ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTIVITY IS OUR BUSINESS! Industrial Instruments offers the most complete line of electrolytic conductivity equipment for the measurement and control of solution concentration. Standard models are available for use in all conductive solutions, ranging from distilled water to concentrated acid and alkalis, and in all temperature ranges.
Atmospheric Particle Monitor. Model PC-200 gives permanent record of aero sols in over-all range from 0.3 micron on u p ; counting rate, 1000 particles per minute with 1% coincidence loss at standard 100 cc. per min. flow rate. Royco Instruments, Inc. P-42 Dewar Flask. Provides storage for 1.8 liters; constructed of four highly pol ished concentric spheres; company has other standard sizes up to 100 liters, also manufactures on custom basis. Superior Air Products Co. P-43
It's what's inside that counts . . .
Narrow Range A.C. Voltmeter. Volt meter for utilities, laboratories, and similar installations is calibrated from 110 to 130 volts in V 2 -volt intervals; said to give readings accurate within ±0.36 volts. General Electric Co. P-44
Frequency Counter. Electronic Model 521G automatically measures frequency and random events per unit time or, with manual gate feature, totalizes elec trical events; frequency range, 1 c.p.s. to 1.2.Ale. Hewlett-Packard Co. P-45
TYPE RC LABORATORY CONDUCTIVITY BRIDGE V E R S A T I L E : Wide range of measurement from 0.2-2,500,000 ohms and 0.4-5,000,000 micromhos. ACCURATE: Within plusor minus 1 % of resistance. V A R I A B L E S E N S I T I V I T Y : Up to maximum of ± V3%. Adjustable for rapid balancing. EXTRA LONG SCALE: 84" effective length.
BODY M A T E R I A L : To fill every temperature, pressure, or corrosion resistance requirement. Polystyrene, lucite, epoxy, nylon, polyethylene, bakélite, hard rubber, teflon, Kel-F, stainless steel, nickel, Monel or glass. ELECTRODE M A T E R I A L S : graphite, gold or t i n .
P H Y S I C A L RANGE: Pressure up to 7000 psi. Temperature up to several hundred degrees F. C O N D U C T I V I T Y RANGE: Complete line of cell constants for all applications from measurement of ultra pure water to highly concentrated solutions of acids, alkalis and salts.
W R / Γ Ε . . . f o r latest Equipment Catalog
Conductivity and Price List
Industrial Instruments
Micro-Microammeter. Model 414, featuring low cost, measures d.c. cur rents from 10~2 to 10 - 1 1 ampere; mirror scale shows 17 ranges in l x and 3X steps; claimed accuracy, 3% of full scale down to 10 millimicroamperes. Keithley Instruments, Inc. P-47 High Speed Framing Camera. Model 1 has 4 channels, permitting four photos in sequence or simultaneously; elec tronic image converter type tube shut ters has speed range of 0.1 to 10 micro seconds. Abtronics, Inc. P-48 Illuminated Magnifier. Model 150A has 5-inch diameter lens system sur rounded by 22-watt circular fluorescent lamp; said to produce distortion-free, color-corrected image up to 7 x actual size. Ednalite Optical Co. P-49 Multichannel Time Analyzer. System 0900 counts and stores digital informa tion in 32 consecutively gated channels ; channel scalers have double pulse resolution of 1 microsecond; channel widths variable from 1 microsecond to 0.08 second. Eldorado Electronics.
when evaluating the L&N Stabilized pH Indicator Look at these outstanding
• synchronous conversion of d-c input with a-c amplification . . . no zero-drift • electronic converter provides d-c feedback, to stabilize gain • a-c a m p l i f i c a t i o n e q u a l i z e s input and feedback voltages to eliminate effects due to normal tube a g i n g and line-voltage fluc tuations • exceptional insulation quality eliminates need for desiccants These "inside facts" explain ivhy the L&N Stabilized, pH Indicator has merited such wide acceptance in industry. Ask for Data Sheet E-96Î2) from Leeds & Northrup Company, A906 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia UU, Pa., or your nearest L&N Office.
89 Commerce rtoad, Cedar Grove, Essex County. Ν J. Circle No. 52 on Readers' Service Card
Count Rate Meter. Model 502, tran sistorized, has 8 scale ranges extending to 600,000 c.p.m.; 1-, 5-, and 10-sccond time constants available; input is said to be sensitive to a 250-mv. negative pulse. Interstate Electronics Corp.
Clarity Meter. Instrument built for use with the company's photometric unit or color difference meter provides
LEEDS Instruments
NORTHRUP Automatic Controls
Circle No. 62 on Readers' Service Card
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