Industrial Advertising - .as a Source of Information ... - ACS Publications

for the Chemistry Teacher. WILLIAM G. KESSEL. Wiley High School, Terre Haute, Indiana. M OST of the teachers of general chemistry realize that the tex...
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Industrial Advertising .as a Source of Information for the Chemistry Teacher WILLIAM G. KESSEL Wiley High School, Terre Haute, Indiana


OST of the teachers of general chemistry realize that the texts they use are woefully inadequate, especially in covering many of the present process industries and the myriad chemicals they produce, that contribute so much to our daily lives. I t is the opinion of this chemistry teacher that some consideration of these processes and products should be given even in an elementary course. For a large majority of these students will never have another opportunity to learn of the manifold contributions that chemistry makes to civilization. There are many sources of supplemental infonnation that the chemistry teacher can and does use, but one of the best--often overlooked-is informational advertising. Much pertinent material and many new ideas can be obtained from the pamphlets, literature, and samples that are available from many chemical industries. For example, the Texas GulfSulfur Company can furnish excellent information on the preparation of sulfur and its uses, as well as samples to illustrate these uses, that can do much to give new interest to the study of this element. It may be difficult to obtain satisfaciory information on a particular topic, hut inouirv , to one of the industries that arc concerned with this particular problem will often reveal an excellent source. A search for any good information on the metal beryllium, for instance, will reveal little to the average teacher, hut a request to the Beryllium Company of Pennsylvania, Reading, Pennsylvania, will reveal a surprising amount of data that are interesting on this topic. There are many other sources of similar information that can do much to brighten up our lessons and our laboratories. The following list of source material has been accumulating for the past four years in an effort to build up a file of pertinent, interesting, supplemental information. All have been exceedingly gracious in answering requests for information, in some cases even sendiuc , ' other material and new data as thev are published.


The War qf Mefals

Chrome Chemiulr Water end Swage Chemistry and Chemicals Aluminum information and charts

A Manuel on Phosphoter Graphite uses

Fifty Years o j C h m i col Progress - de-

Dunn and Bradstreet 290 Broadway New York, New York Mutual Chemical Company of America 270 Madison Avenue New York. New York General Chemical Company 40 Rector Street New York, New York Aluminum Company of America Educational Division Gulf Building Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Davidson Chemical Company Baltimore, Maryland U. S. Graphite Company Saginaw, Michigan Mathieson Alkali Works 60 East 42nd Street New York, New York

velopments in the alkali field Faamglas information Armstrong cork Company Lancaster, Pennsylvania Fiberglas information Owens Corning Fiberglas Corporation Toledo, Ohio Ahra\ives charts and Bchr-Manning Corporation '"fo'ma~ion Educational Bureau Troy, New York Uses of nickel Manager of Publicity Nickel Sales Department International Nickel Company, Inc. 67 Wall Street New York, New York Indium Corporation of America Indium uses 60 East 42nd Street New York, New York Pyrex manufacture Corning Glass Company and use Advertising Division Corning. New York . Carborundum prepa- Carborundum Company ration and use Niagara Falls. New York Uses of silicate of Philadelphia Quartz Company soda Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Iron and steel uses American Iron and Steel Institute 350 5th Avenue New York, New York



"Handbookof Special Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation Steels" Oliver Building Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Zirconium and titan- Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Company ium products Niagara Falls, New York Sulfur Texas Gulf Sulfur Company 75 East 45th Street New York. New York Pittsburgh Plate Prod- Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company ud-a bimonthly 220 Grant Building publication on glass Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania

Citric Acid end Itr Chas. Pfizer and Company. Inc. Dniwtives 444 West Grand Avenue Chicago, Illinois

HydrogenafedCoaZTar Barrett Company Chemicals 40 Rector Street Corn in Industry The Story ofa Tire


New York, New York Corn Industries Research Foundation 270 Broadway New York, New York Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company Akron. Ohio


Tkz Slory o j L a t h

Ohio Leather Company Girard, Ohio Thc Furans Quaker Oats Company 141 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois The Slory o j Indus- U . S. Industrial Chemicals, Inc. 60 East 42nd Street trial Alcohol New York, New York CmkandlhcAmerican Cork Institute of America 25 West 43rd Street Cork Industry New York, New York Vanillin and other General Drug Company products 644 Pacific Street Brwklyn, New York Glycols CarbideandCarbonChemicalsCOrporation 30 East 42nd Street New York. New York Swan plastic Plastics Division Dow Chemical Company Midland, Michigan Plastics Plastics Division Monsanto Chemical Company St. Louis, Missouri Ameri 01, synthetic B. F. Goodrich Company rub& Section 8000 Akron. Ohio Dufiont MagmiDuPont Magazine publication telling Wilmington, Delaware of new developments by Du Pont Plastics Plastics Division E. I. duPontdeNemours& Company, Inc. Arlington, New Jersey The Story qf Plastics ' -cellent flow sheet with samples Bakelite Corporation (small charge) 30 East 42nd Street New York, New York Bakelile Review magazine on applications of plastics , Milk products Sealtest, Inc. 230 Park Avenue New York, New York Nutritional charts on H. J. Heinz Company food content and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania composition includes vitamins Injection - Moulded Elmer E. Mills Corporation Plaslics -pictorial 812 West Van Bwen Street description of proc- Chicago. Illinois esses The Five Cornmerciol Mechanical Gwds Division Typcr of Synthetic U. S. Rubber Company Rockefeller Center Rubber New York, New York "MouldingtheFuture American Cyanamid and Chemicals Corporation Through Chemistry," wall chart on 30 Rockefeller Plaza processes and prod- New York. New York ucts Dayton Rubber Manufacturing Company Towers of Triumphsynthetic rubber Dayton. Ohio processes Catalin plastic infor- Catalin Corporation 1Park Avenue mation New York, New York

Pictorialvisitthrough Chicago Moulded Products plastic products 1020 North Kolmar Street Chicago, Illinois plant Textile Foundation Flax products New York, New York Shell Chemical Company Organic chemicals San Francisco. California Plastics from Agruul- Iowa State Engineering Experiment Station, Bulletin 154 twal Mater+ls Iowa State College Ames, Iowa Viril lo a Varnish Forbes Varnish Company Cleveland. Ohio Plant Durez Plastics and Chemical Company. Durez plastics Inc. Walck Road North Tonawanda. New York Celaner Celluloid Corporation Cellulose plastics 181) Madison Avenue New Vork. S c w York American Viscose Corporation Rayon information 350 5th Avenue New York, New York Beetleware and other Plastics Division American Cyanamid Corporation plastics 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York. New York Trade Relations Division Nitroparaffins and other organic com- Commercial Solvents Corporation 1331 South 1st Street pounds Terre Haute. Indiana Reilly Tar and Chemical Corporation Coal tar products 1"dianapolis. Indiana Educational informa- Standard Oil Company of Indiana Indianapolis, Indiana tion GENERAL

Electronics -A New Radio, Television, and ~1ectronics:Dividon Sciace for a New General Electric Company World Schenectady, New York Coleman and Bell Company Norwood, Ohio Chemical Sales Division Eastman Kodak Company Rochester, New York School Service The Biggest and Westinghause Electric and ManufacturLitllesl Things in ing Company the Universe 306 4th Avenue New York, New York Armstrang Cork Company Floor Division Lancaster. Pennsylvania Laboratory emer- Fisher Scientific Comaanv . . 711 Forbes Street gency chart Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Armour Research Foundation The Frontier Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, Illinois General Electric News Editor, News Digest General Electric Company Digest Schenectady, New York Harshaw Chemical Company 1945 East 97th Street Cleveland, Ohio

"Indicators" - catalog Indicators, pH range charts, and tables