Industrial Notes - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

FOOTE BROS. GEAR & MACHINE Co. W. C. Davis, president of Foote Bros. Gear & Machine Company has recently been appointed member of the committee ...
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content is t o be termed t h e strongest spring in t h e world and contains principally phosphorus, arsenic, and iron a s sulfate. Chemists, physicists, and geologists are working in a research station connected with one of t h e Diadochite caves.



Industrial Notes

Translated b y Paul R. Dawson

The Senate of Chemical Education At the California meeting of the American Chemical Society the Division of Chemical Education passed a motion to create a Senate of Chemical Kduoation. The membership, qualifications, election of meml>ers, time of sessions, and objectives of this senate are ax follows: MKMHKRSIIIP

The school state; Senate

Scna-te of Chemical Education is to consist of one high man, one college man, and one industrial man from each a eliairnuin. a secretary, a n d such other officers as the may approve after it ha> become organized. QlALiriCATloNS

All senators must l>c members of the American Chemical Society and have shown some interest in chemical education. The chairman is t o be t h e chairman of the Committee of Chemical education of the American Chvmical Society. J'XKCTION oi- MFCMHERS

The senators are t o he elected by their respective States through such organizations of chemical education ;is have been approved Ijy the Committee of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society. The chairman is to be appointed by the President of the American Chemical Society, and the secretary is t o he appointed by the chairman. All other officers are to be elected a s the Senate mav rule. T I M E OF S E S S I O N S

The Senate shall h a v e a session a t each semiannual meeting of the American Chemical Society and a t such other time and places a s t l i e business of this Senate demands. OBJECTIVES

The following objectives were formulated for the Senate at the California meeting: 1. To permit each S t a t e and each phase of chemical education to have ecjual representation in a l l educational projects carried on by the American Chemical Society. 2. To decide upon what questions should engage the concentrated attention and money of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society. 3. To keep t h e s t a t e organizations in tune with national organizations. 4. To r>rhitf about closer cooperation between high schools, colleges, a n d industries and thereby unify the efforts of all those interested in chemical education. .">. To plan for the future development of chemical education in this country. The officers of the Division of Chemical Education for the coming year are : President, Wilhelm Segerblom; Vice President, A. P . Cuciy; Secretary, B. S. Hopkins; Business Manager, E. M. Billings; Executive Committee, J . H. Hildebrand, H . I. Schlesinger, and L. M. M a t t e m .

Chemical Industries Reunion and Banquet On Thursday evening, October 1st, the Chemical Industries Dinner will be held at the Hotel Roosevelt, near the Grand Central Palace, at 7 : 3 0 P.M. This will be in the form of a cooperative banquet and reunion of various groups of the chemical and allied industries under the direction of a central committee made up of one representative from each society or association represented. X h e following organizations are cooperating in the dinner: American Chemical »Society, Manufacturing Chemists' Association, Chemists' Club, Salesmen's Association of the Amer ican Chemical Industry, American G a s Association, Drug & Chemical Club, Druachem Club, Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers' Association, Chemical Warfare Service, Association of Textile Colorists and Chemists, American Ceramic Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Electrochemical Society, Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, Society of Chemical Industry, and others. l \ S. Senator James \V. Wadsworth of New York will be the chief speaker. Reservations will be limited to 10UO. E. J. Barber, chairman of the committee, can be reached a t the Chemists* Club, New York, for reservations. The price will be five dollars per cover. A. A, Schaal, director of service of the Technical Bureau, Biscuit & Cracker Manufacturers' Association, has moved from Chicago t o Dunwoody Institute, Minneapolis, Minn., a t which place the Technical Bureau will be located.

F O O T E B R O S . G E A R & M A C H I N E Co.

W. C. Davis, president of Foote Bros. Gear & Machine Company has recently been appointed member of the committee on commercial gear standards of the American Gear Association. W. McNamee, formerly purchasing agent for the Holt Mfg. Co., of Peoria, Illinois, has recently joined the sales organization of the Foote Bros. Gear & Machine Co., of Chicago. Mr. McNamee has been appointed district representative for the State of Indiana and all of Illinois except that section lying west and south of Springfield, which is handled from the St. Louis Office. Territory within a radius of 35 miles of Chicago in both Indiana and Illinois is handled from the Home Office. E L W E L L - P A R K E R ELECTRIC C O .

The increased use of alloy steels in the machine tool and automotive industries has resulted in great impetus to the heat treating operation. Gas oil, and electric furnaces have come into such general use and the success attained in treating heavier pieces has brought a demand for better facilities for handling the output. To keep apace, Elwell-Parker Electric Co., Cleveland, ()., has developed a new type of portable battery driven furnace charger. This unit is propelled by an Elwell-Parker electric motor and is steered on all four rubber-tired wheels. G A S BOND AND SHARE CORPORATION OF AMERICA

Announcement of the development of a new process for manufacturing nonpoisonous heating and illuminating gas from "sludge" and refinery residuums has been made by the Gas Bond and Share Corporation of America, through its president, Colonel E. E. Garrison. T h e gas is said by technologists and engineers who have tested it to contain more than 1U00 B. t. u.'s per cu. ft. The process is the invention of Orestes U. Bean, inventor of the Bunsen Furnace. I t has been developed by Colonel Garrison and a group of well-known petroleum technologists including George B. Gifford, former chief engineer of the Standard Oil Company, and Vincent G. Shinkle, designer and operator of many of the largest existing compression gasoline extraction plants. G E N E R A L ELECTRIC Co.

Samples of fused quartz, flow meters and motors, together with an automatic arc welding outfit in operation, will be exhibited by the General Electric Company ip booths Nos. 3 and 4 a t the National Exposition of Chemical Industries in New York City, September 28 to October 3. A. C. Kidder will be in charge of the exhibit for the General Electric Company. A LB ER EN B STONE COMPANY

The Alberene Stone Company, 153 West 23rd Street, New York, will have an exhibit a t the National Exposition of Chemical Industries, in charge of Mr. F . E. Healy, sales manager. In the company's space in Booth No. 13, main floor, will be shown a very complete display of alberene stone laboratory equipment, including table tops, fume hoods, sinks, peg boards, shelving, acid and chemical containers, and other laboratory specialties for which alberene stone—by virtue of its acid-, alkali-, and flame-resistant qualities—is preeminently suited.

Linde Air Products Co. Appointment Iv. M . Zimmer has been appointed general sales manager of The Linde Air Products Company, manufacturers of oxygen, and of the welding gas division of the Prest-O-Lite Company, Inc., manufacturers of dissolved acetylene, succeeding L,. M . Mover, who resigned August 1, 1925. Mr. Zimmer entered the employ of The Einde Company nine years ago as junior salesman, and has steadily risen in rank. Most of the time he has represented the company in the Central West, coming to New York early in 1924 to act as assistant general sales mawager.

Report on Casein The Natural Resources Intelligence Service of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada, has recently issued a report on casein which may prove of interest to manufacturers of casein contemplating the establishment of branch factories and to others interested in casein a n d its industrial applications. T h e report may be obtained by application to the Director of the Service.