Industrial Notes - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Yeomans Rotary Air Compressor. The Yeomans Brothers Co., 1429 Dayton St., Chicago, Ill., manufactures a motor-driven rotary air compress...
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Industrial N o t e s Yeomans Rotary Air Compressor The Yeomans Brothers Co., 1429 Dayton St., Chicago, Ill., manufactures a motor-driven rotary air compressor which represents a step forward in the manufacture of small capacity compressors for relatively high pressures. The compressor is of the multi-vane type, with no actual contact between the vanes and the interior surfaces of the casing, so that the machine is free from pulsation, and higher discharge pressures and speeds are possible

Subox, Inc., 220 Church St., New York, N . Y., is headquarters for t h e United States and Canada of the protective coating Subox, named from its main component part, suboxide of lead. By an electrochemical process, a pigment of suboxide of lead is produced of such a high degree of dispersion a s to be mainly colloidal. I t is applied in the same manner as a paint. Its great dispersion power, together with the fact that weathering changes its chemical composition and steadily increases its effectiveness, results in a protective coating resembling that obtained by a metallization process, penetrating into the very pores. The nature of the change is not thoroughly established, but maximum results are achieved only when Subox comes in actual and intimate contact with the metal itself. If a foreign matter covers the surface, it must be removed before applying Subox. Excellent results have been obtained when the material has been applied to acid hoods, to smokestacks subject to excessive heat, on battery racks, on corroded sprinkler pipes, in a tin-reclaiming pit used i n the silk industry, and in a copper-etching plant. In addition to these special applications, Subox finds its main use as a general utility product for the protection of metallic and other surfaces exposed to the weather. It adheres to all kinds of surfaces and can be used for maintenance as well as new construction. Its cost per area is similar to a good paint.

New Dubbs Installation The Societa Anonima Benzina Italiana is installing a 1000-barrel Dubbs cracking unit in the refinery which is being constructed near Naples, Italy.

Manufacturers' Technical Publications

Y e o m a n s Air Compressor than in previous designs. While primarily designed for u s e with the Shone pneumatic sewage ejector, t h e Yeomans compressor is adapted t o air compressor service of any kind u p to 50 lbs. pressure. The flow of air from the discharge is s o steady that ordinary swing check valves can be used without any tendency to flutter. T h e mechanical efficiency is h i g h and t h e volumetric efficiency compares favorably with that of reciprocating compressors of like capacity. The illustration shows a water-jacketed compressor with centrifugal cooling water-circulating pump directly connected on an extension of the rotor shaft for use with gravity cooling tank or hopper. Standard machines are provided with the usual openings for circulating water from city supply and without circulating pump. The compressor shown i s also equipped with Yeomans automatic oil economizer, which provides through lubrication during operation and automatically shuts off the flow of oil the moment the machine shuts down. T h e economizer has a capacity of one quart of oil, and is provided with two adjustable sight feeds, diaphragm, operated needle valve, and gage glass. The compressors are built without stuffing boxes, a satisfactory seal around the shaft being obtained by means of a special type of metal-packing rings. Direct connected prime movers are used in all cases, doing away with all gears, chains, belts, and pulleys, a n d as the compressor is of the positive displacement type no water seal is required. High speed and consequent l o w cost of motors, compactness, light weight, small space consumption, small foundations required, a n d comparatively low cost are advantages stressed b y the manufacturers.

Commercial Helium The Helium Co., Inc., Logan St. and Goss Ave., Louisville, K y . , is in position to supply helium in commercial quantities. With the discovery of new natural gas fields having a higher helium content and t h e development of an improved method of extraction, helium is finding u s e not only for inflating balloons, but in deep-sea diving t o minimize t h e danger of "the bends" or "caisson sickness," in annealing processes and metallurgical operations, as a damper for nautical and other scientific instruments, for filling radio tubes and glow lamps and tubes tor signs, as a cooling medium in electric transformers and high-speed generators, in drying organic and inorganic chemicals, and in t h e manufacture of toilet preparations.

New Air Filters The Staynew Filter Corp., 108 North Water St., Rochester, N . Y., has placed on the market the Protectomotor filter, for which i s claimed a filtration efficiency of 99.9 per cent. One type of filter has been developed for easy insertion in air lines, t o insure the removal of foreign matter from air on its way t o compressed air tools, paint sprays, compressed air equipment used in agitating liquids, ice making, chemical process, etc. This filter consists of an aluminum housing enclosed in a pressed steel housing. Inside, a felt filter medium is formed in pockets over radial wire screen fins grouped around a central outlet, this arrangement permitting a relatively large area of felt in a compact space. As air enters the t o p of these filters, it is thrown against the inner wall of the steel housing by a shield over the top of the filter. The downward velocity carries water, oil, dust, and grit to the bottom of the shell, where a drain cock removes water, oil, and sediment not caught b y the filter. Cleaning may be done in about 10 minutes while in operation, and is necessary only about twice a year. Another filter which is used in filtering air for building ventilation consists of panels supported in heavy compressed steel frames, which may be mounted in any convenient formation to suit the space available. The panel consists of two pressed steel or aluminum frames, which support a series of hollow fins or pockets formed of wire cloth and arranged in two rows, each covered with a single piece of extremely fine texture filter material.

Dry Ice Corporation—Correction In announcing the initial operation of the new plant of the D r y Ice Corporation of America at Elizabeth, N. J. [ N E W S EDITION, 6, 16 (May 20, 1928)] it was stated that the plant was designed and built by the H. K. Ferguson Co., of Cleveland. The Ferguson Co. were contractors only for the building, as the plant was designed b y C. O. Brown, of the Nitrogen Engineering Corp.

Notice—Any publications mentioned under this heading will be sent free, unless otherwise noted, to readers of INDUSTRIAL A N D ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY on request to the firm issuing the publication. When writing for any of these items kindly mention INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY. Air Compressors. Leaflet AC-70 describes a new compact air compressor for pressures up to 50 lbs. Automatic lubrication is one of the special features of design. Other construction details are new and are described in some detail in the leaflet. YEOMANS BROS. CO., 1429 Dayton St., Chicago, Ill. Air Compressors. Single-stage centrifugal air compressors, in sizes t o handle from 250 to 75,000 cu. ft. per minute, a t pressures from 1 to 35 lbs., are illustrated and described in Bulletin G-EA-233-B. GENERAL ELECTRIC Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Air-Conditioning. T h e Weather Vein is a quarterly publication giving interesting information on air-conditioning for public buildings and industrial processes. Editorial articles on humidification, dehumidification, cooling, heating, and ventilating are included. Free copies will be sent regularly to anyone requesting them on their business letterhead. CARRIER ENGINEERING CORP., 750 Frelinghuysen Ave., Newark, N . J.

Blowers. Turbine-driven blowers and their application for forced draft in both hand-fired and stoker-fired boilers, are illustrated and described in Bulletin 700. A discussion of the increased boiler efficiency made possible by the use of blowers is included. L. J. W I N G M F G . CO., 154 West 14th St., New York, N. Y . Desuperheaters. A very efficient film-type desuperheater for handling steam in industrial quantities and for changing superheated steam t o saturated steam is illustrated and discussed in Bulletin N-9. The advantages of saturated steam over superheated steam for heat transfer are mentioned. ELLIOTT Co., Jeanette, Pa. Drying Machinery. Rotary driers of a variety of different types, for industrial applications, are illustrated and described in a 30-page catalog. The different types include steam-tube driers, hot-air driers, direct-heat driers, and others. LOUISVILLE DRYING MACHINERY Co., Louisville, Ky. Industrial Windows. A new type of window and patented bronze ventilator guide for industrial buildings is illustrated and described in Catalog J-28. BOGERT & CARLOUGH Co., Paterson, N . J.

Material-Handling Equipment. Small industrial trucks operated by electric storage batteries, tractors, cranes, and other material-handling, equipment for industrial plants are very completely covered in a new bound catalog of 40 pages. Catalog 150. ELWELL-PARKER ELECTRIC Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Mercoid Thermostats. Bulletin 845 discusses an efficient type of thermostat whereby the temperature change actuates an enclosed mercury switch. The details of design are well illustrated and reproductions of blue prints showing installations on industrial oil burners, steam-heating plants, and refrigerating equipment are included. AMERICAN RADIATOR Co., Accessories Division, Dept. "S," 40 West 40th St., New York, N . Y. Pulverized Fuel. A 28-page bound catalog discusses the Lopulco unit system for burning pulverized fuel. This catalog also contains illustrations and descriptive matter covering the various types of horizontal, vertical, and targential burners used with this system, as well as a number of interesting application drawings. COMBUSTION ENGINEERING CORP., 200 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Sewage Pumps. Single and duplex pumps especially designed for handling sewage are illustrated and described in Bulletin SEW-628. Strainers and other accessories are included. TABER PUMP Co., 293 Elm St., Buffalo, N . Y. Storage Bins. Adjustable steel shelving and bins in different unit types and sizes for a variety of possible combinations can be well adapted for storing many industrial materials. Several different designs are illustrated in the new 8-page folder. INTERLOCK METAL UNITS, INC., 31 and 33 East 27th St., New York, N . Y. Strainers. Duplex strainers for removing sediment from fuel oil, water, oil, tar, paint, chemicals, etc., are illustrated and described in a small leaflet. An exclusive feature of these strainers is the arrangement whereby the screens can be cleaned without removal. ANTHONY CO., Long Island City, New York, N . Y. Thermostatic Steam Traps. A 4-page folder describes a new combination float and thermostat-operated steam trap which is especially useful for handling condensate that comes in sudden and heavy quantities. SARCOCo., INC., 183 Madison Ave., New York, N . Y. Transformers. Electric transformers for electrochemical operations, Cot-, trell precipitators, and for various other industrial requirements are discussed with useful information in Bulletin 1110-E. AMERICAN TRANSFORMER Co., 184 Emmet St., Newark, N . J. Valves. A new type of high-pressure valve especially designed for gas cylinders and other high-pressure work, has been perfected and is described in a new 4-page folder. An important feature of this new valve is the entire elimination of packing. INTERNATIONAL OXYGEN C O . , Newark,. N.J.