Indole alkaloids from Balansia epichloe (Weese) - American Chemical

to stimulators, interacting with water vapor and the en- dogenous germination inhibitors described by Allen (1955) and identified by Macko et al. (197...
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activation of spores, the red-far-red induction phenomenon, or the sensing of an odor or an insect pheromone, rather than a metabolic shift in which stimulator molecules (i.e. ionone or nonanal) are continuously required as substrate for a new branch in a metabolic pathway. In simpler terms, the stimulator molecules appear to trigger a very sensitive chemical switch, rather than function as an additional energy source for a new branch of the metabolic circuit. The rapid response of spores to stimulatory volatiles suggests that brief exposures might have some practical value in inducing spores to germinate under circumstances which would preclude infection of the host and hence prevent the disease. The results of short-time exposure to stimulators, interacting with water vapor and the endogenous germination inhibitors described by Allen (1955) and identified by Macko et al. (1970-1972), are being studied in detail to determine possible applications in spore germination control and hence fungal disease control. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors are indebted to John F. Brown, The University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia for reference to stimulation of spores of Urocystis tritici Koern. by benzaldehyde and related compounds, reported by R. J. Noble (1924).

LITERATURE CITED Allen, P. J., Phytopathology 45, 259 (1955). Buttery, R. G., Ling, L. C., Guadagni, D. G., J . Agric. Food Chem. 17, 385 (1969). French, R. C., Bot. Gaz. (Chicago) 122, 194 (1961). French, R. C., Gale, A. W., Graham, C. L., Latterell, F. M., Schmitt, C. G., Marchetti, M. A., Rines, H. W., J . Agric. Food Chern. 23, 766 (1975a). French, R. C., Gale, A. W., Graham, C. L., Rines, H. W., J. Agric. Food Chern. 23,4 (197513). French, R. C., Gallimore, M. D., J . Agric. Food Chern. 19, 912 (1971). French, R. C., Gallimore, M. D., Phytopathology 62,116 (1972a). French, R. C., Gallimore, M. D., J . Agric. Food Chem. 20, 421 (1972b). French, R. C., Weintraub, R. L., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 72,235 (1957). Macko, V., Staples, R. C., Allen, P. J., Renwick, J. A., Science 173, 835 (1971). Macko, V., Staples, R. C., Gershon, H., Renwick, J. A., Science 170, 539 (1970). Macko, V., Staples, R. C., Renwick, J. A., Pirone, J., Physiol. Plant Pathol. 2, 347 (1972). Noble, R. J., J . Agric. Res. 27, 451 (1924). Rines, H. W., French, R. C., Daasch, L. W., J . Agric. Food Chem. 22, 96 (1974). Received for review May 6, 1976. Accepted August 30, 1976.

Indole Alkaloids from Balansia epichloe (Weese) James K. Porter,* Charles W. Bacon, Joe D. Robbins, David S. Himmelsbach, and Howard C. Higman

Balansia epichloe (Weese) is a clavicipitaceous fungus which parasitizes pasture grasses. This class of fungi may be involved with ergot-type syndromes observed in cattle grazed on infected pastures. Three indole alkaloids were isolated from laboratory cultures of B. epichloe and their identities were determined by ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectroscopy as: 4-(3-indolyl)butaneand 3-(3-indolyl)propane-1,2,3-triol.The alkaloids were 1,2,3-triol; 3-(3,3-diindolyl)propane-1,2-diol; toxic to fertile leghorn eggs.

Balansia epichloe (Weese), a systemic grass pathogen, has been implicated in ergot-type syndromes observed in cattle grazed on pasture grasses (Bacon et al., 1975; Nobindro, 1934; Porter et al., 1975). Bermuda grass tremors (convulsive ergotism) and fescue foot (gangrenous ergotism) are associated with cattle grazed on Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers and Festuca arundinaceae Schreb., respectively. The indications that Balansia may be involved in the etiology of clavicipitaceous diseases in cattle prompted us to investigate the possibility of indole alkaloid production by Balapsia. From submerged cultures of an isolate of B. epichloe (Bacon et al., 1975) two fractions (A and B) were isolated by preparative thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Each gave a UV spectrum (Bacon et al., 1975; Agurell, 1965) and color reaction with p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (Stahl, 1969) characteristic for indole alkaloids. We report the isolation, chemical characterization, and

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Biological Constituents Unit, Field Crops Laboratory, Richard B. Russell Agricultural Research Center, Athens, Georgia 30604. 88

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 25, No. 1, 1977

toxicities of three compounds in these fractions. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION

Materials and Methods of Culture. Subcultures and inocula of B. epichloe, 200 SF, were prepared according to Bacon et al. (1975). The fungus was incubated in a 2.8-1. Fernback flask for 21 days at 24 to 28 "C, on a gyratory shaker (200 rpm, 1-cm circular orbit) in 250 ml of the following medium: soluble starch (2% solution, pH 5.8), 70 g; mannitol, 30 g; ammonium succinate, 12 g; MgSO4.7H20, 2 g; K2S04, 0.70 g; FeSO4-7H20, 50 mg; CuS04.5H20, 5 mg; ZnS04.7H20, 5 mg; MnS04.H20, 10 mg; thiamin, 0.2 pg/ml; distilled water, 1000 ml; and concentrated NHIOH added to adjust the p H to 5.6. Chromatography. Column chromatography was performed on Porapak Q (80/100 mesh; Waters Associated Inc.) as previously described (Bacon et al., 1975). Preparative TLC was on silica gel GF 254 (Brinkman) according to reported procedures (Bacon et al., 1975; Porter et al., 1974) and the developing solvent systems were (v/v): (I) CHCl&HBOH (8020); (11) CeHe-DMF (86.5:13.5). All solvents were analytical reagent grade and were not further purified. Analytical Methods. Ultraviolet (UV) spectra of the


Scheme I

13 rn/e




samples in methanol (reagent grade) were determined with a Varian Cary 15 spectrophotometer. Infrared (IR)spectra were obtained from micro-KBr pellets with a Perkin-Elmer 457A grating infrared spectrophotometer. Low-resolution mass spectral data were determined via direct insertion probe samples (source 275 "C) on a DuPont 21492 mass spectrometer. High-resolution data were obtained from the High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fla. Pulsed NMR data were obtained in CD30D on a JEOL P S / P F T 100 NMR spectrometer connected with a Nicolet 1083 computer system. Toxicity Studies. Compounds were dissolved in water and bioassayed for toxicity with fertile eggs of white leghorns according to Verrett et al. (1964). Each dosage was tested on an average of two replications; each replication consisted of 15 or 20 eggs unless otherwise stated. Toxicity was defined as an inability of eggs to hatch after 24 days of incubation. Mortality for all controls was zero. Synthesis. 3-(3,3-Diindolyl)propane-l,2-diol. Indole (0.3 mM) in 1ml of 95% C2H50Hwas added dropwise (2-3 min) to a chilled solution of glyceraldehyde (0.3 mM) in 1 ml of HC1 (0.1 N)-95% CzH50H (30:70, v/v). The reaction mixture was allowed to stand for 1.5 h (ice bath) and then at room temperature (2 h). The solution was heated (screw cap Reacti-vial, Pierce) at 50 "C (1h), allowed to stand at room temperature for 15 h, and rendered basic (pH 8-9) with 2% ammoniacal CzH50H. Preparative TLC in solvent systems I and I1 as described (cf. text) yielded 24 mg of 3-(3,3-diindolyl)propane-1,2-diol identical with the natural compound as determined by UV, M', TLC, and reported IR spectra (Lingens and Goebel, 1967). 3-(3-Indolyl)propane-1,2,3-triol. Glyceraldehyde (0.3 mM) and indole (0.3 mM), each in 200 p1 of CH,OH, were reacted a t room temperature. After 1h, trace amounts of a compound analogous to natural diol A-2 (cf. text) were observed by TLC in solvent systems I and 11. The reaction mixture was heated (65 "C) in a screw cap Reacti-vial (Pierce) for 20 h. By preparative TLC sufficient quantities of 3-(3-indolyl)propane-1,2,3-triol were isolated for UV and M+ analysis. The UV and M+ data were identical with the natural compound B (M' 207, cf. text) and data reported for this compound (Preobrazhenskaya et al., 1965). 3(3,3-Diindolyl)propane-1,2-diol was isolated as the major compound. Semisynthetic 3-(3,3-Diindoly1)propane-1 ,2-diolfrom Natural 3-(3-Indolyl)propane-1,2,3-triol (B,M' 207).A methanolic solution (500 ~ 1of) compound B (0.01 mM) was heated (65 "C) with indole (0.01 mM) in a screw cap reacti-vial (1.5 h) and allowed to stand at room temper-

Table I. Ultraviolet Absorption of B. epichloe Alkaloids Compd A-1 A-2


hmax(CHaOH)(log e ) , nm 221 ( 4 . 6 5 3 ) , 272 ( 3 . 7 8 4 ) , 279 ( 3 . 8 0 0 ) , 288 (3.7 34) 221 ( 4 . 8 8 3 ) , 275 ( 3 . 9 7 8 ) , 282 ( 4 . 0 1 9 ) , 291 ( 3 . 9 6 8 ) 220 ( 4 . 9 5 8 ) , 273 ( 4 . 0 0 0 ) , 280 ( 4 . 0 2 0 ) , 289 ( 3 . 9 5 2 )

ature 16 h. TLC in solvent system I as described showed the diol reaction product (minor) analogous to natural A-2 and starting material (major) natural B. Trace amounts of 0.1 N HC1 were added and the mixture heated (2 h) with periodic agitation. Preparative TLC (solvent systems I and 11) demonstrated only starting indole and a compound by UV and identical with 3-(3,3-diindolyl)propane-1,2-diol M' analysis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Alkaloid Isolation and Characterization. Indole alkaloid fractions A and B (Bacon et al., 1975) were isolated by preparative TLC on silica gel in solvent system I (A, R, 0.67; B, R, 0.45). Fraction A when subjected to TLC in solvent system I1 separated into two compounds, A-1 (Rf0.43) and A-2 (Rf0.25). Compound B remained homogeneous in this system ( R f0.17). After elution of the compounds from the silica gel (chloroform-methanol, 1:1, v/v), rechromatography of these three compounds in system I as described (Bacon et al., 1975) did not change their R f values (A-1, Rf 0.67; A-2, R, 0.67; B, R, 0.45). Compounds A-1 and A-2 gave the UV spectra (Table I) and color reaction with p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (A-1, red-violet; A-2, blue; B, red-violet) characteristic for indole alkaloids (Brown et al., 1952; Stahl, 1969). Low-resolution mass data indicated that compounds A-1 and A-2 were homogeneous systems with molecular weights of 221 and 306, respectively (Figure 1). Fraction B appeared as a mixture of two compounds with molecular weights of 207 (major) and 378 (minor). High-resolution mass data (Tables I1 and 111) established the following molecular formulas: A-1, C12H15N03; A-2, Cl9Hl8N2O2;B, CllHI3NO3and C22H22N204. All three spectra (Figure 1) had a major mass peak at m/e' 130 (Table 11) which indicated cleavage (Scheme I) P to a 3-substituted indole nucleus (Biemann et al., 1961; Budzikiewicz et al., 1964a, 1972; Jamison and Hutzinger, 1970; Powers, 1968). The UV data for A-1, A-2, and B (Table I) are also consistent with simple 3-substituted indoles (Brown et al., 1952; Szmuszkovicz, 1962). The presence of such indoles was also supported by the strong IR bands (Figure 2) a t 1080 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 25, No. 1, 1977



245 y 6 ,(A-2)

m /e














Figure 1. Mass spectra of Balansia alkaloids A-1, A-2, and B.

(A-1) and 1085 cm-' (A-2 and B) and by the weak absorptions at 1550,1410, and 780 cm-' (Brown et al., 1952). Strong absorptions at 1420 and 740 cm-' were consistent with the indole moiety (Brown et al., 1952). The 3-substituted indole moiety was further confirmed by a comparison of their 'H NMR spectra with simple indole in CD30D. All three compounds showed no absorption a t 6 6.40-6.45 (Figure 3) consistent with the absence of the proton in the 3 position of the indole nucleus (Black and Hefferman, 1965). The broad bands in the infrared spectra (Figure 2) at 1030 (A-11, 1050 (A-2), and 1065 cm-' (B) were assigned the C-0 stretching vibrations of the side-chain alcohols (Colthap et al., 1965). This assignment is supported by bands at 1340 (A-1 and A-2) and 1335 cm-' (B), vibrations for primary and secondary alcohols (Dyer, 1965). Loss of 61 mass units (M - 61, Figure 1, Table 11) in A-1 (mle 160, CloHloNO) and A-2 ( m l e 245, ClTH13N2)was attributed to loss of CHOHCHzOH and is characteristic for diol systems (Budzikiewicz et al., 1964b). The analogous fragmentation was observed in the spectrum of B (Figure 1) which enabled assignment of ions mle 146 (207 - 61, C9H8NO)(Table 11) and mle 317 (378 - 61, C20HI7N202) (Table 111). In the spectrum of compound A-1, the presence of such a diol group would result in fragments at mle 203 (M HZO), 202, 201,189 (M - CH,OH), 171 (189 - HZO), 160 (M - 61), 159,144 (203 - COCHZOH), 142 (171 - CHO), 103 (130 - HCN), 91 (M - 130), 90 (117 - HCN), and 89 (Scheme I, Figure 1). Formation of m / e 145 (CgHiNO, 90

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 25, No. 1, 1977

Table 11) in A-1 may be explained through the fragmentation of the enol mle 203 (Scheme I). High-resolution measurements (Table 11) support the proposed pathway for the tentative identification of A-1 as 4-(3-indolyl)butane-172,3-triol. In A-2, ion mle 245 (M - 61) appears to have been formed by p cleavage (Scheme 11) to the indole nucleus (Biemann et al., 1961; Budzikiewicz et al., 1964a, 1972; Jamison and Hutzinger, 1970; Powers, 1968). This cleavage is supported by the peak (Figure 1) a t m / e 218 (245 HCN; C16H12N)and mle 217 (C16H11N) (Table 11) (Budzikiewicz et al., 1964b). Indolylindole attachment (2,2'; 3,3'; or 2,3') for A-2 was eliminated on the basis of its UV absorption (Fasseh and Harley-Mason, 1957; Young, 1962). The diol system CHOHCH20H in A-2 also gave the minor peaks expected at m/e 272 (C1gH16NJ1 270 (M - 2H20; CigH14N2), 258 (M - CH@, HZO; C&14NJ, 257 (ClaH13NJ, and 256 (C18H12N2). Proton transfer (Scheme 11) from the primary hydroxyl to the methine carbon or the indolyl moiety with loss of indolyl as mle 116 or mle 117, respectively, and loss of CHzO would result in the observed mle 160,159,142 (258- CBH6N),130, and fragments analogous to those formed in A-1 (Figure 1). Generation of ion mle 189 through the loss of indolyl as mle 117 may also explain the formation of m / e 159 and 130. Although the mle 189 ion calculates for the m + 1 peak (189.0745) of m/e 188 (Table 111,its relative intensity (6%) is inconsistent for this fragment contributing solely to the isotopic moiety. Ion mle 188 may be formed by either 189 - H or by the loss of indolyl as M - 117 (Scheme 11) through /3 cleavage (the preferred pathway) with subsequent cyclization ( m l e 188, CllHl0NO2). This pathway would lead to fragments m / e 170 (188 - H,O; Cl1H8NO) and mle 144 (CgH6NO) analogous to that formed in A-1 (Scheme I). The high-resolution data (Table 11) and spectral interpretation of compound A-2 are consistent with 3-(3,3-diindolyl)propane-1,2-diol. Synthesis of A-2 by a minor modification of reported procedures (Lingens and Goebel, 1967) proved the natural and synthetic materials identical (UV, TLC, M'). A major ion at mle 146 (Figure 1)in the mass spectrum of B was attributed to CgH8N0(Table 11) resulting from 207 - 61 (CHOHCH20H)as previously described (Scheme 111). The fragmentation of mle 146 analogous to the mechanism proposed for the elimination of HCN from ions mle 245 and mle 130 (Schemes I and 11; Budzikicwicz et al., 196410) explains the intensity of fragment mle 118 (28%) for CSHBN (Table I1 and Scheme 111) in spectra B (Figure 1). High-resolution mass data (Table 11)of the ions occurring at mle 189,175, 159, 130, 117, 103,91, and 90 are consistent with the proposed pathway (Scheme 111)for the fragmentation of 3-(3-indolyl)propane-1,2,3-triol. Synthesis of B (M' 207) by the action of glyceraldehyde and indole proved the natural and synthetic material identical (UV, TLC, M'). Also, the reaction of indole and natural B yielded the semisynthetic compound identical with natural A-2 and the synthetic material described above. Predicated on indole chemistry (Noland and Venkiteswaran, 1961) it is tempting to speculate that the molecular ion at M+ 378 in the mass spectrum of B (M*, Figure 1) is the structure that would result from the cyclizative condensation of glyceraldehyde with 3-(3,3diindolyl)propane-l,2-diol(A-2) at the 2,2' positions. These structures are supported by the fragment ions observed at mle 348 (M*- CHzO),347 (M' - CHZOH), 346 (M*- CHSOH), 330 (348 - HZO), 324 (M*- 3H@), 317 (M'


MICRONS 25 00 t50





: 9C - - 8-

62 --___





E @ X




A- I


r p o F










A -







30 ~ - -'
















I0 ,


14 16 1820


3040 -


A- 2 80







4 I6



















~- 400

@ e33




80 6C

40 23





A -














Figure 2. Infrared spectra (KBr) of Balansia alkaloids A-1, A-2, and B. Scheme I1 ii

C,& NC m/e I42 C s HI'

m / e t03

m / e I88

m l e I70

- 61), 310 (346 - 2H,O), 299 (317 - H,O), 287 (348 - 61), 281 (299 - H 2 0 and/or 310 - 29), 280 (281 - H), and the

high-resolution calculations for these masses (Table 111). It is unknown a t present if the ions m / e 306,245, and 218 in the spectrum of B are a result of trace quantities of natural A-2 or the result of 3-indoleglycerol self-condensation. However, these fragment ions may be ra-

tionalized as occurring frok M+ 378. Since this compound appeared in such minor quantities in the spectrum of B, further investigations are needed in order to define these fragments. Several of the proposed minor frAgments for the alkaloids were isotropic with calculated masses for isotopic moieties of large fragments. In almost all cases, the intensities of their peaks were considerably higher than those calculated intensities for the expected isotopic moieties of the major fragments; however, their inclusion is consistent with the mechanistic rationale. J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol.

25, NO. 1, 1977



Table 11. High-Resolution Mass Data of Balansia epichloe Alkaloids: A-1 (221), A-2 (306), and B ( 2 0 7 ) Elem. composition

Calcd mass 306.1368 272.1313 270.1156 258.1156 257.1077 256.0999 245.1078 221.1052 218.0969 217.0891 207.0894 203.0945 201.0789 189.0789 188.071 1 186.0554 172.0762 171.0683 170.0605 160.0762 159.0684 146.0605 145.0527 144.0812 144.0449 142.0656 130.0656 118.0656 117.0578 116.0500 103.0547 91.0395 91.0547 90.0469 89.0391

C19H1SN202 C19H16NZ C19H14N2



A- 1



221.1049 (M) 218.0958 217.0887 207.0876 ( M ) 203.0942 201.0800 189.0787 188.07 1 5 186.0550 172.0743 171.0687 170.0605 160.0750 159.0676 146.0595 145.0527 144.0819 144.0457 142.0661 130.0626 118.0634 117.0589 116.0528 103.0535 91.0400 91.0529 90.0446 89.0382

Calcd mass

Measd mass

379.1612 378.1579 347.1394 346.1316 330.1368 324.1261 317.1290 310.1105 299.1183 287.1184 281.1077 280.0999

379.1629 (M + 1)* 378.1584 (M)* 347.1376 346.1350 330.1376 324.1229 317.1286 310.1091 299.1219 287.1186 281.1082 280.1005

Toxicity studies of alkaloids A-1, A-2, and,B in chicken embryos (Table IV) indicate that B. epichloe can produce mycotoxins in vitro. This finding supports prior convictions (Bacon et al., 1975; Porter et al., 1974, 1975) that the fungus Balansia can produce indole alkaloids and thus may be involved in toxic syndromes observed in cattle grazed on parasitized grasses. Quantitatively (micrograms/egg), it appears that the potencies of the alkaloids tested ranged in the order of B > A2 N A 1 (Table IV). Limited testing (due to small quantities of alkaloids) of chicken embryos suggested that synergism may be involved in the potencies of these compounds. A solution of A-1, A-2, and B at 28, 10, and 11 pg, respectively, resulted in 100% mortality in 10 eggs. Alkaloids A-2 plus B at 6-7 pg each also resulted in 100% mortality ( 5 eggs). A t 4-5 pg each, A-2 plus B resulted in 40% mortality (2 out of 5 eggs). The toxicity observed for the solution of these alkaloids was probably due to the synergism of A-2 and 92

J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 25, No. 1, 1977


306.1368 ( M ) 272.1326 270.1145 258.1132 257.1049 256.0993 245.1069

Table 111. High-Resolution Mass Data for Balansia Alkaloid B (M'378)* Elem. comoosition

Measd mass A-2

144.0429 142.0634 130.0661 118.0620 117.0573 116.0515 103.0543

189.0765 188.0680 186.0547 172.0741 171.0686 170.0599 160.0721 159.0677 146.0596 14 5.0 5 2 1 144.0803 144.0448 142.0648 130.0624 118.0651 117.0581 116.0522 103.0545

91.0531 90.0465 89.0393

91.0526 90.0450 89.0377

188.0671 171.0675 170.0628 160.0740 159.0673

Table IV. Toxicity of B. epichloeAlkaloids to Chicken Embryo Alkaloid

Dosage, pg/egg

% mortality


57 113 20 60 99 23 68

53 100 20 55 100 80 100



B. It is unknown at present what effects the minor compound in B (e.g., C22H22N204, Mf 378) contributes to the potency of this fraction. The 3-indoleglycerol (B, M' 207) has been isolated from tryptophan requiring mutants of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium (Lingens et al., 1957),and also from Neurospora crassa (Lingens and Guck, 1963; Garrick et al., 1964); correspondingly blocked mutants of Saccharomyces cereuisiae accumulate 3-(3,3-diindolyl)propane-1,2-diol (A-2, M' 306) (Lingens and Goebel, 1967). It has been suggested (Preobrazhenkaya et al., 1969) that the 3-indoleglycerol (M' 207) may exist as the erythrothreo isomeric mixture under biosynthetic conditions. Conformational analyses of the natural products reported here are under investigation in order to define this possibility with Balansia epichloe. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors thank R. J. Horvat for some of the lowresolution mass measurements. We also acknowledge R. C. Hartley for technical assistance during the course of this


Id-d-1 4 5 51 7 5 ’0




6 5


5 5

6 Figure 3. Pulsed NMR spectra (CD,OD) of B U ~ Q ~ S ~ Q alkaloids A-1, A-2, and B as compared with indole.

study. LITERATURE CITED Agurell, S., Acta Pharm. Seuc. 2, 367 (1965). Bacon, C. W., Porter, J. K., Robbins, J. D., Appl. Microbiol. 29, 553 (1975). Biemann, K., Seibl, J., Gapp, F., J. Am. Chem. SOC.83, 3795 (1961). Black, P. J., Hefferman, M. L., Aust. J . Chem. 18, 353 (1965). Brown, J. B., Henbest, H. B., Jones, E. R. H., J. Chem. SOC.,3172 (1952).

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J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 25, No. 1, 1977