See what these NEWfilterscan do! • • • • •
Economical r e c o v e r y o f v a l u a b l e m a t e r i a l . Simplified disposal o f f i l t e r c a k e . Choice o f p o w e r o p e n i n g s . Rapid self-cleaning devices. Complete automation or push-button control f o r all filtering a n d cleaning actions.
If you think cleaning filters is a messy, costly job . . . take a good look a t one of the new Industrial Vertical Filters. The dirty work o f cleaning has been changed to a push button routine with self-cleaning features like a i r wash, sluicing devices, mechanical shakers and something that has been needed f o r years . . . cake discharge outlets where you need them! Industrial can help you organize a filtration system that fits your process like a hand in a glove. You can quickly recover or dispose of filter cake in wet, semi-solid or d r y form. Filters can be made completely automatic or with any degree of manual control desired. Arranged in pairs or series, they eliminate down time o r pressure d r o p in continuous processing. They are available with corrosion resistant linings or temperature insulation jackets. W h y not look into the advantages o f modern filtration for your process? Analyses and recommendations by Industrial cost nothing...but can lead to better p r o d uct quality and more economical processing. W r i t e or call Industrial to see a qualified representative. For m o r e d e t a i l s o n Industrial Filters, ask f o r Bulletin 1 1 1
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S O ,I L L .