Index for X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns - Analytical Chemistry

Index for X-Ray Powder Diffraction Patterns. S. E. Q. Ashley, and R. C. Newton. Anal. Chem. , 1948, 20 (7), pp 657–658. DOI: 10.1021/ac60019a021. Pu...
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V O L U M E 20. NO. 7. J U L Y 1 9 4 8


dioxide in the samples by gravimetric assay (empirical faotor 1.1500) were (1) 99.06. (2) 98.57, (3) 97.77. and (4) 96.68: by volumetric assay (Diehl-Topf, uncorrected) '(1) 96.46, (2) 95.19, (3) 94.65, and (4) 90.33. Obviously, the Diehl-Topi assays were low. The corrected percentages of active oxygen in the samples (empirical oxygen equivalent, 0.78 gram per liter) were (1) 6.30, (2) 6.25, (3) 6.27, and (4) 5.92. Free lead monoxide was assayed by an improved extraction method. The results were negative, except sample 4 which contsined 1.82%. Total water was assayed by an improvised absorption method and canfirmed,by the Penfield method. The averaged percentages obtained were (1) 0.38, (2) 0.76, (3) 0.86, and (4) 0.67. Residual water in lead dioxide at 225" C . was found t o be approximately 0.22% (average of samples 1 , 2 , and 3). The percentages of gravimetric nonlead substance and silica. in the samples were (1) 0.73, (2) 0.83, (3) 1.26, and (4) 0.57. Oxygen deficiencies occurred in. all the samples and are best ahown approximately by the empirical formulas (1) PbOi.,r, (2), (3) P b O m , and (4) Pb0l.m From the averaged formula the tentativegrwimimetricfmtor (lead dioxide), 1.1500, and and the active oxygen decinormal equivalent 0.78 gram per Mer were calculated. The grayimetric and Kinch summations of analysis w-ere within the limits, 99.75 and 100.60'%, assigned for satisfactory mineral analyses. LITERATURE CITF"

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" r ~ L .






(1894); Z. C Z ~ O ~ QChen., . 7, 22 (191 (4) Carnelley, T., and Walker, T J.. .J. CI

ractinrnr Patter s. E


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