INDUSTRIAL LITERATURE - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 6, 2010 - Ceramic Products . Technical data and photographs of typical parts made in new heat-and wear-resistant ceramic. Bulletin 110. DURAMIC PR...
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îoethocds o f leak detection, plus specifications, -maintenance, and accessories. Bul-

INDUSTRIAL LITERATURE sidiaries. Included is an alphabetical list Adsorbents f o r Chromatography. Partitioning agents, solid adsorbents, and in- of products with the division that markets each. A I R REDUCTIONT C O . I 5 ert carriers are listed and priced. Bulletin 835. BURRELL C O R P . L1 Corrosion. Complete catalog of corrosion-resisting alloys and equipment, p i p Automatic Control. Complete circuiing, and fittings. General Catalog 5 8 . try of miniaturized noriindicating meterT H E DURJRON Co., I N C . L 6 relays. Includes information on a new and smaller model which has a sensitivity Dryers. Rotary steam dryer accurately beginning at 0.2 microampere or 0.1 milliadjusts t h e moisture content of nonsticky volt and able to withstand shock up to 2 0 granular materials. Data and specifica"G's." ASSEMBLY PRODUCTS, I N C . L 2 tions given. Bulletin 457. V. D . A N D E R SON Co. I 7 Ceramic Products. Technical data and photographs of typical parts made in new Electric Motor Insulation. Questions neat- a n a wear-resistant ceramic. Bulletin and answers concerning u s e of epoxy res110. D U R A M I C PRODUCT DIVISION, T E C H ins for protection of large electrical appaMION DESIGN A N D M F G . Co., I N C . L 3 ratus. Case histories given. T H E E P O X Y LITE CORP. L 8 Chemicals. N e w periodical, "Ideas in Development," presents information on Hearing Protection. Industrial noise, new chemical products and their applicaits effects, and recommended cures, plus tion. CHEMICAL DIVISION, ARMOUR & Co. a n e w approach t o solving the hearing l o s s L 4



Leak Détecter. and diagrammatic

Chemicals. Sales, plant, and warehouse locations of company divisions and sub-

July 15, 1957

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L 10 Preeured Tank Lining. Illustrates properties sud test data for "Fairprene" T-5594 synthetic elastomer prevulcanized protective liEiing. Methods of installation given. E . I. BDu F*ONT D E N E M O U R S A N D C O . L 11

Casting Alloys ivMarking t h e end of a 10-year compilation and research project, Alloy Cashing Institute offers this set of data sheets containing properties of heatresistant cast high alloys. Fourteen allocs a x e presented, with room and liighi temperature properties, application's, design and fabricating characteristics, and metallurgical structure inchudecL. T h e s e data correspond to a similar set published three years a g o by ACI on corrosion-resistant alloys. Included in this latest set are heat-resistant alloys designated b y t h e institute as ΉΑ, H C , H D , H E , H F , H H , HI, HK, HL, H N , H T , H U , H W , and HX - A I . L O Y CASTING INSTITUTE L 12

Pumps. Centrifugal. Advantages of geDer^l-piixpose centrifugal pumps. Inc l u d e s cross-sectional drawings, installation views-, selection charts, and dimension tables. Bulletin 7062-C. INGERSOLLL 13

ΡΥβ Tank Liner. Application of chemically-zresistant poly (vinyl chloride) tank liner. Sample is included. FABRICATED METi^xs, XNC. L 14 Remote- Control. Advantages, applica­ tions, and specifications of self-contained, manu_al-hydraulic positioning devices. Bulle-Un 2.7. C R O W N CONTROLS DIVISION, TRIM-OUNT I N S T R U M E N T C O . LIB

Sce-een- Design a n d operation of unit for w e t screening of nonfibrous slurries. Bulle-tin 2 3 0 0 . DORR-OLIVER, INC. L 16 Sealing Compound. Advantages, uses, and «directions for use of D E L synthetic rubber glazing, sealing, and caulking compaouna.


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15, 1 9 5 7

E C L I P S E A I R B R U S H Co.

L 18 Sp> ray Dryer. Evaporation rates and dimeznsions of line of pilot plant and semiworlcs spray dryers. Bulletin 4 3 1 . PROC­ TOR & SCHWARTZ, I N C .

L 19

Sp*ray Tolerances. Wallet sized folder containing a list of agricultural chemical spra>^ tolerances and the time limitation beforre harvest for various crops. U N I T E D HECSATHLORN

L 20

YOB Ives. Brief descriptions of small metetaing valves available from ROBBINS ΑνίΑ-ποΝΓ

L 21

Viscosity. Description of viscosity con­ trol system for automatic addition of sol­ vent to correct for evaporation losses. Bulletin Λ^-1212.


Furrher useful information on Literature mentioned is readily available Use handy

7 2

L 17

Sli-de Rule. Pocket slide rule indicates best Pne-umix agitator for liquid batch miximg problems.




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6 7 8

L 9

Operating principles descriptions of five

letin G E C - 3 3 6 B .


L 22