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INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE Academic Press, Inc 78:83 Flamm Advertising Ace Glass, Inc 128 Heller Creative Advertising Advanced Instruments, Inc 89 Tech/Reps Alberene Stone, A Div. of the Georgia Marble Co 138 Basford, Inc. Allied Chemical Corp., General Chemi­ cal Div OBC Kastor, Hilton, Chesley, Clifford & Atherton, Inc. Alupharm Chemicals 140 M. Woelm American Instrument Co., Inc 1 Industrial Advertising Associates Analabs, Inc 126 Arthur B. W. Toft, William Hill Field Advertising Analytical Chemistry 110 Applied Science Laboratories, Inc 46 Barash Advertising Atomic Accessories, Inc 27 J. B. Bundle, Adv. Aztec Instruments, Inc 29 Arthur B. W. Toft, William Hill Field Advertising J. T. Baker Chemical Co 20-21:69 Basford, Inc. Barber-Colman Co 104 E. R. Hollingsworth & Associates Barnes Engineering Co 100 Albert A. Kohler Co., Inc. Bausch & Lomb, Inc 81:92-93:121:135 Wolff Associates, Inc. Beckman Instruments, Inc. Scientific Instruments Div 41:43:45:47:49:51 »pinco Div 2D Hixson & Jorgensen, Inc. James G. Biddle Co 148 The Michener Co. Bio-Rad Laboratories 147 Cappel, Fera & Reid, Inc. The Blaekstone Corporation 57 Carr Liggett Advertising, Inc. S. Blickman, Inc 38 J. M. Kesslinger & Associates Buchler Instruments, Inc Ill S el vin & Jaffe Burrell Corp 133

Fred S. Carver, Inc J. C. Bull, Inc. Chemical Materials Catalog Persons Advertising, Inc. Coleman Instruments, Inc Winfield Advertising Agency, Inc. Coors Porcelain Co Tallant/Yates Advertising, Inc. Corning Glass Works The Rumrill Co., Inc. ^rawrora fitting company Falls Advertising Co. W. H. Curtin & Co Robinson-Gerrard, Inc.

Delmar Scientific Laboratories, I n c . . . . Winfield Advertising Agency, Inc. Disc Instruments, Inc Jay Chiat and Associates Distillation Products Industries, Div. of Eastman Kodak Co The Rumrill Co., Inc. Ditric Corp Advertising Art Associates

Eastern Industries, Div. of Laboratory for Electronics, Inc Hepler & Gibney, Inc.

122 146 116C 132 84-85 lrMJ 134

79 5

Eberbach Corporation Drury, Lacy, Inc. Electronic Assoociates, Inc Caynor & Ducas, Inc.

134 7

F & M Scientific Corp., Div. of HewlettPackard 74 Richardson, Thomas & Bushman, Inc. Farrand Optical Co., Inc 138 Snow & Depew, Inc. Fisher Scientific Co 61:115:125 Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc.


127 IFC o7 62:94

Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. . . . . . . Winfield Advertising Agency, Inc. Master Appliance Corp

139 146

Ti ich arrl - A11 en - W i n ter

General Electric Co Georce R. Nelson. Inc. Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc.. . Garber-Evans Advertising, Inc. Greiner Scientific Corp Fairfax, Inc.


William J. Hacker & Co., Inc Mort Barish Associates, Inc. Hamamatsu TV Company Eastern Promotions, Inc. Hamilton Co., Inc Swain/Mealer, Inc. W. A. Hammond Drierite Co The Harshaw Chemical Co The Griswold-Eshleman Co. Hartman-Leddon Company Grey-Naughton, Inc. Haws Drinking Faucet Company Pacific Advertising Staff Heath Company Advance Advertising Service, Inc. Gerald K. Heller Co Feeley Advertising Agency Hi-Speed Blending & Mixing Corp Raymond-Nicholas Advertising Hoke, Inc Tek-Mark, Inc. Honeywell, Inc The Aitkin-Kynett Co., Inc.


44 88

130 19 140 138 142

23 136 130 6:112 72

Illinois Water Treatment Co 143 Cummings, Brand, McPherson Assoc, Inc. Instrumentation Laboratory, Inc 113 Pazolt & Company Instrumentation Specialties Co 130 H. H. Harney, Inc. Instruments, Inc 28 Advertising Engineers, Inc. Instruments for Research & Industry. . . 35 Allyn H. Jacobson International Sales Associates 91 Edw. J. Guilfoy Isomet Corporation 116C Armand Richards Advertising Agency Isotopes, Inc 24 Warner, Bicking & Fenwick, Inc.

Jarrell-Ash Co Culver Advertising, Inc. Johns-ManviUe Corp Cunningham & Walsh, Inc.

Keithley Instruments The Bayless-Kerr Co. Kewaunee Manufacturing Co Phillipps Associates, Inc. Klett Mfg. Co., Inc Kontes Glass Co Garceau, Hargrave & McCullough, Inc.

The Matheson Co., Inc 141 Leonard M. Sive & Associates. Inc. Matheson, Coleman & Bell, Div. of The Matheson Co., Inc 70 Leonard M. Sive & Associates, Inc. Matheson Scientific, Inc., Div. of The Matheson Co., Inc 39 Leonard M. Sive & Associates. Inc. Melabs 129 Hal Lawrence. Inc. Metal Hydrides, Inc., Div. of Ventron Corp 109 Quinn & Johnson Advertising Agency, Tnc. Mettler Instrument Corp 8:116B Λ/fnrt Barish Associates. Inc. Millipore Filter Corp 148 Culver Advertising, Inc. Milton Roy Co 126 The Harry P. Bridge Co. Mixing Equipment Co., Inc 142 The Rumrill Co. Molded Products 130


54:66 114

73 136

Labindustries Bonfield Associates, Inc. Laboratory Construction Co Valentine-Radford, Inc. Leeds & rsorthrup Co Gaynor & Ducas, Inc, Lindberg/Hevi-Duty Services Klau-Yan Pietersom-Dunlap, Inc.

123 112 83 101

The Nalge Co., Inc 143 Wolff Associates, Inc. Nester/Faust Mfg. Corp b.J Allvn H. Tacobson Nuclear-Chicago Corp., Radiation In­ strument Development Laboratory Div 50 Sidney Clayton & Associates Nuclear-Chicago Corp., Texas Nuclear Corp., Subsidiary. . 25:50:124 Sidnev Data, Clavton Nuclear Inc& Associates 42 Geyer, Morey, Ballard, Inc. Nuclear Supplies, Inc 77 KIC Advertising

Ohaus Scale Corp Robert M, Baldwin Co. Optovac, Inc Andrews Associates

89 146

Packard Instrument Co., Inc 10 Ross Llewellyn, Inc. Parr Instrument Co 140 F. Willard Hills Perkin-Elmer Corp 18:68:90 Gavnor & Ducas. Inc. Philips Electronic Instruments 22 Anders Advertising, Inc. Photovolt Corp 105 The M. B. Pearlman Co. Picker Nuclear. 30:96 Dean L. Burdick Assoc, I n c Pierce Chemical Co 131 Advertising Design Pressure Chemical Co 80 Princeton Applied Research Corp 16 Mort Barish Associates Professional Tape Co., Inc 146 Robert Peterson Advertising Anenev

VOL. 38, NO. 1, JANUARY 1966


145 A




Quinton Company Charles W. Hoyt Company, Inc.


Radiation Instrument Development Lab­ oratory, A Div. of Nuclear-Chicago Corp Sidnev Clavton & Associates Royson Engineering Co John B. Ferguson Jr., Adv.

Laboratory Supply Center Burdick & Jackson Laboratories Clark Microanalytical Laboratory Eastern Chemical Corp. George W. Gates & Co. LaMotte Chemical Products Company Numec Instruments & Controls Corp. Ozone Research & Equipment Corp. Petroleum Analytical Research Corp.


50 140

REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION Advertising Management for the American Chemical Society Publications 430 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022 Cable Address:

Ε. Η. Sargent & Co 52-53:117 Geyer, Morey, Ballard, Inc. Saxonburg Ceramics, Inc 82 Downing Industrial Advertising, Inc. Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co 33 Wildrick & Miller, Inc. Schoeffel Instrument Co 109 Cristina Agency Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., I n c . . . . *1 Scientific Industries, Inc 137 Rick Maims Associates. Inc. Scientilc Products, Div. of American Hospital Supply Corp 77:79 Alex T. Franz, Inc. Ivan Sorvall, Inc 80 Arthur B. W. Toft, William Hill Field Advertising


Thomas N. J. Koerwer Advertising Sales Director, ACS Publications

STANDARD SOLUTION CONCENTRATES IN EASY TO USE PLASTIC AMPOULES Now you can have fourth place accuracy standard solutions without titrating. Thanks to a unique design C H E M T A M a m p o u l e s eliminate the usual rinsing that is so time consuming and often causes errors due to the incomplete removal of the concentrate. With C H E M T A M the dilution water is poured through the a m p o u l e , giving c o m p l e t e re­ moval of the concentrate—as shown below.

Arthur P. Watts Advertising Sales Manager, AC Clay S. Holden Assistant Advertising Sales Manager, AC

SALES REPRESENTATIVES New York 10022 . . . Arthur P. Watts, Clay S. Holden, Sam W. Percy, Robert N. Gillespie, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., 212-688-8600

Taylor Instrument Companies 91 Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborne, Inc. Techne (Princeton), Ltd 136 Teehnicon Controls, Inc 103 Mediad. Inc. Tektronix, Inc 86 Hugh Dwight Advertising, Inc. Texas Nuclear Corp., Subsidiary of Nuclear-Chicago Corp 25:50:124 Sidney Clavton & Associates Thermolyne Corp 122 E. R. Hoi lings worth & Associates Arthur H. Thomas Co 108:108B

Ultra Carbon Corporation Church and Guisewite Adv., Inc. Unitron Instrument Company Van Christo Associates University ot Canterbury U. S. Stoneware Co Vm-fMiVh



118 95 1J6 120


Varian Associates Hoefer, Dieterieh & Brown, Inc. Veeco Instruments, Inc Industrial Marketing Associates

14:59:102 76

Waters Associates, Inc 12 David B. Tibbetts Wilkens-Anderson Co 99 Mandabach & Simms, Inc. \\likens Instrument & Research, Inc.. . .64:65 Bob Barriskill Advertising

Carl Zeiss, Inc Basford. Inc.


Chicago 60602 . . . Eugene P. Eldridge Reinhold Publishing Corp., I l l W . Washington St., 312-726-8467 Cleveland 44114 . . . William N. Wham, Reinhold Publishing Corp., East Ohio Bldg., 1717 East 9th St., 216-771-4011 San Francisco 94105 . . . Morton McDonald, McDonald-Thompson, Inc., 625 Market St., 415-397-5377 Los Angeles 90005 . . . M. Jeffrey Kaufman, McDonald-Thompson, Inc., 1313 West 8th Street, 213-483-1304 Portland 97221 . . . Francis M. Eaton, Mc­ Donald, Thompson, Inc., 2035 S.W. 58th Avenue, 503-292-8521 Denver 90203 . . . Robert H. Heidersbach, McDonald-Thompson, Inc., 846 Lincoln St., 303-825-3325 Houston 77006 . . . Frank I. Vickery, Mc­ Donald-Thompson, Inc., 3130 Southwest Freeway, 713-529-6711 Tulsa 74114 . . . Max C. Nelson, McDonaldThompson, Inc., ,570 South Harvard, 918-742-9961

After slitting top and bottom foil, insert ampoule in neck of volumetric flask and drain. Attach the plastic funnel to ampoule. Fill and drain ampoule three times with distilled water.

Japan . . . Genzo Uchida, Bancho Koheki Co., Ltd., 5-5 Hayabusa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

The C H E M T A M line of standard solution concentrates includes all the acids, bases and other standard reagents you normally need. Send for our descriptive leaflet—complete with prices.

PROMOTION DEPARTMENT Robert Voepel Promotion Manager

BIO-RAD Laboratories 32nd & Griffin Ave., Richmond, California Please send me complete information and prices on CHEMTAM.

Great Britain and Western Europe . Brayton Nichols, The American Magazine Group, 44 Conduit Street, London W. 1, England


PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Alfred E. Gall Advertising Production Director, ACS Publications Anne Forrest Advertising Production Manager, Analytical Chemistry

Title Company _ Address_

BIO-RAD L A B O R A T O R I E S 32nd & Griffin Avenue, Richmond, California Eastern Sales Office: 22 Jones St., New York Circle No. 163 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 38, NO. 1, JANUARY 1966 ·

147 A