Nov 4, 2010 - Achema VII Displays Wide Variety of Chemical Equipment................ 263. Acids from Naphtnenes in Russia......... 102. See also name ...
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I N D E X VOLUME 12—1934 NEWS EDITION, INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Page ABRAMSON, H . A. Electrokinetic Phenomena. (Book Review, b y Weiser) Accident, Serious, Results from Decomposition of Aluminum Chloride Acetamide, Use as Solvent. O. F. Stafford. Acetic Acid, Synthetic, Production I n creasing in Italy Acetylene, By-Prod ucts from Acetylene, Heavy. Formed by Freezing Deuterium Achema VII Displays Wide Variety of Chemical Equipment Acids from Naphtnenes in Russia See also name of acid. Adolph, W. H. See Chinese Letter. Advertisement. Chemistry Featured in New York Timej Agar, U. S„ Imports Reach High F i g u r e . . . . Agriculture, Improvement in—Reflected in U. S. Exports of Phosphate Rock Agriculture, Production of—Stimulated b y Government i n Mexico

267 194 90 359 47 262 263 102 358 160 260 434


Efficiency in Aeration of Industrial Plants Studied in Austria 341 To Simulate Mountain Air i n P o l a n d . . . . 317


Albert, King of Belgium, Death of


Beverage, Legislation Fatty, U. S. Patents on Development of Higher German Plant for Producing—and Glucose from Wood. C. H. S. Tupholme... Government to Control—in Hungary Grain, Use in Motor Fuels Studied Hymolal Suggested as Name for—Wetting and Cleansing Agent Industrial, Industry Code Effective Manufactured from Sulfite Liquor Mash in Germany Recovery Trends in—Industry. Otto Wilson Aldehydes, Microchemical, Method for Detection of Alexander, Jerome. New Technic D e veloped in Study of Protoplasm. (Correspondence) Alford, L. P., Editor. Cost and Production Handbook. (Book Review) Alkali Industry in Madras Offers Promise... Alkalinity, Caustic, Effect of—in Drinking Water. A. C. S. Committee R e p o r t . . . . Alkaloids, Two New—Isolated from Periwinkle Allen, C. H. Research on Natural R e s i n s . . . Alliance College Dedicates New Laboratory Alloys, Bad Taste and Odor of—Due to Organic Sulfur Compounds Alloys, De-Gassing of Non-Ferrous


147 37 316

121 48 433 98 428 175 209 103

Page nounced, 370, 390; Program 405, 456 Florida Meeting. See Florida and Florida Meeting. Gloucester Chemists Contribute t o Decennial Index Fund 213 Honorary Members of. Harrison Hale and Lesley Kile 23 Kansas City Midwest Regional Meeting. Program, 137; Report 215 Members Elected 6, 31, 46, 6 0 , 88, 100, 151, 174, 199, 213, 224, 244, 258, 279. 320, 358, 392, 450 Membership: A Chemist Soliloquizes on Advantages of 450 Advantages of. W. A. Noyes 100 New York Meeting. See New York. Officers for 1935 369, 445 Officers of 29, 149, 379 Organic Chemistry Symposium Anniversary 438 President's Greetings 1 Pronunciation of Chemical Words. Committee Report. E.J.Crane 202 Publications, Back Copies Wanted 213 Registrations, 1930 to 1934 330 Reports for 1933 41 Rubber Division, Boston Group of, Meets 252 Rubber Division, New York Group of, Elects Officers 9 San Francisco Meeting. See San Francisco Meeting. Secretary of—Turns Nimrod. (Photo)... 60 Student Membership Prize: Alpha Chi Sigma 174 List of 160, 408 Louisiana Section 213 Oklahoma Petroleum Group 8 Phi Lambda Upsilon 118, 213 Suggestions for Effective Presentation of Papers at—Meetings 300 Water Purification and Sewage Treatment Plant Operators Qualifications, Report on 389 Work Appreciated 100 AMERICAN CONTEMPORARIES:

Baxter, Florus R. H. J. Haddleton 177 Drake, Lewis Marvin. W. H. Beisler 251 Ekeley, John Bernard. F . E. E . Germann 265 392 Emery, William Orrin. V. K. Chesnut... 349 Handy, James Otis. H. H. Craver 14 62 Help Wanted 450 412 Jones, Lauder William. R. T. Major 363 Levene, P. A. L. W. Bass 105 391 Moody, Herbert Raymond. Ross A. Baker 415 452 Mulliken, Samuel Parsons. T. L. Davis. 392 (Correction, 251) 197 Palmer, Charles Skeele. H . A. Marple.... 305 455 Shorey, Edmund C. M. S. Anderson 51 Walker, William H. Allen Abrams 153 303 Wheeler, Alvin Sawyer. R. W. Boat 385 372 American Cyanamid Co. Organizes Alkali ALPHA CHI SIGMA: Plant. Charles Roster 408 Awards A. C. S. Memberships 174 Institute of Chemical Engineers. Biennial Conclave 181, 269 American See Engineers, Chemical. Upsilon Chapter a t Northwestern UniAmerican Institute of City of New York versity Establishes Award 232 Medal. See Medal Awards. Alsberg, C. L. See Weber, G. M. American Society for Testing Materials. Altpeter, Julius. See Maier-Bode, Hans. See Testing Materials. Alum, Hungarian, Factory t o Open 229 Ammonia Synthesis. See Synthesis. ALUMINUM: Ammonium Bicarbonate from ManufacCodeSigned 250 tured Gas. C. H. S. Tupholme 26 Containers, Advantages of, D i s c u s s e d . . . . 377 Ammonium Bromide of High Purity ProFactory Being Built at Shanghai 89 duced Commercially 357 Japanese, Industry Faces Crisis from Ammonium Citrate Used i n Treatment of Foreign Competition., 103 Dietary Anemia 433 Plants to Start Operation i n Japan 246 Animal Fats. See Fats. Russia Plans Development of—Industry. 247 Antipyrene, Microchemical Reaction for.. 317 Aluminum Chloride, Serious Accident ReA. O. A. C. Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary. 397 sults from Decomposition of 194 Apatite Industry Rapidly Expanding in Russia 413 Aluminum Co. of America Establishes ReApparatus. Gasvox Gives Protection search Fellowship 250 against Gas 377 Aluminum Sulfate, Italian Production of 27 Arkansas, University of, New Buildings for. 325 American Association for the Advancement ARMENIAN LETTER 317 of Science. See Science. Arnstein, Henry. Obituary 282 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY: Arsenic Pentoxide, New Method for ProAward in Pure Chemistry: ducing—Developed in Russia 393 Koelsch, C. F., Given 114, 331 Arsenic Trioxide, Uses for—in Scandinavia 101 Plans for 1935 343 Art, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Rules Governing 353 Solves—Mystery 213 Brief in Behalf of 139 Artichokes, Jerusalem, Ethanol Produced Cleveland Meeting. See Cleveland and from—in Hungary 201 Cleveland Meeting. Asbestos and Its Use in Manufacture of Colloid Chemistry Symposium, Eleventh. Rubber Goods. S. Collier 97 Program, 173; Report 252 Asbestos Exportation from Finland InCommittee on Patents Requests Informacreasing 278 tion on Russian Patents 415 Asphalt from Heavy Petroleum Residues. 303 Committee Report on Effect of Caustic Aufschlager, Gustav. Obituary 263 Alkalinity in Drinking Water 391 Austria Chemical Industry Improves 89 Contacts Appreciated 190 m AUSTRIAN LETTER 27, 65, Directors' Minutes of Meetings: 89, 102, 175, 201, 230, 261. 317, 341, 377 December 9, 1933 6 AWARD: December 8, 1934 449 Alpha Chi Sigma at Northwestern 232 Florida 151 Harvard University Research 146 Distillation Symposium. Plans An-


Lilly and Company, Eli Procter International, to J. U. Lloyd

Page 425 384


BABSON, R. W. Statistics on Sunshine 84 Bach, H. Abwasserreinigung. (Book Review, by Rudolfs) 253 Bader, Walter. Technik der chemischen Operationen. (Book Review, b y Rie_ gel) 52 Badger, Daniel Bradford. Obituary 396 Baekeland, L. H., Honored by University of Brussels 416 Baker Chemical Co., J. T., Fellowship. See Fellowships. Balsam, Canada, Russian Method for Obtaining—from Siberian Fir 413 Barrels, Red Oak for Beer 62 Barton, H . A. Advances in Physics 448 Basset Process Modified 227 Bassett, William Hastings. Obituary 282 Bates, Frederick. International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis to Meet in London 280 Battelle Memorial Institute Personnel Changes 178 Baud, Paul. See Pascal, Paul. Baxter, Florus R. American Contemporary. H. J. Haddleton 177 Baxter, G. P., Awarded Richards Medal 99 Beckman, J. W. Industry under the Scalpel 314 Beer Barrels. See Barrels. Beet Sugar. See Sugar, Beet. BELGIAN LETTER BELGIUM:

65, 147, 375

Exports and Imports, Ratio b e t w e e n . . . . Imports Exceed Exports in U. S. Trade.. Bell, James Munsie. Obituary Bennett, G. W. Diamond Jubilee of Oil andFirst Eastern Oil Exposition

66 147 106 319


Chemical Formulary. (Book Review, by Fuller) 93 Practical Everyday Chemistry. (Book Review) 399 Benson, H. K. Importance of Scientific Testing to Industry 339 BENZENE:

Extraction from Manufactured Gas. C. H. S. Tupholme Recovery by Activated Carbon Absorption. C. H. S. Tupholme Bergius, Friedrich, Fiftieth Birthday Berl, Ernst, Editor. Berl-Lunge chemischtechnische Untersuchungsmethoden. (Book Review, by Ullman) Berry, Edward Robie. Obituary Betain Preparation Obtained from Molasses Patented in Czechoslovakia Bibliography on Deuterium. (Booklet, 323) Billiter, J. Prinzipien der Galvanotechnik. (Book Review, by Fink) Bingham, E. C. Chemical Tree Bismuth, New Method for Determining.... Bituminous Sands, Economic Value of— Investigated in Canada Blanning, H. K., and Rich, A. D . Boiler Feed and Boiler Water-Softening. (Book Review, by French) Bobbins, Pyrex Glass Bohemium, Koblic Withdraws Claim to Discovery of BOOK AND BOOKLET REVIEWS.

190 145 385 307 324 125 11 400 346 28 318 284 337 318

See each

issue. Book Plate. P . C. Kinsbury, 226; G. S. Gardner Boone, P. D . See Patents. Booth, Jas. C. Older Consulting Laboratory of Borchardt, Ph., Ferrero, P., Mertens, E., Miolati, A., and Perin, S. Quelques Aspects de la Valorisation Chimique du Charbon. (Book Review, by Lowry)... Boric Acid from Natural Hot Springs Bosch, Carl, Celebrates Sixtieth Birthday... Boston Rubber Group. See Rubber Division. Botany, Advances in. F. E . Denny Bottle Caps, Milk, Research on Bowman, F. C. New AU-Metal Butter Churn Bragg, W. L., to Lecture at Cornell Brandenburger, Kurt. Herstellung und Verarbeitung v o n Kunstharz-Pressmassen. Band I. Presstechnik. (Book Review, by Weith and Schmidt). Brauer, Adolf, and D'Ans, J.m Fortschritte in der anorganisch-chemischen Industrie. Dargestellt an Hand der deutschen Reichs-Patent. Volume IV, Part I. (Book Review, by Zeisberg) Brauer, Adolf, and Reitstdtter, Josef,

432 108 417 277 375 447 325 337 50 253





Page Editors. Elektriscbe Ofen. Fortschritte des chemischen Apparatewesens. Band I. (Book Review) Brighton, Thomas B. Obituary British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association. Casting of Brars Ingots. (Book Review) British Rubber Manufacturers, Research Association of. See Science Library.

309 196 109

115 28

B B O W N E , C. A.:

Continuous vs. Batch Processes 339 Three Hundredth Anniversary of Chemical Industries in America 427 Brownlie, David. Oil Shale Carbonization. 345, 392 BTJLGARXAN LETTER


Burton, T. F., Editor. Annual Reports of Progress of Applied Chemistry. Volume XVIII. (Book Review, by Rogers) Busemann, Adolf. Warrae- und Stoffaustausch. (Book Review, by Kirkbride). Business Historical Society Shows Value of History in Business Butadiene, Synthetic Latex Made from Butkevifius, Filypas. Obituary Byers. H. G Selenium, Vanadium, Chromium, and Arsenic in One Soil

CACAO Production Decreases in Mexico. Calcium Chloride, Fog Dissipated with Calcium Chloride Made in Canada. . Calcium Sulfate, Anhydrous, Available as Drying Agent CALENDAR OP MEETINGS. See each issue. California Amends Food and Drug Law Campbell, John. See Jones, G. W. Camphor, Synthetic, Duty Unchanged. .12, Camphor Industry Developing Canada, Tariff Changes in Chemical Items CANADIAN

LETTER. . .47,




Cancer, SubBtance That Decomposes—Cells Claimed Present in Healthy Organism Caps, Milk Bottle. See Bottle. Carbolic Acid, Cheap Substitute Found for—in Russia Carbon, Comparison of Light from Tungsten and—Lamps Simplified Carbon, Fossil, Distillation of—with Electricity Carbon Black, Manufacture of—Started in Prague Carbon Disulfide Patents Issued in Czechoslovakia Carbon Suboxide Decomposition Forms Dicarbon Gas Casein, Japanese, Industry Hopes for Development Casein, IT. S., Imports Higher in 1933


200 72 133 452 128 122

435 286 433 104 15 316 160 211 433

411 412 304 451 409 264 261 103 96


Method for Determining Catalytic Action of Mineral Water New, Developed for Synthesis of Ammonia Vanadium Oxide Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene. P . D . B o o n e Cathcart, William R. Obituary Caustic Soda. See Sodium Hydroxide. CCCin Southwest. J. D. Clark Celluloid Plant, I. G. Farbenindustrie to Start, in Czechoslovakia

435 413 86 92 249 125


De Cew Patent for Sizing Cellulosic Fibers Invalid. P . D . B o o n e Hill Patent for Coated Stencil Sheet. P. D . B o o n e . Infringed, 172; Not Infringed Method Patented for Cooking Plastic Products Statistics Show Increase in Production and Shipments Cellulose Acetate Output Declines. Otto Wilson


Acid-Proof—in Powder Form Regulation of—Importation Foreseen in Scandinavia Rubber, Aids in Production of Fine Bronze Castings Value of—for Efficient Operation of Chemical Plants. D. H. Killeffer Ceramic Society, American, Joint Meeting of Electrochemical Society and. Report. (Correction, 234) Cesium Salts Produced from Lepidolites.... Chamberlain, J. M. W. Electrophoresis as Applied to Chemical Stoneware Chambers, L. A. See Flosdorf, E. W. Charcoal, Gas from—as Motor Fuel in Palestine Chart, Vapor Pressure, Available Chart, Vitamin, New Edition of—Available. CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS:

Back Copies Wanted Classification Changes in Chemical Catalog Co. Chemical Engi-

neering Catalog. (Book Review, by Killeffer) Chemical Foundation, Inc., Warns Americans against Making Trade Agreements with Defaulting Countries

34 300



Ethyl-Dow Chemical Co. Film for Recovery of—from Sea Available _ Industry Increases Production in Palestine

Vol. 1 2 , No. 24


172 304 101 300 324 338 393 300 355 180 413 303 176 183 365 213 449

American Section of—Elects New Officers Annual Reports of Progress of Applied Chemistry. Volume XVIII. (Book Review, by Rogers) Chemical Manufacturing Industry, Code Approved for Chemical Reviews: Issues of 10, 92, Subscription Rates for Chemical Society (London), Special Rates on—Publications to A. C. S. Members. 286, CHEMICALS:

Exports Show Substantial Increases Heavy, Plant to Be Built at Corawell, Ontario Madras as Center for Manufacture of. . . Trade in U. S.—Reflects Manufacturing Activity Trade Rises Ten Per Cent in U. S Who Makes I t ? . . 15, 36, 49, 122, 172, 354,

286 200 57 284 10 400 320 148 412 238 105 408


Agricultural Industries, Third Technical and Chemical International Congress of. Atherton Seidell CWA and Documentation at International Office of. Atherton Seidell Importance of—to Planned Industry. Wilheim Krumbhaar Industrial, Exhibit at Newark Museum. Ninth International Congress of Pure and Applied—Report


155 37 235 68 49 189

Oldest Firms of 63, Under Codes Chemists* Club Elects Officers Chemoluminescence Explained Chicago Chemists Club Elects Officers Chilson, Francis. Modern Cosmetics. (Book Review, by Fuller) China Adopts Metric System for Customs. China Revises Import Tariff Chinese Chemical Society Sponsors Two Publications CHINESE LETTER

Chittenden, R. H., Honored Chloride Test Used to Determine Age of Inks. R. E. Cornish, John Finn, Jr., and William McLaughlin Chlorine Institute Elects Officers Cholesterol, Microchemical Test for Churchill, Jesse Briggs. Obituary Churn, Butter, New All-Metal. F. C. Bowman Cinchona, Development of, in Formosa.. . . CITRIC ACID:

Fungi to Make New Sources for Producing Tobacco Offers New Source for Clark, J. D . CCC in the Southwest

108 59 181 303 234 307 13 304 89 89


315 9 435 214 337 259 302 452 301 249

Cobalt, New Type o' Azo D y e Containing—Discovered in S w i t z e r l a n d . . . . . . .



Aluminum, Signed. Attempts to—Mental Processes. F . D. Snell Brief in Behalf of A. C. S Chemical Engineering Equipment Industry. Approved by NRA, 258; Hearing Held Chemical Manufacturing Industry Approved . . Chemists under. Comment on—for Laboratories Commercial Research and T*. sting Laboratory Industry—Maintains Status Quo Industrial Alcohol Industry—Effective. Coffee, Acidity of Roasted Coleman, W . B. Centenary of Birtia of Frederick Walton, Inventor of Linoleum Colin, G. G. See Mexican Letter. Collier, S. Asbestos and Its Use in Manufacture of Rubber Goods «... Colloid Chemistry Symposium, Eleveonth. Program, 173; Report Colloid Symposium. Monographs, Index to. Color Photography. See Photography. Commerce, Bureau, of Foreign and Domestic. World Chemical Developments i n 1933 and Early 1934. (Book Review) Commodity, Wholesale, Prices in U. S... Concannon, C. C . Foreign Conditions Affecting Fertilizer -. Construction, Road, Munich HoLds— Exhibit Cook, S. J. See Canadian Letter. Copper Company Increases Exports in Yugoslavia Coriander Oil. See Oil. Cornell University, W. L. Bragg to Lecture CORNING GLASS WOJRKS:

Levitt, W. T. Glass-Blowing Technxc... 200-Inch Telescope Disk. Making, of, 122, 286; Reports on - .218, Cornish, R. E., Finn, John, Jr., and McLaughlin, William. Age of I n k s as Determined by Chloride Test Cowper, George B. Obituary _ ... Crane, E. J. A. C. S. Committee Report on Pronunciation of Chemical Words. - . . . Creosote Oil. See Oil. Cruess, W. V., Joslyn, M . A., and Saywell, L. G. Laboratory Examination of Wines and Other Fermented Fruit Products. (Book Review, by K n i g i t ) .

65 250 140 1,39 181 57 59 176 279 428 268 119 97 252 386

309 62 241 411 102 50 91 426 315 437 202



Obituary Sixty-Seventh Anniversary Commemorated Curme, G. O., Awarded Perkin Medal.. . Czechoslovakia, Currency Devaluation to Aid Export Trade in _ ...

414 370






124, 176, 201, 263, 3 1 7 , 376, 409


Chemical Treatment of—Improves Drying Qualities Porous, Sweden Develops Burning Process for Production of Cleaner, Rug, Non-Alkaline Cleaning, Danish Firm Develops Plant for— Clothes with Trichloroethylene CLEVELAND:

As Vacation Center Chemistrj in Diverse Attractions Tower View of Cleveland


Abstractors' Luncheon Cleveland Meeting of 1934 Corridor Comments Council Meeting Diffusional Processes Symposium at, 152; Reprints Available Divisional Reports 333, Group Activities 334, 336, Hotel Reservations Isotopics Issues Special Number for Ladies' Entertainment Plans for Program Program, Preliminary Publicity Activities at Cleveland Quartet of Convention Chemists Registration

47 13 339 13 276 273 257 225 275 331 335 329 438 361 361 244 336 335 244 289 # 221 * 361 224 330


Apparatus to Determine Volatile Products of Distillation Products Decrease in Value... Hydrogenation. See Hydrogenation. Ruhr, Used in Chemical Processes in Germany TVA Investigates New Uses for See also Fuel, Motor. Coal Ash, Melting Point and Slagging of— Determined by^ New Method Coal Tar, Isolation of Hitherto Unknown—Compounds Accomplished.... See also Dyes. Coates Chemical Laboratory, Dedication of. Coating Base, Tornesit, Prepared by Chlorination of Rubber. D . R. Wiggam, William Koch, and E. Mayfield

125 14 175 300 125 412 99 179

DAMMER, Otto, Editor. Chemische T'echnologie der Neuzeit. (Book Review, by Olin) Danckwortt, P. W. Lumineszenz-AnaJyse im Filtrierten ultra violet ten Lxcht. (Book Review, by Davey) D A N I S H LETTER

_ .247,

D'Ans, J. See Briiuer, Adolf. Dautrebande, L. Les Gaz Toxiques. (Book Review, by Henderson) Davey, W. P . Study of Crystal Structure and Its Application. (Book Review, by Kenney) Davis, Watson, Editor. Advance of Science. (Book Review) Decennial Index Fund, Gloucester Cnemists Contribute to DeJuhasz, K.. J. Engine Indicator. Its Design, Theory, and Special Applications. (Book Review, by Boyd and Martin) Denny, F. E . Advances in Botany Desch, C. H. Chemistry of Solids. (Biook Review, by Russell) .

131 365 435

34 399 458 213 253 447 365


As Source of Healing Effects of Mineral Waters Bibliography on. (Booklet, 323) Committee Organized to Avoid Dxaplication of Research Work on . Heavy Acetylene Formed by Freezuxg... Hydrolyzed Esters in Introduced into Enolizable Ketones. . Manufacture of—and Its Compouands. W. A. Webb Norsk Hydro Manufactures _ . 377B Present in Baikal Lake . Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaf t. Gmelins Handbuch der anorganiscben Chesroie. System-nummer 50, Eisen. (Book Review, by Smith), 386; Sys-fcemnummer 35, Aluminium. (Book Review, by Frary) DeWolf, Philip. Obituary Diagrams,Equilibrium, Large-Scale Phase.. Diamonds, Synthetic, Austria Patent for Producing Dice, M. E. Two Ends of the Cow

409 11 354 262 262 262 63 393 413

399 32 347 341 171

December 20, 1934


Page Dietz, David. Story of Science. (Book Review) 440 Dissertations, Doctoral, "List of 418 Distillation Symposium. Plans Announced, 370, 390; Programs 405, 456 Doan, G. E. See Liddell, D . M. Documentation at International Office of Chemistry. Atherton Seidell 235 Dor emus and Harris, Oldest Firm of Chemists 63 Dorr, J . V. N., Honored 281 Dover, Mary V. Obituary 348 Dow Chemical Co. Dow Chemicals. (Book Review) 347 Downs, J. C , Awarded Schoellkopf Medal '00, 196 Drake, Lewis Marvin. American Contemporary. W. H.Beisler 251 Drug and Food Law, California A m e n d s . . . . 15 Drugs, Palestine Opens New Plant for Manufacture of 28 Drying, Technical, Speed of—Increased by Pulsation Process 375 Dunstan, A. E., and Sell, George, Editors. Proceedings of World Petroleum Congress, London, 1933. Volume II. Refining, Chemical, and Testing Section. (Book Review, by Emery) 321 DUTCH DYE:






Azo: Chrome, Patents in Switzerland Metal-Containing—Patents in Switzerland N e w Type of—in Switzerland Contains Cobalt Coal Tar: Exports in Germany above A v e r a g e . . . Imports into U. S. Declining Trade Improving i a U . S Past-Dyeing of Leather with Sulfur Colors. C. H. S. Tupholme Germany's, Trade with Far E a s t D e clining Imports in U. S. Increased in 1933 In Food Discussed in England. C. H. S. Tupholme Japanese, Competition Felt i n Chinese— Market Japanese, Producers Making Progress Natural, Factories Built to Produce— Extracts in Russia Report on Production, and Sales of Synthetic, U. S. Exports Exceed Imports Vegetable, U. S. Exports of—Larger in 1933 "WWld, Production Shows Increased Industrial Activity Dyers and Colourists, Society of, Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary DYESTTJFFS:

Committee Formed in Italy to Study Industry Active in Japan Industry, Recent Progress of—in Japan.

EASTMAN, George, Memorial Dedicated.. Eccles, Robert G. Obituary EDUCATION:

Adult, Place of Science in Make Your Training Fit the Job. F. N . Peters, Jr Professional, Status of—Investigated in Mexico




176 317 65 263 300 226 234 360 28 348 360 426 231 243 259 160 195 268



Page Enameling, Research on 64 Ende, Carl L. von. Obituary - 384 Engine Test Made with Gasoline and Gasoline Mixtures in Canada 433 Engineering, Chemical, Equipment Industry. Hearing Held, 181; NRA Approves Code 258 Engineering, Chemical, When and Where— Waa First Taught 160, 195, 235 E N G I N E E R S , CHEMICAL, TUTE OF:



Petroleum Development and Technology. Volume CVII, Transactions. (Book Review, by Gruse) Plans Annual Meeting Program for Pittsburgh Meeting Semi-Annual Meeting. Report Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting. Report Entomology, Advances in Equilibrium Diagrams, Large-Scale Phase. Equipment, Chemical, Achema VII Displays Great Variety of Equipment, Chemical Engineering—Industry. Hearing Held, 181; NRA Approves Code Erosion, PWA Allotted Ten Million Dollars t o Combat Soil Escher. Paul. Obituary Ethanol Produced from Jerusalem Artichokes in Hungary Ethyl-Dow Chemical Co. Film on Recovery of Bromine from Sea Available. Ethylene as Source of Synthetic Lubricating Oils Eucken, A., and Jakob, M. Chemie-Ingenieur. Band III, Teil III. Messung von Zustandsgrossen im Betriebe, 53; Band I, Teil IV. Elektrische und magnetische Materialtrennung. Materialvereinigung. Band II, Teil IV. Physikalisch-chemische Analyse im Betriebe. (Book Reviews, by Mann)

458 280 383 216 439 447 347 263 258 16 364 201 115 375



Achema VII, Displays Wide Variety of Chemical Equipment Berlin, Shows Industrial Operations Industrial Chemistry—at Newark Museum Rochester Section Booth at Centennial.. Explosives, Gains in, and Sulfur as Indexes to Recovery. Otto Wilson Explosives, Industrial, U. S. Exports of— Expand Exposition, Diamond Jubilee of Oil and First Eastern Oil—Report. G. W. Bennett Exposition, Science at Century of Progress 1934 Eynon, Lewis. See Lane, J. H.

382 437 22 108 434



18, 75, 160, 199, 269, 312, 326, 366, 419, 432 Embezzler. Know This Man? 92 Emery, William Orrin. American Contemporary. V. K. Chesnut 349 EMPLOYMENT:

110 69 435 37 264 183 235 108

F A B R I C Printing by Photochemistry. C. H. S. Tupholme Fabrics, Combining of Factories, Chemical, Show Great Activity in Hungary Fain, J. M., and Snell, F . D . Artificial Aging of Spirits FARADAY SOCIETY:

Dipole Moments (Book Review, Smyth) Free Radicals. (Book Review)



263 262 49 382 259 183 319 152

67 339 230 120 400 100


Herty, Charles Holmes, and Charles Holmes, Jr Noyes, William Albert, and William Albert, Jr Reese, Charles Lee, and John Smith, IV. Swan, John Nesbit, Stewart Duffield, Thomas Hadden, and William Orr White, Alfred Holmes, and Alfred McLaren

416 374 354 436 395


Animal, and By-Products. I and II. Otto Wilson 356, 377 Hardened, Uses for—in India 434 See also Oil.


Aluminum Co. of America Establishes Research Eastern Baker Analytical Food Merchandising, at Mellon Institute. Idaho Forestry School Given Two Research Milk Bottle Caps Research—at Mellon Institute Research Scholarships and—Supported b y Industry. C. J. West and Callie Hull . . 191, Textile Finishing Research—at Mellon Institute F E R A Continues Student Aid

250 218 64 408 325 250 385 353


Lactic, Increase Quality of Fodder Stored in Silos Organic Peroxides Improve Fermentation Process Vegetative, Isolated from Muskmelon. . . Ferrero, P. See Borchardt, Ph. FERTILIZER:

Canada's—Industry Expanding Foreign Conditions Affecting. Concannon



465 Page

Foreign Trade in—Materials Continues Strong. Otto Wilson Import Restrictions in France Imports Decreased in Japan Industry in Madras Offers Promise Nitrogen, Industry Advances in Japan.. Phosphate, Mines Reopened in Germany. Plant Food Concentration as Factor in Retail Prices of. W. H. Ross and A. L. Mehring State Control of—Studied in Mexico. . . . World.. Trade Radically Modified in Recent Years Fichtelite, Discovery of—from Peat Exploitations

65 435 412 *247 241

231 261 103 412 104 370 430 435 420 413


Ethyl-Dow Chemical—for Recovery of Bromine from Sea Oxy-Acetylene Welding Finaly, S. S. de See Hungarian Letter.


115 258 18,

54, 75, 92, 110, 132, 156, 185, 208, 220, 254, 268, 285, 310, 325, 350, 401, 420, 441, 459 Finn, John, Jr. See Cornish, R. E. Fischer, E. J. Wachse, wachsahnliche Stoffe und technische Wachsgemenge. (Book Review, b y Greene) 307 Flavors, Synthetic, U. S. Becoming Independent in 200 Flaxseed Oil. See Oil. Fleming, R. S., Honored 154 FLORIDA:

Florida Industries Go South Rollins College Statistics on Sunshine. University of Florida Venice of the South

R. W. Babson..


201 103 66

Deserves A. C S. Support 336 January Issue 446 Effluents, Milk Plant, Research on. C H. S. Tupholme 104 Ekeley, John Bernard. American Contemporary. F. E. E . Germann 265 Electrocasein Obtained b y Electric Current. 452 Electrochemical and American Ceramic Societies, Joint Meeting of, a t Asheville, N. C. Report. (Correction, 234). 180 Electrolysis. New Electrodes Developed in Switzerland 317 Electrolysis, Aluminum, Soderberg SelfBaking Electrode Applied in 245 Electrophoresis Applied to Chemical Stoneware. J. M. W. Chamberlain 303 Element 93, Koblic Withdraws Claim to Discovery of 318 Elements and Instruments. Harrison Hale 210 Ellis, Carleton. Chemistry of Petroleum Derivatives. (Book Review, by Brooks) 217

Agricultural Department Plans—for Chemists Chemical, Supply and Demand a s Related t o . IV. P. M. Ginnings Chemists Demand Substitution of Native for Foreign Chemists in Mexico CWA and—of Chemists Forty-Hour Work Week Tentatively Introduced in Czechoslovakia Gamma Sigma Epsilon Makes Effort to Place Young Chemists Increase in Make Your Training Fit the Job. F. N. Peters, Jr


Added Attractions for Council at St. Petersburg Divisional Officers, Group of, Meet Divisional Reports Eighty-Seventh Meeting Report Florida Section to Welcome A. C. S Illinois Alumni Meet Leigh, T. R., Chairman, Honored a t . . . . Listening Post Members and Their Guests. (Photo) Program Program, Preliminary Registration Rubber Dinner Women Chemists' Dinner Flosdorf, E. W., and Chambers, L. A. Chemical Changes Resultant from Sound. (Correction)

39 22 87 84 61 21 85 113 199 116 116 86 152 152 117 124 77 1 115 117 117 32


Czecboslovakian Public Demands Prohibition of Chemicals in Treatment of. Regulations in Italy for Analysis o f . . . . Fluorite, Amderma, Deposits Assume World Importance Fog, Laboratory Removal of—from Gases. C. H. S. Tupholme Fog Dissipated with Calcium C h l o r i d e . . . . Folin, Otto. Obituary

264 359 413 127 286 454


Dyed, Discussed in England. C. H. S. Tupholme Merchandising Fellowship at Mellon Institute Reich Defines Authority of Supervisors of Traffic in Food and Drug Law, California Amends.. Formalin, Cheap, Obtained by Oxidation of Methane Formosa, Production of Cinchona in Fradkin, E. K. Air Menace and the Answer. (Book Review, by Bancroft). Franklin Institute Opens Scientific Museum and Fels Planetarium to the Public. . . Franklin Medal. See Medal Awards. Freeman, Henry, Editor. Dictionary for Metallurgists. Part I. German-English, 52; Part II. English-German. (Book Reviews, by Rawdon) Frits, Research on Fruit-Washing Patent, Government Wins Case on FUEL:

Coal-Oil. C. H. S. Tupholme Cracked Gases Used to—Graf Zeppelin.38, Graphite Coating Reduces Costs of Liquid, High-Grade—from Peat Tar Motor: Alcohol in—Required in Austria English Company to Extract—from Coal Gas from Charcoal as—in Palestine.. . Germany Increases Production of Grain Alcohol in—Studied Holland May Utilize Sugar Beets for.. Made from Tar in England Produced by Coal Hydrogenation in Japan , Progress in Production of—by Coal Hydrogenation. C. H. S. Tupholme. Wood-Gas Generators Used in Czechoslovakian Busses New, Produced from Peat in R u s s i a . . . . Process for Production of Low-Boiling— Patented in Hungary Research on Use of Heavy—Oil in Car Motors Stimulated in S c a n d i n a v i a . . . . Sec also Gas. Fuller, George Warren. Obituary Fungicide, Coke-Benzene Sulfur Used as. . .

348 64 375 15 452 259 253 10

418 64 172 127 232 376 413 341 260 176 67 433 325 340 246 107 65 231 65 287 266 413



E D I T I O N Page

Page Furnace, Shaft, for Gas Reduction of Iron Ore

GAMMA Sigma Epsilon Makes Effort to Place Young Chemists Garvan, F. P., Discusses Reciprocal Trade Treaty with Switzerland


183 446


Ammonium Bicarbonate from Manufactured. C. H. S. Tupholme Associated Coal Mines Produce—Jointly i n Belgium Benzene Extraction from Manufactured. C . H. S. Tupholme Cracked, Used t o Fuel Graf Zeppelin. .38, Dicarbon, Formed by Decomposition of Carbon Suboxide From Charcoal a s Motor Fuel in Palestine Illuminating, Tested as Propellant Industrial Use of—Increases in Germany. Laboratory Removal of Fog from. C. H . S. Tupholme Preliminary Studies Made for—in Hungary Pyrogenic Pretreatment of Manufactured—for U s e as Neutral Furnace Atmosphere. C. H. S. Tupholme What Can Be Done about the—Suicide. C . H. S. Tupholme Wood-, Generators Used in Busses in Czechoslovakia Wood, Used to Drive Trucks in Czechoslovakia Gas, British, Federation Formed

26 147 190 232 261 176 176 227 127 229 260



Awarded Gold Medal How to Select Insulated Cable. (Book Review) Generators, Steam, European Chemical Industries Adopt New Type. C. H. S. Xupholme


433 433 377 437 17 64 284 453 308 157

126, 175, 227, 262, 302, 375. 411


Chemical Import Control Board Set U p in. 378 Chemical Industry Classified into Nineteen Technical Groups 411 : Chemical Industry Suffers 'rom Tariff Barriers 302 Chemical Periodicals, Circulation Figures. 175 Exports, Chemical, Value of 126 Industrial Conditions Show Improvement. 227 Technics Day Celebrated in Leipzig 227 Trades Chemicals for Imported Goods. . 372 Gibbs, Willard, Medal. See Medal Awards. Gilcbirist, H . L., and Matz, P. B . Residual Effects of Warfare Gases. III. Phosgene. IV. Arsenical Compounds. CBook Review) 71 Ginnings, P . M. Supply and Demand as Related to Chemical Employment. IV. 69 GLASS:

Coloration of—by Cementation Corning Glass Works 200-Inch Telescope Disk. Making of, 122, 286; Reports on 218, Czechoslovakia Experiments with— Streets Czechoslovakian, Industry Exhibits at A Century of Progress Czechoslovakian Laboratory—Compared with German Jena First, Factory Erected in Palestine Lowering Costs and Speeding Production in—Industry. E. C. Sullivan Made from Pumice in Armenia Progress Dependent on Chemists. Alexander Silverman Pyxex, Bobbins Wool Insulating Mats Manufactured from—by N e w Process in Sweden. — Glasser, Otto, Editor. Science of Radiology. (Book Review, by Mees) Glennie, A. E. Index to Literature of Food Investigation. (Book Review) Gloucester Chemists Contribute to D e c e n nial Index Fund Glucose, German Plant for Producing Alcohol and—from Wood. C. H. S. Tupholme Glue. Bone, Belgian Conference Discloses New Uses for Gnadinger, C. B . Pyrethrum Flowers. (Book Review, by Roark) Gold, Panning for—Revived in Bulgaria... Goldbaum, Jacob Samuel. Obituary Goodwin, F . M. See Jones, G. W. Gough, H . J. Crystalline Structure in Relation to Failure of Metals—Especially by Fatigue. (Book Review) Government Is a Profession

232 ' 306 376 38 309


Report of Food Investigation Board for 1933. (Book Review) Water Pollution Research. Summary of Current Literature. Volume VII. (Book Review)


Alloys of Iron and Tungsten. (Book Review, by Rawdon) Arsenical and Argentiferous Copper. (Book Review, by Thompson) Greiner, E . S., Marsh, J. S. t and Stoughton, Bradley. Alloys of Iron and Silicon. (Book Review, by Rawdon) Griffith, R. H. See Rollings, H. Gulick, C. P., Heads Sulfonated Oil Makers. Gwosdz, J., Editor. Kohle, Koks, Teer. Volume 30. Energetische Grundlafen der Gastechnik, by Schuster. (Book Review, by Fulweiler)


66 426 65 409 410 247 314 317 313 337 278 34 159 213 121 375 33 247 437 72 22

H A B E R . Fritz. Obituary Hale, Harrison. Elements end Instruments. Hale, Harrison, and Kile, Lesley. Honorary Members of A. C. S Hall, R. E., Awarded Pittsburgh Section Medal Handy, James Otis. American Contemporary. H. H. Craver Hanemann, Heinrich. and Schrader, Angelica. Atlas Metallographicus. (Book Review, by Silliman) Hartman, W. W., Editor. Organic Syntheses. Volume XIV. (Book Review, by Hill) Harvard University Research Awards Hatch, Edward CantwelJ. Obituary Haynes, Williams. Chemical Economics. (Book Review, by Tyler) Heilbron, I. M., Editor. Dictionary of Organic Compounds. Volume I. Abietic Acid-Dypnone. (Book Review, by Hale) Heinze, R. Veredlung gasformiger Brennstoffe; and Veredlung fiussiger Brennstoffe. (Book Review, by Gruse) HELIUM:

Determination of—Report .. Small Quantities of—Found in Ontario Natural Gas U. S. Acquires Large—Reserve Helwich, L. A. See Czechoslovakian Letter.

72 317

157 321 17 70 237

38 210 23 50 14 53 284 146 107 17 417 322 309 433 260

Enters into Trade Agreements with Other Countries Government to Control Trade in Hunter, John Walter. Obituary Huppert, Otto. Gasverbrauchsgerate. Kohle, Koks, Teer. (Book Review, by Bertl) Hydrocarbons, Law Establishes Prizes for Research on—in Italy Hydrochloric Acid, Simplified Procedure for Commercial Standardization of. .. Cauterizing Seed with—May Eliminate Poisons Production Started in Czechoslovakia... Stabilizing Influence of—Studied

230 230 364 158 451 433

416 196 118 419 214 H 182 63 307 158

Coal: Developments in United Kingdom . . . . Progress in Production of Motor Spirit by. C. H. S. Tupholme Oil, Factory at Mettur Discvissed Plant of I. G. Farbenindustrie. (Photo). Hymolal Suggested as Name for Alcohol - Wetting and Cleansing Agent

ICE, New Medium for Prevention of Formation of—on Highways Idaho Forestry School Given Research Fellowships

131 454 50 393 148 236 214 33



28, 47, 65, 103, 201, 229, 317, 342, 394

146 107 434 67 9

63 408


Celluloid Plant Started by—in Czechoslovakia Hydrogenation Plant. (Photo) Increases Domestic Sales Index, Decennial, Gloucester Chemists Contribute to—Fund India, American Industrial Opportunities in. H. P. Pearson Indicator for Detection of Deterioration in % Canned Food Indigo Oxidized to Isatin by N e w Method. Industrial Alcohol Institute, I n c . Alcohol under State Liquor Laws. (Book Review) Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Solves Art Mystery INDUSTRIAL. N E W S . See each issue.

125 67 263 213 104 338 394 323 213


Statistical Story of—for Year. Otto Wilson Tercentenary in 1935 Three Hundredth Anniversary of. C. A. Browne Industries, New, Established . n Hungary.. Industry, Importance of C'nemistry to Planned. Wilhelm Krun./bhaar Industry under the Scalpel. J . W. Beckman Inks, Age of—as Determined by Chloride Test. R. E. Cornish, John Finn, Jr., and William McLaughlin Coke-Benzene Sulfur Used as Japan Expects Increased Production of.. New Developments in—Industry Tolerances for 1934 Crop Instruments and Elements. Harrison Hale. International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Report of IXtb. International Tin Research a n d Development Council. Progress in Tin Research. (Book Review) Inventor, Recognizing Rights of. B . C. Lechler Iodine, Installation for Recovery of—in Italy Ionium Salts Used as Emulsifiers in Paints. Iron, Pig, Electrolytic Production of— Established in Norway Iron Citrate Used in Treatment of Dietary Anemia I R O N ORE:

Discovered in Albania Gas Reduction of—Carried Out in Shaft Furnace Isatin, Indigo Oxidized to—by New Method 399 Isenburger, H. R. See St. John, Ancel. 232 » A Isocholesterol, Patent Obtained for Making —from Wool Fat in Holland 34 lsopropanol Increases Water Tolerance of Gasoline 394 Tsotopics Issues Special A . C. S. Number... 131

377 317 435




And Charles Holmes, Jr. (Fathers and Sons) Awarded Herty Medal Wins Lucas Trophy Herty, Charles Holmes, Jr. Mining and Metallurgical Investigations. (Book Review) Herty Medal. Sec Medal Awards. Hesse, Bernhard C. Obituary Hetzer, J. Textil-Hilfsmittel-Tabellen. (Book Review, by Rose) Highways, New Medium for Prevention of Formation of Ice on Hillebrand Prize. See Prize Awards. Hinton, C. L. Summary of Food Laws and Regulations. (Book Review, by Bigelow) Hirsch, Alcan. Industrialized Russia. (Book Review, by Killeffer) Hodgman, C. D., Editor. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 18th Edition. (Book Review, by West), 18; 19th Edition Hoff, van't, Grants for 1935 Holde, D. Kohlenwasserstoffole und Fette. (Book Review, by Egloff) Holland, New Industries Established i n — by German Immigrants Hollings, H., Editor. Manufacture of Gas. Volume I. Water GaB, by Griffith. (Book Review, by Sperr, Jr.) Holmes, H. N . Out of the Test Tube. (Book Review, by Killeffer) Holton, E . C. Obituary Hoppenstedt, Alfred W. Obituary Hormone Secretin Isolated in Pure State. . Hormones,- Sex, Chemistry Reviewed in Canada Horton, H. E. Obituary Hoskins, William. Obituary Hou, T. P. Manufacture of Soda with Special Reference to Ammonia Process. (Book Review, by Brown) Houwink, R. Physikalische Eigenschaften und Feinbau von Natur- und Kunstharzen. Volume X I . Kolloidforschung in Einzeldorstellungen. (Book Review, by Hall) Hull, Callie. See West, C. J.



65 263 453


Chimie e t technologie du latex de caoutchouc. (Book Review, by Fisher) . . . . Filtration industrielle. (Book Review, h>y Sperry)

Graf Zeppelin, Cracked Gases Used to Fuel 38 Graff', M.* Bray'ton!' Obituary." ". * '.". V.'.V.. Grant, Julius. See Radley, J. A. Graphite Coating Protects Metals and Reduces Costs of Fuel and Lubricants. . . Graphs, Cross-Section Paper for Grassberger, R., and Luszczak, A. Gasflamme als Luf tpruf er



Engine Tests Made with—and Gasoline Mixtures in Canada Lsopropanol Increases Water Tolerance ofGasvox. New Appliance Gives Protection against Gas Gebauer-Fuelnegg, Erich von. Obituary.. Gemant, Andreas. Liquid Dielectrics. (Book Review, by Davey)

VOL 12, No. 24



123, 227, 277,

Crude Sulfur Sales Office Formed in Export Trade Regulated in Imports of Certain Chemicals Prohibited in New Chemical Plants in New Plants Authorized in Regulations for Payment on Imports... .

J A K O B , M.

165 371 427 342 68 314 315 413 174 372 12 210 189 347 407 228 263 245 433 102 393 394 231 433 336 359

451 277 451 279 452 451

See Eucken, A.


Chemical Industry Devastated b y Typhoon Chemical Industry Develops Rapidly.. . Competition of—Felt in Chinese Dye Market Expects Increased Production of Pyrethrum Great Activity in Chemical Industry

410 264 360 174 176

December 20,1934


Page Methanol, Synthetic, to Be Produced in. 67 Rayon Industry. Keiiti Sisido 279 Unemployment Statistics 246 JAPANESE LETTER

103, 246, 262,

Johnson, F. W. Easily Interpolated Trigonometric Tables with Noninterpolating Logs, Cologs, and Antilogs. (Book Review, by Colburn) Jones, G. W., Campbell, John, and Goodwin, F. M. Investigations during 1933 of Combustibles in Manholes in Boston, Mass. (Book Review) Jones, Lauder William. American Contemporary. R, T. Major Joslyn, M. A. See Cruess, W. V. JOURNALS, NEW

53, 72, 26S, 386,

KAISER-WIMBLM Institut fur Metallforschung Moves t o Stuttgart Kansas City Twelfth Midwest Regional Meeting. Program, 137; Report Kausch, Oskar. Handbuch der Azetylzellulosen. (Book Review, by Hibbert) Keith, Walter Jackson. Obituary Kelly, C. I. R. E. IF. U. T. A. S. ViscosityTemperature Chart. (Book Review, by Herschel) Kerr, P. F. See Rogers, A. F. KETONES:

Enolizable, Deuterium Introduced i n t o . . Microchemical Method for Detection of. Synthesis of Polymethylene—Investigated Kieser, A. J. Handbuch der chemischtechnischen Apparate Maschinellen Hiifsmittel und werkstoffe. Lieferung 2. Blei-Destillierapparate. Lieferung 3. Destillierapparate-Druckregler. Lieferung 4. Driackregler-Electrolyseure. (Book Review, by Read)


109 45.8 363 419

375 215 200 384 182 262 103 412

LABORATORY: Alliance College Dedicates An Older Consulting 63, Coates Chemical—Dedication Code, Comment on Eli Lilly and Co. Dedicates New Research. Testing, Commercial, Government Competition in. ( O . E. May; A. D. Little; Correspondence) Three Chemical Completed in China.. Trinity College Plans for New


253 458 418 355 318 331 236 182 15 267 158

455 108 99 176 373 184 89 396 409 357 372 304 48 411 322 458 218 452 400


Determined Quantitatively by Chromate. Tolerance in Spray Residue for 1934 Crop

317 12



Artificial, New Method in Russia Fast-Dyeing of—with Sulfur Colors. C. H. S. Tupholme Repolishability of—in Shoes Textile Fabric from—Produced in Germany Lecbler, B . C. Recognizing Inventive Ability Leigh, T. R., Honored at Florida Meeting. Lenard, Philipp. Great Men of Science. (Book Review, by Lueck) Lepidolites, Rubidium, and Cesium Salts Produced from... % Levene, P . A. American Contemporary. L. W. Bass Levitt, W. T. Glass-Blowing Technic Libraries Association, Special, Forms Chemical Division Liddell, D . M., and Doan, G. E. Principles of Metallurgy. (Book Review, by Corse) Light, Chemical Research on. LILLY AND COMPANY, E L I :

Award in Biological Chemistry Dedicates New Research Laboratory.... Linde, Carl von. Obituary Linoleum, Centenary of Birth of Frederick Walton, Inventor of. W. B. Coleman. Linseed Oil. See Oil. Liquors, Alcoholic, Artificial Aging of. # . J. M. Fain and F . D. Snell Litinsky, L., Editor. Markenbezeichungen im Feuerfest-Faeh und im Ofenbau. (Book Review) Little, A. D. Government Competition in Commercial Testing Lloyd, J. TJ., Receives Procter International Award Loans, RFC' Will 'Make—to Industry .*.'.' .*." -

201 234 99 283 407 152 71 413 105 91 72 33 30 425 373 454 119 120 72 184 384 407

Glass-Blowing Technic. W . T . L e v i t t . . 91 Louisiana, Awards A. C. S. Membership. 213 Meetings 32, 49,178. 181, 198, 199, 401, 456, 457 Minnesota, Has Radio Program 414 New Jersey, Tries Group Plan 456 Officers 8, 9, 49, 86, 107, 152, 218, 244, 401, 414, 439, 455, 456, 457 Rochester, Has Booth at Centennial Exhibition 382 Seventh Biennial Student Meeting i n Indianapolis 198 South Jersey, Prize Essay Contest 414 Western New York, Holds Picnic 358 Long, J. S., Becomes Chemical Director of Devoe & Raynolds 282 Lormand, Charles. See Paris Letter. Lovejoy, F. W., Becomes President of Eastman Kodak Co 178 Lowden, Hugh B . Obituary 64 Lowman, Omar E. Obituary 107 Lubricant, New, for Metal Cutting and Machining Operations 357 Lucas, A. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries. (Book Review) 458 Luckiesh, Matthew. Seeing and Human Welfare. (Book Review) * . 284 Luszczak, A. See Grassberger, R. Lutes, Value of—for Efficient Operation of Chemical Plants. D. H. Killeffer 355



Comparison of Light from Tungsten and * "Carbon—Simplified New, for Determination of Sulfur in Light Spirits. C. EC. S. Tupholme Lampblack, Beich. Orders Supervisory Regulation (or Lane, J. H., and Eynon, Lewis. Determination of Reducing Sugars by Fehling's Solution, with Methylene Blue Indicator. (Book Review, by Zerban). Lange, N. A. Lange's Handbook of Chemistry Langmuir, Irving, Awarded Franklin Medal. Latex:, Synthetic, M a d e from Butadiene... Laubenheimer, Alfred. Rohstoff betriebe der Keramischen Industrie. (Book Review, by Bleindnger)




Production May Meet Domestic Demand in Czechoslovakia Study of Orange Peel Results in Better.. Lactic Acid, TJ. S. P . , Manufactured by New Process




Mineral Resources of United Sates, 1931. Part I. Metals, 400; Part II. Nonmetals. (Book Reviews) Minerals Yearbook, 1934. (Book Review). Statistical Appendix to Minerals Yearbook, 1932-33. (Book Review) Kile, Lesley. See S a l e , Harrison. Killeffer, D. H. Lutes and Cements Kitsuta, K. See Japanese Letter. Koblic, Odolen, Withdraws Claim to Discovery of Element 93 Koch, Williatn. See Wiggam, D . R. Koelsch, G. F., Awarded A. C. S. Award in Pure Chemistry 114, Koenig, Henry Titus. Obituary Kofoid, C. A., Editor. Termites and Termite Control. (Book Review, by Back) Kohn, Siegfried. Obituary Kohn-Abrest, E. Precis de toxicologic. (Book Review, b y Fuller) Kolln, H. See Scheifele, B . Kropf, Alfred. Technologic des Edelstahles. (Book Review, by Bain) Kruger, D. Zelluloseazetate und die anderen organischen Ester der Zellulose. (Book Review, by Esselen) Krumbhaar, "Wilhelm. Importance of Chemistry to Planned Industry Kuprianoff, J. See Plank, R.


M c A D I E , Alexander. Fog. (Book Review) McGraw-Hill Celebrates Twenty-Fifth Anniversary McGregory, Josenh Frank. Obituary McLaughlin, William. See Cornish, R. E . Mackiewicz, T . W., Awarded Phillips Medal Maier-Bode, Hans, and Altpeter, Julius. Pyridin und seine Derivate in Wissenschaft und Technik. (Book Review, by Egloff) Mandeville, Paul. See Pennington, M. E . MANUFACTURERS' PUBLICATIONS.


347 268 396 196 309

Nichols, to J. A. Nieuwland Nichols, to H. C. Sherman Perkin, to G. O. Curme Phillips, to T. W. Mackiewicz Pittsburgh Section, to R. E. Hall Remington, to Henry Wellcome Richards, to G. P. Baxter Schoeilkopf, to J. C. Downs Mehring, A. L. See Rose, W. H. Melcher, Webster A. Obituary MELLON INSTITUTE SEARCH:


Page 446 5, 99 370 196 50 154 99 100, 196 266 RE-

Fellowships. See Fellowships. Research at—during 1933-34 Mellor, J. W. Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Volume XIII. (Book Review) Menthol Tablets Which Dissolve in Water or Alcohol Patented Mertens, E. See Borchardt, Ph. Merz, Otto. Kautschuklacke und Kautschukkitte. (Book Review, by Williams) Metallurgy, Advances Made in Japanese.. METALS:

Graphite Coating Protects Increased Production of—in Mexico Load-Carrying Ability of—at High Temperatures Methane, Cheap Formalin Obtained by Oxidation of

141 237 230 237 103 376 434 63 452


Imports Controlled in Palestine Restored as Denaturant Synthetic, Japan to Produce U. S. Production of Metric System Adopted in Turkey Metz, Herman A. Obituary MEXICAN LETTER

28 283 67 358 102 214 102,

Mexico, National Committee on Specifications Formed in Milk Bottle Caps, Research on


102 325


Acid-Proof Properties of—Determined by New Method Canadian, Industry Shows Progress Map Showing U. S.—Production Oil. See Oil. Possibilities of—Output in Sardinia Analyzed Surveys Disclose New—Deposits in Russia Thermoluminescence of—in Austria Miolati, A. See Borchardt, Ph. MODERNIZE OR FOSSILIZE

313, 337, 357,

Mond, Sir Alfred, Monument Unveiled in Palestine Monographs, Index t o Colloid Symposium. Monsanto Petroleum Chemicals, Inc., Organized Moody, Herbert Raymond. American Contemporary. Ross A. Baker Morgan, Alfred. Story of Skyscrapers. (Book Review) Morphine, Method for Determination of— in Opium Modified Morris, T. N . Principles of Fruit Preservation, Jam Making, Canning, and Drying. (Book Review, by Bigelow). Moth Preventives, German Chemical Manufacturers Specializing in Motor Fuel. See Fuel. Mount, William Dye. Obituary Muehlberger, C. W. Are You Sober?

413 148 284 360 413 65 372

246 386 64 415 217 394 34 394 106 49


American Contemporary. T. L. Davis. (Correction, 251) Obituary Museum, Agricultural, at Budapest Reorganized Museum, Scientific and Technological, Franklin Institute Opens—to Public.. Muskmelon, Vegetative Ferment Isolated from Muspratt, Sir Max. Obituary

197 396 230 10 412 178

See each


Holds Annual Meeting Safety Work of Map Showing TJ. S. Mineral Production.. . Marchanfc Singer and Co. Directory of Paper Makers of Great Britain and Ireland. (Book Review) Marsh, J. S. See Greiner, E. S. Martin, Henry. Obituary Massachusetts Institute of Technology, W . G. Whitman Heads—Department of Chemical Engineering

233 416 284 183 437 236


Except Sulfur and Copper May Be Imported in Turkey Large Plant to Utilize—to Be Built in Russia Mathy, C. See Belgian Letter. Matignon, Camille. Obituary Matz, P. B. See Gilchrist, H. L. May, O. E. Government Competition i n Commercial Testing Mayers, Lewis, Editor. Handbook of NRA. (Book Review) Mayfield, E. See Wiggam, D. R.

103 452 154 184 237


American Institute of City of New York, to General Electric Co Franklin, to Irving Langmuir Gibbs, to H. C. Urey 37, Herty, to C. H. Herty

64 218 172 196

NAPHTHALENE, Vanadium Oxide Catalytic Oxidation of. P. D. Boone. . . . . . Naphthenes, Acids Obtained from—in Russia Natarajan, K. R. See South Indian Letter. National Research Council. See Research. Naval Stores, Upward Trend in—Production Continues. Otto Wilson NECROLOGY. See each issue except November 20. Nernst, Walter, Completes His Seventieth Year

86 102 248 303


A. C. S. to Celebrate American Chemical Industries Tercentenary in Pictures Three Hundredth Anniversary of Chemical Industries in America. C . A. Browne . New York Rubber Group. See Rubber Division. Nichols, William H „ Medal. See Modal Awards.

371 429 427


Cultivation of Tobacco Free from— Discussed New Method Patented in Rumania for Isolating Patent Granted for Extraction of—from Tobacco Waste in Rumania Reliable Methods for Detection of

411 394 247 65


468 Page Nierenstein, M. Natural Organic Tannins. (Book Review, by Henrich) Nieuwland, J. A., Awarded Nichols Medal Nitrate, Sodium. See Sodium Nitrate. Nitrate Industry, Chilean, Improvement in. Nitrocellulose, Output of—Declines. Otto Wilson NITROGEN :

Fixation of—by Bacterial Process Germany Forbids Increased—Production Method Developed for Producing Cheap —in Russia New Method in Russia Produces Cheap— for Ammonia Synthesis Nine Countries Renew International— Agreement World, Cartel Agreement Nobel Prize. See Prize Awards. Nomenclature, A. C. S. Committee Report on. E . J . C r a n e NORWEGIAN LETTER

Nowak, C. A. Modern Brewing. Review, by Doran)



Advantages of A. C. S. Membership And William Albert, Jr. (Fathers and Sons) Reintegration of Science

OBITUARY. See each issue except November 20. Ogden, C. K. System of Basic English. (Book Review, by Cottrell)

365 446 426 324 245 101 413 452 261 339 202 377

237 100 374 378



Artificial Edible—and Margarine Industries Merge in Germany Coriander, New—Derivatives Developed. Creosote, U. S. Production of—Increases. Diamond Jubilee of—and First Eastern Oil Exposition Report. G. W. Bennett. Edible, Refinery Built in Russia... Efforts Made to Meet Demand for—in Germany Flaxseed—, Import Gains, Price Rises, Mark Trade in. Otto Wilson Fuel. See Fuel. Hydrogenation Factory at Mettur Discussed Linseed—, Import Gains, Price Rises, Mark Trade in. Otto Wilson Lubricating: From Heavy Petroleum Residues Graphite Coating Reduces Costs of... Paraffin from—by Centrifugalization. Synthetic—Produced from Ethylene.. Mineral: Emulsion Patent Held Valid and Infringed. P. D . Boone Regulations for—Changed in Italy New Technic for Hydration of Preliminary Studies Made in Hungary Production of—Increases in Mexico Pumpkin, Has Possibilities Seed: Controlled by State in Italy Exploitation of—Resources in India Dependent on Industrial Development Shale Carbonization. David Brownlie.. 345, Vegetable: Government Policies Affect—Output. Otto Wilson Regulations in Italy Olefins, Patent Obtained in Holland on Absorption of Oleomargarine, Germany Requires Addition of Lard to Oleomargarine and Artificial Edible Oil Industries Merge in Germany Olsen, J. C , Editor. Van Nostrand's Chemical Annual. (Book Review). . . Opium, New Method for Obtaining

375 413 205 319 231 227 283 434 283 303 376 278 375 130 228 201 229 434 175 27 433 392 406 228 376 262 375 365 103


American Industrial—in India. H. P. Pearson Well-Established Company Desires to Acquire Process Ores. Improved Methods of Roasting Blendes See also Iron Ore. Organic Chemistry, Symposium on. Anniversary of Organizations, Two Classes of Men Who Join. M. E. Dice PACIFIC Coast Gas Association. Gas Engineers' Handbook. (Book Review, by Earle)

104 96 66 438 171



Ionium Salts Used as Emulsifiers in Production in Czechoslovakia Progress in U. S.—Industry Sales Show Promising Gains. Otto Wilson Value of U. S.—Exports Increases PALESTINIAN LETTER

28, 176, 245,

263 409 181 310 420 247

Palmer, Charles Skeele. American Contemporary. H. A. Marple 305 Paper Machine Installed in Leningrad — . 377 Paprika, Vitamin C Content of Hungarian. 103,230 PARAFFIN:

From Heavy Petroleum Residues Pyrolysis of Lower Removed from Lubricating Oil by Centrif ugalization

303 47 278


Vol. 12. No. 24 Page

Paralysis, Silver Used in Fighting—in Austria PARIS LETTER

201 261

Parsons. Charles L., Turns Nimrod. (Photo) 60 Pascal, Paul, and Baud, Paul, Editors. Traite de chimie minerale. (Book Review, by Mackall) 157, 308 PATENT:

Absorption of Olefins—Obtained in Holland A. C. S. Committee on—Requests Information on Russia Burnishing Rustproof Steel—Granted in Czechoslovakia Cellulose, Method Patented for Cooking. Chrome Azo Dye—Granted in Switzerland Decisions: De Cew Patent for Sizing Cellulosic Fibers Invalid. P. D. Boone Franklin Blackleg vaccine Patent Not Infringed. P . D . B o o n e Haley Mineral Oil Emulsion Patent Valid and Infringed. P. D. Boone. Hill Patent for Coated Stencil Sheet. P. D. Boone. Infringed, 172; Not Infringed Imitation M other- of-Pearl Patent Valid. P . D . B o o n e Jones Patents for Treatment of Sludge by Aeration Valid. P. D. Boone. . Lubricating Composition Patent Valid. P. D. Boone Singmaster, Modified by Court of Appeals Singmaster Patent for Artificial Silk Filament Valid. P. D. Boone Steel Alloy Patent Valid but Non-Infringed. P . D . B o o n e Transfer Ink Composition Non-Infringed. P. D. Boone LTniversal Oil Products Co. Wins Suit against Root Refining Co Vanadium Oxide Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene. P. D. Boone Diamonds, Synthetic, Process Patented in Austria Fatty Alcohols, Higher, U. S.—Development Described German, Statistics Show Decrease in Activity List of U. S.—Relating t o Insects. R. C. Roark Method of Making Isocholesterol from Wool Fat Patented in Holland New Process for Varnishes Patented in Yugoslavia Nicotine: Extraction from Tobacco Waste— Granted in Rumania New Method Patented in Rumania for Isolating Protection of Scientific Discoveries b y . . . Recognizing Inventive Ability. B. C. Lechler Suits:* Kwik-Set Corp. Files—against Welch Grape Juice Co. on Leo Patent. P. D. Boone Universal Oil Products Co. Files Infringement Synthesis of Vanillin Method Patented in Switzerland Turrentine Granted—for Adsorbent Silica. P . D . B o o n e U. S. Government Wins Fruit-Washing Case Patent Office Library Discontinues Many Important Periodicals Patten, Laura P. Obituary Pauli, Wo., and Valko, E . Kolloidchemie der Eiweisskorper. (Book Review, by Gortner) Pearson, H. P. American Industrial Opportunities in India Peat Tar. See Tar. Peffer, Harry Creighton. Obituary Pennington, M. E., Piatt, F. L., Snyder, C. G., and Mandeville, Paul. Eggs. (Book Review) Pennsylvania State College, Priestley Lectures at Pension, General Electric Amends Unemployment—Plan Perfumes, Synthetic, U. S. Becoming Independent in Perin, S. See Borchardt, Ph. Periodicals, Chemical, Circulation Figures Given in Germany Periwinkle, Two New Alkaloids Isolated from Perkin Medal. See Medal Awards. Peroxides, Organic, Improve Fermentation Process See also Hydrogen Peroxide. Perry, J. H., Editor. Chemical Engineers* Handbook. (Book Review) PERSONALIA. See each issue except January 20 and March 10. Peters, F. N., Jr. Make Your Training Fit the Job

376 415 376 101 176 172 316 130 304 159 172 343 250 130 316 362 190 86 341 316 227 309 231 435 247 394 94 407

304 343 201 130 172 392 128 71 104 306 323 91 420 200 175 452 435 93 108


Belgium Proposes to Establish LargeScale—Refineries Industry Shows Improvement in Mexico. Pipe Line Operating in Palestine Rich Deposit Found in Morocco

376 102 247 261

Page Search Made for—Deposits in Italy 359 Petroleum, Oklahoma, Group Gives A. C. S. Membership Prize 8 Petroleum Section, Special Libraries Association Forms 383 Pfliicke, Maximilian. Chenaisch-technische Entwicklung auf dena Gebiete der Kohlen\vasser8toff61e 1928-32. (Book Review, by Rittman). 386 Pharmaceutical Industry Shows Development in Italy 228 Pharmacopeia, Changes in Proposed 432 Pharmacopeia, Hungarian, Fourth Revision of—Available 230 Phenol, Germany Imports Quantities of. . . . 28 Phi Lambda Upsiion Awards A. C. S. Mem•bership and Subscription 213 PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND SCIENCE:

Awarded Undergraduate Scholarships.. . Lloyd, J. U., Presented Procter International Award by Phillips Medal. See Medal Awards. Philosophy, Influence of Science and—Compared Phosphate Rock Exports, IT. S., Reflect Improved Agricultural C o n d i t i o n s . . . . Phosphate Rock Mines Reopened in Germany Phosphorite Deposits Discovered in Austria Phosphorus Production Started at Spoleto. . Photochemistry, Fabric Printing by. C. H. S. Tupholme Photocolorimetric Method, Silica Determined in Colored Waters by Photography. Czechoslovakia Shows Improvement in Photographic Industry.. Photography, Color, Austria Makes Important Advances in ;.. .. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, JOURNAL OF:

Iesues of S 2 , 110, 159, 183, Subscription Rates for Physics, Advances in. H. A. Barton Physics, Chemical, Research*. Conference on. Program Pine, Southern, Developments in—Experiments Pipe, Exhibit of Corroei on-Resistant— Materials at Bureau of Standards Pitkin, W. B. New Careers for Youth. CBook Review) Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Organizes Plant for Production of -Alkali. Charles Roster Pittsburgh Section Medal. See Medal Awards. Piwowarsky, E. Allgemeine Metallkunde. (Book Review, by Johnston) Plank, R., and Kuprianoff, J. HaushaltKaltemaschinen und Kleiugewerbliche Kuhlanlagen. (Book Review, by Bichowsky) Plant Growth Hastened by Electricity Piatt, F. L. See Pennington, M. E. Poisons, Cauterizing Seed with Hydrogen Peroxide May Eliminate POLISH LETTER


Polish Metal, New Form of Pollak, J. See Austrian Letter. Pollen, Aerial, Survey in ^Philadelphia.... Pollution. Red Tide Damage in PearlOyster Industry Preventable Pollution of Rivers and Streams by Effluents from Milk Depots. C. H. S. Tupholme

437 384 433 260 370 90 123 67 409 124 201 440 10 448 129 281 320 267 408 417 200 27 377 394


362 246 104


German, Production Statistics for 1932. . 13 Industries Increase Production in Palestine 28 Mines Resume Six-Day Week in Germany 426 Russian, for Netherlands 147 Spanish, Important in World Trade 148 U. S. Imports of—Rise. 394 Potassium, New Spot Test for 317 Potassium Bromate of High Purity Produced Commercially. 357 Priestley Lectures at Pennsylvania State College 91 Priestley's Grandson Goes to Canada as French Legation Attache 433 I^RIZEJ AWARDS*

Hillebrand, to E. W. Washburn 118, Nobel, to Harold C. TJrey Prize Essay Contest b y South Jersey Section Processes, Chemical, ContLnuous vs. Batch. C. A. Browne Procter International Award. See Awards. Profession, Government Is a . . .«• Pronunciation, Correct Pronunciation of Cheniical "Words. A. C. S. Committee Report. E . J. Crane Protein, Comprehensive Work on—Requirements in M a n — Protoactinium, Practically Pure—Reported Protoplasm, New Technic Developed in Study of. (Correspondence, 392) PUBLICATIONS:

Back Copies of J. A . C. S . and C. A Chemical Society (London) Gives Special Rates on—to A. C . S. Members 286, Pulp Importation into Japan I n c r e a s e d . . . . Pulp and Paper Pulp and Paper Industry, Technical Association of. Technical Association Papers (.Book Review) Pumice, Glass Made from—in Armenia Pumpkin Oil Has Possibilities

172 405 414 339 22 432 202 376 302 341 213 400 247 268 268 317 175

December 20, 1934




Page Pyrex Glass. See Glass. Pyrolysis. Pyro^enic Pretreatment of Manufactured Gas for Use as Neutral Furnace Atmosphere. C. H. S. Tupholme. RADIO Program of Minnesota S e c t i o n . . . . Radio Talks o n Scientific Current Events in Virginia Radioactivity. Radioactive Substances Added to Spinning Sols

S A C ASA, Ferdinand J Obituary Saccharin, New Methou tor Detection of. . 260 414 49 27


Bulgaria Has New Supply of Congo Has New Source of Prom Canadian Ore Arousing World Interest XJ. S. Imports of—Unaffected by Depression Yield Increased in Czechoslovakia Radley, J. A., and Grant, Julius. Fluorescence Analysis in Ultraviolet Light. (Book Review, by Davey) Rain, Artificial, Experiments to Produce. . Raisins Used for Making Sugar in Greece. . Rayon Industry of Japan. Keiiti Sisido. . See also Viscose. Rays, Cosmic, Apparatus Records Impulse of—Automatically

247 66 318 362 124 131 356 317 279 377


And John Smith, IV. (Fathers and Sons) Greets A. C. S. Members as President. . . Refrigeration. Compact Refrigerating Plants for Industry. C . H. S. Tupholme. Regional Meeting, Kansas City Twelfth Midwest. Program, 137; R e p o r t . . . . Reitstotter, Josef. See Brauer, Adolf. Relief, Student, Continued by F E R A Remington Medal. See Medal Awards. # Research, Opportunities for. E. R- Weidlein Research Council, Canadian National, Announces Awards

354 1 243 215 353 313 148


Controls Monopolies Scientific Control on National Materials and Products by

123 277


Chemical Grants-in-Aid Made b y History of. (Book Review)

28, 250 158


Arthur R. M!aas Laboratories E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co Foster D. Snell Thomas & Hochwalt Laboratories Resin Industry in District of Landes in Critical Condition Resins, Research on Natural. C. H. Allen Respirators, Dust, New Testing Schedule from Bureau of Mines R F C Will Make Loans t o Industry Rhodium Salts Used for Plating in G ermany Rice, New Uses Sought for—in Japan Rice Stored in. Tin without Loss of Food Value Rich, A. D. See Blanning, H. K. Richards, Theodore William, Medal. See Medal Awards. Rivise, C. W. Preparation and Prosecution of Patent Applications. (Book Review, b y Miner) Road Construction. See Construction. Robak, C. A. See Scandinavian Letter. Rogers, A. F.„ and Kerr, P. F. Thin-Section Mineralogy. (Book Review, b y Morey) Roofing, Prepared, Sales of—Well Maintained during Depression. Otto Wilson Rosendahl, Fritz. Steinkohlenteer. (Book Review, b y Fieldner) Ross, W. II., and Mehring, A. L. Plant Food Concentration a s Factor in Retail Prices of Fertilizers Roster, Charles. Corpus Christi Plant of Southern Alkali Corp. Opened Roth, Walter, Dedication of Weizmann Institute i n Palestine See also German and Palestinian Letters. Rowe, Allan Winter. Obituary

337 372 338 357 261 392 418 407 88 103 247


52 336 322 430 408 229 454


Agreement Signed to Restrict—Production Asbestos ancl Its Use in Manufacture of— Goods. S . Collier Cement. See Cement. Electron Action on Thin—Films High, Prices Adversely Affect Amazon Valley Inventions i n Japanese—Industry Tornesit, Protective Coating Base Prepared by Chlorlnation of. D . R. Wiggam, William Koch, and E. Mayfield . .

195 97 341 303 246 179


Boston Group of—Meets New York Group of—Elects Officers.... Rubidium Salts Produced from Lepid^ites Rug Cleaner. See Cleaner. RUMANIAN LESTTER

Rush, Benjamin, Biography Russia, Work of Soyuzpromexport in RUSSIAN LETTER


252 9 413 394

347 212

102, 201,231, 247, 301, 377, 393, 412, 435,452

CHEMISTRY Page 128 376


National Safety Council Prepares—Instruction Cards Work of Manufacturing Chemists' Association Safety Council, National, Chemical Executive Committee for St. John, Ancel, and Isenburger, H. R . Industrial Radiography. (Book R e view, by Hendricks)

360 416 384 109


Deep-Drilling for—Deposits Suggested in Austria Glauber, Survey in U. S. Reveals Vast Deposits of—in North Dakota Mining Increasing in Czechoslovakia.. . . Samples, Bureau of Standards New Analyzed San Francisco Meeting, Register Your Choice of Route to 391, Sands, Bituminous. See Bituminous. Sanitation. Sanitary Inspection Made of Industrial Plants in Mexico Sansone, Raffaele. See Italian Letter. Saponins Analyzed and Differentiated.... Say well, L. G. See Cruess, W. V. SCANDINAVIAN LETTER. . . . 1 3 ,

101, 245,


201 396 409 194 450 434 230 393

Schack, Alfred. Industrial Heat Transfer. (Book Review, by Hottel) 93 Scbeiber, Johannes. Kunststoffe. (Book Review, by Carotbers) 308 Scheifele, B., and Kolln, H. BetriebsHandbuch der Lacktechnik. Band I. Apparate und Machinen. (Book R e view, by Gardner) 33 Schleicher & Schtill Co., Carl. Filtrations in Chemical Laboratories. (Book Review) 400 Schmeckebier, L. F. New Federal Organizations. (Book Review) 417 Scboellkopf Medal. See Medal Awards. Scholarships, Undergraduate, Awarded at Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science 437 See also Fellowships. Schonberg, Alexander. Thioketone, Thioacetale und Aethylensulfide. (Book Review, by Schoepfle) 17 Schrader, Angelica. See Hanemann, Heinrich. Schultz, Gustav. Farbstofftabellen. (Book Review, by Chapin) 386 Schuster, J. See Gwosdz, J. Schwarz, E. Wie Setzen wir die Verhiste an fluchtigen Losungsmitteln herab? (Book Review, by Zeisberg) 417 Schwarz, E. R. Textiles and the Microscope. (Book Review, by H o o k ) . . . . 109 SCIENCE:

Influence of—and Philosophy Compared in Canada Place of—in Adult Education Reintegration of. W. A. Noyes Solves Problem of Creosoted Pipes for Water Conduction. H. K . B e n s o n . . . Science, American Association for Advancement of. Preliminary Program of Section C, 398; Program Science Advisory Board Enlarged Science Library and Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers. Rubber: I t s Antioxidants and Preservatives. (Book Review, by Blake) Science Writers, National Association of, Formed


433 22 378 339 438 210 440 343


Lanolin Rust Preventers. (Book Review). National Physical Laboratory Report for Year 1933. (Book Review, b y D a v e y ) . Scientific Museum Opened t o the Public b y Franklin Institute Secretin Hormone. See Hormone. Seed, Cauterizing, with Hydrogen Peroxide May Eliminate Poisons

419 268 10

Page Silica Determined iu Colored Waters b y Photocolorimetric Method Silica Gel, New, Suitable for Oil Regeneration

409 452


Increased. Exports of Japanese—Dangerous to French Industry Method Differentiates between Natural and Ramifications of—Producers Outlined in Germany Singmaster Patents: Decree on—Modified by Court of A p peals FMlament Held Valid for. P. D . Boone. Silk, Transparent, Process Devised for.. . . Silver Used in Fighting Paralysis in Austria. Silverman, Alexander. Glass Progress D e pendent on Chemists Sisido, Keiiti. Japan's Rayon Industry. See also Japanese Letter. Sludge, Jones Patents for Treatment of— b y Aeration Valid. P. D . Boone Smith, Edgar Fahs, Memorial Lecture. . . . Snell, F. ID. Attempts to Code Mental Processes See also Fain, J. M. Snyder, C. G. See Pennington, M. E.

261 65 411 250 130 317 201 313 279 172 174 140


Assistants for Laundry and General Cleaning Use Made from Shale Sulfo-Salts New Method of Advertising with Sulfate, Refined by Treating with Peroxide Soapstone "Waste Utilized in Canada Sodium Hydroxide, Demand for—Increases i n Japan

372 413 230 393 47 125


Norwegian Corporation Plans to Make - Quotas Established in Italy Sodium Silicate, Rapid Method Developed for Analysis of—in Russia Soil, Arsenic, Selenium, Vanadium, and Chromium in One. H. G. Byers Sommerfeld, A. Plastische Massen. (Book Review, by Trickey) Sound, Chemical Changes Resultant from. (Correction) SOUTH INDIAN LETTER


Soutb Metropolitan Gas Co. Solid Products of Carbonization of Coal. (Book Review, by Lowry; Southern Alkali Corp. Opens Plant for Production of Alkali. Charles Roster.. . . Soyuzpromexport, Work of the Spectrographs to Photograph Sun's Rays. . Stafford, O. F. Acetamide, U s e as Solvent Standards, Bureau of, Analyzed New Samples Standards, Chemical Industries Aided b y Adoption of—in Czechoslovakia Stanley, George B . Obituary Starch Industry, German, Ordered to Form Combine

13 123 102 122 182 32 433

418 408 212 254 90 194 125 128 263


High-Speed, Improves Thread-Cutting 263 Kuehnrich Alloy—Patent Decision. P. D . Boone 316 Patent Granted in Czechoslovakia for Burnishing Rustproof 376 Streets Constructed in Austria 175 Stencil, Hill Patent for—Sheet Not I n fringed. P . D . B o o n e 304 Stock, Erich. See Tschirch, A. Stoneware. Chemical, Electrophoresis as Applied to. J. M. W. Chamberlain. . 303 Stoughton. Bradley. See Greiner, E . S. Streets, Steel, Constructed i n Austria 175 Strohaver, George F., S. J. Obituary 214 Student A i d Continued by F E R A . . . . 353 Student Meeting, Seventh Biennial, in Indianapolis 198 SUGAJR:



Documentation at International Office of Chemistry Third Technical and Chemical InterNational Congress of Agricultural I n dustries Seiden, Rudolf. See ALBANIAN, ARMENIAN,


235 155


Selenium Obtained as Copper Refining B y product 318 Selenium Spray, Investigation of 60 Sell, George. See Dunstan, A. E . Sewage Purification, New Method f o r . . 303 Sewage Treatment and Water Purification Plant Operators' Qualifications. A. C. S. Committee Report 389 Shale, Oil. See Oil. Shale Sulfo-Salts, Soap Made from 413 Sherman, H. C , Awarded Nichols Medal for 1934 5, 99 Shorey, Edmund C. American Contemporary. M . S. Anderson 51 'Sigmond, A. A. J., Honored 48 Silica, Adsorbent, Turrentine Granted P a t ent for. P. D . Boone 130

Consumption Decreases in A u s t r i a . . . . Control of Lime Kilns in—Mills Described Dry, Refining Important Advance in Czechoslovakia Germany Producing—from Wood Raisins Used for Making—in G r e e c e . . . . Sugar Analysis, International Commission for Uniform Methods of. Chemists Meet to Form National Committee, 299, 3 4 4 ; t o Meet in London. Frederick Bates

90 147 176 340 317



Belgian Institute Experiments with Cultivation of 65 Mills Resume Operations in Czechoslovakia 409 Netherlands M a y Utilize—for Motor Alcohol 325 Suicide, G a s , What Can Be Done about the. C. H. S. Tupholme 326 Sulfate Soap. See Soap. Sulfo-Salts, Shale, Soap Made from 413 SULFUR:

Coke-Benzene, Used as Insecticide and Fungicide Crude, Sales Office Formed in Italy Discovery Reported in Ontario Gains i n Explosives and—as Indexes to Recovery. Otto Wilson

413 451 123 259



Page Industry to Be Regulated in Italy 123 New Lamp for Determination of—in Light Spirits. C. H . S. Tupholme 48 New Regulations for Sicilian—Industry. 359 Recovered from Smelter Gases 47 U. S., Exports Continue to Rise 264 Sullivan, E . C. Lowering Costs and Speeding Production in Glass Industry. 314 Sunshine, Statistics on. R. W. Babson. . . 84 Superphosphate Industry, Expansion of— Forbidden in Germany 302 Suslov, B. M. See Russian Letter. Swan, John Nesbit, Stewart Duffield, Thomas Hadden, and William Orr. (Fathers and Sons) 436 SWEDISH LETTER


Swiss LETTER 65, 176, 201, 317 Symposium, Diffusional Processes, at Cleveland. 152; Reprints Available 438 Symposium, Eleventh Colloid Chemistry. Program, 173; Report 252 Symposium on Distillation. Plans Announced, 370, 390; Program 405,456 Symposium, Organic Chemistry, Anniversary 438 Syntheses, Inorganic, Series of Volumes on —Completed 10 STNTHESIS:

Ammonia: New Catalyst Developed for New Method Produces Cheap Nitrogen for Old Method for—Offers New Possibilities Vanillin, Method for—Patented in Switzerland

413 452 301 201


Tucker, George Raymond. Obituary Tungsten, Comparison of Light from—and Carbon Lamps Simplified Tungsten Wire. See Wire. TUPHOLME, C. H .

50 182 372 412


Direct Recovery of—at Coke-Oven Plants. C. H . S. Tupholme Peat, Produces Sigh-Grade Liquid Fuel. Source of Motor Fuel in England Use for Road Surfaces Increases in Czechoslovakia Tariff, Canadian, Changes in Chemical Items ". Tariff, Chinese Import—Revised Technics, German, Celebrate in Leipzig. . . Telescope, Corning Glass Works' 200-Inch —Disk. Making of, 122, 286; Reports on 218, Testing Laboratory. See Laboratory. TESTING MATERIALS, AMERICAN FOR:

16 413 340 409 211 304 227 426

304 26 190 145 127 243 16 348 453 67 234 121 194 127 48 107 260 104 326 340 102

U L T R A M A R I N E , New* Method D e veloped for Analysis of 394 Underwood, Henry Weeden, Jr. Obituary. 154 Underwriters' Laboratories. Comparative Life, Fire, and Explosion Hazards of Common Refrigerants. (Book Review) 53 Unemployment, Committee on—and Relief for Chemists and Chemical Engineers of New York. Report 213 Unemployment, General Electric Amends— Pension Plan 420 Universal Oil Products Co. Wins Suit against Root Refining Co 190 UNIVERSITIES, N E W S O P . . 12, U R E T , HAROLD C :





Awarded Nobel Prize 405 Awarded Willard Gibbs Medal 37, 172 Chairman of Committee on Duplication of Research Work on Deuterium 354


Occupies New Headquarters 10 Proceedings. (Book Review) 72 Service Characteristics of Light Metals and Their Alloys. (Book Review) 419 Standards, 1933. (Book Review) 52 Standards Index. (Book Review) 53 Standards on Coal and Coke. (Book Review) 418 Tentative Standards. 1934. (Book Review) 459 Textile Fabric from Leather 283 Textile Finishing, Research on—at Mellon Institute 385 Thermoluminescence of Minerals in Austria 65 Thomas, A. W. Colloid Chemistry. (Book Review, by Bingham) 440 Thomas, Garfield, Advises Caution in Use of Trichloroethylene 100 Thorpe, J. F., and Whiteley, N . A. Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Supplement. (Book Review) 268 Thum, E. E . , Editor. Book of Stainless Steels. (Book Review, by Worthington) 17


Conferences Continued between Producer and—Trust of Belgium Germany's—Mine to B e Operated Again. Mines of Togo Make First Shipment Recovered after Weighting Silk Research in U. S


Page 32


Ammonium Bicarbonate from Manufactured Gas Benzene Extraction from Manufactured Gas Benzene Recovery by Activated Carbon Absorption Coal-Oil Fuels Compact Refrigerating Plants for Industry Direct Recovery of Standard Road Tars at Coke-Oven Plants Dyed Foodstuffs European Chemical Industries Adopt New Type Steam Generators Fabric Printing by Photochemistry Fast-Dyeing of Leather with Sulfur Colors German Plant for Producing Alcohol and Glucose from Wood Ionized Oils for Wool Textiles Laboratory Removal of Fog from Gases. New Lamp for Determination of Sulfur in Light Spirits -. Progress in Production of Motor Spirit by Coal Hydrogenation Pyrogenic Pre treatment of Manufactured Gas for Neutral Furnace Atmosphere Research on Milk Plant Effluents What Can Be Done about the Gas Suicide. X-Ray Work at British National Physical Laboratory


TAGTJE, E. L. Obituary Tanner, F. W. Food-Borne Infections and Intoxications. (Book Review, by Bigelow) Tanning, New Developments in—Industry Tanning, New Source of—Material Discovered in Russia

Vol. 12, No. 24

Citric Acid Found in Government to Control—in Hungary. . . . Nicotine-Free—Cultivation Discussed. . . Tongue, Harold. Design and Construction of High-Pressure Chemical Plant. (Book Review, by Asbury) Tornesit—New Protective Coating Base. D. R. Wiggam, William Koch, and E. Mayfield Translations of Important Papers Issued by I. F. Smith Treaties, Trade, Reciprocal—with Switzerland Discussed by F . P. Garvan Tree, Chemical. E. C. Bingham Trichloroethylene, Danish Firm Develops Plant for Cleaning Clothes w i t h . . . . . . Trichloroethylene, Garfield Thomas Advises Caution in U s e of Trinitrobenzoic Acid, Separation of—from Picric Acid Trinity College Plans for New Laboratory. Tschirch, A., and Stock, Erich. Harze. (Book Review, by Gerry and H a l l ) . . . .

147 175 261 65 224 301 48 411 321 179 54 446 346 13 100 409 396 157

V A C C I N E , Franklin Blackleg, Patent Decision. P . D . B o o n e Valko, E. See Pauli, Wo. Vanillin, Method for Synthesis of— Patented i n Switzerland Vapor Pressure Charts Available

316 201 183


New Oil-Bearing Plants Cultivated for— Industry in Russia 4 New Process for—Patented in Yugoslovia 435 Progress in U . S.—Industry 181 Vegetable Oil. See Oil. Venable, Francis Preston. Obituary 128 Ventilation. Efficiency in Aeration of Industrial Plants in Austria 341 Verein Deutscher Chemiker. Vom Wasser. Ein Jahrbuch fur Wasserchemie und Wasserreinigungstechnik. (Book Review, by Rudolfs) 71 Vinegar, Katadyn Method to Test—Sterilization 230 Viscose Rayon Mills Expand, Canadian 148 Vitamin B Concentrate Prepared from Rice Polishings in China 89 Vitamin C Content of Hungarian Paprika. 103,230 Vitamin Chart, New Edition of—Available. 365 Vitamosazone, Correction in Formula of 104 W A G N E R , Alfred. Aromastoffe. Review, by Bogert)



American Contemporary. Allen Abrams. Obituary Walton, Frederick, Inventor of Linoleum, Centenary of Birth of. W. B. Coleman.

157 153 266 119

Operator** Qualifications. A. C. S. Committee Report Water Glass. See Sodium Silicate. Wax Imports Reflect Manufacturing Activity Webb, W. A . Manufacture of Deuterium and Its Compounds Weber, G. M . , and Alsberg, C. L. American Vegetable Shortening Industry. (Book Review, by Eckey) Weidlein, E. R. Forward! Weizmann Institute, Dedication of—in Palestine. Walter Roth Welch Grape Juice Co., Kwik-Set Corp. Files S u i t against—on Leo Patent. P. D. Boone Welding, N e w Discoveries Made in Wellcome, Sir Henry, Awarded Remington Medal Wesson, David. Obituary West, C. J., Editor. Annual Survey of American Chemistry. Volume VIII, 1933. (Book Review, by Hibben) West, C. J. t and Hull, Callie. Research Scholarships and Fellowships Supported b y Industry 191, Whaling Industry, Norwegian, Suffers Over-Production Wheat, Effect of Environment on Quality Wheat, Utilization of—for Grain Alcohol and Motor Fuels Wheeler, Alvin Sawyer. American Contemporary. R . W. Boat Whitcher, Lucile B. Obituary White, Alfred Holmes, and Alfred McLaren. (Fathers and Sons) White, Union B. Obituary Whitehead, T . N. Design and Use of Instruments and Accurate Mechanism. (Book Review, b y Perley) Whiteley, N . A. See Thrope, J. F. Whiting Corp. Fiftieth Anniversary Whitman, W . G., Heads M. I. T. Department of Chemical Engineering Who Makes It? See Chemicals. Wiggam, D . R„ Koch, William, and Mayfield, E . Tornesit—New Protective Coating Base Wilborn, Felix. Trockenstoffe, Ihre Chemie, Herstellung und Anwendung. (Book Review, by Rhodes) Wilke, Carl. See German Letter. Wills, Literal Execution of WILSON, OTTO:

Animal F a t s and By-Prodacts.

I and II. 356. Materials

Foreign Trade i n Fertilizer Continues Strong Gains in Explosives and Sulfur as Indexes to Recovery Government Policies Affect VegetableOil Output Import Gains, Price Rises, Mark Trade in Flaxseed and Linseed Oil Output of Nitrocellulose and Cellulose Acetate Declines Paint Sales Show Promising GainB Recovery Trends in Alcohol Industry Sales of Prepared Roofing Well Maintained during Depression Upward Trend i n Naval Stores Production Continues Year's Progress toward Recovery Wine, Experts Meet to Standardize International Methods of Analysis of Wine, Increased, Consumption Retards Output of Breweries in Hungary Winthrop, John. Three Hundredth Anniversary of Chemical Industries in America. C. A . Browne Wire, Tungsten, Progress Made in Manufacture of—for Lighting Bulbs

Page 389 224 63 322 313 229 304 317 154 215 268 250 278 318 433 385 396 395 236 322 265 236 179 109 159 377 231 259 406 283 324 310 209 336 248 165 261 230 427 264


German Plant for Producing Alcohol and Glucose from. C. H. S. Tupholme Source of Sugar i n Germany See also Gas. Wood Preservation. Test for Impregnating Telephone Poles Wood Preservatives, Modified Zinc Chloride Wool, Ionized Oils for—Textiles. C. H. S. Tupholme Worden, E . C , First. Chemical Patents Index (TJ. S. 1915 to 1924). (Book Reviews, by Parker.) Volumes III and IV, 71; Volume V. (Correction, 217). Words, Chemical,'Pronunciation of. A. C. S. . Committee Report. E.J.Crane Writers, Science, National Association of— Formed

121 340 152 372 194 200 202 343


Awarded Hillebrand Prize 118,172 Obituary 38 Washington, Henry Stephens. Obituary... . 15 Wassermann, Joseph. See Russian Letter. Waste, Germany Conducts Campaign against—of Material 375 WATER:

Drinking, Effect of Caustic Alkalinity on. A. C. S. Committee Report Georgia, Works Operators Take Course of Training Heavy. See Deuterium. Industrial Utility of Public—Supplies in U. S., 1932 Mineral, Method for Determining Catalytic Action of Purification and Sewage Treatment Plant

391 426 323 435

X - R A Y Work at British National Physical Laboratory. C . H. S. Tupholme


Y E A S T , N e w Method for Preparation of Dried—in Austria YUGOSLAVIAN Letter 102,

103 435

Z E P P E L I N , Graf. See Graf Zeppelin. Zinc Chloride Modified for Use as Wood Preservatives Zinc Smelter at Magdeburg Operates

372 411