Industrial Instruments INC

A sensitivity control is providedto permit increase of sensitivity without reducing the speed with which the ... IS OUR BUSINESS! Industrial Instrumen...
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Model RC-16B2...a general purpose conductivity bridge featuring extremely wide range, high sensitivity, and moderate accuracy of ± 1 % . The Model RC-16B2 has a dual calibration, in resistance and conductance units. Bridge current at 50-60 and 1000 cycles are provided, selected by a panel mounted switch. A sensitivity control is provided to permit increase of sensitivity without reducing the speed with which the instrument may be balanced. When used with conductivity cells of appropriate cell constants, the entire range of electrolytic conductance from that of ultra-pure demineralized water to concentrated acids is easily covered. Price $237.00

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Model RC-18 Conductivity Bridge... a precision laboratory instrument measuring electrolytic conductivity and resistivity in micromhos and/ ohms to ± 0 . 1 % accuracy. Internal generator frequencies of 1000 and/ 3000 cps are provided, and balance indication is by means of a self*/ contained, two-inch oscilloscope. Bridge balance is obtained through operation of 6 decades of: card*/ wound resistors of 0.1 to 10,000 ohms each. The overall instrument range is 0-100,000 ohms. Sensitivity is better than ± 0 . 0 1 % ; A decad|; of 100 pf mica capacitors and two 10-100 pf adjustable air capacitors: permit balancing the reactive component of the conductivity cell ir# ; pedance. Price $850.00

Recording Requirements?... The Model RA-4 Solu Meter® is a direct-reading instrument providing a continuous indication of solution conductivity. In addition, a 0-10 mv DC signal proportional to conductivity is provided to operate a remote potentiometer recorder. A nonbridge type of measuring circuit is utilized, and meter scales are linear in conductivity. Accuracy is within 2% of scale span with supply voltages between 105 and 125. Adjustment of full scale meter deflection against a built-in standard resistor permits closer readings. Solu Meters can be supplied in a great many different ranges and calibrations. The Model RA-4 is provided with a temperature compensator to correct for the change of conductivity with temperature. A manual compensator is standard in the Solu Meters; automatic compensators are available as optional equipment for every service. Price $186.00

Bectrolytic Conductivity Cells. A most comprehensive line of cells and cell constants is available for every application from measurement of ultra-pure water to concentrated solutions of acids, alkalis and salts. Dip type glass and platinum conductivity cells are available in any cell constant from 1/100 to 100 with certified accuracy within ± 1 % of nominal value. Pipette cells, for making conductivity measurements with small volumes of solution, are furnished for sampies as smail as 1/100 ml. Cell constants range from 5 to 500/cm. Jones type cells in many cell constants can also be provided. Prices on request.

Industrial Instrumentsinc/bàs pionéeredjln the fieW c| electrolytic conductivity and offers a complete line of in-; strumentation and cells. In additiort, we:can::supplya yari-° ety of gas analysis equipment:for laboratory and pfant:usé.: We invite your inquiries on ;the application of our; equipment to your particular rèquir;efrientiS. All prices FOB ifactory;:j


Industrial Instruments INC. 89 Commerce Road, Cedar Grove, tssex County, :N.::Ji 201 CEnter 9-6200 TWX: 201 239*4704

Circle No. 118 on Readers' Service Card 160 A
