Industrial Applications for Synthetics Multiplying Fast - C&EN Global

Nov 5, 2010 - ... high vacuum metallized resins; and new resin-rubber blends, for which the polymer chemist is obtaining more combinations than a ches...
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THE CHEMICAL WORLD THIS WEEK C&EN REPORTS: Society of Plastics Industry, National Plastics Exposition

Industrial Applications for Synthetics Multiplying Fast Reinforced and metallized resins, new blends indicate fast-moving technology PHILADELPHIA.-There may be no suit­ able replacement for a four-year college course, but an hour or two at the fifth National Plastics Exposition here, March 11 to 14, gave the visitor a reasonably complete idea of what is going on in the colorful and glamorous world of plastics. Not that everything displayed that week at Convention Hall was just eye-appealing and beautiful. On the contrary, industrial applications for synthetic resins are mul­ tiplying fast, as 140 exhibits revealed. The new materials which are making this possible are such things as reinforced plastics, especially those which are com­ binations of polyester resins and glass fiber; high vacuum metallized resins; and new resin-rubber blends, for which the polymer chemist is obtaining more com­ binations than a chess player. At the annual conference of the Society


of the Plastics Industry, held in conjunc­ tion with the exposition, these new devel­ opment trends as well as the economic outlook for the industry were discussed. In an opening address, Harry Grunnagle, exposition committee chairman, called at­ tention to the "dramatic innovations" dis­ played by producers of reinforced plas­ tics. He referred to strong automobile bodies which can be easily repaired after collisions, the continuous extrusion of cor­ rosion-resistant plastic pipe ( in actual operation at the show), and a technique for extruding vinyl film which should cut costs significantly and affect the packaging techniques of many consumers. Plastic Autos. In fact, two auto bodies of reinforced plastic were displayed on the floor of the exposition. They were of the low, open sport type like some British cars, and not full-sized sedan bodies. One,

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