Nov 4, 2010 - ACS eBooks; C&EN Global Enterprise. A; Accounts of Chemical .... INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY. Chem. Eng. News , 1929 ...
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Questionnaire o n Sulfur Tolerance of Motor Fuels It i s the general consensus of opinion that the expense involved in making motor fuels meet the present specification of not more than 0.1 p e r cent sulfur is not justified. The reduction of the sulfur content of gasoline to this standard n o t only entails enormous expense to the refining industry, but wastes a large quantity o f motor fuel. I t is estimated that the yearly savings in raising the sulfur content of gasoline would be more than $50,000,000. T h e reason for holding rigidly to this low sulfur tolerance is fear of motor corrosion where high-sulfur gasoline is used. On t h i s subject little research has been done. [IND. ENG. CHEM., 20, 1 6 , 18, 839, 1396 (1928).] I n view of the meagerness of the published information, the Universal Oil Products C o . is desirous of obtaining more complete data in regard to t h e possible corrosive effects of sulfur in motor fuel. I n order that information sent i n may be a s helpful as possible, a number of questions are listed t o indicate t h e type of information desired: (1) H a v e you o r your company conducted a n y investigatior. o n corrosion in motors? If so, will y o u be kind enough t o give us a n account of your experience, including the following information: (a) Sulfur c o n t e n t a n d analysis of motor fuel used. Çb) P l a c e a n d time of year of test.