May 16, 2012 - INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 ... Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to...
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INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE Ace Glass, Inc Agency—Ray Hawley Advertising Allied Chemical Corp., General Chemi­ cal Div., Baker & Adams on Prod­ ucts Agency— A the rton & Currier, Inc. A, S. Aloe Co Agency—Frank Block Associates Analytical Measurements, lnc Agency—Ray Ellis Advertising Andrew Technical Supply Co Agency— Ρayntar Adv. Agency, Inc. H. Reeve Angel & Co., Inc Agency—Eckstein-Stone, Inc. Applied Physics Corp Agency—Clyde Graham Advertising Applied Research Laboratories, Inc.. . Agency—Willard Gregory & Co., Inc.

73 IFC 83 84 105 66 68 78

Baird-Atomic, Inc 44:87 Agency—S. Gunnar Myrbeck & Co. Baker & Adamson Products, General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical Corp IFC Agency—Atherton & Currier, Inc. J. T. Baker Chemical Co 32-33:82 Agency—Wildrick & Miller, Inc. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co OBC Agency—Wolff Associates, Inc. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Scientific and Process Instruments Divi­ sion 3:42:43 Agency—Charles Bowes Adv. Agency Beckman Instruments, Inc., Spînco Div. 51 Agency—Charles Bowes Adv. Agency Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc 45 Agency—Beaumont, Heller & Sperling, Inc. S. Blickman, Inc 85 Agency—Hicks and Greist, Inc. C. A. Brinkmann & Co., Inc 16 Agency—Robert Marks Co. Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc 46 Agency—Creamer-Trowbridge Co. Burrell Corp 75 Agency—Frank Wilhelms, Adv. Fred S. Carver, lnc 52 Agency—J. C. Bull, Inc. Central Scientific Company 107 Agency—Mars teller, Rickard, Gebhardt and Reed, Inc. Chicago Apparatus Co 109 Agency—The Cramer-Krasselt Co. Clay-Adams, Inc.". 74 Agency—Fred Wittner Adv. Coleman Instruments, Inc 28:29 Agency—Hollander & Weghorn, Adv. Coors Porcelain Company 100 Agency—Frank L. Philips, Adv. Corning Glass Works 69:110 Agency—The Rumrill Co., Inc. Crystals, Inc 6 Agency—A. D. Norbeck Co. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co... Agency—Batten, Barton, Durs tine & Osborn, Inc.


Eastern Industries, Inc. Agency—Remsen Adv. Agency, Inc. Eastman Chemical Products, Inc.. . . . Agency—Fred Wittner Advertising Eastman Kodak Co Agency—The Rumrill Co., Inc. Eaton-Dikeman Co Agency—Adams Associates, Inc. Eldorado Electronics Agency—Bonfield Associates, Inc.

85 14 72 88 100

Farrand Optical Co., Inc 49 Agency—Firestone Advertising Agency Fischer & Porter Co 62 Agency—The Harry P. Bridge Co. Fisher Scientific Co 47:102 Agency—Smith, Taylor & Jenkins, Inc. Fish-Schurman Corp . 81 Agency—John O. Powers Co. General Electric Company, X-Ray Department Agency— Klau-Van Pietersom-Dunlap, Inc. Gow-Mac Instrument Company Agency—George Homer Martin Assoc. Emil Greiner Co Agency—Fairfax. Inc. Grenier & Co., Inc

35 74 58 104

Hamilton Company, Inc Agency—L. J. Swain, Advertising Harshaw Scientific, Div. of Harshaw Chemical Co Hevi-Duty Electric Co Agency—Bert S. Gittins Adv. Inc.


Instruments for Research and Industry Agency—John B. Ferguson, Jr., Adv.


24 59

International Equipment Co Agency—Chambers Wiswell Shattuck Clifford & McMillan, Inc. Isomet Corp

57 107

Jarrell-Ash Company 41:53:106 Agency—F. P. Walther, Jr. & Asso­ ciates, Inc. Kimble Glass Div., Owens-Illinois Class Co IBC Agency—J. Walter Thompson Co. Klett Mfg. Company 83:90 Harold Kruger Instruments 104 Labelon Tape Co., Inc 107 Agency— Hanford & Greenfield, Inc. Laboratory Construction Co 45:111 Agency—Valentine-Radford Adv. Laboratory Furniture Co., Inc 50 Agency—Beecher Associates Laboratory Glass and Instruments Corp. 77 Agency—Davidor Advertising Agency Leeds & Northrup Co Ill Agency—Harris D. McKinney, Inc. Lindberg Engineering Co 80 Agency—Don Colvin & Co., Inc. Loomis Engineering & Mfg. Co 30 Agency—Gordon A. Pihl & Assoc. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works 31 Agency—Smith & Williams Advertising Manufacturers Engineering & Equip­ ment Corp 80:81 Agency—H. Lesseraux Advertising The Matheson Co., Inc 89 Agency—Leonard M. Sive and Asso­ ciates Matheson, Coleman & Bell, Div. of The Matheson Co., Inc 86 Agency—Leonard M. Sive and Asso­ ciates The Mettler Instrument Corp 12 Agency—The Merrill Anderson Co., Inc. Mixing Equipment Company, Inc 110 Agency—The Rumrill Co., Inc. National Carbon Co., Div. of Union Carbide Corp Agency—William Esty Company, Inc. National Instrument Laboratories, Inc. Agency—Burton Advertising New England Nuclear Corp Agency— Pazolt & Company New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc. Agency—RAF Advertising, Inc. Norton Company Agency—James Thomas Chirurg Co. Nuclear-Chicago Corp Agency—Don Colvin & Co., Inc. Nuclear Measurements Corp Agency—W. H. Rohr, Jr. Ohaus Scale Corp Agency—Robert M. Agency

94 6 104 103 18 8-9 54

W. A. Taylor & Co 109 Agency—Emery Advertising Corp. Technical Measurement Corp 20 Agency—Culver Advertising, Inc. Texas Nuclear Corp 77 Agency—Winn-McL ane Thermal American Fused Quartz Co., Inc 76 Agency— Asher, Godfrey & Franklin, Inc. Thermo Electric Mfg. Co 54 Agency—Howard H. Monk and Assoc. Arthur H. Thomas Co 70:98 Torsion Balance Co 93 Agency—Miche 1-Cather Advertising Tracerlab Incorporated 82 Agency—Shattuck, Clifford & McMillan, Inc. Henry Troemner, Inc 40 Agency—John F. Tucker, Jr. Varian Associates Agency—Boland Associates


W. M. Welch Scientific Co Agency—H. A. Hooker Adv. Agency, Inc. Welwyn International, Inc Agency—James Lovick & Co., Ltd. Wilkens-Anderson Co Agency— Mandabach, Marthens & Sims, Inc. Will Corporation Agency—Scrivener & Rice, Inc.

59 114 65 61

Carl Zeiss, Inc Agency—John O. Powers Company


DIRECTORY Laboratory Supply Center 112 Arapahoe Chemicals Inc. Bio-Rad Laboratories Clark Microanalytical Laboratory Dimco-Gray Co. Eberbach & Son George W. Gates & Co. Glass Engineering Laboratories Johns-Manville Corp. LaMotte Chemical Products Co. Scientific Equipment Co. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION Advertising Management for the American Chemical Society Publications Merald Lue, Advertising Sales Manager, American Chemical Society Publications 430 Park Ave., New York 22, Ν. Υ. Cable Address: REINPUB NYK


ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Thomas N. J, Koerwer, Advertising Sales Manager

Parr Instrument Co , 100 Agency—F. Williard Hills Adv. Service Patterson-Kelley Co 102 Agency—G. M. Basford Company Perkin-Elmer Corp 10-11:99 Agency—G. M. Basford Company Philips Electronics, Inc 7 Agency—Anders Associates Adv. Photovolt Corp 38 Agency—Leonard Adv. Agency, Inc. Precision ScientiHc Co 26:27 Agency—Ε. Η. Brown Advertising Prolabo 86

Chicago 2 . . . Eugene P. Eldridge, District Manager, Reinhold Publishing Corp., I l l W. Washington St., RAndolph 6-8497 Cleveland 14 . . . Rodney D. Long (Cleve­ land Manager, Reinhold Publishing Corp.), Superior Bldg., 815 Superior Ave., Ν. Ε. PRospect 1-5583 Denver 2 . . . Robert H. HeideTsbach, Mc­ Donald-Thompson, Colorado National Bank Bldg., KEystone 4-4669 Houston 6 . . . Frank N. Vickrey, McDonaldThompson, 3217 Montrose Blvd., JAckson 9-6711 Los Angeles 5 . . . Ε. Τ. Thompson, Mc­ Donald-Thompson, 3727 W. 6th St., DUnkirk 7-5391 New York 22 . . . James L. Till, Sam W. Percy, 430 Park Ave., Murray Hill 8-8600 Portland 4 . . . F. Goetz, McDonald-Thomp­ son, 404 Times Building San Francisco 5 - · R. M. McDonald, McDonald-Thompson, 625 Market St., YUkon 6-0647 Seattle 4 . Harry Abney, McDonaldThompson, 1008 Western Ave., ELliott 3766 Tulsa 4 . . . Ted R. Trautmann, McDonaldThompson, 2010 South Utica, Riverside 3-1981



RCA Electron Tube Division Agency—Al Paul Lefton Co., Inc. Research Specialties Company Agency— Gerth, Brown, Clark & Elkus Rohm & Haas Co Agency—Arndt, Preston, Chapin, Lamb & Keen Inc.

79 48 96

Ε. Η. Sargent & Co 71 Agency—Kreicker and Meloan, Inc. Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co 36-37 Agency— Wildrick & Miller Inc. Schlumberger Well Surveying C o r p . . . 108 Agency—Smith, Winters Mabuchi, Inc. Scientific Products Div. of American Hospital Supply Corp 91 Agency—J. R. Pershall Co. Ivan Sorvall, Inc 34 Agency—William Hill Field Spex Industries, Inc 88 Agency— Post Designs Co. Standard Scientific Supply Corp 89 Agency—Firestone Adv. Agency, Inc.

London, W. C. 2, England . . . Butler's Advertising Service Ltd., R. A. Butler, 2 St. Giles High St., TEMple Bar 5905

VOL 30, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1958

