INDOPOL Polybutenes - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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INDOPOL Polybutenes


How could your company make use of these versatile materials Men who are interested in new product development will find INDOPOL Polybutenes interesting chemicals to investigate. The INDOPOL Polybutenes are a series of liquid hydrocarbons which are largely mono-olefinic (85-98%). Eight viscosity grades are available from Amoco Chemicals in tank car and drum quantities. The IN DO POLS are stable, light colored materials. They are non drying and, at extremely high temperatures, decompose completely, leaving no residue. Products with which INDOPOL Polybutenes are compatible include: hydrocarbon polymers, natural gums, pitches, rosins and waxes. Additionally, they are compatible with many alkyds, phenol condensation products and with styrene copolymers. They are soluble in hydrocarbon and chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and many ethers and esters—emulsifiable with anionic, cationic or non-ionic agents. For additional information about INDOPOL Polybutenes and/or a sample, contact your Amoco Chemicals representative. Or use the coupon. INDOPOL Grade L-10 L-50 L100 H-35 H-lOO H-300 H I 500 H-1900

Viscosity (S.S.U.) 114 at 100* F. 516 1,040 375at210#F. 1.070 3,000 15,000 20,500

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