Industrial Chemistry. Volume 1, Inorganic. Volume 2, Organic. Fifth

Volume 2, Organic. Fifth edition (Rogers, Allen; et al.) ... Sixth edition (Rogers, Allen, ed.; Furnas, C. C.). Journal of ... Published online 1 Apri...
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to follow some of the statements relating to valency unless one possessed considerable knowledge concerning the struct u x of atoms. In the opinion of the reviewer, an early and thorough chapter on the structure of matter would be very hrlpful, cpecially to younger students of chemistry. These are minor criticisms, however. The reviewer extcnds hearty congratulations to the author as well as the puhlisher an the excellency of the second edition. The book is a very valuable contribution in the field of inorganic chemistry, and should he well received by chemists, students, and teachers. WILLIAMFOSTER


space devoted to each topi-unless the book be used as a text in a so-called short course in the elements of physical chemistry. Although concise, the volume contains dependable and accessible information on (a) physical and chemical change; ( b ) kinetic molecular theory; (c) atomic theory; (d) thermochemistry; and (e) velocity of reaction in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Except for the lack of reference t o the scientific contributions of other than European contemporaries, the book is an historic delight. The lists of suggested further readings a t theclose of each chapter are excellent hut these also take almost no cognizance of chemistry in the Western Parricrror U ~ r v s a s l r v PnrNrnroN. N e w I f n s e Y Hemisphere. The "Practical Work" (lahoratory exercises) and "Questions" beChemical Change. DENNIS BROOK tween chapters certainly should stimulate B n ~ c c s ,Science Master a t Bradfield the initiative of the student in his manipuCollcge. J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd., lation, observation, formulation, and essay London. 1831. Mi pp. 1.5 Figs. 19 composition. X 12.5 cm. 5s. A few pages each devoted to atomic This little volume is a new and welcome structure, the colloidal state of matter, memher of Dent's "Modern Science and electrochemistry would be welcomed Serirs," of which E. J . Holmyard is the' by physical chemists. A short statement general editor. The author intended the of the "half-life" method of determining theorder of a reaction would be helpful. hook "to provide a n introduction t o the Cotton-seed oil is probably as important more advanced works on chemistry for a source of solid edible fats as is whale oil. those who have already been grounded Onsager should receive recognition for his in the elements of the subject, and who helpful contributions to the Debyeintend to pursue their studies farther." Hiickel theory of ionization. The author The reviewer is somewhat in doubt is perhaps a bit too enthusiastic over the as to the degree of training intended by the phrase--"grounded in the elements ability of this newer ionization theory in accounting for the behavior of strong of the subject." If the author meant merely a substantial course in first-year electrolytes. "Chemical Change" should enhance chemistry, then the book is too advanced as it uses (for example) the keto and enol most personal chemical libraries. JESSE E. DAY forms of acetoacetic ester as illustrative Tnz Onm ST*-rr. u m v r m s ~ r u of dynamic isomerism. Other references COLUMBIIS. O"l0 to organic chemistry leave the impression that the author includes a reasonable Industrial Chemistry. ALLEA ROGERS, knowledge of organic and perhaps of Ph.D.. Supervisor, Industrial Chemical analytical chemistry as a part of the Engineering Course and Head of elementary grounding. If the latter Department of Chemical Engineering, assumption is correct then the book offers Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York, too brief a treatment of chemical change, in collaboration with nineteen other both as t o the topics included and the experts. Two Volumes: Volume 1,

VOL.9, NO. 4


Inorganic; Volume 2. Organic. Fifth edition. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York City, 1931. riv 641 xiv; xii 1517-641 pp. 441 Figs. 23 X 15 cm. $13.00 for hoth volumes.




The purpose of this treatise on industrial chemistry is to present the fundamental principles involved in modern American methods and processes. The first volume deals with the processq used in the essential inorganic industries, and the second volume with the fundamentals underlying the organic chemical industry and discusses some of the most important processes utilizing these principles. The material is presented in a= authoritative manner by a group ol experts. The authors appear to liavc accomplished their purpose in an ad^ mirahle manner. The chapter on general processes should he of particular value to those who wish to get a general picture of the equipment essential in industrial chemistry. Each chapter is written in an authoritative manner and presents the subject matter in clear and concise language. In addition to the information given in each chapter, a bibliography is supplied, in most eases, which would enable the student to secure any additional information needed to complete the details of the chemistry and engineering involved in the process. The iUustrations are very good and enhance the text from an educational standpoint. I n the chapter on industrial organic chemicals and dye intermediates there are several charts which should he of great aid to the student of organic chemistry, in enabling him to correlate the facts of organic chemistry and apply them to the solution of industrialprohlems. On the whole this manual brings the essential facts of industrial organic chemistry to the student in as close a technical setting as it is possible t o get outside of the industries using the processes de: scribed. I t should he of value to hoth the student of industrial chemistry and to the technical man of limited experience


who wishes to broaden his knowledge of industrial chemistry. M. L. CROSSLEI CALM C H R M I CCO.. ~ L INC. B O U N D B R O O K . N P W JP..SPY

A History of the British Chemical Industry. STEPHENMIALL. Written for The Society of Chemical Industry on the occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of I t s Foundation. Ernest Benn, Limited, London, 1931. xvi 273 pp. 33 Portraits. ti Figs. 14 X 21.5 cm. 10s. 6d.


The Society of Chemical Industry is celebrating the fiftiefi anniversary of its foundation. One of the features of its jubilee is this volume on British Chemical Industry by Mr. Miall. Mr. Miall s t a t e his difficulty in the introduction hy saying that prior t o 1882 there was no journal devoted t o chemical industry in Great Britain, and that few books existed that attempted to describe this problem. Furthermore, the founders of chemical manufacture had all died several years ago. and the biographies of only a few existed. Comequently, the working up of this magnificent report necessitated corresponJ dence with practically every chemical manufacturer of consequence, together with visits to many of the plants. The author has in mind not only the Society of Chemical Industry, but also other readers who are interested in learning something of the history of the larger industries. He succeeds admirably in portraying his story in a non-technical style. The author gratefully acknowledges his debt to the many collaborators who made the volume possible. The eleven chapters are devoted to heavychemicals; dyestuffs; fermentation industries; drugs and fine chemicals; cellulose; metallurgy; gar, coke, and tar; the paint and varnish industry; the soap industry: miscellaneous manufactures; chemists and chemical organizations. These industries involve a capital investment of over $1,500,000,000 in Great Britain alone, and give employment to