6). While the details and full implications of this intercellular communication have yet to be elucidated, it is likely to play a key role in shaping the signal received by the taste nerves. Several alternative approaches to investigate taste receptor cell function exist, such as recording from taste nerves in intact preparations or imaging dissociated single taste cells or semi-intact taste buds in tissue slices. While these methods reflect the behavior of the intact system to a better degree, they are not conducive to screening large numbers of chemicals for taste activity and require the use of a large number of experimental animals. We therefore aimed to develop a method that would retain the intrinsic intracellular signaling mechanisms while being potentially amenable to higher throughput approaches. We have for the first time produced mature taste cells in culture, generating them in vitro from taste cell precursors that continue to divide in culture ( 7 ) . These proliferating cells, obtained from rat taste buds, divided and differentiated into clusters of mature taste cells. The new cells, which were kept alive for up to three months, were similar to mature taste cells in several respects. A variety of methods were used to show that these cells contain marker proteins characteristic of mature functioning taste receptor cells. In addition, functional assays showed characteristic responses to either bitter or sweet taste stimuli in a subset of the cells. No single method can answer all questions, and disadvantages of this approach include a limitation in the types of stimuli that can be used due to the osmotic requirements of these cultured cells, and the loss of the normal taste cell morphological polarity and cell-cell contacts. However, cultured cells are amenable to the use of higher throughput assay methods to

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on April 19, 2017 | Publication Date: March 4, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0979.ch005

78 examine responses to single or combined taste stimuli and thus represent one step closer to the in vivo system than heterologously expressed receptors, while retaining the advantage of rapid assay capability. Also, control over the growth conditions will allow us to begin to explore mechanisms by which receptor gene expression is controlled and to identify growth factors that act to regulate the processes by which new taste cells are generated. This chapter will describe the history and current state-of-the art methods for taste cell culture. Primary and immortalized cell cultures provide powerful tools for examining the molecular bases for proliferation and differentiation as well as cellular function, but these systems have limitations as well. We will discuss the potential for these cultures as discovery tools for the study of sweet taste stimuli or modifiers, as well as for understanding control and differentiation of taste receptor cells.

Cellular anatomy and function Taste receptor cells are highly specialized receptor cells with unique histological, molecular and physiological characteristics designed to detect a wide range of chemical molecules contained in foods. In mammals, taste receptor cells are contained within a specialized cluster termed the taste bud. Taste buds are located in three kinds of papillae (foliate, circumvallate, fungiform) on the tongue and also in the palate. Each bud contains a group of 50-100 taste cells surrounded by basal and epithelial cells which have been classified anatomically into four types: basal, type I, type II, type III. Different taste cell types exhibit neuronal and epithelial properties, and have a limited life span of -10-12 days (8, 9, 10). The taste bud is functionally divided into two parts; the apical region and the basal region. The apical region faces the oral cavity and is where taste chemicals interact with taste receptor cells. Tight junctions function as a barrier between the apical region and lower basal region by limiting diffusion of large molecules into the serosal space. Because of the tight junction, only a few taste bud cells interact directly with stimuli, and the majority of the taste cell body is protected from the harsh environment of the oral cavity. This configuration, which is lost during typical cell isolation and culture procedures, is likely to be important for certain aspects of taste receptor cell signaling, and the loss of such orientation represents one disadvantage of dissociated and cultured cell methods (77). Mammalian taste cells are heterogeneous in terms of morphological structures, immunochemical features and functional characteristics. Anatomical studies depend on particular profiles of protein markers to delineate subsets o f taste cells, but most studies find some cells that do not fit these classes. The GTP- binding regulatory protein gustducin (guanine nucleotide-binding protein), phospholipase C-p2 (PLCp2) and inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate receptor type 3

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on April 19, 2017 | Publication Date: March 4, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0979.ch005

79 (IP3R3), along with taste receptors, are expressed in subsets of taste cells, typically considered T y p e ΙΓ cells (72, 13, 14, 15, 16). Gustducin generally appears in a subset of PLCP2-expressing cells. However, not all gustducin labeled cells are Ρ Ι Χ β 2 immunoreactive (17), and it is not clear whether this is a developmental difference or represents a distinct class of mature cells. Serotonin, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), ubiquitin carboxyl terminal hydrolase (PGP 9.5), and neural cell adhesion molecule ( N C A M ) have been used as markers for morphologically defined Type III taste cells in rats, although not all Type ΙΙΓ cells express all of these markers (18, 19). Nerve transection studies suggest that N C A M expression in taste cells depends on innervation by the IX nerve - suggesting that taste cells expressing N C A M communicate with nerves (20). In most studies, gustducin does not appear to colocalize with PGP 9.5, N S E or N C A M , although this distinction is not always complete (78). Species and methods differences may account for some of the lack of consistency in the anatomical data throughout the literature. Taken together, however, a model for the organization of the rodent taste bud suggests at least three populations of differentiated cells - type I cells that express none of the markers of receptor function or neurotransmission and have been identified by the expression of the glial glutamate transporter G L A S T 1 (27); cells expressing receptor and transduction-elements that are primarily Type II cells, and cells expressing neural and synaptic vesicle markers, primarily Type III cells. The functional classification of taste bud cells also remains somewhat controversial. Some authors propose a model organized as a 'labeled line', in which cells are segregated by function as 'sweet detectors or bitter detectors', and transmit their signals to particular nerves projecting to specific regions of the gustatory cortex (22). In contrast, physiological data suggest a less-discrete arrangement, in which cells responsive to multiple taste qualities transmit information to each other and to associated nerves in a fashion that is modulated both spatially and temporally to generate a particular activity pattern in the cortex that is interpreted as a taste quality (23, 24). Some of these physiological studies are performed using dissociated cells that may enable activation via pathways not accessible to the stimulus under in vivo conditions. However, even under conditions where taste bud morphology is preserved (e.g., optical recording from thick tissue sections), receptor cells do not appear to be 100% selective for a single taste modality (25, 26). In general, however, broad classes of functionally distinct cells have been described: one group which responds to one or more sweet, bitter and umami stimuli but does not exhibit voltagesensitive calcium channels (VSCC), and another that does not respond to these taste stimuli directly, but does exhibit a calcium increase in response to depolarization with high K stimulation, indicating the presence of VSCCs (28, 29, 30). Species differences have also been reported, and the classification of taste cells based on anatomical, functional or molecular traits alone is challenging. A n ideal approach would be to combine all three types of +

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on April 19, 2017 | Publication Date: March 4, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0979.ch005

80 characterizations. One study approached this by combining functional and molecular (RT-PCR) methods to study isolated mouse taste cells (31). This study found that cells responsive to tastants (a bitter and a sweet stimulus) but not to depolarization expressed mRNA for PLCP2, but did not express the synaptic marker SNAP-25, while the converse was true for cells responding to depolarization (31). Taken together, two functional classes may be proposed cells expressing receptor and transduction proteins and responding to taste stimuli with changes in intracellular calcium, probably representing the majority if not all T y p e IP cells, and those expressing neuronal markers including synaptic vesicle proteins and responding to depolarization. The recently discovered ion channel involved in sour taste, PKD2L1, appears to localize to a subset of taste cells that do not express PLCP2, but this paper did not examine whether or not these sour detecting cells expressed neuronal markers. Finally, mapping of salt taste mechanisms to these classification schemes awaits definitive identification of these mechanisms (32, 33). The identification of cell types in culture thus requires both anatomical and functional methods to compare cellular characteristics to their in vivo counterparts. The fact that the literature regarding the phenotypic characterization of those counterparts remains incomplete in some respects represents both a challenge and an opportunity. In culture, we have the opportunity to explore the phenotypic capacity of cells derived from mature taste buds and to trace their behavior over time, in a system that is amenable to examining molecular and functional characteristics simultaneously. The lack of a polarized structure represents a limitation of the approach, but the development of 3-D cell culture matrices may enable this limitation to be overcome in the future.

Taste Bud Development and Cell Lineage Why has it been so difficult to generate taste cells in vitro? The historical perspective of taste bud development and regeneration can shed light on this question. Studies of taste bud development suggest that these specialized sensory receptors arise from stem cells residing in and around the taste bud (ecto- or endodermal epithelia) (34, 35). These studies have relied in part on approaches that examine regeneration of taste buds following nerve transection, or expiant cultures to examine early embryonic development. A few studies have employed lineage tracing techniques. The results of these lines of research have led to two apparently conflicting models of taste bud development. The neural induction model proposes that peripheral nerve fibers induce taste bud formation (36, 37, 38). Studies of lingual expiants and tongue cultures show that the structural integrity of the mammalian taste bud is dependent on the presence of gustatory nerves (cranial nerves VII, IX and X ) , but not motor or

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on April 19, 2017 | Publication Date: March 4, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0979.ch005

81 other sensory nerves (39). Severe injury or transection of gustatory nerves resulted in degeneration of taste buds (40, 41) and taste cells only reappeared after gustatory nerves entered the taste papillae (42, 43). After sectioning cranial nerve IX (glossopharyngeal nerve) in mice, the number of cells expressing T1R3, gustducin, Mashl, shh and Nkx2.2 was reduced (44, 45, 46). However, it was noted that fungiform taste bud cells were more resistant to denervation than vallate and foliate taste buds, suggesting differences between development of taste buds in these regions of the tongue (47, 48). These studies suggest that trophic factors are released by the nerve that are necessary to stimulate taste bud regeneration. Uchida et al. demonstrated that B D N F and TrkB colocalized with N C A M (neural cell adhesion molecule) in some taste bud cells. After denervation, the number of taste bud and nerve fibers decreased, but remaining intact taste buds still contained cells expressing B D N F and TrkB. Interestingly, 4 weeks after denervation, TrkB expressing nerve fibers entered taste papillae, and new taste buds expressing B D N F and TrkB re-appeared (49). This result may indicate that B D N F acts as a neurotrophic factor acting both on TrkB expressing taste bud cells and on the growing sensory nerve. However, studies with transgenic mice lacking the TrkB receptor showed that this receptor is not essential to taste bud development (50). If nerve-derived trophic factors are an absolute requirement for the differentiation of a mature taste cell, cultures in which nerves or their derived factors are absent will not generate phenotypically complete, mature taste cells. Nevertheless, primary cultures would still represent a tool to help clarify the roles of specific growth factors involved in promoting proliferation of progenitor cells and their specification toward a mature taste cell phenotype. Other lines of evidence have led to the 'early specification model'. According to this perspective, taste cells arise from local endodermally-derived epithelium of the oropharynx in the absence of innervation (34, 52, 53). The majority of evidence for this developmental path has been obtained from experiments studying the development of axolotls. These studies point to an early specification of the oropharyngeal epithelium during gastrulation and a process that is dependent on signals from the axial mesoderm but independent of neuroectoderm or other tissue sources. (54). Taste bud progenitor cells originate from the oropharyngeal endoderm as a result of cell-cell signaling (55), and taste buds are induced and begin to develop prior to innervation. As the taste bud continues to differentiate, synapses are formed with the afferent fibers (52). These two models may not, in fact, be contradictory. Rather, they may reflect true biological processes occurring under distinctly different experimental conditions - regeneration vs. development, and/or different animal models. Alternatively, innervation may be needed for proper assembly o f a complete taste bud, but a population of basal cells may exist that remain capable of cell division yet are pre-specified to differentiate into mature taste cells regardless of their innervation status. The data thus leave open the question of whether the capacity to generate taste cells is programmed into peri- or

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on April 19, 2017 | Publication Date: March 4, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0979.ch005

82 intragemmal basal cells such that they can be directed to this fate under certain experimental conditions in vitro. Various models for understanding the lineage of taste cells have been explored. In one model, different taste cell types arise from pre-specified progenitors that generate distinct lineages and maintain a stable phenotype throughout their lifespan (56, 57). Alternatively, a single progenitor may give rise to a multipotent immature phenotype that becomes specified as maturation proceeds (53, 58). Stone et al. reported (Figure 1) that this lineage restriction could occur via multipotent embryonic progenitor cells that give rise to multipotent basal cells which generate mature phenotypes that are a stable phenotype throughout their lifespan (53). Thus, a particular basal cell might generate only a single type of taste cell (Figure 1 A ) . Conversely, a single embryonic progenitor cell may give rise to multiple basal cells, which are faterestricted to generate only certain types of mature taste cells (Figure 1 B). The potential and ultimate phenotype of proliferative, immature and mature taste cells can be examined in vitro under conditions where cells at all stages can be followed over time and characterized using functional and molecular methods. Cell culture studies may therefore yield new insight into the process by which a sweet sensitive cell arises and to examine the factors involved in controlling expression of the genes involved in detection of specific taste qualities.

Culture systems to study taste cells: From whole tongue to cell culture Whole tongue cultures and lingual expiants have been used primarily to investigate differentiation and development of embryonic taste cells and regeneration after nerve surgeries (59, 60, 61). These studies have shown that maintenance of the relationships between different types of taste cells, surrounding cells and the nerves that innervate taste buds during development and regeneration requires complex cell - cell signaling (62, 63, 64). While these approaches provide a physiologically natural environment, lingual expiants and tongue cultures have disadvantages. Primary among these is the need for a large number of animals as each preparation or experiment generally requires one animal and can be used for a limited amount of time, typically ranging from days to a week (60, 61). In addition, manipulation of the external environment to assess the importance of specific molecules to specific steps in the developmental process can be problematic. To date, no immortalized taste cell lines have been reported. Asamoto and colleagues described a metastasizing neuroblastoma arising from a taste bud during establishment of a prostate cancer model in transgenic rats (65). However, these cells fail to express classical markers of mature taste cells and do not respond to taste stimuli (Ozdener and Rawson, unpublished

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on April 19, 2017 | Publication Date: March 4, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0979.ch005


Figure 1. Diagram represents proposed taste cell lineage models. Taste cell development may occur in two ways. (A): Embryonic progenitor cells give rise to multipotent stem cells which generate lineage restricted basal cells which are capable of generating a stable mature phenotype; (B) Each single embryonic progenitor cell give rises to multiple basal cells which give rise to lineage restricted mature taste cells (Adapted from Stone et al 2002, (53)).

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on April 19, 2017 | Publication Date: March 4, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0979.ch005

84 observations). Other studies have investigated the responses of several existing cell lines to taste stimuli. The mouse neuroblastoma cell (N-18 clone) was found to be reversibly depolarized by various bitter substances, and NG108-15 (mouse neuroblastoma χ rat glioma hybrid) cells were broadly responsive to several potent sweeteners and bitter compounds (66, 67). However, no further studies have reported the use of these cells for detailed studies of taste detection, and it is not known whether the mechanisms accounting for these responses resemble those present in taste receptor cells. A number of researchers have carried out studies in which freshly dissociated taste cells are maintained in vitro for functional or molecular studies for up to a week (68, 69, 70, 71). Only two reports describe longer term cultures, and in both cases no effort was made to establish whether new cells were generated in vitro. In one report, cells derived from mammalian taste buds were maintained at room temperature, which is believed to slow down various cellular processes, and survived for up to 14 days. Notably, when cells were kept at 37°C under the same conditions, they could be maintained for only 3-4 days, as had been previously reported (68). A second study maintained a primary culture of taste receptor cells from the labella of blowfly pupa for up to 17 days in vitro. These cells were functional for up to a week after isolation, but there was no effort to assess whether any new cells were generated in vitro. Finally, attempts to isolate a particular type of cell from mouse taste epithelium, sorted based on their expression of integrin βΐ marker generated a semi-purified culture of proliferating cells, some of which expressed N C A M as well as integrin βΐ. However, this integrin βΐ positive mouse cell culture did not generate cells similar to those responsible for the primary detection of taste stimuli and further work with them has not been reported (72).

Development of a primary taste cell culture protocol In view of the potential value of such a system, we decided to revisit the problem of long-term taste cell culture using modern methods of cell culture and an open mind. Our goal was first, to replicate earlier studies maintaining mature cells for at least two weeks in vitro; second, to maintain a population of cells that could proliferate in vitro, and finally, to establish whether any of these proliferating cells proceeded to differentiate to cells exhibiting phenotypic traits of a mature taste cell. The protocol, developed through an extensive empirical process, allows the maintenance and generation of cells exhibiting both molecular and functional characteristics of mature taste cells. The detailed methods have been published elsewhere (7); here, we review the critical steps in this process, summarize the successful protocol and highlight key methodological issues.

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

85 Age of the animal, euthanization method and dissection speed can all influence the ultimate outcome of any primary cell culture process. Although cultures could be generated from mature as well as weanling rats, rats ranging from 1-2 months euthanized by C 0 inhalation followed by cervical dislocation generated the most consistent results. The tongue was immediately dissected proximal to circumvallate papillae and placed into a chilled isolation solution (26mM N a H C 0 , 2.5mM N a H P 0 4 , 20mM glucose, 65mM NaCl, 20mM KC1, and I m M E D T A ) for 5-10 min on ice. The E D T A in solution serves to reduce the concentration of calcium, a factor critical to disrupting cell to cell adhesion (73, 74). Taste buds are well-protected beneath a thick keratinized epithelium and can be challenging to disrupt. For this reason, most isolation protocols include harsh proteolytic enzymes that may degrade receptors and ion channels on the taste cell surface. Additionally, mechanical stress during isolation may also reduce viability of cells (69, 70, 72). While it is necessary to disrupt cells sufficiently to seed the cells into culture, over-digestion or mechanical disruption can make cells too fragile and increase cell death during isolation. To accomplish taste bud removal and disruption, we injected approximately 1 ml of the isolation buffer mixed with 1.5mg/ml pronase Ε (Sigma, St. Louis, M O ) and lmg/ml elastase (Sigma, St. Louis, M O ) uniformly with a 25 gauge Norm-Ject syringe under and around the lingual epithelium of circumvallated and foliate papillae of the dissected tongue. The preparation was then removed from ice and incubated for 15-20 min in isolation buffer at room temperature. The enzymes, concentrations, temperature and time are key and designed to be the minimum needed to enable the epithelium to be gently peeled from the underlying muscle layer under a dissecting microscope (Stereomaster, Fischer Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA). The isolated epithelium was then transferred to Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's medium (Gibco B R L , New York, N Y ) containing 10% fetal bovine serum ((FBS) BTI, Stoughton, M A ) , 1:5 ratio of M C D B 153 (Sigma), and a triple cocktail of antibiotics (100U/ml / 100μg/ml, Penicillin/Streptomycin, 2.5 μg/ml Gentamycin and 0.25 μg/ml Fungizone) and cut into small pieces with a razor blade. This process can be done with scissors or a scalpel, but the razor blade typically results in less tearing and cell disruption. The pieces were seeded onto tissue culture plates coated with rat tail collagen type 1 to promote adhesion, and incubated at 36°C in a humidified environment containing 5% C 0 . Culture medium was replaced after 24-48 h and then every 5-7 days. A large variety of cellular attachment substrates are now available that are designed to encourage selective adhesion of different cell types. In preliminary studies, attachment, viability and growth were compared among cells seeded on coverslips coated with either mouse fibroblasts ( A T C C , Manassas, V A ) , matrix gel (2 ml/1, A T C C ) , or poly-D-lysine (BD Biosciences, San Jose C A ) or on uncoated polystyrene plates (Corning, Corning, N Y ) . Results among these substrates varied considerably, and collagen was selected for further studies due to its effectiveness and comparatively low cost. A wide array of culture media and supplements are now available that can also be 2

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Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on April 19, 2017 | Publication Date: March 4, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0979.ch005

86 critical to cell attachment, growth and differentiation. While the possible combinations of these are virtually limitless, we initially selected a set of media and supplements to test based on their use in other primary cell systems or their advertised characteristics. Among the media tested were: Iscove's Minimum Essential Medium (MEM), Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium ( D M E M ) , D M E M + M C D B 153 (all available from Sigma), and each media was tested with various concentrations o f fetal bovine serum. Serum is a comprehensive source of growth factors and stabilizing proteins that can help to emulate the normal in vivo environment. However, the exact composition of different sources, types and even batches can vary making the use of FBS potentially difficult. This also prevents attributing a successful culture to a particular growth factor or combination of factors, and can complicate the interpretation of experiments examining growth factor effects. Thus, an ideal in cell culture is the development of a 'defined media with specific concentrations of particular growth factors and supplements that generates the desired result. A s yet, our efforts with taste cells have been limited to the use of sera, rather than entirely defined media, but this remains a goal for the future. Under the conditions described (7), we maintained isolated rat taste cells from circumvallate and foliate papillae in culture without loosing viability or cellular and physiological functions for more than two months. We also maintained a population of cells in the culture that divided and differentiated. To demonstrate this, we incubated the cells with bromo-deoxyuridine (BrdU), which is incorporated into the D N A of actively dividing cells, allowed cells to grow for several additional days, then assessed the expression of taste specific cell markers (gustducin, PLC(î2, T1R3, T2R5, β-actin) by PCR and Western blot (gustducin, PLCP2) after 60 days in culture. A significant proportion of biomarker-immunoreactive cells were also labeled with BrdU, demonstrating that the method developed enables the generation of new mature taste cells in vitro (Figure 2). 9

Doubling time was approximately 7 days, and cells derived from one initial culture could be studied for up to two months. Initial taste stimuli were selected to avoid artifacts that could arise from large perturbations in osmolarity, refractive index or autoflourescence, and included denatonium, cycloheximide, sucralose, Acesulfame K , and aspartame. Cultured cells responded to one or more of the tested stimuli with increases in intracellular calcium, based on experiments using ratiometric Ca -imaging (7 and Ozdener and Rawson unpublished observations). No cells responded to all stimuli, and only one cell responded to depolarization with high potassium, indicative of voltage-sensitive calcium channels. This observation suggests that the cultures are preferentially preserving or generating cells more typical of the T y p e IF phenotype, which does not exhibit voltage-gated calcium currents and expresses taste receptors and transduction elements. While it is not yet known whether these cells possess the full complement of taste receptors and associated ion channels, demonstration of molecular and functional properties reflecting those of mature +2

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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Figure 2. Morphology and taste cell specific immunoreactivity of cultured taste cells andfoliate papillae obtained from rat tongue. Rat taste cell cultured on rat tail collagen type I coated plates were imaged after 2 days (A) Individual, bud-type and cell clusters were observed in short term culture. Double immunofluorescence labeling indicates cultured taste cells immunoreactive with BrdU (green; mouse anti-BrdU 1:100, Sigma B-2531) and gustducin (red; rabbit polyclonal 1:500, Santa Cruz,) (B); and PLCβ2 (red; rabbit polyclonal, 1:500, Santa Cruz,). Goat anti-mouse Alexa 488 (green; 1:500, Molecular Probe) and goat anti-rabbit Alexa 633 antibodies (red; 1:500, Molecular Probe) were used as secondary antibodyfor BrdU and Gustducin and PLCfi2, respectively. (C). Labeling with BrdU and a taste cell marker indicates proliferation and differentiation in vitro. A small number of taste cells were immunoreactive with NCAM antibody (mouse monoclonal, 1:500, Sigma C9672) suggesting the presence of type III cells. Goat anti-mouse Alexa 488 (1:500, Molecular Probe) was used as secondary antibodyfor NCAM staining (D). Σχαλεβαρσ = 50 μη\ (A) and 80 μτη (B-D) (See page 1 of color inserts.)

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

88 taste receptor-expressing cells also positions these cells as tools to assess the ability of chemical stimuli to elicit taste responses or modulate responses to other stimuli. With this opportunity, taste cells from a single rat can be studied over many days, thus reducing the number of animals necessary and sufficient cells can be generated for studies of the effects of trophic factors or other defined growth conditions on the generation of cells expressing particular phenotypic characteristics.

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Why cell culture: benefits and limitations The art of primary cell culture aims to provide an environment similar to the physiological conditions that a cell would experience in animals. These cells represent the genotype of their donor and can exhibit many phenotypic characteristics of their in vivo counterparts. Thus, they may be useful not only for examining cellular function in a more representative system than heterologously expressed receptors, but also for the study of individual diversity in aspects of taste cell function beyond the receptor, that may be derived from genotypic variations among species or individuals. While these applications amply justify work with primary cultures, a number of limitations must be mentioned. Foremost among these is that each batch of primary cultured cells can vary due to differences in the initial population of cells used to start the culture. While there is no way to entirely prevent this variability, careful attention to dissection and dissociation procedures, documentation of culture appearance during development and maintaining consistent culture conditions can help the investigator minimize batch to batch variability. The identification of a specific marker or set of markers and/or a control stimulus that can be used to compare cell profiles among batches is helpful in interpreting the results of functional or molecular assays. Unfortunately, there is no single stimulus that can be used to identify a 'mature taste cell'. However, expression of a set of markers or a stimulus battery can be used to compare the effects of growth factor treatments to determine relative differences among groups. Contamination is a common problem when dealing with primary cell cultures, particularly with cells derived from areas exposed to the external environment such as the tongue. Pre-rinsing with sterile buffer and the use of antibiotics in the initial culture can help prevent this problem, but there is no substitute for strict adherence to maintaining a sterile culture environment and the use of sterile techniques. Bacteria and mold destroy the culture, while more subtle contaminants such as mycoplasma can change physiological and immunochemical characteristics of cultured cells and take up nutrients preventing the cells from growing (75, 76).

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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89 On a more subtle level, primary cells are also subject to dedifferentiation and exhibit a general plasticity according to the culture conditions. Chromosomal instability, characterized by losses or gains of chromosomes during cell replication in continuous cell lines may be another problem (77). Thus, cells in primary culture may show differences in behavior in comparison with the in vivo situation due to the difference in physiological conditions (78). Constant awareness of these issues and monitoring of key phenotypic traits is needed to insure that results are reliable and reproducible. While variations among cultures can present a challenge for the researcher attempting to determine the effects of any given stimulus on cellular responses, it can also provide an advantage for studying the cell and molecular basis for individual differences in disease susceptibility, response to medication or other therapies, or sensitivity to different taste stimuli.

Future directions in taste cell research One potential application of taste cell culture systems is to study how taste cell receptors interact with and trigger signaling pathways. Sweet detection is thought to be mediated by dimers of the G-protein coupled receptors TaslR2 and TaslR3 (79, 80\ see also Chapter 4, this volume). Physiological, molecular and biochemical data suggest that sweet molecules may activate multiple signaling pathways - one involving inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and another involving Ρ Ι Χ β 2 and generation of I P / D A G (81, 82). Molecular and immunocytochemical data support the expression of the Ρ1Χβ2 dependent pathway in cultured taste cells, but additional studies are needed to examine what other signaling pathways may be present in these cells and how they may contribute to responses to taste stimuli. The ability to directly manipulate specific signaling pathways through transfection or pharmacological treatments will facilitate these studies. These cells are also amenable to the use of higher throughput assay methods enabling the evaluation of new molecules aimed at activating, inhibiting or modifying taste cell output within a phenotypic context more similar to their in vivo counterparts than a heterologous expression system. Another promising avenue for further research lies in the clinical arena. Although a rare condition, taste loss is devastating to the quality of life and can even threaten survival of the patient. Radiation therapy for head and neck tumors results in taste loss when the radiation field includes anterior tongue (83). In these patients, the loss becomes complete after repeated treatments and recovery can be delayed for months after the therapy ends (84). During treatment, oropharyngeal irritation and nausea combine to make eating extremely aversive. Taste loss further exacerbates this problem, leading to malnutrition that can threaten survival independently of the primary cancer (85, 3

Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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86). The primary cell culture model described may provide a valuable aid in the understanding of how radiation injures taste cells and a platform with which to test molecules that may reduce injury and promote regeneration. Great progress has been made toward understanding the development of taste receptor cells and the mechanisms by which they respond to chemical stimuli, yet many open questions remain. These questions will require the use of many experimental approaches and model systems before our understanding is complete. The protocol we have developed for primary taste cell culture represents one approach we hope will contribute to this effort.

Acknowledgements The authors thank Joe Brand and Paul Breslin for helpful discussions, and the editors for their invitation to contribute to this symposium. Work described was funded in part by a grant from the Givaudan Flavors Corp. and National Science Foundation DBI-0216310.

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Weerasinghe and DuBois; Sweetness and Sweeteners ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.