Callahan. San Francisco—McDonald-Thompson, 564 Market Street, YUkon. 6-0503; Roy M. McDonald ... (Terms: net 30 days). Please send full data on: Π ...
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INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Ace Glass Inc Allied Chemical & Dye Corp Aloe Co., A. S American Optical Co American Platinum Works Baker & Adamson Reagents Baker Chemical Co., J. Τ Bauach & Lomb Optical Co Bethlehem Apparatus Co Buffalo Apparatus Corp. Central Scientific Co Chemical Rubber Co Coleman Instruments, Inc Coors Porcelain Co Despatch Oven Co Distillation Products Industries Eastman Kodak Co Eberbach & Son Co Eimer & Amend Fisher Scientific Co Fish-Schurman Corp General Chemical Div General Laboratory Supply Co Greiner Co., Ε mil Hellige, Inc Kimble Glass Div Klett Mfg. Co Laboratory Construction Co LaPine & Co., Arthur S Lindberg Engineering Co Macbeth Corp Machlett & Son, Ε Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Merck & Co., Inc Mill Creek Products Co Mixing Equipment Co. Inc National Technical Laboratories New York Laboratory Supply Co., lne Owens-Illinois Glass Co Palo-Myers, Inc Parr Instrument Co Peterson & Co., Inc., Leonard Photovolt Corp Podbielniak, Inc Precision Scientific Co Rubicon Co Sargent & Co., Ε. Η Schaar & Co Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc Southern Scientific Co., Inc Specialized Instruments Corp Terminal Radio Corp ·. Thermal Syndicate, Ltd Thermo Electric Mfg. Co Thomas Co., Arthur H Welch Scientific Co., W. M Will Corp

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MIXERS FOR LABORATORIES, PILOT PLANTS A N D SMALL BATCH PRODUCTION N o t t o b e c o m p a r e d w i t h c h e a p e r m i x e r s t h a t often w e a r o u t after a few m o n t h s . T h e s e a r e t h e f a m o u s p r e c i s i o n b u i l t LlGHTNlN M i x e r s t h a t g i v e y o u service for y e a r s w i t h ­ out maintenance or adjustment. Fully guaranteed. P r o m p t d e l i v e r y f r o m stock. O r d e r b e l o w , o r send for c o m p l e t e in­ formation.

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A COMPLETE SELECTION: MODEL L for thin liquids, $36. MODEL V, available in different gear ratios for thick liquids or general agitation, $55. MODEL ARL operates on compressed air and has built-in speed control, $55. ( w i t h handle $56.50)



INTERCHANGEABLE ACCESSORIES: Clamps, Shafts, Propellers; Cage Beaters for creams, beating, etc.; Folding Propellers for agitation in bottles and carboys; T u r b i n e or Paddle type Impellers; R i n g Guard Propellers; Three-Step Pulley Attachment for p o w e r take-off. For complete information and prices, check below and mail. PROCESS ADAPTED AGITATION

DIRECTORY Laboratory Supply Center Burrell Corp. Cargille, R. P . Coleman Instruments, Inc. General Bioehemicals, Inc. Kern Co. Nalge Co. Panray Corp. Sorvall, Inc., Ivan Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

MODEL F. This all-purpose mixer is useful over a full range of viscosities. Speed is adjustable. Degree of agitation is instantly adjusted to batch size and results desired. Friction drive provides increased torque at slow speeds. Drive is fully enclosed to protect sensitive materials from contamination. Conven­ ient carrying handle permits hand hold­ ing while mixing. The 1/30 H.P. fancooled motor is totally enclosed—suit­ able for use with inflammable materials. Operates on 110-volt 60-cycle 1-phase A.C. Maximum speed, 1750 R.P.M. Weight 10 lbs. Complete with 12" shaft and 2" three-blade propeller of 18-8 Stainless or Mone! Price $55. Also available with 220-volt 60-cycle 1-phase motor, at $58

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MIXING EQUIPMENT CO. Inc. (MIXCO) 1 0 6 0 GARSON A V E N U E , ROCHESTER 9 , Ν . Υ . In Canada: V/Hiiam and J. G. G r e e y , Ltd., Toronto G e n t l e m e n : Please s h i p us the f o l l o w i n g Quaniify

REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION Advertising Management for the American Chemical Society Publications 330 W. 42nd Street, New York 18, Ν. Υ. ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Merald Lue, Advertising Sales Manager New York-BRyant 9-4430; James S. Mulholland, David B. Hoopes, Howard V. Drumm, B. Franklyn LaRue, James J. Sullivan C h i c a g o - I l l West Washington Street, RAndolph 6-8497; G. E. Cochran, F . C. Eastman Cleveland—630 Terminal Tower, PRospect 5583; Richard N. Jorgenson Philadelphia-12 So. 12th Street, WAlnut 2-0393; Richard N. Callahan San Francisco—McDonald-Thompson, 564 Market Street, YUkon 6-0503; Roy M. McDonald Los Angeles—McDonald-Thompson, 639 S. Wilton Place, DRexel 2590; Ε. Τ. Thompson Seattle—McDonald-Thompson, Terminal Sales Bldg., MAin 3860; Harry Abney Fort Worth-McDonald-Thompson, 1414 Electric Bldg., Fort Worth 3-2434; Clinton B. Julian

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LlGHTNlN Model F Mixers:


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O t h e r L l G H T N l N Laboratory Mixers a n d

Accessories. Π L l G H T N l N Propeller-Type Portable Mixers f o r larger jobs. •

L l G H T N l N Side Entering A g i t a t o r s f o r tanks up t o 5 m i l l i o n g a l l o n s .


L l G H T N l N Heavy Duty Turbine a n d Paddle A g i t a t o r s .



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