INDUSTRIAL LITERATURE - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 4, 2010 - Listed publications should be requested directly from the company concerned. Use business stationery, mention bulletin numbers, and refe...
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town, Penna. Chemical Porcelain. A well-illustrated catalog on glazed, wet process porcelain includes pipes and fittings, cast iron flanges, Y-type and angle valves, spacers, and Raschig rings. Dimension tables and line drawings of each product give comlete information. Catalog C-l CEN.

fcomb, III.


Listed publications should be requested directly from t h e c o m p a n y c o n c e r n e d . L'se b u s i n e s s stationery, m e n t i o n bulletin n u m b e r s , a n d refer to t h i s j o u r n a l . Publications will b e sent free u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e n o t e d . Alloy Steel Data Sheet. A new, compact chart showing analyses, physical characteristics, and applications of 1*9 different stainless steel, Monel, and nickel alloys has just been published. This also contains a handy cross reference of designations and type numbers of the Alloy Casting Institute, the American Iron and Steel Institute, American Society for Testing Materials, Society of Automotive Engineers, l \ S Navy, and others. * This reference chart is standard letter size and can be conveniently filed. Booklet CEN.




Co., Hillside, N. J Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acid. A 28page illustrated booklet gives a compilation of published work on the properties and uses of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid. Booklet




CAL Co., 1945 East 97th St., Cleveland, Ohio.

Belt Conveyor Pulley. This pamphlet describes a boot and a tail pulley claimed to save vital materials, time, shut-downs, and maintenance costs, and applicable to bucket elevators as well as belt conveyors. Damage to belts from materials getting between the pulley and the belt is eliminated. Photographs and a table of specifications are included. Bulletin 300! CEN.


WALDRON & Co., 100

Sherman St., Muncy, Pcnna. Branch Pipe Outlets. This bulletin describes a line of WeldOlets, ThredOlets, and socket-end WeldOlets which, it claims, are three different types of fittings, each designed for a particular application and all designed for making the strongest possible right-angle, welded branch pipe in the least amount of time at the lowest cost. Photographs, line drawings of installations, and dimension, size, weight, and price tables are given. Bulletin WT-

Dehydration. A bulletin on tube and spray drying of foods gives data on this comparatively new industry. A discussion of dehydrating with inert atmosphere is followed by a description of a tube and a spray dryer. Dimensions and flow charts are included, as are foods which can be treated by each type of unit. Bulletin CEN.


Garwood, X. J. Equipment Manufacturers. Under the title "Koven Men and Machines for War Work", this well-illustrated brochure tells the story behind the manufacture of materials for industry and armament. ^ I t gives a comprehensive idea of the facilities, experience, and trained workers offered to expedite production for plants with prime and subcontracts. A double-spread shows some of the equipment made. Brochure CEN.

L. O. KOVEN & B R O . ,

INC., 154 Ogden Ave., Jersey City, N . J. Extruded Plastic Shapes. An 8-nage leaflet gives information and specifications

CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS Wolutnes I, ii? a n d 8B1 This printing was authorized by the American Chemical Society to fill the existing shortage of these volumes. The original issues have been reproduced in facsimile by photography. The finished copies are reduced slightly in size to 5 M χ 8 Η , are printed on slightly heavier paper, and are bound in light weight paper covers as were the originals, twenty-five issues per volume.

Price per Volume (F. O . B. Ann Michigan) EDWARDS




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Established 1893





Lithoprinters MICHIGAN



regarding extruded plastic shapes carried in stock. Bile 85-C-12 CEN. JrLirs BLUM & Co., INC., 532 West °°nd St., New York, N. V. High Vacuum Gages. This bulletin illustrates improved gages for use either as portable instruments or on a fixed mounting. It also explains how these gages are used to check a vacuum system at various points in order to determine whether there is any fall in pressure, whether the pipe lines are of adequate size or may have leaks, whether pumps are drawing the desired vacuum, how the efficiency of pumps or vacuum equipment compares, etc. Tne ease and quickness of readings around the plant and illustrations of the units themselves are also described. Bulletin 42-G CEN.


CHINE Co., Olney P. O., Philadelphia, Penna. Laminated Solenoids. This is the title of a bulletin describing two new units of the pull and push-pull type. Particularly designed for specification by engineerdesigners for hydraulic valves and general industrial purposes, maximum magnetic force for given electrical input is effected by design, laminated frame and plunger, and other features. Coils may be papersection wound, or cloth-tapéd and treated. Bvlletin


D E A N W. D A V I S & Co.,

INC., 549 West Fulton St., Chicago, 111.

as butadiene, styrene, alcohol, and acids. A torque tube is used in place of a stuffing box, thus eliminating troublesome leakage and need for lubrication and cutting maintenance cost t o a minimum. Details on the application and operation of this unit are fully described. Bulletin 98160 CEN.




Rochester, Ν. Υ.



tady, Ν. Υ. Micromax Resistance Thermometers. This 45-paj» J catalog describes how opera­ tors of air-conditioning systems, chemical processes, refrigerating systems, oil re­ fineries, etc., are able t o see the small differences between temperatures at re­ lated points in their processes. It de­ scribes how a method for measuring laboratory temperatures a t highest known precision has been opened up for plant work by the development of rugged Thermohrn temperature detectors and machine-like Micromax measuring; instru­ ments. Catalog N-S3C CEN. T H E LEEDS & NORTHRUP C O . , 4934 Stenton

Ave., Philadelphia, Penna. Motorelay. A bulletin and catalog on this unit for use with any floating contact device in applications where the control current exceeds the contact rating of the control instrument completely describe this unit, with photographs. Bulletin A-20 or Catalog F-17S3 CEN. BARBERCOLMAN Co., Rockford, 111.

"Mercuryless" Manometer. This bulletin describes a new aneroid flowmeter and liquid level manometer for handling highly volatile and corrosive liquids such

outdoors) to provide economical shortcircuit protection and switching of feeder and branch circuits, individual trans­ formers or banks, motors and control apparatus, electric-heating, and other types of equipment. They can be sup­ plied with openings for conduit, cable, or pod-head connections. Pamphlet 5264

Oil Fuse Cut-out Assemblies. This pamphlet describes a new line of metalenclosed units, type D & W, particularly adapted for industrial plants (indoors or

Petroleum Naphthas. A 4-page leaflet on industrial petroleum naphthas includes a chart of evaporation rates of various solvents and Amsco petroleum solvents. Leaflet




SPIRITS Co., 230 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. Precision Control. Under the title "Technique of Precision Control in In­ dustrial Processes' ' this 64-page booklet presents applications of automatic control to industrial processes. The text is divided into chapters featuring precision measurement, fundamentals of control, types of controls, control valves, and typical applications. The illustrations are taken from current practice in varied industries and include schematic diagrams of basic control svstems and illustrations of control apparatus. Booklet 80-1 CEN. BROWN INSTRUMENT CO., Wayne & Rob­

erts A vos., Philadelphia, Penna. Pumps. A 12-page illustrated bulletin» "Pacific Keeps Pace with Industrial Progress", tells the story of the company's part in the pump industry. Bulletin CEN.


ton Park, Calif. CONTINUED ON PAOE 1 5 5 2

B E I L S T E I N ' S Handbook of Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition complete Hauptwerlc with indexes, first Supplement, and Volume I of the second supplement — as issued by the German Chemical Society). A very limited edition of these books is beins photosraphically reproduced by authority of the Alien Property Custodian. Printing will start November 16, 1942, and the entire set (59 volumes — 49 books, totalling approximately 40,000 pages) will be completed by February 9, 1943. T h e paper used will be heavier than that of the original publication, the page size will be identical to that of the original, and the binding will be Library Buckram superior to that of the original books. Complete sets (F. O. B. Ann Arbor, Michigan) $400.00 Single Bocks (F. O B. Ann Arbor, Michigan) $ 12 SO (A 2% discount may be taken if remittance accompanies your order.)




2 0,


2 5. 1 9 4 2


Established 1893

Lithoprinters MICHIGAN 1547





MISCELLANEOUS Five c e n t s α word, minimum charge $2.00; display available at $7.50 per i n c h ; i n advance. MICRO-ELEMENTARY ANALYSES: C, H. N. S, P. Halogens, Methoxyl, Mol. wt., etc., U.S.P. and other official teste. Purity tests, Microioorganic assays. Spot tests. Micro-distilla­ tions, Tozicological investigations, and typical micro-chemical research work. Dr. Carl Tiedck··, 366 Fifth Avenue. New York. Ν Υ. W A N T E D : Journal of American Chemical Society, Vol. 1-25 inclusive or set of several vol­ umes ending with Vol. 25. Box 2 2 - T - 1 0 . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. W A N T E D : Schwyzer, " Fabrication derTechnische und Pharmaeeutisher Produkte." Want new or used copy. Box 2 2 - T - l l . Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D to BUY: Electric or Spring Drive Standard Kymograph and Drum. Approximate speeds preferred—one revolution per hour and one revolution per five or six hours. Box 3Ô-T-11, Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, P a . FOR SALE in part or whole. 1.5 kg. Melibiose (Hydrate), (β) ^ = +129.5°. Inquires for other sugars invited. Louis J. Cracas. Oradell, NewJersey. FOR SALE: Following volumes inclusive: Chemical Abstracts. 23 to 30: Industrial Engi­ neering Chemistry, 20 to 32; Analytical Edition, 1 to 12. Unbound, little used. Located Staten Island. N. Y. Will Ship C. O. D . fur any reason­ able 9um. 4 4 - T - l l , Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. FOR SALE: British Chemical Abstracts. 1926-1940, index 1923-1932. Bound. Chemie et Industrie. 1918-1934, Bound. Color Trade Journal, 1-7, Bound. Metal and Alloys, 1-9. Bound. American Society for Heating A Ven­ tilating, Vol. 3-14. 24-36. Friedlander Fortschritte der Teerfabrikationen, Band 1-12. Only the Pharmaceutical chapters bound. Any rea­ sonable offer accepted. 5 0 - T - l l , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.

W A N T E D : Helvetica Chimica Acta. v. 1-12. Journal Praktische Chemie, 1-124, Chemisches Zcntrallblatt v. 1-59, Journal Chemical Society, v. 1-20. Chemical Industries, v. 1-24. ASTM. Hullotin Nos. 1-19. Recueil Travaux Chimiques • h·* Pays-Bas, v. 1-33, Proceedings Royal Society • if I.ndn, v. 1-34, Proceedings Society Experi­ mental Biology and Médecine, v. 1-7. Journal Textile Institute, v. 1-11, Zeitschrift Anorganisehc Chemise, v. 6-47. Please state condition and price. •iO-T-11, Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. FOR SALE: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. Complete (32 Vols.); Chemical & Engineering News Edition, Complete: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. Analytic»! Edition, Complete (11 Vols.): Chemical Abstracts, Complete «113 Vols.); Journal American Chemical Society. Vol. 24-63 (81 Vols.). Journal Society Chemical Industry, Vol. 2-60 (60 Vols.): Chemistry & Industry Review, Complete (18 Vols.): British Chemical Abstracts 1926-1940 (18 Vols.): International Sugar Journal. Vol. 5-43 (37 Vols.): All above (except year 1941) handsomely and durably bound in */* leather, and in perfect condition. Year 1941 unbound. Make offer. F.Gay, 825 West 179th St., N. Y. C. FOR SALE: National Geographic Magazines, H» If»-1941 inclusive, unbound, complete, fine condition, $60. Also, any other issue of the ideographic, 1888-1942. Reader's Digests 19301941 inclusive, $18.00: Fortune, 1930-1941 inclusive, $90: Time, Life, Scientific Periodicals, chemical, medical, physical, send want list, no obligation. Periodical Service, Box 327, Swarthmore, Pa. FOR SALE: 40 pounds Tellurous Acid CP. 100 pounds Boron Trichloride, Galacturonic and Levulinic Acid, Digitonin. Tryptophane, Histamine & Histidine Salts. d-Ribose. All Caesium and Rubidium Salts. All Cacodylates, 100 pounds Scrap Sheet Molybdenum, 10 pounds Gem Topa