Industrial Notes - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - The Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio, has developed the Lincoln automatic tractor-type are welder, utilizing the "electric tornado"...
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Industrial Notes Two-Stage Oxygen Regulator T~hc Oxvs-eid Acetylene Co., 30 E a s t Fo.ty-second St., New York, ^C. Y., has added to t h e Prest-O-Weld line a two-stage oxygen regulator, type R-109, designed t o eliminate fluctuation in working oxygen pressures. The chief feature is two-stage pressure reduction, accomplished t-hrougîi the medium of two independent sets of diaphragms, valves, and springs. In the first stage t h e cylinder pressure is reduced through a non-adjustafc>le reducing valve to about 175 lbs, per SQ. in. Leaving the first stage» the oxygen passes to a. second valve and diaphragm assembly, where the pressure is red u c e d to t h a t desired, t h e second-stage reducing valve being adjustable by meatus of =a hand wheel. T h e regulator will operate with equal efficiency whether tbie oxygen cylinder is full or nearly empty, a n d the working pressure will remain constant.

Automatic Arc Welder T h e Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio, h a s developed the Lincoln a u t o m a t i c tractor-type arc welder, utilizing t h e "electric t o r n a d o " process to solve t i i e material-handling problem for manufacturers of large pipe. WjxJi this welder it is much easier to take the welder t o the work t h a n to transport the heavy sheets formed into pipe t o the welder for welding. T h e pipe t o be welded does n o t have to be lifted off the floor. The tractort y p e welder propels itself over t h e seam, welding as i t goes. The only maxiual l a b o r required is to s t a r t and stop a n d occasionally guide the welder.

Pure Carbonic Co. Purchased *Xhe Aiar Reduction Co., Inc., a n d the TJ. S. Industrial Alcohol Co. have accjuired a controlling interest in t h e Pure Carbonic Co. of America, which recently acquired the assets a n d business of the Compressed Carbonic Co., I n c . the I*ure Carbonic Co. of Illinois, a n d the Pure Carbonic Co. of California. T h e company now owns and operates plants producing carbon diocxide, o r controls by contract sources of carbon dioxide at ^Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

Brown Instrument Co. T h e Brown Instrument Co., Philadelphia, Pa., has just completed a 60 3>er c e n t addition to i t s factory buildings. F o r the company party -which celebrated the opening, a program was printed which contained a short history of the company and a n outline of i t s work, and among other things showed t h a t since the present head of the business inherited it from his father the annual business has increased from $16,000 t o over $3.000,000, a n d the personnel from 2 to over 500.

Industrial and Combustion Engineering Corp. T h e Industrial and Combustion Engineering Corp., 303 Protective Life Bldg., Birmingham, Ala., recently formed t o a c t as engineer i n connection wit-h the sale a n d design of industrial equipment, has been appointed district engineer of the Despatch Oven Co., ^Minneapolis, Minn., covering the s t a t e s of Alabama. Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

Time-O-Stat Electric Gas Valve T h e Time-O-Stat Controls Co., Elkhart, Ind-, h a s developed a new t y p e of electric g a s valve which makes possible silent control of low-pressure gasfiredl equipment, when used in conjunction with a room thermostat. Moving p a r t s have been reduced to a minimum, no gears o r levers are employed·, and no intermediate relay i s used. A gas-tight case encloses the valve, preventing possibility of gas leaks.

A Unique Service Smith 8c Smith, 455 Chestnut Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, h a v e initiated a unique service which they call "I>ictated Translation." T h e particular feature i s the dictation of translations to t h e stenographers of companies a n d individuals in the Akron area. In general this results i n a saving of froan 30 t o 50 p e r cent over translations made at standard word rates, a n d is a t y p e of service which should b e more generally available.

Manufacturers' Technical Publications Notice—Publications mentioned in this column will be sent free, unless other•z&isc noted, by the firms issuing them, to readers of IÎÎDUSTRIAX. AND 3ENGIKTEBRIKG CHBMISTRY who request them on their business stationery. In œriting *ί would be appreciated if you icill mention INDUSTRIAI. AN» JENGIÏSTEBRING C H E M I S T R Y .

CoamersviHe E x h a u s t e r s . Bulletin 201, 12 pages, describes a n d illustrates r_he Coranersville exhausters for more dependable a n d economical service. X t is a l s o a basis for deterrnining the different values of service. Cox2sjERSvxt,tB BLOWBR Co., ConnersvTlle, I n d . Dependably Accurate G a s Measurement. Bulletin 305, 8 pages, illustrates Connersville meters i n gas service- COÏV5ÎBRSVIÎ.I,S BXOWBR C O . , Coxiuersville, I n d . Electric IFuraaces for Industrial Use. A 20-page bulletin, GEA—1146, describing a n d illustrating a number of t h e General Electric Co.'s industrial electric furnaces. GENERAL ELECTRIC C O . , Schenectady, N. Y_ "EQgh Vacuum P u m p s . " Catalog P , describing vacuum p u m p s of merit, 2 4 pages, profusely illustrated with various hook-ups and arrangements. IBisiER ENGJ-ÎÎEERLN-C CO., 740-772 South Thirteenth St., Newark, N". J. I n s t r u m e n t s of Precision. Catalog M-130, recently issued by t h e GAERTNER SCIBNTXFIC CORP., Î201 Wrightwotva Ave., Chicago, 111., illustrates sand describes in detail a variety of optical instruments of precision, also xnanuai types, for a n u m b e r of purposes. SO pages. Phtotometers. Catalog 60, 20 pages, giving details as t o uses of three types o f this apparatus, also details of description. L E E D S & N O R T H R U ^ Co., 4901 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. "POwerfax." September number of house organ issued by E L L I O T T Co., J e a n n e t t e , P a . , featuring applications of Elliott equipment in narx-ative Form,


Vol. 7, No. 20

"Srxperheaters." Bulletin T-19- A very i n t e r e s t i n g catalog illustrating a n d describing in some detail t h e ISlesco innaltiple-loop single-pass superheater. THE SUPERHEATER C o . , L 7 East lE^orty-second St., N e w York, •ST. Y. " T h e Balancing of Grinding Wheels.'** An i n t e r e s t i n g 24-page booklet telli n g how the ICORTOT CO. of Worcester, B-