Industrial Notes - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Unique Horizontal Batch Mixer. The Robinson Manufacturing Co., of Muncy, Pa., has been granted patents on a new mixing and crushing ...
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Industrial Notes Unique Horizontal Batch Mixer

G-R Bentube Section Cooler

T h e Griscom-Russell Co., 285 Madison Ave., New York, N". Y., has re­ cently developed the G-R Bentube section, that possesses the unique feature of automatically cracking off scale deposited on the cooling surface by the cooling water. T h e apparatus consists of a series of admiralty metal tubes set with an ini­ tial curvature i n t o cast iron headers a t each end. The liq­ uid or gas to be cooled, or the vapor t o be condensed, passes through the tubes and the cooling effect is obtained either by showering water down over the tubes from distributing spray nozzles or a cooling tower set above them, or by submerging the entire unit in a tank of water. When the hot liquid, gas, or vapor passes through the tubes, the resulting expansion greatly accentuates the initial bowing of the tubes. If the flow of the hot fluid is interrupted, the tubes contract t o their initial curvature, and this readily CIross S e c t i o n of H o r i z o n t a l Batch. Mixer controlled change in flexure cracks off scale accumulations. thorough mixer, being equipped with a severe mixing mechaùism composed The principle is also used in the G-R Bentube evaporator for distilling of right-- and left-hand ribbon convey or and baffling paddles, and with the pure boiler feed make-up from hard, dirty, or salt raw water. In service, addition of the trowel blades will be found particularly useful in mixing machanges in curvature m a y be accomplished either by stopping the flow of terials having a tendency t o lump or ball up during the process of mixing. cooling water while the hot fluid continues to pass through the tubes, or by The blades or crushing parts need not b e attached when the mixer is used for stopping the flow of the hot fluid while the cooling effect is continued. simple mixing operations, but where i t is necessary to secure an intimate The apparatus is built in standard and interchangeable units which per­ blending of materials in which lumps form during t h e operation, t h e lumps mit quick installation a n d easy cleaning. mui>i uc crashed, and here the crushing blades prove α desirable feature These blades press against the material and reduce it again to a finely pulverized state dtxring the mixing opera­ The Centripact Pulverizer tion. A novel arrangement of mixing paddles carries T h e Centripact pulverizer, manufactured b y the Centripact Pulverizer the products toward the end of the cylinder in Corp., Denver, Colo., a n d distributed in the Bast b y George F. Pettinos, opposition -to the right- a n d left-band spiral rib­ 1206 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa., is simple in^ design and construction?,the bons, which tend to convey the*crushed and object in i t s development having, been minimizing wear, decreasing ι power consumption, and pulverizing materials finer than has, heretofore been mixed material to t h e discharge opening* centrally possible without the use of air separators. The pulverizing^ctipn com­ located. T h e trowel t y p e crushing, shoes are bines'impact and attrition, thereby eliminating rubbing'ahd^rinding.* placed at intervals on the rotatirig*mixer and op­ erate by pressing trie mixecl materials against the T h e pulverizer has three horizontal ^disks, the tdp^b^irig&h^pmallestjn walls of the mixer. diameter. Upon each disk are mounted "chilled màngai^sje^^ejlhainmers wKich*areeboltéd firmlyAinib a recessed Islbt in^each*disk.r Op^posit^eactf^w: The accompanying figure shows in greater de­ of hammers*is'a circular breaker ring which.presents a corri^g^ted|fJuce|tô tail a section of the spiral ..conveyor ribbon, one ward*the% hammer. As the material is fed,into'Jttie^top offthTefpuiverizerlit of the mixing paddles, a n d one of the trowel nasses t o s the center of the first disk, centrifugal f force throws *it*into?the type crushing shoes located upDn the central line of hammers,t and ί a s shaft. they revolve " the Immate­ Mixers range in capacity from 0 . 5 cubic foot rial is driven against the u p to 169 cubic feet, requiring from less than 1 breaker rings. The shat­ t o 25 horsepower, depending upon type of feed, tering effect of the im­ with a heavy duty series which requires u p to 36 pact upon the breaker horsepower. ring gives a goodly per­ The manufacturers have prepared Mixer Bul­ S e c t i o n of H o r i z o n t a l centage of fines which are letin 32-Δ, which they will mail o n request. B a t c h Mixer swept down to the center of the second disk. The large pieces which re­ bound in the first disk Campbell Steam Flow Controller are again hit by succes­ The Campbell Engineering Co., Short Hills, N. J., has announced a prac­ sive hammer blows until tical steam flow controller for automatically regulating steam flow. This they are broken into finer material, -which controller consists of a flexible combination of receiver, calibrated nozzles, passes to the second row, and recording or indicating instruments. I n addition to controlling and and in the same way t o recording the admission of steam to process work, the controller may be used the third row, from, which to regulate steam to gas or oil burners, to distribute and control steam for it goes to the discharge drying work or for heating t>uildings, or to regulate steam flow to a n y point spout. where a n appreciable drop i n pressure is permissible. The "Pumpkinseed" type is a single controller having only one receiver and one orifice nozzle» T h e speed of pulveri­ used where relatively small flows are desired, as o n steam lifts. When zation is rapid. Fine­ larger quantities are to be used, the " Watermelon" type serves, a n d when n e s s of pulverization fitted with two calibrated orifices w i l l exactly proportion t h e flow t o two depends upon the close­ points i n the ratio of the orifice areas. ness of the hammers t o the breaker rings and their speed of rotation. The life of the hammers Buffalo Foundry & Machine Co. Expands and breaker rings de­ pends on the material The Buffalo Foundry & Machine C o . , Buffalo, ΚΓ. Y., h a s acquired the p u l v e r i z e d , but the assets, physical properties, and patents of t h e Chemical & Vacuum Ma­ chilled manganese steel chinery Co. The Buflovak and Bufiokast lines of driers a n d evaporators parts have a long life. will be supplemented with several new types, including the spray film feed, I n t e r i o r of C e n t r i p a c t of P u l v e r i z e r Replacement of parts is applicable to both vacuum and atmospheric drum driers, a new design of simple. vacuum rotary drier, and several otJier modifications of present types. Charles O. Lavett, former general manager, and H . E. Neubauer, former chief engineer of the Chemical & Vacuum Machinery Co., are n o w asso­ ciated with the Buffalo Foundry & Machine Co. New Officials of Vanadium Corporation The Robinson Manufacturing C o . , of MLuncy, Pa., has been granted patents on a new mixing and crushing machine which seems destined t o find favor throughout the chemical industries. T l i e machine is a very

Exhibit of Henry Heil Ch.emical Co. Although n o official arrangement -was made for exhibits by cL-amical equipment manufacturers, the Henry Heil Chemical Co., of St. Louis, ob­ tained a small shop room opening into the main foyer of t h e headquarters hotel, and displayed throughout the St. Louis meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY a big variety of new laboratory supplies typical of the line which it handles. The latest designs of Zeiss binocular microscopes and small electric heating units for KjeldahJ flasks attracted particular attention. The Fulton Engineering Co., 620 American BanJc Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif., has been appointed agent of tbte C. H . Wheeler Manufacturing Co. of Philadelphia, for the southern district of California.

T h e Vanadium Corporation of America, 120 Broadway, New York, Ν . Υ., has announced the appointment of Ward A. Miller as vice president, t o have general supervision over all commercial affairs of the corporation. Mr. Miller has had a wide experience in the iron and steel industry, having been associated with Joseph T . Ryerson & Son, Chicago, the Mid v a l e Steel and Ordnance Co., Philadelphia, and the Mid vale Co., of Philadelphia. Mr. Miller is a member of the American Iron and Steel Institute, the American Electrochemical Society, and the American Society for Steel Treaters. Jerome Strauss, formerly material engineer with the United States Naval Gun f a c t o r y , Washington, D. C , has been engaged for special work in engi­ neering and metallurgical lines. Mr. Strauss is an active member of the American Society for Testing Materials, the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, and the American Society for Steel Treaters, and is widely known in metallurgical circles for his publications and research work on machining properties of steels, manganese steels, corrosion-resisting steels, aluminum bronze, light metal alloys, etc.