Industrial Notes - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

New Foxboro High-Pressure Instruments. The Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass., has just brought out a new high-pressure recording flow meter and flow control...
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Vol. 8, No. 18 Activated Alumina

T o Buy or Sell AU Miscellaneous and For Sale advertisements are charged a t the rate of five cents a word with a minimum charge of two dollars for each insertion, the address counting a s ten words. CHEMICAL RESEARCH PERIODICALS. Complete sets, volnmee or single back copies o f CHEMICAL ΑΝΊ> PHYSICAL MAGAZINES POR SALE Please send us list of Desiderata. WE BUY SCIENTIFIC MAGA­ ZINES. Address *'B. Login & Soo Inc.." 20 East 21st St.. New York. FOR SALE: Complete bound sets of " Bcrichte," Jl. Soc. Chem. Industry, T h e Analyst—London, Proceedings Chem. Society—London, Annual Reports Progr. of Chemistry, Annual Reports of Applied Chemistry, also long run Journal Chem. Soc.—London (Trans. & Abstr.), offers. Address "Librix," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Eastern, Pa.

FOR SALE T w o (2) O N E GAXLON LABORATORY; AUTOCLAVES, 800 lbs. pressure, stirrer, pulley and hand crank, safety valve, etc. JACKETED KETTLE—125 gallons, agitator, unused.

ALBERGER CHEMICAL M A C H I N E R Y 103 Park A v e n u e


N e w York City

Ashland 3586 Tungsten and Molybdenum wire, rods, ribbon, sheets, tubing for radio tubes, incandescent lamps, high temperature furnaces, resistances, contact points, etc. Fine wire drawing from O.0005 up. High vacuum labora­ tories, neon tubes for experimental purposes, K H photo-electric cells, high frequency apparatus, spark- gaps, specia.1 transformers, annealing furnaces, etc. ARGCO LABORATORIES, Inc.. 150 West 22nd Street, New York, M. Y. W A N T to buy books on the chemistry of camphor. Particularly the book entitled "Terpene and Camphor," b»y Wallach (translated into English). Please state price. Address "Box 18—T-09," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Eastern, Pa. "WANTED—A second-hand microscope suitable for paper mill work, w i t h magnification between 50 and 200 and possibly a mechanical stage. Address Auglaize B o x Board Company, St. Marys, Ohio.

Activated alumina, specially prepared, partially dehydrated aluminum trihydrate in the form of hard porous masses, has been developed recently b y the Aluminum Research Laboratories. Prior to the development of this new form, alumina was obtain­ able commercially only as a powder manufactured by the Bayer process, or as a slag produced b y electrothermal processes. The absorptive properties of partially dehydrated alumina in powder form have been known for many years, but because of its physical condition few, if any, commercial applications were possible. The preparation of the material in the form of hard masses permits of grading into sizes ranging from a powder to pieces approximating 1.5 inches in diameter. Its stability, high purity, inertness to chemical action, large surface area or porosity per unit volume, together with the affinity of alumina for vapors and gases, combine to form the basis of commercial merit for the product. T h e complete removal of moisture is of particular interest in the liquefaction of gases and where the presence of a small quantity of moisture in gases causes corrosion, explosive hazard, or limits the reactability of the gas. Other typical drying appli­ cations are air-conditioning, the drying of blast, the dehydration of ammonia, hydrogen, chlorine, hydrochloric acid, carbon dioxide, oxygen, etc. T h e removal of chlorine from hydrogen and hydrogen sul­ fide from carbon dioxide illustrates its property of removing one gas from another. Furthermore, its applications as a de­ hydrating catalyst in the organic chemical field and as a catalyst carrier are extremely promising because of the inertness, purity, and structure of the material. Hybnickel Alloys Co., Inc. Victor Hybinette, who since 1921 has been manufacturing Hybnickel heat-resisting alloys under his own name, has incorpo­ rated his business, which will be continued under the name of Hybnickel Alloys Co. The new company, of which Mr. Hybin­ ette is the president and principal stockholder, has contracted with the Pusey and Jones Corp., Wilmington, Del., for the neces­ sary manufacturing facilities as heretofore, and all communica­ tions should be addressed to the company in care of the Pusey and Jones Corp. Changing Generator Voltage

Industrial Notes New Foxboro High-Pressure Instruments The Foxboro C o . , Foxboro, Mass., has just brought out a n e w high-pressure recording flow meter and flow controller, built for operating pressures of 2500 lbs. per sq. in. T h e illustration shows a single-pen 2500-lb. recording flow meter. If static readings are needed, a two-pen instrument with static element is furnished, and if total flow readings are desired an integrator can be supplied to give flow readings without t h e use of multipliers. T h e new flow meters and flow c o n t r o l l e r s can be mounted in place without the use of loading devices and are there­ fore particularly a d a p t a b l e t o modern field service conditions. All working parts are drop forgings and are specifically designed for high-pressure applications. Ne-wType Oxygen and Acetylene Manifolds I n order to furnish small users of oxygen and acetylene with an economical means of gas distribu­ tion, the Oxweld Acetylene Co., 30 Bast Forty-second St., N e w S i g h - P r e s s u r e Recording Flow York, Ν". Υ., has introduced t w o Meter and Flow Controller small capacity manifolds, which will prove effective where i t is necessary t o have a number of welding stations and the consump­ t i o n of gases is n o t large enough t o warrant the installation of an acetylene generator and large oxygen manifold. These t w o manifolds, of 4- a n d 6-cylinder capacity, respectively, have been designed particularly for use by v^elding schools.

T h e Columbia Electric Manufacturing Co., 1292 Bast Fiftythird St., Cleveland, Ohio, has announced a simplified method of changing the voltage on the double commutator type Columbia electroplating generator. Frequently a user will order a 6-volt double commutator type, compound wound, self-excited electro­ plating generator and later decide t h a t a 6 / 1 2 v o l t machine will be required. The Columbia generator is equipped with external connections which permit easy change of voltage by taking off four nuts, without changing line connections. This is a new de­ parture in generator construction, giving the advantages of two machines in one, which can be used for both still tank plating and barrel plating. Rubber-Covered Dorr Equipment Recognizing the commercial importance of rubber-covered in­ dustrial equipment where acidic or abrasive materials are handled, the Dorr Co., 247 Park Ave., N e w York, Ν . Υ., after a compre­ hensive investigation of the art of rubber covering, has acquired from the B . F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio, licenses for the use of its Thermoprene process. A plant for the application of rubber to steel, iron, and other metal parts under the Thermoprene proc­ ess patents has been added to the manufacturing establishment of t h e Dorr Co., and has already successfully applied more than 5000 sq. ft. of rubber to thickeners, agitators, rod mills, ball mills, pumps, Alters, and similar industrial equipment. T h e normal rubber stock used in this process is a soft rubber having a high resistance to abrasion and acid solutions for tem­ peratures up to the boiling point. I n the chemical field and in certain metallurgical field i where acid solutions are handled, the rubber-covered Dorr machines are expected to be particularly attractive, since the parts may now be manufactured for maxi­ mum strength and minimum cross section, using steel protected by rubber, instead of the heavy a n d bulky construction when either lead-covered steel or wood is used. T h e low coefficient of friction of wetted rubber opens up attractive possibilities wherever wetted, granular materials are conveyed in troughs and launder. R a y P. Tarbell, formerly Cleveland district sales manager of The Lincoln Electric Co., has become a member of the firm of Robert E. Kinkead, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, and will act a s vice president and secretary.