Industrial Instruments

thermoelectric cooling basis of new. CRY0SC0PE and. OSMOMETER. First application of direct thermoelectric cooling to precision analytical instrumen-...
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Product Capsules


Photometers. Details on colorimeters and fluorimeters. 102


Pipets. Available in 3 sizes (ultramicro to 25 ml.). °6 Pipets. New tilting unit fills and pours automatically. 52 Positioners. Bulletin on new unit. 360-degree rotation. 62

thermoelectric cooling basis of new



Presses. Bulletin on presses in 12 and 20 ton models. 20 Pressure M o d e l T6-GC

Ionization Gauge Controls with Two-Station Thermocouple Gauge Control Circuits Model No. T5-GC



1000 microns t o 1 0 - ' m m of Hg 1000 microns t o lO-'Omm of Hg





hydrogénation unit.

$555.00 $575.00



Pumps. Low cost metering unit for strong oxidizing agents. 57 Pumps. Data file on small, solution metering pump. 15 Pumps. Bulletin on midget pumps and variable speed stirrers. 90 Pumps. pumps.

Bulletin on precision vacuum 130

Pumps. Catalog features full line of vacuum units. 63 Purifiers. Bulletin on new hydrogen purifier offered. 134 Model No. 5-GC 6-GC

Ionization Gauge Controls Range

1 micron to 1 0 - ' m m of Hg 1 micron to 10- , o mm of Hg

Price $450.00 $470.00

First application

Thermocouple Vacuum Controller Model No. CRVC



25 to 800 microns


M o d e l HVI-IOOO

Thermocouple Vacuum Indicators Model No. HVI-1000 HVI-100 HVI-20

Range 0 to 1000 microns 0 to 100 microns 0 to 20 mm

Price $110.00 $135.00 $120.00

Gauge Controls are f u r n i s h e d w i t h 8 f t . of Cable and Connectors. Indicators are furnished w i t h 8 f t . of Cable and Tube. For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on Gauges, Indi­ cators and Accessories, and Vactronic's complete line of vacuum equipment, w r i t e or phone

eter line w i t h u n i q u e

LAB. EQUIPMENT, INCORPORATED East Northport, Ν. Υ. · Tel. ANdrew 1-2660 Circle No. 152 on Readers' Service Card




Radiochemicals. New schedule lists 261 carbon-14 compounds. 122 Reactors. Brochure on interchangeable reaction apparatus. 5

Reagents. Data on formaldehydes, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. 180 Reagents. Data on ammonium hydroxide offered. 118 Reagents. Data on extensive line of analytical reagents. 115

Direct coupled thermoelectric cooling requires no liquid baths, pumps, c o m p r e s s o r s or s t i r r e r s .

Ready f o r use s e c o n d s a f t e r t u r n i n g on; complete freezing point d e t e r m i n a t i o n in t w o m i n u t e s .

S a m p l e m a y be r e h e a t e d a n d r e f r o z e n without removal from instrument.

Shock and vibration resistant amplifier and meter; no delicate galvanometer.

O n e m l . s a m p l e size.

APPLICATIONS Freezing point depression of solutions.

Recorders. Data on unit for gas chromatography. 136

Molecular weight determinations.

Recorders. Details on new universal multipoint electronic unit. 169

Monitoring water content of milk.

Detection of adulterations.

Body fluid and biological fluid osmolarity. Melting and softening points.

Recorders. Bulletin servo-recorder.


linear-log 145

Recorders. Data on potentiometric unit in 6 models. 300 Recorders. Specs on low cost servographic unit. 142 Refractometers.







T h e M o d e l CY-2 O s m o m e t e r is d i r e c t r e a d i n g i n milliosmols from 0 to 3 0 0 0 milliosmols in switch selected ranges. R e p e a t a b i l i t y is ± . 0 0 1 ° C or b e t t e r on a s t a n d a r d 1 m l . size s a m p l e . COMPLETE T E C H N I C A L DETAILS ARE A V A I L A B L E ON REQUEST.


unit with temperature controls. Refractometers.


T h e M o d e l CY-1 C r y o s c o p e is d i r e c t r e a d i n g i n .O01°C f r o m 0 ° C t o - 1 ° C .


line of precision units. Refractometers.



t a t i o n r e s u l t s in C r y o s c o p e a n d

Reagents. Data on acetic, hydrochloric, nitric, and sulfuric acids. 10

t . V i l . I CRVC

of direct

cooling to precision analytical


Goldberg unit. (Continued on page 182 A)

We invite your inquiry.

Industrial Instruments



89 Commerce Road, Cedar Grove, Essex County, New Jersey Circle No. 143 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

3 4 , N O . 2 , FEBRUARY 1 9 6 2
