
Apr 29, 2009 - 70-186, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México D. F. Mexico, and .... was used (BET surface area: 56 m2 g-1, nonporous, 70% anatase...
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J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 8911–8917


Low-Temperature CO Oxidation and Long-Term Stability of Au/In2O3-TiO2 Catalysts Vicente Rodrı´guez-Gonza´lez,† Rodolfo Zanella,*,‡ Lina A. Calzada,‡ and Ricardo Go´mez§ Departamento de Ecomateriales y Energı´a, UANL, Instituto de Ingenierı´a CiVil, AV. UniVersidad S/N, San Nicola´s de los Garza, NueVo Leo´n, C.P. 66451, Mexico, Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnolo´gico, UniVersidad Nacional Auto´noma de Me´xico, Circuito Exterior S/N, Ciudad UniVersitaria A. P. 70-186, Delegacio´n Coyoaca´n, C.P. 04510, Me´xico D. F. Mexico, and Departamento de Quı´mica, UniVersidad Auto´noma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, AV. San Rafael Atlixco No 186, Me´xico 09340, D.F. Mexico ReceiVed: NoVember 12, 2008; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: December 25, 2008

In the present work, the preparation of Au/In2O3-TiO2 catalysts with loadings of 1, 6, and 12 wt % of In is reported. In2O3-TiO2 supports prepared by the sol-gel method allow the formation of solids with high specific surface area. By means of the urea deposition-precipitation method, gold nanoparticles in the range of 2.4-3.6 nm were obtained on the supported gold catalysts. Catalysts tested in the CO oxidation showed a very high activity at the subambient reaction temperature (0 °C). The indium oxide catalysts (6 and 12 wt % of In) are more active than the Au/TiO2 parent catalyst. Full conversion was achieved at temperatures lower than 150 °C on the Au/In-TiO2 (6 wt % of In). It is shown that under reaction conditions, the Au/In-TiO2 catalysts are more stable than the Au/TiO2 parent catalyst. This behavior is related to the strong anchoring of the gold particles on the well-dispersed indium oxide and on the structural defects of the support caused by the doping with In of the anatase support. 1. Introduction Since the discovery in the late eighties that gold could be catalytically active when it is dispersed as small particles (99.5%). 2.1.2. Preparation of the Catalysts. The catalysts were prepared in the absence of light since it is known that light decomposes and reduces the gold precursors. The preparation ofthegoldnanoparticleswasperformedbydeposition-precipitation with urea (DP Urea).9,10 The gold precursor, HAuCl4 (4.2 10-3 M), and the urea (0.42 M) were dissolved in 20 mL of distilled water; the initial pH of the solution was 2.4. Then, 1 g of the titania or titania-indium supports was added to this solution under constant stirring; thereafter, the suspension temperature was increased to 80 °C and kept constant for 16 h. The urea decomposition led to a gradual rise in pH from 2.4 to 7.9 The amount of gold in the solution corresponded to a maximum gold loading of 2 wt % on the supported catalyst. After the deposition-precipitation procedure, all of the samples were centrifuged, washed with water at 50 °C, and then centrifuged four times, and dried under vacuum for 2 h at 100 °C. The thermal treatments were performed in a U reactor with

Rodrı´guez-Gonza´lez et al. a fritted plate of 1.5 cm in diameter; the calcination under a flow of dry air (1 mL min-1 mgsample-1) was performed at 300 °C, for 2 h. All of the samples were stored at room temperature under vacuum in a desiccator away from light in order to prevent any alteration.16 2.2. Characterization. The physical adsorption of N2 at -196 °C was done using a Quantachrome 3B automatic instrument on samples previously outgassed at 200 °C. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method (BET method) was applied to calculate the specific surface area. The XRD powder patterns of the calcined samples were recorded on a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer by using Cu KR radiation (within the 2θ range going from 10 to 70°). The chemical analysis of Au, In, and Ti in the samples to determine the actual loading was performed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) using an Oxford-ISIS detector coupled to a scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-5900LV). The titania average crystallite size was calculated by the Scherer equation. The chemical analysis was performed after the thermal treatment of the samples. The Au, In, and Ti loading is expressed as g/g sample. Hydrogen temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) experiments of the dry samples (before thermal treatment) were performed in a RIG-150 unit under a flow of a 5% H2/Ar gas mixture (100 mL min-1) and a heating rate of 10 °C/min, from room temperature to 600 °C. The H2O produced by the reduction process was trapped before the TCD. Bulk CuO was used as a reference for the calibration of the TCD signal. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) observations of the calcined catalysts were performed in a JEM 2010 FasTem analytical microscope equipped with a Z-contrast annular detector that allows one to obtain high-angle annular dark-field scanning (HAADF) images. The average gold particle size was established from the measurement of more 500 particles obtained by HAADF observations. The CO adsorption was followed by FTIR spectroscopy to characterize the metallic surface. The experiments were carried out in a Nicolet Nexus 670 spectrophotometer equipped with an environmentally controlled high-pressure/high-temperature Spectra Tech DRIFT cell with ZnSe windows. In each experiment, 0.025 g of the dried sample was directly packed in the sample holder and pretreated in situ under air flow (30 mL min-1) at 300 °C for 2 h. After this treatment, the sample was purged with N2 at 300 °C and then cooled to room temperature in the same gas atmosphere. A reference spectrum of the solid was collected under N2 flow before admitting 5% CO/N2 (30 mL min-1) for 15 min. The spectra were collected under N2 flow at room temperature from 128 scans with a resolution of 4 cm-1. The spectra were collected in all cases 5 min after the N2 admittance to the DRIFT cell. In all cases, spectra were referenced to the spectrum of the freshly reduced solid prior to CO adsorption. 2.3. Catalytic Activity Measurements. The CO + O2 reaction was studied in a flow reactor at atmospheric pressure in the temperature range between 0 and 300 °C. For the stability tests, the reaction temperature was 10 °C. Typically, 0.03 g of catalyst was calcined at 300 °C in air flow for 2 h before the catalytic run. The reactant gas mixture was 1% vol of CO and 1% vol of O2 balanced with N2 (total flux: 100 mL/min). The exit gases were analyzed with an online gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies 6890N) equipped with a FID detector and a HP Plot Q column. To avoid heat- and mass-transfer limitations, the stability tests were conducted under differential reaction conditions.

CO Oxidation and Long-Term Stability of Au/In2O3-TiO2

J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 20, 2009 8913

TABLE 1: Characterization of the Sol-Gel Au/In2O3-TiO2 Catalysts catalyst

au loading wt %a

in loading wt %

BET area (m2/g)

anatase crystallite size (nm)

gold particle size (nm)

standard deviation (nm)b

Au/TiO2 Au/In-TiO2(1-99) Au/In-TiO2(6-94) Au/In-TiO2(12-88)

2.1 2.2 2.0 2.3

1.0 6.7 12.3

66 170 122 174

24 12 11 9

3.6 3.1 2.4 2.4

0.86 0.78 0.60 0.63


Theoretical gold loading of 2 wt %. b Of gold particle size.

Figure 1. HAADF images of gold nanoparticles supported on (a) TiO2, (b)In-TiO2(1-99), (c) In-TiO2(6-94), and (d) In-TiO2(12-88).

3. Results and Discussion Table 1 shows the actual gold and indium loadings for the prepared catalysts. Practically, the nominal gold loading (2 wt %) was obtained in all of the samples. The actual In loading on the support was also similar to the target loading. The specific surface areas of the samples are also reported in Table 1; they are around 122-178 m2/g for the gold mixed oxide solids, while for the TiO2 bare catalysts, it is 66 m2/g. The incorporation of indium oxide to TiO2 increases, at least, two times the specific surface area of the sol-gel in comparison with that of the bare TiO2 sample. High specific surface areas on In2O3-doped TiO2 have also been reported by Chandra et al. when preparing the oxides by solid-state sintering53 and in our previous sol-gel indium-doped TiO2 semiconductor work.54 In Table 1, the average size of the gold particles on the studied catalysts is also shown. The biggest gold particles were obtained on the sol-gel TiO2 (3.6 nm) support. The gold particle size decreased with the In content; it was 3.1 nm for an In loading of 1 wt % and 2.4 nm when the In loading was of 6 or 12 wt %. This diminution of the particle size when a second component is added to TiO2 has been previously observed.38 It has been proposed that the second component can be used as the nucleation center to anchor the Au particles.36 Moreover, the addition of a second material to TiO2 can modify the geometry

and electronic structure of the support and hence the anchoring properties of gold on the support.52,55 The gold particle size in Au/P25 catalysts was 2.6 nm. Figure 1 shows the high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) images of the gold nanoparticles supported on pure TiO2 and on the In2O3-TiO2 mixed oxides. As can be seen in Figure 1 and in Table 1, when In is added to TiO2, the gold particles are smaller. The XRD patterns for the Au/In-TiO2 samples show the formation of anatase as the main crystalline TiO2 phase (Figure 2). It must be noted that the peaks related to the presence of indium oxide or gold nanoparticles cannot be observed on the In-TiO2(1-99) sample. In the In-TiO2(6-94) and In-TiO2(12-88) samples, a very small peak can be seen, 30.51 of 2θ, corresponding to the strongest peak diffraction (222) of In2O3 (PDF 03-065-3170). The absence of indium oxide reflections can be taken as evidence of the formation of indium oxide with nanometric size, which is not detectable by XRD. Moreover, no gold peaks are observed in Figure 2. As is wellknown, highly dispersed gold nanoparticles smaller than 5 nm cannot be detected by XRD, unless the refining of the crystalline structures with the Rietveld method is carried out.56 This is in good agreement with the HAADF results (Figure 1). In Figure 2, a widening of the anatase peaks in the semiconductors with


J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 20, 2009

Rodrı´guez-Gonza´lez et al.

Figure 2. XRD patterns for the Au/In-TiO2 catalysts. In the inset, a zoom of In-TiO2(6-94) and In-TiO2(12-88) patterns.

high indium oxide content can also be seen. This behavior indicates a diminution in the anatase crystallite size with In doping, as shown in Table 1. In a previous work, we have shown that when anatase is doped with cerium, the anatase unit cell expands because the oxygen atom is displaced along the z coordinate, indicating that cerium atoms are dissolved in the anatase lattice substituting for titanium atoms.56 Anatase crystallites had large microstrains when doped by cerium. The increase of microstrains was caused by the defects produced by the substitution of some titanium atoms by cerium atoms in the anatase lattice. The XRD data show that when anatase was doped with indium, a part of it was incorporated into the lattice; the other part was segregated on the crystallite surface as indium oxide with a very small crystallite size (Figure 2). When In atoms are incorporated into the anatase crystalline structure, the number of structural defects must be increased. A large number of structural defects of the support can serve as particle pinning centers of the gold crystallites, hindering the diffusion that produces larger crystallites. The diminution of the size of gold nanoparticles with the increase of In content in the catalysts was caused by the large number of defects in the anatase crystallites produced by the substitution of some titanium atoms by indium atoms, which hindered crystallite growth. Indium doping affected the crystallography of the anatase phase as well as the textural properties of the catalysts (Table 1). The micrographs of the Au/In-TiO2 samples (Figure 3) reveal the presence of a large number of defects in the anatase crystallites, which could work as particle pinning centers of the gold particles, hindering their diffusion, which would produce larger gold particles. The above results describe a possible mechanism to explain the origin of the small crystallite size of gold in these catalysts based on In-TiO2. In gold-containing catalysts, the H2-TPR measurements (Figure 4) show a hydrogen consumption peak at around 110-112 °C assigned to the reduction of Au3+ or Au+ ions to metallic gold nanoparticles.57,58 A second broad peak at around 244-251 °C is observed concerning the 6 and 12 wt % Incontaining catalysts, whereas the 1 wt % In and Au/TiO2 catalysts do not present this peak. The peak at 244-251 °C can be assigned to the reduction of partially oxidized indium species anchored to the titanium dioxide conglomerates as In2O359 or to the reduction of TiO2 species in the In2O3-TiO2 interface. It must be noted that the intensity of this peak increases with the In2O3 content. The absence of such a peak on the sample with 1 wt % In could be due to the presence of the indium as In3+ doping the titania support. The XRD diffraction spectra show small peaks attributed to In2O3 in the sample with 12 wt % In, which is also perceptible on the sample with 6 wt

Figure 3. HRTEM images of Au/In-TiO2(6-94) catalyst.

Figure 4. H2-TPR profiles for the Au/In-TiO2 catalysts.

% In and totally absent for the sample with 1.0 wt % In. The H2-TPD also shows broad hydrogen consumption peaks at around 440 and 482 °C for the samples with 12 and 6 wt % In, respectively, and very small ones at 441 and 480 °C for the In-TiO2(1-99) and Au/TiO2 samples, respectively. The 440-480

CO Oxidation and Long-Term Stability of Au/In2O3-TiO2

J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 20, 2009 8915

Figure 5. CO oxidation on the Au/In-TiO2 catalysts. As reference, a Au/Degussa (P25) sample is included.

peaks can be related to the reduction of oxygen species around the nanosized gold particles, 58,60 and eventually, it could also be due to the reduction to Ti3+ of superficial Ti4+ linked to the indium oxide [In-O-Ti]. Additional peaks appear at 561 and 580 °C; these peaks can be attributed to the reduction of indium oxide to In2O and In0.59,61 The catalytic behavior for the CO oxidation as a function of temperature for the gold nanoparticles supported on TiO2 and In-TiO2 catalysts is shown in Figure 5. At 0 °C, Au/TiO2 already converted 33% of CO; at room temperature (RT), around 70% was converted, and full conversion was practically obtained at 300 °C. A similar behavior was observed for the benchmark catalyst prepared using TiO2 degussa P25 (Au/P25); however, in this case, full conversion was obtained at 260 °C. On the Au/In2O3-TiO2 mixed oxides, the CO conversion reached 56 and 65% at 0 °C for the In-TiO2(6-94) and In-TiO2(12-88) catalysts, respectively; at room temperature, the catalysts reached 80% of conversion, and at 132 and 190 °C, full conversion of CO was obtained. These catalysts are, by far, at lower reaction temperatures, more active than the Au/TiO2 catalyst. The Au/ TiO2 catalyst presents the biggest gold nanoparticle size, and as a result, it presented a lower CO conversion through the studied low-temperature range (0-150 °C). When indium oxide is present, the activity is mainly enhanced at very low temperature (0 °C). We suggest that this activity is predominantly due to the presence of superficial indium oxide sites that anchored Au3+ or Au+ ions, thus inducing the formation of the smallest gold nanoparticles, which are the responsible of the highest activity. The infrared spectroscopy of adsorbed CO was used to obtain more information about the reactive surface in the catalysts. The spectra were taken from fresh catalysts calcined in situ at 300 °C, after the adsorption of CO at room temperature in the DRIFT cell. Figure 6 shows the evolution of the vibrational bands in the carbonyl region. A band at ∼2106 cm-1 is present in the Au/TiO2 sample. According to data from the literature,22,62-69 the band at 2106 cm-1 is assigned to CO adsorbed on low coordination sites of metallic gold nanoparticles. This band gradually shifts to red when the loading of indium increases in the support until 2100 cm-1 for the Au/In-TiO2(12-88) sample (Figure 6). These results suggest some structural changes of the supported metal gold particles, as previously proposed by Venkov et al.,70 producing changes in the intensity of the CO absorption. In addition, a weaker band at ∼2130 cm-1 was observed. The assignment of this band is less straightforward because of the different attributions proposed in the literature.

Figure 6. DRIFT spectra of adsorbed CO collected at room temperature on the Au/TiO2 and Au/In-TiO2 catalysts.

It is assigned to Au0-CO species or to carbonyls formed with the participation of positively polarized Auδ+ sites.70 A third band is observed at ∼2170 cm-1, which is attributed to CO adsorbed on cations, that is, either Au+ species63,64,71,72 or Ti4+ of the support;73,74 however, CO adsorbed on Ti4+ ions of the support was only observed when the CO adsorption was performed at -173 °C.68 Figure 6 also shows that the intensity of the Au0-CO band (∼2106 cm-1) varied as a function of the support as follows: In-TiO2(6-94) > In-TiO2(12-88) > TiO2 > In-TiO2(1-99). According to this band intensity, the In2O3 present on the support surface increases the number of low coordinated sites of metallic gold nanoparticles, showing a maximum in the sample with 6 wt % In. As a consequence, this sample shows the highest catalytic activity. The gold catalyst prepared on the In-TiO2(1-99) support presents the lowest Au0-CO adsorption and, as a consequence, the lowest CO oxidation at room temperature. The DRIFTS experiments show that the CO oxidation could be related to the low coordination of the metallic gold sites. It is important to note, however, that the relation between band intensities and the population of low coordinated sites presented here is a qualitative approach. Finally, the most active Au/In-TiO2 sample, Au/In-TiO2(6-94), and the reference Au/TiO2 sample were exposed to the CO oxidation reaction for 46 h in order to compare their stabilities. Figure 7 shows the activity in mol of CO/mol of Au · s against the time on stream. The profiles confirm the enhanced stability on the Au/In-TiO2 catalyst; whereas the Au/ TiO2 catalyst loses about 74% of its activity after 46 h on stream, Au/In-TiO2(6-94) only loses 37% of its activity. Moreover, whereas the Au/In-TiO2(6-94) catalysts become stable after about 40 h on stream, as shown by the dashed lines in Figure 7, the Au/TiO2 continues to deactivate during all of the time of the test. The previous results show that the gold nanoparticles supported on In2O3-TiO2 mixed oxides with particle sizes lower than 3.0 nm exhibit high activity and remarkable stability for the low-temperature CO oxidation. In particular, the Au/ In-TiO2(6-94) catalyst exhibits high activity at subambient temperature; at 0 °C, the CO conversion is higher than 60%, and full CO conversion occurs at temperatures as low as 150 °C. Moreover, gold supported on In2O3-TiO2 catalysts deactivates less than the Au/TiO2 sample.


J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 20, 2009

Figure 7. Evolution of the CO oxidation activity as a function of time on stream for the Au/TiO2 and Au/In-TiO2 catalysts. These experiments were performed at 10 °C with a gas mixture consisting of 1% vol CO and 1% vol O2 balanced with N2 to 1 atm (100 mL min-1).

4. Conclusions It has been shown that In2O3-TiO2 supports prepared by the sol-gel method allow the formation of solids with high specific surface areas. It is also shown that the incorporation of indium acetyl acetonate to the gelling titanium alkoxide permits the formation of very highly dispersed indium oxide conglomerates on the titania support. Using the urea deposition-precipitation method, the gold particle sizes on the supports fall into the 2.4-3.6 nm particle size range. A very high activity for the oxidation of CO at subambient temperature (0 °C) was found on the gold supported on the In2O3-TiO2 mixed catalysts. DRIFTS experiments showed that the high activity on the In2O3-TiO2 catalysts can be related to a higher concentration of low coordinated sites in the gold particles. Moreover, it has been shown that the Au/In-TiO2 catalysts are more stable under reaction conditions than the parent Au/TiO2 catalyst. This could be due to a stronger anchoring of the gold particles over the well-dispersed indium oxide on the In2O3-TiO2 mixed oxides or over the structural defects of the support caused by the doping of the anatase with In, which can serve as particle pinning centers of gold crystallites, hindering its diffusion on the surface of the support. Another possibility for explaining the higher stability of Au/ In2O3-TiO2 could be that surface species formed during the reaction, for example, carbonates, are less rapidly formed or less stable in the presence of acidic centers produced by the presence of In species in the catalyst. Acknowledgment. The technical support provided by Luis Rendo´n LCM-IF (HRTEM) and Ivan Puente USAI-FQ (EDS) is acknowledged. R.Z. acknowledges the UNAM Nanoscience and Nanotechnology project (PUNTA), DGAPA IN106507, and CONACYT 55154 projects for their financial support. References and Notes (1) Bond, G. C. Catal. Today 2002, 72, 5. (2) Haruta, M. CATTECH 2002, 6, 102. (3) Hutchings, G. J. Catal. Today 2002, 72, 11. (4) Haruta, M.; Kobayashi, T.; Sano, H.; Yamada, N. Chem. Lett. 1987, 2, 405. (5) Haruta, M.; Tsubota, S.; Kobayashi, T.; Kageyama, H.; Genet, M. J.; Delmon, B. J. Catal. 1993, 144, 175. (6) Bond, G. C.; Thompson, D. T. Catal. ReV.sSci. Eng. 1999, 41, 319. (7) Zanella, R.; Giorgio, S.; Shin, C. H.; Henry, C. R.; Louis, C. J. Catal. 2004, 222, 357.

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