Ninth issue of“What's New for the Laboratory'" describes and illustrates new ... ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 332 West. 42nd Street, New York 18, N. Y...
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INDUSTRIAL LITERATURE Pyrometer Indicator. Λ 4-page catalog section describing new multiple point pyrometer indicator of millivoltmeter type with permanent magnet moving coil. Temperature scale is 3.17 inches long. Available scale ranges are 75° to 400° F . , 75° to 1000° F., 75° to 1600° F . , 75° to 2300° F., and - 3 0 0 ° to + 3 0 0 ° F. Thermo Electric Co., Inc. . . . 1



Laboratory Equipment. Ninth issue of "What's Now for the Laboratory" describes and illustrates new utility ovens, hand homogenizer, safety goggles, sterilizer, Warburg apparatus, muffle furnaces, water stills, and other items. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co. ... 2 Chemical Reagents. Comprehensive 10-page price list of various grades of fine and industrial chemicals. J. T. Baker Chemical Co. ... 3 F r a c t i o n a t i n g C o l u m n s a n d A c c e s s o r i e s . 4 page bro­ chure illustrates and gives new lower prices for laboratory distilla­ tion equipment. Glass Engineering Laboratories ... 4 Spectrometer. 8-page, 2-color bulletin covers the application of isotope ratio mass spectrometer to the use and measurement of stable rare isotopes. Both the isotope-tracer technique and the isotope-dilution technique are explained and list of typical stable isotopes and their uses is given. Consolidated Engineering Corp. ... 5 C o n t a i n e r s for L i q u e f i e d G a s e s . 4-page illustrated bro­ chure describes and gives specifications for metal containers and flasks for storage and transportation of liquefied gases. Featured is new line of containers for liquid hydrogen and helium. Superior Air Products Co. ... 6 G l a s s w a r e W a s h i n g . A washing machine for automatically cleaning test tubes, beakers, flasks, Petri dishes, bottles, and other laboratory ware is described and illustrated in a 20-page booklet. Heinicke Instrument Corp. ... 7 A n a l y t i c a l R e a g e n t s . Comprehensive 1950 price listing of analytical reagents and other chemicals for laboratory use. Maximum limits of impurities are listed under each product. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. ... 8 Sodium Iodoacetate. Bulletin gives properties, uses, and bibliography. Synthetic Organics Co. ... 9 H a n d l i n g of C h e m i c a l s . Price list (Jan. 1950) of a series of chemical safety data sheets covering 36 chemicals. λIanufacturing Chemists' Association, Inc. . . . 70

Standard Interchangeable

SPHERICAL JOINT* W h e n ACE engineers pioneered and developed t h e ACE SPHERICAL JOINT, t h e industry was quick to recognize and utilize the m a n y ad­ vantages i n h e r e n t i n this versatile c o n n e c t i o n . This typical ACE crea­ tion is n o t l i m i t e d to glass alone. Stainless steel, hrass, clear or trans­ l u c e n t quartz, rubber or plastic, i n fact any material t h a t can be molded or m a c h i n e d will lend itself readily to a t i g h t relationship w i t h ACÈ SPHERICAL J O I N T S . Only ACE can give you these c o m b i n a t i o n s w i t h t h e assurance of c o m p l e t e s a t i s faction t h a t goes w i t h t h e ACE standard of precision and quality.

Circle desired items and mail to

Prices o n request. P r o m p t m e n t s . Inquiries welcomed.

A N A L Y T I C A L CHEMISTRY, 42nd Sheet, New York 18, Ν. New Products 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Industrial Literature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

* U.S. Re-issue Patent #22181


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